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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8779346 No.8779346 [Reply] [Original]

what if we all collectively pump when soros is shorting? can we liquidate him and send the market skyrocketing while simultaneously robbing this raisin kike’s stolen wealth?

>> No.8779371

>everyone pumps
>he keeps adding to his short to make liq price higher
>you run out of money to pump

>> No.8779414

yes, because attempting to pump against a guy that literally has entire nations under his thumb along with their financial backing is a foolproof plan

>> No.8779432

would have to be a global wartime effort scale attempt to take down this motherfucker, but if successful we would have rid the world of (((their))) tightest grasp.

>> No.8779765

No, the solution is to abandon bitcoin as a trading pair in favor of something stable like USDT or dai. It’s much less easy to short something that’s pegged to a real currency

>> No.8779790

So if Soros dumps 1m tether, bitfinex will just buy it up to cover the loss. They make a billion a month anyways

>> No.8779803


Bitcoin is a dinosaur and futures are dragging down the whole crypto market, the sooner it gets dethroned the better it is