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File: 34 KB, 543x338, unambitoius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8772366 No.8772366[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me in top US university
>asians get best grades, AND are also heads/presidents of tons of extracurriculars/clubs so not just study bots
>asians get best job placements out of college
>be world
>asians aren't CEOs of Fortune 500 companies
>asians haven't founded great companies
>asians aren't very rich
What happens? I see them so successful in uni but then I look at the real world and they don't hold any positions of power. Why? If you're going to cry institutional racism then go back to plebbit.

>> No.8772432

>6 years
>Only senior associate

Quit that job and now starting over. Bad idea? Probably

>> No.8772457

Asians do not have that genetic drive of self awareness which is essential if you want to lead. They are all soulless robots which is why China will never catch up to the U.S.

>> No.8772459

Asians are generally intelligent but bred to exist in a more rigid society in which ambition is less important than fulfilling one's role well. They have the ability to excel in a field but will often fail to attain the broad skillset needed for true innovation and leadership.

Although whites have somewhat lower IQs we are able to be proficient in many fields at once, allowing for far more new ideas and approaches to problems at the cost of the craftmanship Asians are capable of.

whites excel because we are generalists where other races specialize.

>> No.8772484

What about asians who have been raised in the US (American Born Chinese)? Shouldn't they have that American breeding necessary for greatness?

>> No.8772524

The culture of America rubs off on them to some extent but part of what makes them the way they are seems to be genetic as completely Americanized Asians will share these traits (albeit less expressed) with those in their homeland. I don't have any proof but based on my own experiences this is the most reasonable explanation.

>> No.8772526

Read up history. Caucasians survived under extreme conditions (ice age) which wiped out the dumb and uncreative ones. Chinese did not have an environment where natural selection can occur (they lived in rain forests and ocean filled fishes). You can see that with niggers aswell.

>> No.8772545

they have not been in the american market for long enough
give them time

also theyre uncreative

>> No.8772548

shut up, you dont know what you are talking about. Human intelligence is 70% genetics, 20% environment, 10% culture.

>> No.8772584

>reading comprehension

that's what I said retard

>> No.8772590
File: 4 KB, 305x165, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whities are the best manipulators and liars with huge egos so they need to attain certain positions to show off.

Native Americans said the same thing about Whities, they say one thing but do the other.

Look at the white culture, its based on advertising which is selling people lies and bs and their culture is so depressed because of it.

The rest of the world adopts this culture and has the same mental issues.

>> No.8772592


Hard to succeed in business if you don't have a gargantuan american penis to bring to the discussion table.

>> No.8772594
File: 12 KB, 310x485, FT_16.06.30_wageGaps_overallBar[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> asian aren't very rich

asian make more money than whites on average, it's just that the very rich whites and very poor asians (filipinos/SEA) skew the average net worth stats.

>> No.8772596

>70% percent genetic
If that were the case than modern day Africa would be like StarTrek by now through the sheer amount of time they have had to innovate and create. Africa is the breadbasket of the world, filled with gold, jewels, many species of animals and more. A small settlement of Dutch people managed to create a top 5 country in no time at all, with numerous achievements like the first heart transplant. In just a few days it was all torn down by packs of feral niggers who used the elevator shafts in the buildings of Johannesburg as toilets.

>> No.8772601

it's the bamboo ceiling, but unironically

>> No.8772635

that goes back to them being good at just one discipline and doing what they're told so they can get paid higher. they still don't have the ambition to come close to dominating the forbes billionaire ranking

>> No.8772652

then how come they do so well in school clubs and leadership positions there with nothing to show after that?

>> No.8772749
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it's called diversity and it is the enemy of progress. also book smart != street smart, and although you said they run clubs, those clubs are probably like chinese student association.

>> No.8772788

Yes (((White People))) are the 1% that lie and steal along with having huge egos are being very loyal to the tribe, race I meant race not tribe there are no borders. Import migrants! Brown europe! No Immigrants for Israel keep it pure!

