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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8768809 No.8768809 [Reply] [Original]

Burgers having to sell BTC and ETH to cover capital gains tax. Most of these sell orders should be finished by April 17th. No hope for Bulls till then.

>> No.8768870

Makes you wonder why they couldn't have already finished them. Or better yet finished them last year when they sold... which is what smart people would do.

Don't count on a magical bullrun after tax filing day.

>> No.8768916

Honestly yeah.
And I was one of those that had to sell yesterday.

>> No.8768962


Paying taxes like a good goy faggot.

Always remember that the jews use your tax sheckles to reward Tyrone Jamal and Achmed to act like literal niggers.

How does it feel white man how does it fucking feel.

>> No.8768988

Yeah, and they'll give you a fine for 2x your taxes

>> No.8769020


Taxes are an illusion I ain't paying shit they can give me all the fine they want. I'll go to prison before I give these kike bastards 1 cent.

>> No.8769123

Okay, you WILL go to prison.
And they also have the ability to freeze your bank account. So good luck trying to survive

>> No.8769160

I almost held on when we got to 8500 thinking we were out of the bearstorm and I could sell at 10k in early April. Glad I thought twice and cashed out what I needed then. I'm guessing the majority of burgers have not cashed out yet for the same reason, they're desperately waiting for the price to go up a little more first but as the deadline approaches more and more people are biting the bullet, cashing out and driving the price down for the rest.

>> No.8769566

>how does it fucking feel.
not very good
feels bad

>> No.8769604

Nobody is paying dumbo.
>They probably gambled it away by now.

>The entire financial system is a fucking scam.

>Government guidelines were shit

>Nobody professional is in crypto. Its all gambling.

>> No.8769650

Doesn't the IRS audit less than 1% of the US population? And apparently due to funding cuts they can't audit as much as they have in the past

I don't think they're going to go after people who spend less than $5,000 - 10,000 on crypto but who knows.

>> No.8769738

>buy low in cash
>sell high in cash
>spend said cash on basic necessities like groceries until run out
like you have to be a dumbass to actually deposit anything lmao

>> No.8769941
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Are you telling me the market is controlled by mostly idiots? I would believe you, but it doesn't make me feel comfy inside.

>> No.8770020

we make more money off of jails, fines and paperwork than anything else. on top of that they probably have help from agencies more well equipped to deal with crypto because the possibility of them catching drug dealers, pedophiles, and terrorists.

>> No.8770049

>because the possibility of them catching drug dealers, pedophiles, and terrorists.


>> No.8770061

Burgers are taxed on every trade, so they should hodl if anything.
Also inverse bart simpson and chinks waking up. This is why crypto turned into such a shitshow.