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8773809 No.8773809 [Reply] [Original]

Would Ayn Rand wear a Bitcoin pin instead of dollar if she lived today?

>> No.8773827


She would actually support bitcoin cash in my estimation

>> No.8773839
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>> No.8773874

Don't know, don't give a shit. I know this much though.

If that bitch were alive today I'd kill her myself for being one of the primary reasons the economy is fucked.

Moving away from Keynesian economics was a mistake.

Everything is fucking price gouged and international monopolies rule the fucking world when we should be living in a near post-scarcity world where the work week is less than 10 hours and abject poverty doesn't or barely exists.

Instead we live in a globalist shithole where people have to sell themselves into indentured servitude for an education and wagecuck for 70+ hours a week to have the resources to have any semblance of a chance to get ahead in life. Sure you can live by working 30 hours a week, but there's not going to be any vertical momentum in your life like that.

>> No.8773954

As if any government policies are actually objectivist in nature.

>> No.8773984

Lol okay bernie bro sorry your free shit didnt pan out. If it wasnt for us printing money and relying so heavily on the fed the value of our dollar would actually be worth something.

>> No.8774087

people like you should drop from helicopters

>> No.8774131
File: 475 KB, 969x581, fear and loathing in tel aviv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yes, YES GOY

>> No.8774160

John Galt would turn in his grave

>> No.8774206

Shes should wear her mark of cain, the star of david.

>> No.8774249


>> No.8774414

Imagine being this illiterate.

>> No.8775123
File: 40 KB, 324x500, keynesian bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8775136

No, she would wear a ripple one

>> No.8775194

No, for the same reason she didn't pick an AU pin or something. She was very pro America and dollar as a whole, but against the direction and none gold backed dollar.

The dollar was viewed as worthless by the end of the book, but the symbol was important.

>> No.8775690

