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8778753 No.8778753 [Reply] [Original]

>be me in 2015
>love cryptography
>be too poor for internet money
>finally save up 7 btc after wageslaving a year
>I'm finally excited about something
>one night I explain blockchain tech to my dad
>explain the story of satoshi
>he's actually blown away
>buys twice as much btc as I do, 15 coins.
>I'm a gambling faggot and lost almost all of my btc by 2017 bullrun
>my dad has 2x'd before the run, starts explaining shitcoins to me
>he really likes this one called ripple, but its worth like a tenth of a cent.
>he puts a couple btc into it
So tl;dr, my dad is fucking rich as fuck now, I'm talking almost eight figures rich. I HAVE NOTHING, I GAMBLED IT ALL ON LEVERAGE. I either kill myself now or forever live in my father's shadow. and YES i live by myself. FUCK

>> No.8778784

wow that sucks donkey balls.

>> No.8778786

Buy nano and wait other 2 years.
Sleep comfy.

>> No.8778818

what the fuck why are you not guilt tripping/begging for tips/being nice to your dad? I'm sure he'd help you out if he knew you were suicidal over it. you got him into it!

>> No.8778855

This. Unless your dad is a heartless asshole I don't see the problem here

>> No.8778880
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only retard hate ripple
these same retard "tether up"

>> No.8778911


>> No.8778916

If your dad has 8 figures I'm sure he can give you a few million for telling him about btc to begin with. Do you even understand that there are people her below their initial?

>> No.8778927

be in my shoes. imagine your dignity. my confidence would be crushed if i needed to beg my dad for satoshi handouts, when I was the one who introduced him to his riches.. cant fucking live with this shit

>> No.8779030

be me
grew up in poverty worked as helper to my father doing manual labor
left home ad started working at 16
father became rich by property speculation on credit had another child
brother grew up with foreign holidays, car given to him, house given to him, coke head
Always keep in touch with father as good friend
Father decides to give EVERYTHING to younger brother
Can no longer speak to my father because I now hate him.

>> No.8779052

there are millions of people living off daddies money that did nothing and you actually had part in it

>> No.8779073

fuck man that's rough, I hope you live an okay life. I live in a shit apartment but i enjoy my wagecuck job, it isn't that bad if i avoid thinking about my past.

>> No.8779100

The math doesn't add up.

If your dad put 2btc into XRP at the lowest point after 2015 and sold around the highest point he'd have about 20BTC, so he'd now have 35BTC in total or $230,717

>> No.8779135

Lol what a faggot.
Gambling addicts deserve to lose everything.

>> No.8779141

>break 1M, tell my dad
>finally proud of me
>"I was wrong about you son, you're not autistic"
>didn't sell it all, lose half of it, dad looks down on me again
Determined now to make everything back.

>> No.8779166

Lol, have you talked to your father about it?
What did he say?

>> No.8779182

Should've cut your losses after you lost the first 250k.

>> No.8779327

You already was living in his shadow. Because he had successful sex, and you did not. Why it was ok to not kill yourself before?

>> No.8779354

Of course I should have, but it's easy to say that in hindsight. I dropped from 450k to 180k before jumping to 1M, so I held out hope this would be similar. I kept thinking it was the bottom.

>> No.8779358

>love cryptocurrency
>gamble it all away
you're fooling nobody pajeet

>> No.8779362


>> No.8779391

look I dont know the relationship with your dad but get over yourself. he was smarter than you about this. it's not worth killing yourself over. he probably would be devastated and pay it all to get you back.

>> No.8779425
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>a few million
that's almost half his dad's net worth, what world do you live in?

>> No.8779595


>> No.8779709
File: 174 KB, 1533x961, 1435858205054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Save your year salary to make an investment
>Gamble it away
Literally why?

>> No.8779764

he's your father you fucking faggot, probably wiped ypur ass as a kid, just check out your ego on the side and explain him your story, he'd have nothing but sympathy for you.

>> No.8779782

What a cuck you should just let him fuck your girl and stay in your room faggot

>> No.8779802

btw i made the same fucking mistake two weeks ago, lost 97% of my money on bitmex and still losing the remaining one. it's pretty much game over for me, unless some miracle happens and satan himself com face to face and hand me the money.

>> No.8779848

Your father should share his wealth with you. 1 million at least.

>> No.8780047

???? So he can lose that too? Better let him live in poverty knowing he's too dumb to understand the difference between making money, and gambling.

>> No.8780096

mfw my dad got me into crypto dec 2017
he bought twice as much as he gave me
my portfolio worth more now

>> No.8780192

Are you out of your mind dude? You helped him build that fortune, you made decisions that didn’t work out and he made decisions that did. He’s not some guy you’re competing with he’s your fucking dad, you came out of his nutsack ffs.