>> No.8772828

maybe they don't want to hold positions of power because they just want to live secure lives?

thats why lots of asians parents push for doctor, because you'll always earn a stable amount

just different cultures

>> No.8772840

Too rule-based. They are very good at doing things, but they need someone telling them what to do.

>> No.8772841

This is strictly with Asian males (FOB, 1ST gen, 2ND gen, happa) in North America speaking from first hand experience. Asian may be on average more successful or richer then other races, but there isn't any that are exceptional overachievers or absolute retarded brainlets Asians retards. Almost all Asian in America have some typical stereotypical parents so they all really fit into the same mold.

1. Strict Asian Mom and Dad

2.Super rich Chinese

3.FOB conservative that are extremely hard working

4. Ex-pat working white dad with younger asian mom

>> No.8772849
File: 134 KB, 959x960, DD70CC5A-6298-4BA0-BD0D-AB9C0BFC6BF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asiafag here (singapore). Asians are the way they are because due to strict family upbringing (we frown on degenerate western values such as promiscuity) also we have a tendency to work together towards a common good. When you’re trying to achieve something you wouldn’t want to stick out like a sore thumb, that shit is frowned upon so you do your best and let someone else do the “leading”. I have my gripes with the way asian society is like but does it really matter if you reach the Forbes top 500 or not? We (everyone) don’t need (((billions))) what you really want in today’s clown world is just a comfy upper middle class lifestyle in a relatively safe neighbourhood and the fact that Asians in the US have more or less achieved that = goal accomplished. You chase money and success all your life at some point you just want to be with your family by the fireplace on a snowy Saturday morning.

>> No.8772860
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> Here’s a blanket Statement that applies to everyone

> How do I know this? I did extensive research and know what people will do 100% of the time

>> No.8772866

Chinese immigrants are fairly recent additions. Give it 20-30 more years for them to work up and you'll see a lot more asian CEOs.

>> No.8772872

this, as an american born chinese we're taught job security is important and all we should aim for in life is to graduate college and get a masters in order to get a stable well paying job

>> No.8772876

>asians havent founded great companies
do you mean in (((america))) and (((europe)))? its becuae they arent pretend kikes

>> No.8772880

I would dispute your conclusion that Asians aren't very rich. If you go to the richest neighborhoods in the USA, you'll find there are mostly Jews and Asians living there.

>they don't hold any positions of power

Those are reserved for jews.

>> No.8772918

only reason they do well in china is because their government bans everyone else

>> No.8772919

come mid-century China and Chinese will dominate the world

Americans and their kids are fucked. Look at the American kids, they couldn't care less about studying, working and saving.

>> No.8772922
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OP is fucking retarded

>> No.8772926

Because the value mastery and harmony over mercy and exceptionalism. Seriously, if you want to understand them, look into Mastery (do something long time to be rewarded), Harmony (don't disturb the peace and status quo so things go nice and slow for mastery). Bonus points if you can come to understand Face the same way they do and what that the loss of it means in a culture with no concept of Mercy.

Now think about what happens when you have Mercy and a drive toward Exceptionalism. You keep trying and people forgive you when you fuck up. This without respect for Harmony and you got us.

It's not that hard and you best remember it when you consider global business systems.

>> No.8772935

1) are too afraid to compete and harm people
2) don't want to stand out
3) avoid breaking rules

The reality is that if you want to be a CEO in a highly competitive capitalist society you have to break some rules, stand out, and harm some people. That's the sad reality. Capitalism encourages competition and rewards competitive individuals.

>> No.8772939

fuck, took the words out of my mouth

>> No.8772940

>asia is only china
top kek

>> No.8772965
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So this boils down to how you perceive/want the future to be like. Hypercapitalist banker profits-at-all-costs or something more socialistic (inb4 commie), more compassionate, high iq civil society (japan)

>> No.8772967

>USA will always be better than China. We are a superior race!
Fuck you guys are going to get a rude wake up call in a few years.

