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8778051 No.8778051 [Reply] [Original]

You guys thought India banning banks from working with exchanges was bad?
Crypto is pretty much illegal in Poland now, you literally can't cash out if you are a trader, if you're an early hodler whale maybe you're ok but if yu made a shitload of trades or used a bot (pray to God)? total assraping - 1% tax on EVERY transaction above like $15 (so pretty much every trade), you think that's all? no, income tax, capital gains tax or whatever ON TOP OF THAT like everywhere else, you think
>eh at least, it's probably some low brackets because it's an eastern euro shithole?
fuck no, anywhere close to the "making it" territory is taxed 33%
Not only you have to pay 1% for every transaction (imagine daytrading with a bot even a small stack of a few k, your taxes will be millions pretty fucking soon), but also you have to report every transaction withing 14 days because crypto in poland is treated like property rights, basicly as if you bought/sold a car/house so pretty much every traded has already broken the law undeliberately. But of course it's also a commodity, currency, security and everything else at once too so it gets taxed from every angle.

Opy co robicie, rozliczacie sie z czego kolwiek? sam PIT, bawicie sie w ten PCC tez? Ja szczerze mowiac sam juz nie wiem czy nie lepiej niczego nie zglaszac bo tylko sobie mozna gnoju narobic, na szczescie nie handlowalem na polskich gieldach wiec jestem poki co incognito
Wyjezdzacie z kraju, dajcie jakies protipy

>> No.8778153

I know your feels somewhat, my country's banks were caught unprepared for crypto so they decided to close the exchanges' bank accounts of the blue and now there's an ongoing pretend court case since all the judges are on the banks payroll lmao

>> No.8778163

I call it justice. poles are just a bunch of cunts.

>> No.8778200

It's an absolute shitshow.
I'm looking for a country I could cash out in but I don't know if it's gonna be possible when all my trades were done while being a polish tax/fiscal resident.

Another option is just sell everything on a black market and launder that money through some fake empoyment or just live like a monk

>> No.8778205

just dont give a shit about all it
withraw you Bitcoins and sell it on https://localbitcoins.com/ is azia

>> No.8778221
File: 809 KB, 1256x1120, syscoin_amazon_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just dont give a shit about all it
withraw you Bitcoins and sell it on https://localbitcoins.com/ is azia

>> No.8778229

you should have thought about that before you started killing Germans that were land locked due to the Treaty of Versailles

>> No.8778248

Siedze w UK. Tutaj tylko placisz capital gains tax. Nie placisz podatku jak wyplacasz do £11.7k zysku. Widze, ze w Polsce zdelegalizowali krypto.

>> No.8778250

Tfw we gonna have alternative currency in the US

>> No.8778264

o kurwa. nie wiedzalem ze tak zle w polsce. ja mialem z stanow ucziekac na polski passport.

>> No.8778266

it's your chance move to a non third world country and cash out there

win win situation

>> No.8778292

NO stay out of the england we have enough of you fuckers here

>> No.8778306

They can`t verify if you traded it. Convert your alt to BTC and say that you mined it 3 years ago.

>> No.8778310

Stfu Mohammed

>> No.8778348

you fuckers caused world war 2!

>> No.8778373

Eh, I think 33% total is not that bad?

I'm in a south east asia country and here since it's treated as income tax if we cash out.,.Meaning 30% cut for "making it" territory.

You should include tax before making your "I'm making it I'll cash out now" territory,

But yeah if you trade a lot hen it's a problem

>> No.8778387

(PL) Ja jedynie kupowalem na bitbay kilka miesiecy temu i stamtad przerzucalem na zagraniczne gieldy bo wiedzialem ze na polskiej to nie ma co. Ale z ostatnimi wydarzeniami pluje sobie w brode ze w ogole uzylem bitbaya, bo beda mieli moje dane. Nic jeszcze nie wyplacalem i dlugo nie zamierzam

imo tylko pit jak wyplacasz cos sobie na konto bankowe, albo nie robic nic i wyjezdzac z tego sredniowiecza. Ale placenie tych PCC i jakies super szczegolowe rozliczanie sie z tego to imo tylko proszenie sie o klopoty w przyszlosci

>> No.8778393

Dont the polish just subside off welfare and cabbage soup anyway?

