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8777400 No.8777400 [Reply] [Original]

What is considered a good salary in the Netherlands? How much do you need to earn to support a family of four (wife and 2 small kids)?

>> No.8777698


>> No.8777726
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$48.000.....$...In the Netherlands....God you're stupid..I hope my linkies will become >100$ quick so i never have to be around people like you again.

>> No.8777742

Any gross salary nets you basically the same money.
They're commies, if you wanna be rich your only option is Eastern Europe.

>> No.8777840

>eastern europe

burgerland baby

>> No.8777888

KEK! You burgers are so fucking retarded

>> No.8777902

About 60 000 euros and above

>> No.8777951

You will be able to support your family even if only one of you work earning the minimum wage (which is around 1300€ netto). Netherlands is a total social state and they will absolutely not allow you to be poor. You will get social housing, benefits to help you with the rent & health insurance, benefits to help you have the kids in a kindergarten... it's a social paradise really. So to answer your question, you can survive just with the minimum wage by taking advantage of the social paradise this country is. If you want to live comfortably and have a couple luxuries like going out to dinner once in a while, then you should target at least a 50K income per year.

I know what I'm talking about because I came to the Netherlands as a total homeless poorfag and with some helping hand from the social state I could get to that 50K mark in 5 years, which is more than enough to support my family.

>> No.8778016

>he thinks that Eastern Europe is commieland and the west is rich instead of the other way around
What is this, the cold war? Ye, EE is full of poor white niggers, but it's a better place to get rich than WE.
Feel free to pay 50% of your income in exchange for cleaner streets and more muslims if you so desire, if you feel like this is a good deal you're always going to stay poor.

>> No.8778074

Thanks. I'm currently making 52k so obviously I'm aiming much higher if I take the job. 70k would be enough to hace a cozy life? Wife will start working only in a few years when she finishes her PhD..

>> No.8778112

for me.. 35k a year (euros)

>> No.8778136
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Wtf dude, I last made 45k a year in Bulgaria with no kids, how the fuck do you survive

>> No.8778226

Jeez man you will be fine... The thing here is that when you are really poor, like getting 20K a year you have a lot of benefits but when you start earning a bit more you get rekt by the tax system so there's not really a huge difference in earning 20k or 50K when it comes to your lifestyle. But yeah above 50K you'll be fine. That won't give you access to any benefits though, so you'll have to pay everything by yourself. Depending on which city you are, rent will be minimum 750€ (in Amsterdam minimum 1000€) for a semi-decent house. Also both you and your wife will have to pay a monthly premium for health insurance, that's around 130€ each. This is mandatory and if you don't apply to health insurance the gov. will fuck you up. Electricity/gas, water and internet/tv, around 250€ a month. Groceries, try to be smart. Don;t buy at Jumbo or Albert Hein, go to Lidl or even better go to the local markets and stock up on fruit, vegetables, meat and fish. Much cheaper and higher quality. Public transportation is insanely expensive, it's actually cheaper to buy a car. Road taxes are high though, i'm paying around 150€ a year for a stupid Twingo, but like I said public transports are even more expensive. Going out for dinner will cost around 25€ per person and WATCH OUT FOR TRAFFIC FINES! You will be completely fucked in the ass, I was fined 100€ just for a parking fine...

>> No.8778388

>Don;t buy at Jumbo or Albert Hein, go to Lidl

that;s a fallacy. Yes it's cheaper but in the end it costs the same.. Normal supermarket a bag of X is 1 euro a 750 gram.. At lidl they sell the same bags a 600 gram for 80 cent. So it just looks cheaper.

Also a lot of garbage. fish sticks for example. At lidl it's only stick and a tiny bit of fish... Especially the meat in general is really bad at places like Lidl or Aldi..

>> No.8778443

I disagree, but well, I am not the kind of guy to eat fish sticks. All my meat and fish I buy from the market. Lidl is for cereal, cat food, fresh bread, desserts, etc and my experience tells me it is cheaper then Jumbo or Albert Hein. Anyway, to conclude the Netherlands is awesome. You can do everything just by speaking in English (a bit of Dutch helps though but damn, it's a fucking difficult language), legal pot, legal hookers, perfect environment for children... top tier country in my opinion.

>> No.8778479

In netherlands, there is very little return on a higher salary due to government assistance. The difference is increased social status, which is everything in netherlands. They are extremely bizarre, like Asian conscientious except instead of collectiveness, they strive for individualism.

That's based on how an online friend described his home country. Pathologically saving face and avoiding social shame, and infinite financial security.

>> No.8778480

In EE it cost you the same amount in nonsense and bogus briberies you need to pay to corrupt government officials..

The only way to get rich there is being born in a rich family or being related to a criminal politician..

Also there is the risk of for example banks going bankrupt and you loose everything. I know a Bulgarian family who lost hundred thousands due that in the 1990s..

>> No.8778485

Are there qt Dutch girls or is that a meme I’ve been led to believe?