They aren't in the fortune 500 because they couldn't give a shit about the fortune 500. They are starting and leading the next generation of companies to come through. They are the leaders in renewables, AI, supercomputers, manufacturing, the list goes on. The west is in for a rude wake up call in the next few years...

>> No.8772969

yeah lets correct that East Asia is the only relevant asians

>> No.8772976

I agree with not wanting to stand out

But the Chinese will generally break rules or laws if it benefits them financially. Most lower income Chinese try everything in there power to avoid taxes.

>> No.8773001
File: 225 KB, 770x1027, 53D6611C-817D-435F-8FC9-0D5967BF57E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chinese were fucked by the cultural
Revolution to become soulless atheistic people wanting only to profit at every turn. Chinese culture in the early to late 19th century was extremely principled noble (huge emphasis on filial piety and good deeds) look up Confucianism

>> No.8773028

Japan is nice for many reasons, but let’s ot pretend it doesn’t have any problems. The idea that you have to work such long hours in office jobs, are expected to remain with a company for most of your adult life or be frowned upon, etc. that all contributes to the high suicide rates shared by other similarly styled countries like South Korea. The fact that herbivore men who don’t want to bother with settling down and being put in this sort of stressful life until they get old and die exist proves that while the country may be clean, orderly and relatively crime free it is not exactly the paradise every weeb makes it out to be.

>> No.8773046

We Asian businessmen are in awe of your large penis.

Our Asian penis so small.

You American businessman have such humongous bulbous penis.

This why we don't succeed.

>> No.8773057
File: 67 KB, 960x901, 4887388B-9FF2-4FAB-9A94-392B00DAA9D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true, but is the West any better? Western Europe is fucked, Amerikwa is fucked. Where do you wanna go?

>> No.8773066

>they couldn't give a shit about the fortune 500


>rude wake up call


>> No.8773072

We cannot achieve much with so small penis.

But you, Americans, wow penis so big.

So big penis.

>> No.8773078

Amerigan benis is 0.5 inches below the global average. My benis is 20 inches in ur mum.

>> No.8773086

If you make it, you can move to Switzerland or Liechtenstein.

>> No.8773127
File: 347 KB, 1600x900, B4ED7D5D-5EB1-43D0-88C1-2E9EF3836328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I agree the west in general is far worse, as the other anon said Switzerland is very nice and I have heard many good things about Singapore (whose population is mostly asian with the occasional white thrown in). Personally I don’t myself leaving the country anytime soon though I may move up to Maine in the next couple of years to get away from all of the trash in southern Florida.

>> No.8773133

read >>8772526 and kill yourself

>> No.8773151
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Scratch scratch

>> No.8773175
File: 148 KB, 888x1024, 8E1B24A7-6A44-43AB-A3DD-6008AC0F3206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes singapore is comparable to Tokyo in terms of safety and cleanliness. Might try to apply for permanent residency in future but I heard they’re pretty strict. If you’re black you can probably forget about trying

>> No.8773179

I’m not arguing against natural selection, I’m just saying that genetics play much more of a role than just 70%. American blacks have on average 25% European dna, live in one of the most prosperous civilizations to ever exist and still have nothing to show for it by and large.

>> No.8773208

You forgot
4. Avoid any risks

>> No.8773223

>asians aren't very rich
>asians haven't founded great companies
>asians arent in postitions of power

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Oh boy youre in for a surprise.

Asians (Communist Chinese) are literally controlling major Hollywood studios, They are investing billions in tech and have more control in the major tech firms than you think.
They are also in the process of buying multi national conglomerates in the US. Chinese are richer and richer everyday. Chinese billionaires have major footholds in US Govt. Chinas economy and GDP is becoming the strongest performing in the world. Apple just recently announced they are moving their cloud keys to China. This is literally from mainstream news articles. Chinese influence in the west is growing larger and larger.
Im not making this up , Just fucking research it and see for yourself

10 years ago people used to joke about it but now its becoming a scary reality
Chinks are taking over the world.