>> No.8778436

Przynajmniej kurwy rządowe nie są w stanie skonfiskować krypto. Ja wypłacam całe nie-krypto jakie mam do gotówki, mieszkania nie mam, nie mają mi co zabrać.
Podatek dochodowy zapłacę od tego co wypłaciłem na konto bo to od ręki widać, zresztą taki miałem plan. Jak będą chcieli coś więcej to chuja dostaną.

>> No.8778453

33%?! Oh no. The sky is falling.

In francistan crypto is taxed as income = 65% if you make 150k+, and of course it's added to your actual income.

No point bitching about it, just hold until you're a paper millionaire, then sever all your home ties to live a year in Switzerland and cash out, then emigrate to whichever american or asian country you want. Europe is intent on cannibalizing the corpses of the living to sustain those who are already dead or non-human, in the long run survival means emigration regardless if you have money or not.

>> No.8778461

Czytałem że w Białorusi crypto podatki są 0%

>> No.8778495

I will research that option but it sounds too good to be true

sejm hir, tez zaczalem na bithuju ale na szczescie jedynie kupujac troche btc/eth, bez handlowania w te i z powrotem i wszystko przerzucalem na niezweryfikowane konta na binance/bittrex/kucoin etc. Czuje ze wlasnie lepiej to szmabo chyba przeczekac na jakies normalne prawo/regulacje niz sie narażać teraz


can I cash out in Switzerland/Belarus let's say next year when all my trades were done before that in a different country? would Switzerland want only taxes on the cashed out amount or every crypto-crypto shit?

>> No.8778509

The main problem is that 1% revenue tax, if you buy 100 times using the same money it adds up to 100%.
Also they are demanding crypto addresses from exchanges to analyze the blockchain.

>> No.8778551

You will have to tweak your timeline. Don't leave everything on a verified exchange. Tumblers, DEXes, XMR, unverified binance account, ethereum games, those are all good options.
From what I understand, Switzerland taxes you on capital gains, and that tax is 0% (but you have to declare each year, not just at cash out). Perhaps Swissfags can clarify.

>> No.8778763

that's what you get for claiming there were no real polish collaborators in ww2

>> No.8778774

Literally no way to enforce the 1% transaction tax. Just claim you bought all your coins at the same time and never traded and sold all of them at the same time.

>> No.8778876

go get kebab, cheer at nigger kicking ball and prep ahmed to get at your schoolgirls.
You pathetic faggot.
Be glad there are at least some wypipo coming to your shithole, even if its Poles.

>> No.8778942

The government won't notice as long as you cash out in small amounts.

>> No.8778998

yea but it's all about being able to cash out a house-buying-amount in the future, small amounts can be cashed out on local bitcoins so that's not the problem.

yea that may work until 1 day those fucking boomers actually start asking for proofs on the blockchain etc

>> No.8779006

11.7k to tylko jezeli nic nie zarabiasz, jak pracujesz i dostajesz wiecej niz 11.7k rocznie to musisz placic CGT normalnie.

t. Ksiegowy.

>> No.8779028

Just cash out a house buying amount in small installments, or just get a mortgage and pay it off with your crypto gains.

>> No.8779083

And how many people are going to be on that list for them to check?
How many people do they need to check for regular taxes?
You think they are going to check someone who paid them money before they look for someone who owes that 33%?
If you are so risk adverse then you can just give away your money.

>> No.8779127

pierwsza opcja to prawdopodobnie podpada pod wykroczenie jako "structuring" a druga tez jest nierealna bo albo nikt ci nie da kredytu bez zdolnosci albo smutni panowie zaczna zadawac pytania skad srodki na raty etc

well I'm considering different options, it's really hard to decide if it's better to be compliant or play stupid and pretend like you didn't know anything about taxes

>> No.8779179

There's no structuring crime in Poland

>> No.8779205

No wiesz, zawsze mozesz sie wyprowadzic jak bedziesz mial w chuj duzo hajsu.