>> No.8778491

she wont start working tho

>> No.8778522

Yes come here and see
Im a doctor and my cuckwage is 1300e per month, my lawyer friends make 400-900e

>> No.8778531

2000€ per maand

>> No.8778554

we got hot girls, no doubt about it.

>> No.8778588

pff, you Won't be able to support 2 kids, a wife on 1300 a month. Maybe somewhere in the outskirts, But in amsterdam you will pay over 650 rent most likely atleast.

Social housing has a 10 year waiting list, so if you sign up at 18, you might get a house by the time you're 28, and often you already make to much money to even be eligable.

realistically you would need 2500-3000 a month to support 2 kids and a wife, at minimum imho.

>> No.8778601

that's a bit of a meme (I'm Dutch) .. also they love the BBC.

they are often plump and big . Like a typical farmers daughter.

good thing is that at least they are usually not as retarded as far example Italian or Spanish girls.. they are much more clever..

>> No.8778614
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Really depends where you gonna live and the house you want. Average salary is 37,5k gross. I live comfy with 100k gross (combined salary) in a cheap area.

>> No.8778652

after taxes that is 1850 euro per month

>> No.8778668

I'm from Finland so I know all about socialism. I studied German for like 10 years so I imagine learning Dutch wouldn't be so hard..

>> No.8778670

this is bad for a doctor, but for lawyers, most of them are useless anyway and there are surplus of graduate with law and economics degrees. To be rich in EE you have to run your own business, preferably in logistics as it's the easiest to get rich quickly.

>> No.8778698

OP btw, just walking my dog so different ip..

>> No.8778736

This is an absolute lie.

>> No.8778783

Btw I'm 177 cm tall. Will everyone consider me a midget there?

>> No.8778857


>> No.8778925

kek faggot I am 183cm and I am average

>> No.8778932
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And I'm a recent software engineering grad making 50k euros a year, netting 45k. Quit my job because my side projects were also making 50k and I'm tired of wagecucking tho.
I agree young doctors are underpaid here, but you can make bank after your 10 specialization years if you work private, there's plenty of millionaire surgeons in Bulgaria, and private insurance is becoming a norm in bigger cities.
Whiny Eastern Euro bitching. Literally all of my friends (mid 20-s) have at least 300k euros in the bank/stock market, we all grew up poor in commieblocks, no mafia affiliations of any kind.
>I know a Bulgarian family who lost hundred thousands due that in the 1990s
Dumb people elected commies so hyperinflation ensued. Now we have a monetary board and we're attached to the euro, so in 2018 this is bullshit.

>> No.8778936

the average girl is 170 cm and high heels add like 6 - 8 cm

>> No.8779148

Kek as a family make 60k net a year (including mortgage interest and child care compensation

>> No.8779158
File: 49 KB, 639x480, house_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally all of my friends (mid 20-s) have at least 300k euros in the bank

oh you are one of them.. gypsy scum..

>> No.8779214

that's a lie as you are not entitled to child care compensation when you make 60K.

>> No.8779336

Kek why the fuck would I lie?

I get kinderbijslag and kinderdagverblijf toeslag

>> No.8779367

let me break down my costs a bit to give you an idea. I live in Utrecht, I am 32, and I am poor according to /biz/. I don't mind posting here though.

I make €2200 gross a month for working 32 hours. That's a net income of €1800.

My rent (which is a social living house, for people who earn less than €32000 a year gross), is €500 excludig utilities. However, I get €100 from the government to pay my rent because I do not earn that much. My health insurance is €120 and I get €50 from the government per month to pay for my healthcare because I don't earn much.

Groceries are about €60 a week for products from Albert Heijn, which is great quality.

Electricity / water / municipality taxes are together approx. €150.

So, if you want to live comfortable as a single person, I'd say €50k gross is the minimum. However, like others have said, then you will get less assistance from the government; no social housing, no money for rent and health insurance.

>> No.8779965

You should tell that living in a social neighborhood is pretty shitty. Not comparable with the projects, but there is a fair part of shitskins, crime and unemployment.

>> No.8780212

Your arguments get poorer and poorer. You obviously can't convince any thinking person of anything, I think you're trying to convince yourself that living in the Netherlands is a good idea.
Or you might actually start considering that not everyone to the south is a gypsy, so you're not doomed to pay 50% and above of your income as tax.

>> No.8780246

I came back from Netherlands and I disagree with some of that stuff.
Firstly, I actually found the transport pretty cheap compared to the UK.
An intercity train journey cost me on average €10. Meanwhile a bus ride from my shithole town to the main city in my county costs around £6 (single) so probably almost the same in €.
As for the restaurants, I dined a few times in proper restaurants and cost me less than €20 on average. Although that may vary from city because shit in Den Hague was overpriced. That isn't much different than in the UK though
Honestly I think it's slightly better to live in the Netherlands than in the UK, you pay almost the same based on what you said but you have a better quality of life. I would rather pay a mandatory health insurance than a mandatory TV license and still have a shit healthcare system

>> No.8780294

lol your a midget here desu. Average hight is 184cm