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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 150 KB, 1400x796, vechainbmw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8759978 No.8759978 [Reply] [Original]

Whats ur opinion on Vechain biz? Can't tell if scam or not

>> No.8760002

Is it Chinese? Yes it’s a scam
No -> is it a supply chain token?

Yes supply chain tokens are a meme

>> No.8760022

>any crypto having a partnership with a billion-dollar mainstream company before one of the top 5
yeah no, its bullshit

>> No.8760033

Eh, I guess they're legit, but their marketing is a scam.

It's a cool project, but it won't make you rich.

>> No.8760063


Pick one

>> No.8760092

I've come around to thinking it's a scam.

>> No.8760113

The biggest scam in history orchestrated by Jim Breyer and the Chinese government.

>> No.8760150

Watch the interview. Do your own research.

Not a scam. Will get you rich if you hold long for enough. Most people FUD it on this board because they're bored, want to accumulate, or haven't done their research. There's just not much to say since it's one of the most obviously safe bets in crypto.

Here are some links from partners websites about VeChain:

PwC, the largest professional services firm in the world (annual revenue $37.7 Billion), posted on their website:

DNV GL, the world’s largest classification society (annual revenue $3 billion), posted on their website:


Jim Breyer, net worth $2.4 billion, ranked by Forbes as the #1 top tech investor in the world, posted on his blog:

Some people say the BMW partnership is fake. They're lying.

BMW's Twitter:

They'll say that startup garage is not a real partnership and that VeChain is misleading people by calling it one. Those people are full of shit. BMW calls it a partnership.
>Participation into our program is a startup’s first step to succeed in the global, multi trillion dollar automotive industry. It consist of a no-strings-attached partnership to integrate and validate a startup’s product, service or technology in BMW Group vehicles as well as to network entrepreneurs with top automotive engineers and managers.
>no-strings-attached partnership

There's more but I've given your lazy ass enough.

>> No.8760487

>Not a scam
Then why did they mislead people with the BMW thing?

>> No.8760521

>Then why did they mislead people with the BMW thing?

They didn't.

>> No.8760575
File: 589 KB, 1364x860, bmw startup garage vechain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they did.

They signed up for a program that anyone can sign up for, and use BMW data that is available to any third party.

>> No.8760607

They said they're working with bmw. They do. It's just retarded bulls thinking it meant literally annexing bmw or some other hyped up idiocy.

>> No.8760644

They did more than "say" they were working with BMW.
They announced that they had a partnership, with a great deal of fanfare. See OP's pic.

This is very misleading when literally anyone can sign up for this program using the public website.

>> No.8760645

I put that at the end of my fucking lost post and you can't even be bothered to read it. I'm going to literally copy and paste it again for you brainless.

>Participation into our program is a startup’s first step to succeed in the global, multi trillion dollar automotive industry. It consist of a no-strings-attached partnership to integrate and validate a startup’s product, service or technology in BMW Group vehicles as well as to network entrepreneurs with top automotive engineers and managers.
>no-strings-attached partnership

Also, saying "They signed up for a program that anyone can sign up for" is about as meaningful as saying that anyone can apply for a job at Google. No fucking shit anyone can apply for it, that doesn't mean you get it.

> less than 5% of all potential startups will make it past a screening process.

>> No.8760684

Nope. That was intentional, partnership with BMW was just shitty trick to pump the price. Just look at OP pic... They created the rumor and then confirmed it to create the hype.

>> No.8760687

>I put that at the end of my fucking lost post and you can't even be bothered to read it.
Oh I read it. I'm just ignoring your delusions/lies.

> No fucking shit anyone can apply for it, that doesn't mean you get it.
This is exactly the point.
Vechain got beyond an initial screening, but other than that they're nowhere yet. Even Sunny went on twitter to ask people not to bother BMW about their "partnership" with Vechain "until the final announcement" (even though Vechain just made a big deal about announcing the """partnership""", see OP's pic)

>> No.8760691

Misleading, sure. But it's not false. It's a partnership program, even if any company can join it.

>> No.8760701


Chink scam. will admit their marketing is good, and its why a lot of neets have been cucked so hard by them.

The X node thing is the worst most scamish thing ever. Imagine trying to force all these "investors" into locking up thusands of bucks for a long time and punishing them for selling by losing X node status. Props up the price while the team just dump their loads.