>> No.8773275

Here, you dropped your tinfoil hat

Plus they’ll never beat the Americans jews

>> No.8773529

>Civil society

Japan is literally the most loveless country in the world, their society doesn´t give a fuck about *anyone*

Atleast in America you can gain value by making a profit and serve as a lapdog to the corporate business. In Japan you´re nothing, no matter who you are.

>> No.8773561

i love japanese people! they're so humble, and even kill themselves if they bring dishonor to their family

>> No.8773609
File: 143 KB, 685x863, E3736C2D-D6AB-448C-B084-DFACDC540958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least in America
At least in America I can be a corporate goy earning peanut shekels working for rootless transnationalist megacorps so I can raise my mutt family in an environment completely devoid of tradition and culture. Oh btw my daughter is bringing her bf home for dinner with us today... heard his name is Tyrone. So excited!

>> No.8774020

actually its just 25% genetic faggot

>> No.8774453

Is there some book where I can read about this?

>> No.8774471

Notice how so many anime are about being comfy? Asians would rather be comfy than ambitious.

>> No.8774474
File: 9 KB, 220x229, 1522856024957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Insecure white bois. China is taking over. Learn to speak Chinese now and you'll be ahead of the other cucks.

>> No.8774481

hint: they run asian companies

>> No.8774498

(((china))) doesn't even real

>> No.8774575
File: 187 KB, 600x900, 25A992BA-A9C0-43DC-BD8D-B28828FFB896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn’t understand that decently comfy>Jewed any day

Never gonna make it

>> No.8774634

Unless you started the company it's hard to be picked as CEO. If they are going to pick someone to lead a company it's a competent white or a good looking tall white Chad. An established company like eBay and YouTube just need women affirmative action hires that show they are progressive. Nobody wants to hire Asian men. Asian women are not competitive and don't want the job anyway..

>> No.8774679

In western society Asians are viewed as a threat.

>> No.8774697

Silicon valley people tend to target start ups and enterprises that head guy fits the Zuckerberg getup as well.

>> No.8774715

>still have nothing to show for it by and large.

Massive impact on culture.
Civil rights movement.
Decent contributions in other stuff.

>> No.8774918
File: 35 KB, 2000x1333, Flag_of_China.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boyos whats up with all the asian hate since your fucking orange cuck president started this war
US isn't gonna win shit and China will rape the US economy (at the cost of its own citizens)

>> No.8774955


>> No.8774957

They go back to China and become CEOs.

>> No.8774974

Asian hate > asian love
There's too much asian love in crypto cuz people have deluded themselves into thinking that some churned out Chinese project partnered with the Chinese government is a good thing.

>> No.8775007

This is simple to answer. It’s a systemic issue of asian people, specifically women, being little fuckhole slaves for White Daddy just like every other race. Even nigger cunts but nobody really wants to bleach them with superior White Chad Seed.

>> No.8775046

White boi you scared?

>> No.8775069

Are you fucking retarded OP? How many fucking Asian CEOs do you see in Asia? No shit it is institutional racism. There's a glass ceiling Asians hit as they climb up. Just look at the board of directors. Old white fat fucks that will not vote in an Asian CEO.

>> No.8775153

Start in the plebbit thread I'm going to link. Some books are referenced there, inline with the points they are supporting. You'll get suggestions like 'The Book of Five Rings' by Miyamoto Musashi being something that used to be the bible for Japanese business men and is still relevant in shaping it if it isn't followed directly. There's different cultural heroes cited. Some sources for the West to contrast and lots of discussion between expats in China.

Once you know the cultural norms, accept that there is always a % of people that reject or exploit them. It can help to know what they've rejected and what they've never had to consider when you are profiling them.


>> No.8775156


It's all about Asians focus on education and learning by memorising just what is needed for examination. No one learns how to do anything outside of normal process and thus are not dynamic enough for leadership roles

>> No.8775167

Thank you, I'll look into it

>> No.8775187


We are talking about Western Asians here. They are taught critical thinking at universities not this memorisation bullshit.

