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File: 23 KB, 220x238, satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8781798 No.8781798 [Reply] [Original]

2 phds and 10 masters vs a comp sci dropout
Guess who was right?

>> No.8781906


>> No.8781956

are you honestly expecting biz to read that article?

>> No.8781984

That's it I'm making BCH my mainstay. The issue with Wright is not that he's a fraud, it's just at another level that his peers don't understand him.
The fact that he's extremely eccentric is more proof. All geniuses are fucked in the head, Newton, Telsa, Einstein, etc.

>> No.8781994

2 phds and 10 masters

>getting btfo by a college dropout


>> No.8782029

Let me sum it up for you guys.
>The incentives are as follows: if you are late getting a block that has just been mined by another miner, you end up wasting hashpower and losing a lot of money. Every second counts. Likewise, if you are late getting your newly mined block out to other miners, you risk losing the block reward to another miner who has invested more in networking. These incentives push all significant miners to connect directly to all other significant miners, with very fast and robust connections, and with even faster connections to the most productive miners. Again, every second counts. Any additional hops or less-that-blazing-fast connections from or to you to the other miners is money down the drain. Proof of work is as much about proof (fast communication) as it is about work (fast hashing).
First of all Vitalik mistook what Craig said. He thought Craig said the gamma was negative, when he in fact said the effect was negative. Which is true because seflish miners would fuck themselves over by adding an additional hop that the rest of the network doesn't have because the network is a complete graph.

>> No.8782058

People are even starting to admit this now. What they thought was technobabble was just their inability to comprehend what he was saying.

>> No.8782129

That's what the word babble means. If there is no one to understand you, then it's just noise.

>> No.8782164

2 phds and 10 masters from where lol

>> No.8782179

College is a fucking ponzi and for low iq people that like ponzis

>> No.8782180

It was being used in a sense that implied Craig was talking out his ass.

>> No.8782205

His phd is in religion

>> No.8782227


>> No.8782265

The absolute fucking state. Just read the damn article.

>> No.8782281


>Defending a pedophile for being wrong and calling Satoshi a fraud

>> No.8782290

i aint clicking that shit nigga
archive it or fuck off.

>> No.8782296
File: 582 KB, 1672x1012, CC23A96B-3C78-4D34-A3E8-49CE73C73232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone falling for this shyster needs their heads examined

>> No.8782311

My favorite thing about Craig is when he first started his play play Satoshi skit he gave a list of addresses that he claimed was his. Using some easy blockchain analysis we can identify about 15 of the 20. For example Roger Vers old wallet with 160k bitcoins in was one of his supposed wallets. This wallet is tied to Roger's Mt gox account. Wright is such a brainlet he could not even claim wallets that where not identifiable.

>> No.8782375

Vitalik is a smart guy, no doubt, but he's also an arrogant commie bastard.

>> No.8782468

>If there is no one to understand you, then it's just noise.
This is the correct, but you are implying that what he is saying is noise. The noise exists in the heads of the idiots who are too stupid to understand him. Craig released a simple paper with minimal mathematics in it and Vitalik didn't understand. Vitalik needs to filter the noise out of his head.

>> No.8782532

>My favorite thing about Craig is when he first started his play play Satoshi skit he gave a list of addresses that he claimed was his.
This statement is blatantly false. These addresses were not released by Craig, they were released by the hacker who leaked documents to Wired and Gizmodo claiming Craig was Satoshi. Craig never claimed the documents were legitimate and the fact they were offered by a hacker already makes me doubt their veracity.

>> No.8782612

Craig Wright was a made guy and Vitalik wasn't. He had to sit still and take it. It was among the Italians. It was real grease ball shit.

>> No.8782795

isn't Vitalik a t-shirt wearing college dropout/