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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8774438 No.8774438 [Reply] [Original]

- There's no use case for blockchain after 9 years
- All coins are useless
- Crypto is a ponzi scheme
- You're not getting your money back

>> No.8774456

>not all products catch on immediately
>only the 'currency replacement' ones are
>getting other people to buy in doesn't guarantee anyone anything
>I'm not down

>> No.8774463

- there are too many brap posters on this board

>> No.8774465


A chain of blocks containing transactions, so retarded, who thinks up this shit.

Muh fancy internet decentralized spreadsheet.

>> No.8774468

- Currency
- Not the currencies
- So are all currencies
- I still got "my money" - it's the future money.

>> No.8774469

>literally doesn't know what a ponzi scheme is

>> No.8774470


Dude, it has been 9 years. If crypto was going to catch on as a payment/settlement technology, it would have happened by now.

Fuck - even Katy Perry knows about it - you think some City toff will ask his minion "What's all this bitcoin about, then?".

Crypto only has two use cases - laundering money from illegal activities and another failed 'get rich quick' scheme for idiots who don't even have friends to exploit for MLM.

>> No.8774476

What about shit like IBM Hyperledger, Microsoft Azure’s blockchain service, etc? No cryptocurrencies associated with those so there can’t be any accusation of a ponzi, but businesses are still using that tech.

>> No.8774480

I'm hard as a rock right now. Sauce on that pic?

>> No.8774482
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if you havent already made it you will never make it

>> No.8774496

its fucking April

>> No.8774497

>dude it's 1894 and automobiles haven't caught on yet, better keep that buggy around

>> No.8774512

coiner here
I really think this is the truth
>useless technology hasn't been implemented after 9 years
>get rich quick scheme
We ... are waiting... for another bubble to form. After normies got absolutely rekt this last time. And we got rekt as well. Bag holders, that's all we are. The crash should have been over by now

>> No.8774578


In 1894 most people hadn't heard of an automobile.

Also, in 1894 automobiles were crap. Humanity didn't fully understand manufacturing, combustion, dynamics and materials. None of the vehicles produced in 1894 are still in use today. Remember that when you invested your life savings in chuckie cheese tokens that by definition cannot or will not be improved upon - even in your retarded analogy your bags will still be worth nothing in the future.

Fucking typical /biz/ - don't let even thinking about something for a second ruin the delusions of grandeur.

>> No.8774584
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Blockchain will be adapted by institutions as a cheap way to do computation and storage (regulators may even require it) as computational power increases. They will NOT need your tokens for that Vitalik said this multiple times. They will also not need your mining rigs because by the time a smartphone will have more hash when your fuckin 50x 1080tis.

>> No.8774612

boomers can barely handle email now, it's going to take time for people over 40 to catch on or die off.

>> No.8774628

>in 1894 automobiles were crap
yeah and right now crypto is crap cause dumbasses bought a bunch of garbage scams
this year some coins are actually apart of things that do things. Really the coins like Bitcoin should die cause they literally do nothing

>> No.8774657

Truth is Im hard

>> No.8774675

>The crash should have been over by now
the last crash lasted 2 years.
imp this one will last much less since theres so much more infrastructure being built around the whole ecosystem.....

>> No.8774711

It's literally least efficient database ever. Bitcoin uses more power than entire countries.

>> No.8774730

Thread hijack: REAL hard truths
- valuation is speculative but crypto use cases are undeniable
- bitcoin was never meant solely as electric money, but as a silent revolution. the experiment officially failed in 2015 with the censorship of bitcoinXT
- ethereum has learned from the governance mistakes of bitcoin and improved on the model. while ethereum itself may fail in due time, the smart contracts and governance ideas that predate both bitcoin and ethereum will march on
- the 2040 singularity will not be a sentient AI, but a real-life governance upheaval (which will be powered in part by AIs, but as one of many tools in the toolbox)
- in the long term, familiarity with blockchain technology will pay off more handsomely than any coins you hold right now

>> No.8774739

Ye because their billion dollar research and development is literally just gonna copy btcs code from github.

>> No.8774740
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No seriously please explain this.

This doesn’t involve cryptocurrencies. They’re still offering something of value to enterprise users. But you said there are no blockchain usecases....

>> No.8774741

i agree, my fucking parents started to use a computer like 10 years ago.....the commercial use of the internet/pubblic awareness started in the early 90', massive influx in the late 90', its mid 2000 and most boomer normies still cant write an email.....i would guess only around 2010 did boomers started to use this fucking thing.....and i would guess its because the introduction of touchscreens

If you are not techie (and most people arent) you will start to use the technology:
a)when you will be obligated to - my parents bought a pc because i was studing in a foreign country and so international phonecalls costed a lot of money, the old piece of shit pc they bought paied itself in 6months
b) hen it gets retardedly easy to use (tablets, smartphones)

So btc will be adopted only if you wont have a choice but use it (in case of hyper inflation, excessive capital control etc....its still better than the bolivar), or when it becomes very convenient and easy to use.

>> No.8774761


Catch on to what exactly? Expensive transactions, unstable prices, scams, hacks and money laundering? What exactly is the benefit of crypto over normal currency? Email has a fucking use case that was obvious from day one.

Crypto is crap because it is based on libertarian fantasies, illegal activity and get rich quick schemes. It doesn't exist to solve a problem for normal people. It will be just as useless in 100 years.

>> No.8774769
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>> No.8774799

Dudes were swapping rare ascii titties over dialup on their apple IIs in the mid 80s. Retard proof online shopping became reliable and widely used over 15 years later. This is still early.