>> No.8775236


>> No.8775265

The real world is different than school-I work with Chinese engineers and a few are bros but most are pretty dumb. The women engineers are above average though (for women).

>> No.8775277
File: 113 KB, 639x771, D6DF779E-0451-4BF3-BD4C-B00FA1836C1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like how white girls want their pussies bred by nigger cock? (Btw we only give the low tier brown skinned pinoy/indo types to beta white foreigners who probably don’t have the guts to approach a white girl irl)
Anyway back to my point look at the sheer number of girls in the ‘kwa who end up coalburning/mudsharking. Go to pol for black male white woman interracial stats if you don’t believe me. Also have you ever watched stuff on Blacked Raw? I know it’s porn but you can tell from the way their eyes literally roll back and their blonde heads shudder in ecstasy that it’s real. Don’t throw stones when u live in a glass house whiteboi, your women are literal WHORES lmao pic related a mudshark

>> No.8775293

Like your pyramid shows, it takes a lot of years to get to CEO position. East Asians haven't really lived in the US for that long so it will take some time before you'll see the effects.

>> No.8775296

>t. fragile asian masculinity

>> No.8775302

Yet CEO of Microsoft and Google/Alphabet are asians

>> No.8775311

Nigger mentality. In reality companies want to make money, so the most competent gets the job, not the white man (necessarily it just pans out that white men make up a clear majority of competent people in the US - it's called demographics - look it up).

>> No.8775344


You need to go back

>> No.8775430
File: 38 KB, 620x445, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me in top US university
>asians haven't founded great companies
typical amerilard
damn you educational standards getting lower and lower

>> No.8775503

op clearly means chinese/koreans/japs, nadella is an indian
as a long time microsoft dev, he's the best CEO in operation of all tech companies currently, and ORDERS of magnitude better than ballmer was

>> No.8775554
File: 155 KB, 1125x742, F398FB77-16F8-40B2-B1F9-F56A3C0D9AA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look buddy I’m sorry man. If you’re too shy to approach blondes like I did (pic related) then head over to Vietnam/Cambodia where there are tons of villager girls out there who’d jump on you for that green card. Humble yourself there’s something to be learned from everyone, yes even niggers (they’re probably more daring than you are)

>> No.8775702

From a computer science perspective:

Americans: Americans love seeking prestige. They want the end result more than the details. They want to work at big tech companies or start they own next big thing. They're very good at pitching a product or an idea. Americans have the highest amount of tech startups.

Russians/Asians: They just love to solve interesting problems. They want the details more than the end result. China and Russia trump U.S. for the best developers in the world. They would rather choose to work to an small time company with a lot of fascinating problems than working at big tech companies that bore them.

>> No.8775767

>Have all your tech stolen by Chinese temp workers
>They recreate it for cheap and sell it back to us
>We give them fake Monopoly money that'll be worthless in a few years in return
Can't wait, Jack

>> No.8775826

There was a good radio show about this on the BBC World service ages ago. Basically they were comparing how well Asians do at tests compared to other ethnics. They came to the conclusion that even though they perform better at tests they lack the creative aspect that many other schooling systems around the world. This was backed up by the fact that a majority of patents come out of the US and hardly any out of China. They lack the creative process to formulate answers for complex problems if it isn't in a similar format to a basic test.

>> No.8775842

Right the majority of patents come out of China alone, followed by ROK/Japan.
Hence, Innovation is actually dependent on the level of development for a country, not some bullshit some racist came up with

>> No.8775862

Are you for real or does the art of trolling has reached unprecedented levels ?

>> No.8776194

They don't have to be, they woll just grind US away

>> No.8776218

Power isn't everything anon, you can be successful doing what you love best

>> No.8776235


>> No.8776287
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Pic one

>> No.8776300

They're smart and hard working but lack the creativity of the White man.