These saps will be so depressed when they watch the market crash and they are cucked into holding, or even worse, then market BOOMs and their Vechain is stagnant as fuck or slowly growing.

funniest shit is how the kind of idiot that falls for these chink scams doesn't have a brain. they could have made like 8 6k X node wallets, and had freedom to sell and chase moon missions without being cucked into holding everything. but these retards actually locked up 56K for a thunder x node lmao. They could have sold 90% in a bad event or traded with while keeping X but no, the idiots that fall for chink scams just aren't smart i guess.

>> No.8760710
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>> No.8760712
File: 154 KB, 1894x1366, Schermata 2018-04-05 alle 15.25.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Chain Link is partnered with BMW

>> No.8760726

>Misleading, sure. But it's not false
"Misleading" is the word I used.

>It's a partnership program, even if any company can join it.
Making a big deal out of this publicly available "partnership program" using tactics like in OP's pic is borderline (if not full-on) scammy.

>> No.8760743

Do you have a low opinion of BMW's Startup Garage program in general? Setting aside VeChain, you don't think it's a good program?

>> No.8760763

Not really. Why would you think that?

>> No.8760765

I'm baiting you by the way, I know you know fuck-all about any of this.

>> No.8760771

Jim Breyer, Tim Draper both invested in Vechain.

Says enough. Billionaires.

>> No.8760790

I know a scam when I see one.
And even if Vechain isn't an outright scam at its core, their tactics are scammy af.

>> No.8760792

> Our objective is to find market leaders in strategically relevant technologies and to quickly and easily build partnerships in order to increase the speed at which improved products hit the market. I also find the term ‘startup’ a bit confusing — for us, it is ultimately about working with market leaders.

And you think that them identifying VeChain as one of those market leaders is somehow a BAD thing? That VeChain has no reason to be proud of that during a celebration of how far they've come as a startup in the past two years?

>> No.8760808

>And you think that them identifying VeChain as one of those market leaders is somehow a BAD thing?
Getting through an initial screening =/= getting recognized as "market leaders".

And the "bad thing" here is Vechain hyping up their participation in a public program available to anyone with an email address.

>> No.8760819

No, you're fucking wrong. The screening process is identifying market leaders. READ.
>The process works as follows: the first step is to let startups know about BMW. We need to communicate our added value and objectives on a global scale. A large number of startups have started sending us applications, with 90% coming from outside Germany.
>The next step is to choose the best applicants, meaning market leaders who offer something that we at BMW and our current suppliers do not have yet. Startups that work with us have to be better than say Intel, SAP, Qualcomm, or whoever might work in that specific field.

>> No.8760861

What happens after the screening process that VeChain has passed:
>We then look for an actual project together — not a demo project — which allows the startup to test their innovation in direct cooperation with the department (as their client, not as their mentor). The project lasts for a maximum of four months and the startup is paid, of course. BMW becomes the startup’s client, so the startup receives a supplier number and purchase order just like any other supplier.
>After the first order has been completed successfully, the startup receives follow-up orders. The BMW Startup Garage does not buy shares, but instead the technology, even if it is still in its prototype stage. As already mentioned, the product is validated in an initial project within our ecosystem — be it in a car, factory or service. The goal is to get to know each other so well within those four months that we are able to establish a long-term partnership and the corresponding follow-up orders.

>> No.8760865


By all accounts they're not at that stage.
BMW themselves said Vechain is only using data available to ALL third parties at this point.

>> No.8760902
File: 175 KB, 1462x768, bmw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They said VeChain's a venture client. What the hell is wrong with your brain?

>> No.8760919

That tweet is talking about the intention behind the program in general.
My god, man.

>> No.8760921

The reason for the confusion was that it was BMW USA that was handling the PR for some reason, I don't know why people were asking them, since Startup Garage is based in Germany.

>> No.8760948

Can literally spot a waltie from a mile away lol.
fuck off you salty-waltie

>> No.8760959

You have to be special (as in Vergine type of special) to believe fucking BMW wants to have partnership with fucking chink ERC20 supply chain token provider. Its like...do you fucking retards realize this thing was inside trading for its entire ATH period? CCK kid? Tobbaco...BMW...partnerships. Inside. Trading.