>> No.8779219

1,4% on everything above 25k. Say what you want about the liberal shitshow here in Holland but that's pretty sweet.

>> No.8779234

taka opcja jest najciekawsza tylko pytanie ktory kraj przyjmie mnie z moimi krypto torbami i zgodzi sie je przyjac bez zadawania zbyt wielu pytan w zamian za 10-30% podatku

>> No.8779314

to bys musial sam ogarnac, irlandia moze?

>> No.8779390

boje sie ze kazdy kraj zacznie pytac
>a skad masz to i tamto, udowodnij historie transakcji
bo inaczej kazdy dealer/zlodziej by kupil krypto na czarnym rynku i wypral na gieldzie i poof, legalne pieniadze na koncie za 20-30% prowizji (podatek).

I jak zaczna juz pytac i sie zorientuja ze operacje byly wykonywane rok/2 wczesniej to cie wydadza do polskiego US na mocy jakichs traktatow itd.

>> No.8779487

let's say you have 1M in crypto and want to cash out everything at once, how much do you have to pay in taxes total?

>> No.8779491

Slavs are subhumans

>> No.8779598

>non third world

>> No.8779794
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OP straszysz jak przestraszona nastolatka

jesli chandlujesz na zagranicznych gieldach: bittrex, binance itp i nie wyplacasz tego na polskich gieldach na PLN to skarbowka moze ci naskoczyc, a o placeniu 1% za tranzakcje juz nawet nie wspominam

chyba ze chandlujesz sporymi kwotami na np bitbay to juz inna sprawa

>> No.8780034

A ja chcialem ze stanow do polski zeby spieniezyc 1.2m usd kurwa no to ladnie

>> No.8780058

Like 40%+

>> No.8780158

to anonie zalozmy ze teraz handlujesz sobie spokojnie tak jak i ja na chinskich gieldach bez weryfikacji i jestesmy bezpieczni US ssie nam huja, ja sie z tym zgadzam tylko jak zamierzalbys wyplacic zalozmy 2m pln za rok/2/3? bo tu jest problem, huj wie jakie odsetki/kary oni naliczaja za kazdy pominiety rok

see, that's what I thought, people often think it's 1.2% total

>> No.8780808
File: 360 KB, 1162x850, f8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plan jest prosty
powiedzmy ze mam 1 mil usd w btc, wczesniej nie chandlowalem zadnym krypto na polskich gieldach tylko na zagranicznych

zanim wymienie siano na pln na polskiej gieldzie bitbay to biore kilka-kilkanascie k pln i place za dobrego prawnika zebym sie nie przejechal w razie w.

nastepnie cala kase jakam mam w btc przelewam na bitbay - sprzedaje za pln i wplacam na swoje konto
place przy tym w pit podatek dochodowy 32% + ewentualniej ten ich zjebany 1% PCC od calkowitej przedazy mojego 1 mil usd w btc czyli razem 33%

jesli okaze sie to niemozliwe to spierdalam z tego kraju i szukam takiego ktory mi to umozliwi

>> No.8780834

UK is third world, ahmed

>> No.8780848

>move to Malta/Ireland/UK/Germany/anywhere with less rapey tax laws
>Move back to Poland
Problem solved.

>> No.8780914

You can tell he's a pajeet because of "The England" or maybe just an inbred brit, who knows

>> No.8780957

>communist shithole is still communist shithole
Colour me surprised

>> No.8780962


>> No.8780965

What country?

It's not as easy to do that as you make it sound.

>> No.8780972

nobody from Poland wants to go to your shitty 50% muslim country anymore

ahmed and his boys is fucking your woman for years now kek

>> No.8780986

But all you vodkaniggers do it all the time, it can't be that hard

>> No.8781023

tez tak to widze chyba jako najlepsze wyjscie.
Ogladam wlasnie wczorajszy live z Mentzenem, nie interesowalem sie polityka w polsce ale widze ze morawieckiemu odjebalo i sie uwział na całego na krypto jako zło nr1