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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.47 MB, 3522x2480, Hungary_Soros_13447.jpg-c4ec0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8779233 No.8779233 [Reply] [Original]

Does this mean we are dumping straight to 1k or below or will there be a pump and dump?

Either way, it sounds like there's never been a more reliable time to open some short positions. Easy money.

>> No.8779271

> Soros: When I See Bubbles, I Buy Them

You realize this guy isn't just some short-selling monster that shorts every market into the ground, right?

>> No.8779289

Soros has been shorting since $19k, just that there's heavy resistance on $6k now so roll out the fud, first it was the India ban,now his supposed arrival in the market. Literally nothing but media manipulation. Either way crypto is dead.

>> No.8779293

>shorting the bottom.
being this dumb. if you wanna get rid of your money why dont you just flush it down the toilet. it would be much quicker.

>> No.8779359
File: 53 KB, 403x448, Brainlet_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon, Soros made his billions by waiting until a market dropped 70%-80% and then decided to get in and start short positions. Why is /biz/ so fucking retarded?

>> No.8779437

god being old must suck. He doesn't notice the fucking drool hanging off his lip

>> No.8779444

OP here again. Forgive my being a brainlet, people are saying things like "short BTC to the ground" but how does a large number of open short positions cause the price to fall?

>> No.8779445

We are going to sub 1k my fren. Probably to 800.

>> No.8779472

when you open a short you are selling btc

>> No.8779520

If I am understanding it correctly I am borrowing BTC and selling it at the current price, then waiting to buy back when the price dips to return the BTC from whoever I borrowed. A large number of new shorts would just push the price sideways, no?

>> No.8779573

If crypto wins he loses.
Because he is not an early adopter.
He will crush bitcoin to the ground. We are talking $100 btc. Then he will see if it is possible to control the whole mining scene. When he sees that it cannot be manipulated 100% crypto is kill. Unless he is willing to let go some degree of control because of the massive gains. Then he will become one of the biggest crypto whales and we will see the biggest bullrun yet after which he will dump/short hard and then we will get steady growth.
But my guess is that the minute he realizes that crypto cannot be totally controlled like fiat he will kill it or literally die trying.
The only ones that could save crypto are the ones that will forget about fiat prices and still vouch for it for the tech and the real world use some of the projects have.
But price wise and market wise crypto is fucked. Most shitcoins will die.
Legit projects will remain but lose 95-99%of their actual fiat value.

>> No.8779661


On /biz/, people are only bulls or bears. The concept of traders that trade both ways is beyond these fucking losers.

>> No.8779713


The btc price for 20k wasn't low enough for the 1%. Now at 6k they bring in the cavalary.

>> No.8779734

Short the bottom long the top

>> No.8779903


>> No.8780177

The dude does seem to find the worst way to go about things though. Doesn't help that in old interviews he laughs and says he sees himself as a good or he loved working with the Nazis.

>> No.8780313
File: 165 KB, 1080x1080, A76D107C-FFBF-4B73-9AA9-F554B155DBF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct. This far-left assclown has FAR more money than sense. Literally anything is possible with his retarded money and lack of logical thinking

>> No.8780375

Bruh this dude single handedly crashed the british economy a couple years ago. If you think the whales are bad now just wait for him to start playing the market. But i do agree that biz is retarded.

>> No.8780790
File: 3.93 MB, 474x374, 1517456140040.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soros is fed up with fiat he wants revenge, pumping hard

>> No.8780868

you dont get to his level of power without logical thinking brainlet
he knows exactly what he is doing

>> No.8780920

Do you really think this guy just accidentally became a billionaire?

>> No.8780952

Always do the opposite of what biz says

>> No.8780967

BUY HIGH, SHORT LOW. ~absolute state of /biz/ 2018.

>> No.8781066

couldnt have said it better

>> No.8781406

so i should open a short right now? im so fucking confused...

>> No.8781416

Can anyone give me the rundown on how he successfully shorted the British pound or whatever? How'd he actually decrease the value of the currency?

>> No.8781443

Does Soros visit /biz?

>> No.8781470

So wait, the new meme is 1K now? Ok. I'll expect to see it baldly repeated ad nauseum now.

>> No.8781500

Because it organically tanked and then it has the weight of him on top of it to depress it even more until he closed his short

>> No.8781509

How does his open short impact the price?

>> No.8781514


>> No.8781526

neither does most of biz and they're mostly in their early 20s.

>> No.8781560

>he loved working with the Nazis.
Why wouldn't you?

>> No.8781585

he literally worked as a banker for Nazis and was in charge of accounting wealth stolen from jews, while being a jew himself. shitter is a litteral satan incarnate

>> No.8781629

>was in charge of accounting wealth stolen from jews
Jews stole it from the Germans first in Weimar times. Soros is an accelerationist who just wants to watch this kiked world burn, /pol/ dislikes him for no reason.

>> No.8781684

Soros is hated by jews and nationalists alike. Soros associating his name with crypto may give governments an excuse to ban crypto as a tool for terroists in the future. China can argue on those grounds, especially if another color revolution sponsored bySoros knocks on their doors

>> No.8781725

what do you mean? you dont get where he is by being lucky. he has twice the IQ of all biz users combined. and i feel pain deep in my heart while saying this but its the truth

>> No.8781742
File: 62 KB, 582x335, btcsoros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8781749


I doubt he started from nothing mate

>> No.8781781


What a stupid tweet, crypto morons will literally invent anything to make them feel better, i guess when youre 80% down all you have left is hope

>> No.8781823

Hope he buys as much coins as possible and dies so the coins die with him. Bull market then

>> No.8781941

Seriously. If you want to fight the culture war, you cannot afford him a single penny. Cash out, exit, leave, whatever, and post proof or you prove you're nothing but all bark but a little bitch who probably is an infiltration agend on behest of liberals.

>> No.8781991

All this fear, all this blood on the street.
Was this what he meant all along?

>> No.8782295

this picture made me have to go beat my dick
now im back fuck you

>> No.8782437

he actually had a logic backing his decisions. Nazis would've stolen it anyway, so it might as well be him. I don't think I would've done anything differently. It's about adapting to your environment and thinking how a very shitty situation can actually benefit you

>> No.8782475

babby Soros' first short

>> No.8782511

Meanwhile /bizpol/ would just blame everyone else for being in a shit situation. It's why most here will never actually make it since they're more busy with playing the victim than adapting and seeing solutions.

>> No.8782619

>he loved working with the Nazis.
Reading through his ((wikipedia)) page he was 13 when he was a delivery boy for the nazis and by his father's guidance he warned the jews he delivered documents to that they're gonna get deported. Doesn't look like he was that bad when he was Yung Soros.

>> No.8782707

This, and also he knew that with enough pressure the Bank of England would be forced to devalue to protect the economy. So, it was like, as long as he could hold on long enough, BOE would eventually socialize the losses that became his personal profits.

He went on to do the same thing in dozens of other countries.

He has never made money honestly.

>> No.8782778

You are borrowing and can sell at whatever price you want. Technically you dont even need to sell, you can give back the same btc you borrowed, the other party dont care.

>> No.8783291

He's been shorting since 19k, now he wants to pump it to 100k so he has more liquidity to short at the top.

100% serious.