>> No.8776359

>jews are less than 20% of US population
>braaaaawwww why are the kikes always the controling us
>Asians are less than 10% of US population
>braaaawwww why are the chinks so useless

Jesus you white boys are so whiny

>> No.8776454
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>> No.8776570

I’ve never seen a larger group of sniveling little beta bitches than the /pol/tards. The literal poster boys for every time anyone has ever made fun of some nerd for living in their moms basement being angry at the world and smashing a plate of tendies out of their loving mother’s hands. “Moooooooooooom, there’s diarrhea in my diapey because of the blacks/Asians/Jews/Hispanics/anyone who isn’t me, come clean it moooom”. How do we eliminate these useless degenerates? Worse than boomers.

>> No.8776623

>>Have all your tech stolen by Chinese temp workers
>>They recreate it for cheap and sell it back to us
>>We give them fake Monopoly money that'll be worthless in a few years in return

You forgot, buy shitloads of precious metals and cryptos with said fake monopoly money

>> No.8776657

>asians aren't CEOs of Fortune 500 companies
Most CEOs tend to be in their 40s or 50s. There weren't as many asians graduating from top universities 20-30 years ago as there are now. Especially in fields such as business.

>asians haven't founded great companies
There are tons of $1B+ startups founded by Asians in the US. If you look outside of the US, then it's even more apparent.

>asians aren't very rich
Asia has more billionaires than the US.
Despite being a minority, Asian Americans in the US have a higher median and average salary than White Americans do.

>> No.8776671

This is true, when China was the wealthiest nation along with India from the 1800's all the way back to the year 0 and probably before, they were the most innovative country on Earth.

From the 1800's till the early 2000's it has been Britain / USA.

>> No.8776674

Hi Jacob, don't forget to close the oven door behind you

>> No.8776676


Low IQ to be honest.

Asians just test well because they are groomed from the womb to perform tests well.

In reality, most of them are average to below average IQ and problem solving skills, and zero charisma and social skills.

That's why Whites have led the world in science since ancient times.

>> No.8776695
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>> No.8776699

some truth. however i think mercy and face are very similar concepts, being based around "relaxing the rules" between giver and receiver.
the western concept of forgiveness is more advanced philosophically. even as an asian i will say this. face is far more superficial in practice and theory. its definitely one of the reasons asians seem dishonest to westerners and vice versa.

>> No.8776740

When pentagon ran a simulation if world war kicked off immediately back in 2012
In the simulation CHINA won by not even pressing a trigger. THEY HAVE THE LARGEST STANDING ARMY AND DID NOT EVEN USE A BULLET TO WIN THE WAR.
Amerifats are doomed. The whole continent will probably be nuked and burnt to ashes by Russia and China in next 30 years screen cap

Literally dumbest nation on earth, fat bastards

>> No.8776768

Incorrect, whities are just robots too, KIKES run the world and that's a fact.

Whities are just servants to the kikes

>> No.8776773

>these are the guys you take advice from
Top kek.

>> No.8776792

>Thinks Forbes Billionaire ranking is a true show of wealth. Real money aren't even on that list, the trillionaires that walk this earth aren't even on that list you stupid Hyper brainlet

>> No.8776953

They don’t have the ability to spot who is trustworthy and who isn’t.
That’s why they fomo into shitcoins.

>> No.8776988

>Asians aren't very rich

Asians surpassed white household income in America over a decade ago.

>> No.8777028

>whites are better than asians bicuz ceos and sheet we are superior master race

>help! jews run all the business and oppress me! but they are inferior rats!

>> No.8777032

>Africa isn't the the harshest inhabited continent on the planet
>blacks didn't go through centuries of natural selection giving them higher than average physical stats such as bone density, muscle tone, etc.

What history are you reading?

>> No.8777066

Nice fiction. Stormer history book is not a credible source.

>> No.8777114

ITT: basementfags discussing armchair science solely based on stereotypes.

>asians haven't founded great companies
you're shitting me right? how about Samsung, Sony, Alibaba, Huawei...? Everything you own is made in china because your country is too lazy to lift your fat rolls to make your own shit.