>> No.8780227

I swear to God what is up with white americans competing with their parents as if they’re total strangers. It’s fucking psycho shit, you have the same blood retards

>> No.8780269

It's normal to want to become stronger and surpass your father.

>> No.8780281

Your father sounds badass, you should take the chance to learn from him. You are his son after all, get him to tell you how he decided on his moves.
And don’t kill yourself, it’s an idiotic thing to do with your time.

>> No.8780314

Unless your genes and brain came out all retarded that will happen naturally. There’s no need to alienate yourselves, if everyone had such sentiment towards their parents society would disintegrate

>> No.8780405

Beating your dad to surpass him is a braindead way to go about it, unless you're talking at a chess game or some shit. Your father teaches you, and you build upon his accumulated experiences and genetic potential to do greater things than he did. There's a whole world of 3 billion assholes to compete with. A relationship of dad and son should be inherently cooperative, the goal is to secure immortality through transmitting your genes, which you share.

>> No.8780464

he could've put 7 in it

>> No.8780507

Tell him you will turn gay unless he pays you. Trust me, the surest way to a father's wallet is exploiting his fear that his firstborn son is a massive faggot.

>> No.8780577



Our stories share a similar tragic theme.

>be me in 2016
>awesome wageslave job, making close to six figures, live alone in swanky apartment
>have known about btc for a while but start hearing about ethereum and get really interested
>put in roughly $20k into eth and btc (around $9th and $800btc prices at the time)
>discover shitcoins. go balls deep in ICN, REP, GNT, and XRP
>tell father all about it. beg him to throw in some money
>he refuses, I respond by putting $1k in ETH for him and sending it over

>fast forward: I fall for day trading meme and trade away all of my shitcoins, lose most of my BTC, and ETH

>bull run happens and alt season hits - miss the moon on every single alt
>holding barely 1 btc and a few eth

sorry this is long, but my fathers $1k in eth is now worth more than my entire portfolio.

I could have been a fucking multi-millionaire and never worked again.

oh and btw, i quit my wageslave job in june when eth started pumping hard thinking I could retire and now I'm a hard-stuck NEET in my mom's basement.


>> No.8780642


oh and because i'm a fucking moron and didn't realize the tax implications of my day trading, i had to pay a massive tax bill on trades that have now netted me LESS crypto which is worth LESS in $usd than it was at the time of most day trades.

feels. fucking. bad.

at least I've learned my lesson

>> No.8780686

What did you do, download a keylogger from the IRS? Upload vlogs to jewtube detailing your trading habits, including a sneak peek at your spreadsheet? I mean, wtf is XMR even there for if you're going to declare your trades? Fuck.

>> No.8780863


I am (or was, really.. because I'm basically broke now) using trading funds as my sole source of income after leaving my wage slave job. The amount of anxiety involved with fucking the IRS over versus me having less NEET bucks to dick around with is more than a fair trade in my books. I just used my CPA and made sure I took all applicable deductions and it wasn't that bad in the end.

Unfortunately i'm not 19 with an employment history of 2 years min wage hourly jobs. I'm a successful (formerly..) businessman who has been paying very large tax bills for years now.

If you want to cash out with gift cards for fucking walmart and try to live off that, go for it.

>> No.8780907

yeah you should probably kys if you're going to be such a little bitch about making your own fathers life better.

Unironically kys.

>mfw my dad died when I was in high school

>> No.8781119

Hmmm I am in a similar situation anon.
Except my parents have already /madeit/ - they make 7 figures a year.
I am scared I will always live in their shadow.

>got in crypto at the very start of 2017
>went all in with the $3k savings that my parents gave me
>Could literally be a fucking multimillionaire if I played my cards right
>Now sitting on a shitty $100k
>mfw I was going to buy raiblocks in october after looking for another DAG coin than IOTA but didn't because the night I was going to read the white paper, my printer didn't work and I decided to go asleep and do it the next day
>never printed it
>probably one of my biggest regrets in life

>> No.8781126

How have none of you noticed
>love cryptography
OP clearly loves maps, not blockchain

>> No.8781153

Must be Mongolid powerhour where you're at

>> No.8781818

Wow. Literally sounds like you and your dad have a compatible relationship and you're bitching about not making as much money as him. He's older, probably has a smaller risk tolerance than you. You learned a lesson and he was both smart and lucky. Move the fuck on you can try again next bull run and hopefully retain some fucking lessons you learned this time around.

>> No.8781845


>> No.8781849

That looks painful as fuck

>> No.8781873

>Have rich parents
>Parents just give you thousands of dollars
>Now have ONLY 100k

The fuck is wrong with people. Have some god damn humility ffs.

>> No.8782094

this guy gets it