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8776501 No.8776501 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8776535


>> No.8776578

The elephants arent going to the river. Do the monkeys hold one parrot in EACH of their hands or in one hand each?

>> No.8776587

1 rabbit going towards the river

12 monkeys going towards the river (6 elephants * 2 monkeys each)

12 parrots (1 per monkey)

25 animals going towards the river in total

12 parrots

>> No.8776589


6 elephants are going to the river. Every elephant saw 2 monkeys going to the river. That means only 2 monkeys were going to the river. Since every monkey holds 2 parrots in their hands, that makes for a total of 2 parrots in their hands also going to the river.

6+2+2 = 10

>> No.8776590


But if each monkey has a parrot in both hands it becomes 7

>> No.8776605


It doesnt say the elephants are going to the river.

>> No.8776606

last '12 parrots' was a typo

>> No.8776629

31 niggers

>> No.8776634


>> No.8776635

>towards the river
only 2 monkeys + 2 Parrots
the rabbit is GOING TO the river so does not count

>> No.8776639

You're right, I must've read that wrong. It seems it was the rabbit that was going to the river, not the elephants.

So the answer is 5 then.
1 rabbit going to the river
2 monkeys going to the river
2 parrots being held by monkeys going to the river

1+2+2 = 5

>> No.8776650
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the parrots aren't going. they are being taken.

>> No.8776711

oh, but aren't they kinda going with the monkeys?

>> No.8776722

2 monkeys and 2 parrots
then it depends if you count rabbit as going to or towards the river
so it's 4 or 5

>> No.8776726

Is the real Cicada back or just a larp?

>> No.8776733

Each elephant saw the same two monkeys . Elephants aren’t going to river.

>> No.8776741

It’s 5

The rabbit is going to the river, learn to read

>> No.8776749


>> No.8776759

Answer is 3. 2 monkeys and rabbit, parrots are being carried. Also there could be more monkeys dependent on elephant field of view.

>> No.8776765

1 rabbit is going to the river
6x2 = 12 monkeys going to the river
12x1 = 12 parrots going to the river
1+12+12=25 animals going to the river
(yes the parrots are going to the river too, brainlets)

>> No.8776767

What's wrong with you?
Question is, how many animals are going TOWARDS the river. One can argue that rabbit is going TO the river and it's not the same, that's what I pointed out. So you should learn to read

>> No.8776774

Not sure if anyone knows this or not. But this is in reference to some darknet hacker shit.

>> No.8776786

its 1 retards

>> No.8776788

I got 25

>> No.8776797

1 Rabbit
2 monkeys
2 parrots

>> No.8776805


Are you retarded or just didn’t attend school?

>> No.8776816


The riddle doesn't say the elephants are going

>> No.8776817

This. Its 31

>> No.8776823

Guys, I don't think 'Every elephant saw 2 monkeys' means all 6 elephants saw the exact same monkeys.

In the very next sentence it's stated that 'Every monkey holds 1 parrot', which means each monkey holds a parrot.

So shouldn't each elephant see 2 monkeys?

>> No.8776842
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>> No.8776847

>going to
>going towards
if "going towards" equals "going to" then the answer is 25
if not then the answer is 1

>> No.8776874

only the rabbit is going to river

>> No.8776899

Shit. The answer could actually be 5 also.
1 rabbit
2 monkeys
2 parrots

>> No.8776913

If you go to the store you are also going in the direction of the store.

>> No.8776939


It only indicates that the rabbit and 6 elephants were going to the river. No where does it indicate the monkeys and parrots are going towards the river but that the elephants merely passed them.

>> No.8776942

i agree with you by the way! your smart

>> No.8776944

1, the common nigger.

>> No.8776948
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Brainlet, it doesn't even state that the elephants are going towards the river.

>> No.8776961


>> No.8776976
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>> No.8777000

Yea your right. It's 5. 1 rabbit and 2 monkeys each with 1 parrot. 5 total animals.

>> No.8777031

>every elephant
meaning each elephant or all the elephants?
semantics makes the answer debatable
could also be 5.. fuck knows

>> No.8777038

trips of truth

>> No.8777045

exactly. it's a question full of semantic bullshit. everyone will have their own answer. i'm leaning towards 5 myself.

>> No.8777110

this shit is worth than the whole "portal" thing

>> No.8777264

Poor wording. Did each elephant see a unique group of monkeys or did each elephant see the same 2 monkeys.

>> No.8777301

The rabbit and the monkeys are the only ones going to the river, the parrots are stationary and, therefore, not going anywhere, and the elephants are just fucking about.

This is the correct answer because if you assume the parrots are also going to the river, it begs the question if the monkeys are each holding one parrot each or one in each hand, which would give two answers, and, since Im assuming the question is honest and not meant to have more than one answer, the only logical solution is 13.

>> No.8777462

1 rabbit and 2 monkeys.

>> No.8777905

this is the correct answer

>> No.8778041

The real one has much harder tests.

>> No.8778333
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why are there so many brainlets here?

1 rabbit
6 elephants
12 moneys
12 parrots
31 total

why the fuck i that so hard?

>> No.8778365

1 rabbit
6 elephants
12 monkeys
12 parrots
31 animals

>> No.8778400

found the cube shoots out cuck

>> No.8778504

One couple has three daughters. Each daughter has a brother. How many sons does the couple have?

>> No.8778524

0 they have 3 daughters

>> No.8778530


>> No.8778533

1 rabbit

>> No.8778569

5 or more

>> No.8778586 [DELETED] 


And it's son

>> No.8778602


And it's son(s)

>> No.8778638


12 monkeys going towards the river, each carrying one parrot.

>> No.8779029

12 monkeys
we have a first brainlet

>> No.8779075

If it's 2 monkeys only, the use of 'Every' is pretty unclear. I'm taking it to mean 'Each'.