>asians aren't very rich
again with the basement logic. you have never been to rich parts of asia so idk where you got that shit from.

asians don't normally get to be in high positions like CEO in the US because of racism, whitefags can never see themselves being cucked by a chink.

>> No.8777132

How do i use this info faggots? Am i supposed to buy neo or eth?

>> No.8777142

Your forgetting the part that Africa has 3 zillions species of animals and has a temperature above absolute 0?

>> No.8777189

Dropouts are the movers and shakers of the world when they get their shit together. If you spend 30 yrs in medicine you're just gonna stay in medicine, you're not going to transition to running a business from scratch.

The skills needed to succeed in well defined career trajectories vs undefined are very different, not many take the unventured path when they can succeed traditionally.

>> No.8777196

>asians don't normally get to be in high positions like CEO in the US because of racism


lot of indians have managed to be CEOs of american companies like Microsoft, Google, Adobe, Mastercard, Pepsi

east asians are just cucks

>> No.8777260

Let them enjoy their last moment, bruh..

Like it or not, China will be the next superpower and Asia will dominate the world in the next decade (or sooner, thanks to Trump).

>> No.8777330

Glass ceilings exist.

Whenever you see an Asian most westerners automatically assume they are immigrants. You can't have a foreigner at the top. Even blacks have a better chance at leadership in the corporate ladder than Asians.

It is what it is. Whites see Asians as foreigners and doesn't like it when they do better than them in a white country. Blacks treat Asians as whites but might give Asians a slightly better opportunity to go up. But blacks are usually big on nepotism so eventually the majority of the company will be minorities driving out whites entirely.

All those posts about biological markup are bullshit. It all comes down to the color of your skin.

>> No.8777348
File: 48 KB, 800x729, 8nRqoXW.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asians don't normally get to be in high positions like CEO in the US because of racism

I'm not white and you sound like a moronic nigger

>> No.8777417


>> No.8777459

This entire thread is /pol/


>> No.8777558

Hope none of you deny you are racist.
Why is such balatant racism ok against asians? I believe that deep down, the white man fears the Chinaman.

Blacks and other minorities are not a threat to white hegemony so they can be tokens but Asians have proven to be the only race capable of competing with whites.

>> No.8777587

What a pathetic little man.
The only type of person who would unironically write this is a weak newt of a man. I'd love to chin you

>> No.8777606

Whites legit won't exist in 40~50 years.

>> No.8777607

I can't wait for the day when billion dollar companies get run into the ground purely because of diversity quotas and the hiring of incompetence

>> No.8777638

lots of late adopters from /pol/ came over this year. It's only the most pathetic people that go online to take credit for their race's accomplishments. Kind of funny that they're all doing something their heroes would never do.

>> No.8777647

Are we counting Indians as part of Asians here? I feel like we somehow see a disproportionate number of Indian CEOS and founders in the US relative to both Asians and whites

>> No.8777648

Yes diversity quotas are bad for the company and the individual who is given opportunities through it.
However why do you think Asians are given any sort of privilege? In the eyes of the establishment Asians are not minorities nor do they enjoy the perks of being one.
Asians work hard and go into being doctors and other professional degrees because in the corporate landscape they are the worst off.
Aliens without sympathy from the bleeding heart of the liberals.

>> No.8777654

You're either confusing Whites with Jews, or you're a fucking kike yourself.

>> No.8777683
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Whities want Asian women, especially whities posting on 4chan who aren't Chads and failed normies.

They see Asian men as competition to that goal so they try to degrade them whenever they can. Visit /r/hapas for more examples.

Also believe the media plays a large part in shaping belief systems about ourselves, whites in most Hollywood movies are portrayed as the heroes. Asians die off early, blacks as side kicks.

>> No.8777694

i think op was referring to SEA

>> No.8777709

I'm talking about women and blacks. It has already started

>> No.8777736

>avoid any risks
Investing in Bitcoin/cryptos breaks all four "rules" you fucking retard