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877412 No.877412 [Reply] [Original]

Work a 9-5 job only make 200,000 yen a month with tax of course($1,665.98). I'm not allowed breaks or a lunch more then 5 minutes. Yes I'm a foreigner teacher but I have to teach every class not just English. Thoughts? Should I quit?

>> No.877413

No one teaches English overseas to get rich.

I hope they are subsidizing your rent and that you are a weeaboo / travel enthusiast. I'm assuming you knew you were going to work full-time for $10/hr before you went.

>> No.877418

I'm not a weeb and other teachers working with me make 300,000 yen. Same hours. Most teachers make more also.

>> No.877436

>I'm not a weeb and other teachers working with me make 300,000 yen. Same hours. Most teachers make more also.
buh das racis!

>> No.877447


Try to negotiate your salary

But this will only work if you have actually been there for more than a year, and that the faculty is satisfied with your results

>> No.877449

Commit sudoku

>> No.877460

Haven't been there for more then a year.

>> No.877465

Why ask? If you don't like the situation - leave. Make sure you bank enough before you get out of dodge

>> No.877529

Teach in China instead.

Much better working hours
Money goes further
You can make decent amounts of money if you hop from teaching at a school to running your own private classes (Collect parents' contact info, make offers, they'll pass your name along if you're not shit)

China is kind of a shithole
Air may be bad depending on where you go
You will become racist against the Chinese after living here awhile
Bosses will scam you if you don't find a legitimate school (which isn't too hard)

>> No.877533

you're already signaling to your employers that you are a loser that can't compete with your own people, hence the shit pay.

>> No.877600

have the other teachers making more than 300k been there over a year?

>> No.877605

Pound underage pussy until you get caught. Then an hero

>> No.877615

I work at a good hagwon in Korea
I work 3pm to 10pm Monday through Friday
2.4million won a month
I save ~$1200 a month
Not even including the national pension or bonus I'll get when I finish my contract.
Korea has the better gigs if you can find them.

Better food and women too(if you don't mind the surgeries).

Japan was too damn expensive for everyday living and saving. Just for my tastes.

>> No.877623

>You will become racist against the Chinese after living here awhile
How can you become bigoted after living and working WITHIN a country's culture?

>> No.877629


i didn't hate women until i actively started recruiting them to fill quotas.

>> No.877642

They get to live to see the stereotypes are true.

See whites growing up in a black majority.

>> No.877644


>teaching in Japan

If you're not a JET, it's not worth it. I went for a year and my employer paid 75% of my rent, loaned me a car and paid for my gas. And even then it's shit pay (~280k/mo). Go for the experience.

>> No.877651

Japs are the smartest of the Asians, they have no respect for you and know full well that you are a weeb neckbeard so they will take full advantage of you. Teach in South Korea instead, they actually respect westerners and you can actually make money teaching there.

>> No.878304

No they are new but Im also only 21 years old. So I understand the pay gap to due to age. However there the type of people to watch anime and play yugioh.Did I mention my owner is Indian?

>> No.878308

If your pay is based upon performance, I can understand it. You've mixed up, like, 6 homophones so far. If you write like this at work, I'd consider your employment to be a blessing.

>> No.878317

Sadly its set in stone and no its not on performance. It has something to do with work experience which makes sense. However the people I work with previously worked at bars/clubs I'm not sure how that equals to more teaching experience.

>> No.878322

>Sadly its set in stone and no its not on performance. It has something to do with work experience which makes sense. However the people I work with previously worked at bars/clubs I'm not sure how that equals to more teaching experience.

Sadly, it's set in stone, and no, it's not on performance. It has something to do with work experience, which makes sense. The people I work with worked at bars or clubs previously, so I'm not sure how that equates to more teaching experience.

Do you see the point I'm making, OP? If kids are learning from you, they're literally learning to write like 7th graders from Alabama.

>> No.878326 [DELETED] 
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you have no business critiqueing anyone's English

>> No.878343


And the comparison was meant to be literal, so the word was appropriate.

>> No.878411

pls explain further. I'm interested in doing a SETL there...

>> No.878455

I teach 2nd and 3rd graders I'm sure my Alabama style writing is enough.