>> No.8774815

All true but don't forget that in case of currency fuckin boomers might not like it that its easy to use. Lets say you somehow make crypto more conviniet to use when paypal and oneclick options on amazon (whatever that even means). Boomers may not like it. I know fuckin boomers who dont have online banking eventhough its available to them with free hardware TAN generators and everything because they are unironically scared that "hackers" could rob them of their -1000$ bank account. Mass adoption of anything currency related in a digital form. Not with fuckin boomer normies. I also think there is a element of spite. I think they well aware that the people in their generation who adopted early computers are richy fuckin bankers now. Why dont you give the video games a break and ehm play outside Kyle?

>> No.8774938

I think they're trying to make money off the hype. Looks like they promise a lot but do companies use this?

>> No.8775254

What hype? There are no coins to buy. Companies are paying them for a blockchain solution, it’s not an investment, the only value is from the solution itself.

Here’s a list of the companies and organizations using them.


For example, the FDA is using IBM Blockchain for health records:

>> No.8775271

>Swallowed more semen than pool water
Who is this goddess, anon? I must waifu her so she can fuck a pack of niggers then come home and leak in our bed.

>> No.8775464

OP is wrong in one thing: blockchain has use cases and is being already tested/developed (in specific ways that are useful for them) by enterprises and institutions. Literally the other day, in a business related newspaper, i read about several companies trying to develop blockchain systems for their products/services.
But blockchain != cryptos.
Cryptos are not being used right now, outside of speculation, and likely wont be used in the future for the most part (since if businesses want it, they create their own specific blockchain systems). Their value is pretty much all given by hype, speculative transactions and stubborn bag holders, so even now after the crash 99.99% of the coins are extremely overvalued.
Not a single one of them derives the majority of its value from actual real world usage.

>> No.8775505

Why are you guys always asking the name of the girls that get posted here ? It's not as if you will add her on facebook and go out with her you fucking weirdos
>inb4 to look at other pictures of her
That's fucking creepy too

>> No.8775580
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>hard truths
my dick you fucking fag

>> No.8775615


>> No.8775638

>some more hard truths
the reason coin fags are such edgy faggots is because theyre insecure about their shitcoins and arent 100% certain it will be successful

>> No.8775657

Because fapping over Elsa Jean is getting boring. Her pussy really isn't that attractive, and her nose makes me think she's borderline congenital deformity.

>> No.8775675

Do you really fap over girl pictures ? Why don't you look at porn like everyone ?

>> No.8775678

It"s babby`s first trade. It's not a logical investment way of thinking. Just a bunch of guys addicted to the rush of gambling.

>> No.8775691



>> No.8775701

either way, the reason theyre so edgy is because theyre in denial

>> No.8775715
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too few*

>> No.8775828

Oooh ! Baby's first brap !

>> No.8775831
File: 2.98 MB, 1920x1080, emma footgasm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is correct. You can nitpick and say that yes there are use cases for blockchains, however there is no use case for existing crypto blockchains. The technology (which is free for anyone to copy or reimplement from scratch) is useful, the existing crypto coins are not.

Have a best Emma, OP.

>> No.8775846

>- There's no use case for blockchain after 9 years
>- All coins are useless
>- Crypto is a ponzi scheme
>- You're not getting your money back
bought in 2011, now it's all house money, kek!

>> No.8775954

Do you think they actually have any arguments besides emotional or full of missinformation ones lmao?

>> No.8775986

Right click on image > Search google for image


>> No.8776012

IBM uses Stellar because it's cheap, fast, public and it's complete. But they don't have any brand loyalty or anything. They just enjoy working with it.

>> No.8776123

>Look Obbadiah, the pictures are moving. What is this devil's work?
Yeah sure, I print off photos of Elsa Jean and make photocopies because what's redtube?

>> No.8776183

There will never be "enough" computing power. The only theoretical limit is figuring out the algorithm that reality itself unfolds from and figuring out the whole universe. Anything before that will be lack of computing power.

>> No.8776270
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Literally smart contracts are the last shot to make it. Currency coins besides XMR and BTC are indeed pointless

>> No.8776301
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>there is utility but it requires high adoption
>Adoption still requires Grandma to understand command line and trust shady exchanges that get hacked
>Exchanges getting hacked sounds like crypto was hacked to the layman
>I got my money back and then some because I cashed out in January and bought back in 2014
How's it feel being a retard with poor timing that missed out on thousands of dollars in literally free money?
Still have 10k left in my portfolio that I'll sit on until the end times. Zero fear.

>> No.8776304

Bitcoin will drop to $5000 then bounce to $6200
After that it's game over.

>> No.8776328

>What exactly is the benefit of crypto over normal currency?
I mean, if you're asking this seriously, you are either extremely naive or literally a paid operative.

>Crypto is crap because it is based on libertarian fantasies, illegal activity and get rich quick schemes.
How is being in complete control of your own funds, without third party interference, a libertarian fantasy?

>> No.8776358

People honestly still don't understand how it works which in itself is an issue.
You have no idea how dollars are produced, what gives them value, how many are in circulation, or whether the price is going to go up or down when you buy groceries. And you shouldn't have to. But you currently need to understand a little of that with crypto. And that's the issue. You need to have done basic understanding of it to see the use in it.

>> No.8776473

the vast majority of blockchains that companies are "looking into" are just a way to manage their databases

most of them don't even qualify as blockchains

>> No.8776553

at least somebody isn't an absolute brainlet. IBM is utilizing private blockchains for the supply chain. currently working with maersk. anybody holding AMB bags should be worried, but they're just pajeet shillers so fuck them

>> No.8776710

>you will NE V E R suckle on Sophie’s milkers


>> No.8776732


>> No.8776876

and buying stuff on the black market, leaving conflict-countries with wealth that isn't seized/taxed, avoid getting robbed in bad areas etc.