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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8781643 No.8781643 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8781777

>richest boards

Nice joke.

>> No.8781800


>> No.8781807
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what's the poorest board then?

>> No.8781831

if I were rich I'd try to come here less. Not sure what I would do, though

>> No.8781850


>> No.8781879

you'd still come here even if it's just laugh at the hodl retards.

>> No.8781883
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I thought so, too

>> No.8782046

>thinking getting rich stops you from being a degenerate and start valuing relationships

>> No.8782057

are you rich? did it change much for you?

>> No.8782076

i'd say the opposite is quite true

>> No.8782209

nothing changed. except it got worse
think your life is meaningless now? wait until every desire of yours just becomes a decision to exchange money for pleasure. you can do everything now, if you just want it. turns out if you didn't know what you wanted before you are even more clueless now. the range of possibilities overwhelms you at first, but you spend too much time thinking about it that you actually do nothing

the initial euphoria and dread of positive and negative wealth shocks transforms into apathy

work doesn't give you meaning anymore because everything is a number. really, you don't have to, why not pay something else to do it if you really wanted it?

you have to be extremely careful with people now. if you reveal your secret to others, and yes, the need to share will be great, they stop thinking of you as "you". they will want advice. they will want your money. but they don't want you anymore

its shit, believe me.

>> No.8782438
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>> No.8782460

I have the impression /sci/ is filled with STEM geniuses, but it may well be a LARP board, never lurked

>> No.8782676

>ESL roach doesn't understand the usage of relative statements

>> No.8782704

>richest board on 4chan
Definitely /mlp/. Those horse fuckers pour so much cash into shit

>> No.8782749
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I'm shitposting on /sci/ for 9 years and have a very well paying job in AI. Generally I think the answer will be that the boards where older people post are the ones which have more cash.
Maybe /diy/, /g/ maybe /ck/, /int/ and then unironically boards like /gif/. Not like those are all too mature boards, but the competition is video games and anime. I just know that /mu/ seems to be literally kids. I mean I gauge the average age on 4chan about 22, but on /mu/ it seems to be 18.

>> No.8783102

pussy. if I had money Id buy a nice big house with a pool and home theatre. id travel to all the big cities of the world. youre just a bitch

>> No.8783252

that might be the reason you don't have money
protip: don't amass liabilities
there's also a wide gap between "not having to work" and true fuck you money

>> No.8783275

I'd go with

/biz/(crypto boom)
/o/(cars cost a lot)
/fa/ (spoilt kids with wealthy parents)
/fit/ (self motivated people)
/g/ (full of compSci grads)

>/ck/, /int/ and then unironically boards like /gif/.

no fucking way.

>> No.8783292

Definitely /v/. Their biggest asset are probably their gaymen rigs worth a few k tops.

>> No.8783305

probably /sci/ or /g/

>> No.8783350


>> No.8783363
File: 389 KB, 1000x1000, carwoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rich in money: /sci/
>rich in friendship: /biz/

>> No.8783375


>> No.8783822

no gf or friends to spend money on

>> No.8784039

/g/ - people with jobs
/v/ - kids with wealthy parents

>> No.8784653

Confirmed retard. You will most likely flaunt your money thinking you are the shit.

This guy gets it. I would follow his advice.