You think BMW needs fucking 3rd party chink scammers to provide them with supply chain solution? On fucking ETH platform? With CEO that is propping its price up on fcking telegraph group? Holy kek level of retardness is through the roof.

>> No.8760979

The startup garage thing is international. 90% of applicants are from outside of Germany.
And they indicated what data Vechain was using in that notorious first tweet, so the 'confusion' was not that they didn't know what the nature of Vechain's relationship with BMW was.

>> No.8760996
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>> No.8760997

Do you disagree with any of this?:
1. For the startup garage program, BMW chooses the best applicants, market leaders who offer something that BMW doesn't have yet.
2. VeChain was chosen to participate in the startup garage program.
3. Therefore BMW considers VeChain a market leader that offers something BMW doesn't have yet.

>> No.8761003

Not to mention the fact that the startup garage sign-up button was on the international website; see >>8760575

>> No.8761016

I know, what I'm saying is that whoever handles BMW USA's Twitter probably isn't intimately familiar with all of Startup Garage's international clients, hence the contradictory tweets.

>> No.8761020

>1. For the startup garage program, BMW chooses the best applicants, market leaders who offer something that BMW doesn't have yet.
Eventually. By all accounts they're not at that stage yet.

>2. VeChain was chosen to participate in the startup garage program.
Vechain chose to participate. Just like anyone can choose to do this by clicking on the button "partner with us" featured on the public website.

>> No.8761027

either you're fudding on purpose or you're super fucking dumb

it's moving to it's own mainnet in june so stfu with the erc20 shit

>> No.8761030

Aren’t you talking about shopped tweet? Where CarVertical replaced with Vechain?

>> No.8761053

When BMW wrote that VeChain is "participating in the BMW startup garage program", you're reading that as saying that they only applied for it but haven't yet been accepted?

>> No.8761055


>> No.8761072

why does this thread happen every fucking day. the same 5 niggers 'debating' the same 5 retarded things

>> No.8761082

Of course.
Even Sunny asked people not to bother BMW "until the final announcement".

As if they didn't intend to pass off the shitshow in OP's pic for a "final announcement" to pump the price up.

>> No.8761085
File: 20 KB, 375x375, photo_2018-03-20_02-55-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are reversing a new company into an old shell company making up the business plan as they go. Same thing BitOcean is doing. Between the accounting, auditing books and licensing, about $100k if you have a clean shell waiting. Now instead of looking like a brand new start up with nothing you look like professionals who have been grinding away over the past 4 years. It's all an illusion.

>> No.8761106

I don't really know what to say except you're really fucking stupid and you're probably not a native English speaker. Participation means active engagement, not application. If I'm participating in a sports team, I'm not waiting to apply for one.

>> No.8761123

Holy shit DNV GL have been SCAMMED, somebody better tell them QUICK before they start implementing more Vechain solutions!!
Thank god for these anons on 4chan.org/biz/, otherwise these guys would be in a pretty sticky situation, heh

>> No.8761133
File: 435 KB, 668x702, 1506082017131-g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember VEN $100 EOY or even $1000 EOY? Kek, this dhit will not even reach double digits by EOY.

>> No.8761161


>> No.8761169


And then you realise some of the arguments are old pasta. Could be just one bored guy arguing himself, really.

>> No.8761171

Holy shit D.I.G have been SCAMMED, somebody better tell them QUICK before they start implementing more Vechain solutions!!
Thank god for these anons on 4chan.org/biz/, otherwise these guys would be in a pretty sticky situation, heh

>> No.8761184
File: 189 KB, 1452x686, vechain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you have to say about this you dumb little shit

>> No.8761192

Holy shit Gui'an New Area have been SCAMMED, somebody better tell them QUICK before they start implementing more Vechain solutions!!
Thank god for these anons on 4chan.org/biz/, otherwise these guys would be in a pretty sticky situation, heh

>> No.8761202

Invest in dogecoin while you can

>> No.8761207

Yep, I just linked that tweet. >>8761161

>> No.8761206

Holy shit Jim Breyer has been SCAMMED, somebody better tell him QUICK before he starts buying more VEN!!
Thank god for these anons on 4chan.org/biz/, otherwise these guys would be in a pretty sticky situation, heh

>> No.8761224

You are in a state of deep delusion.
Literally anyone can sign up for the startup garage thing. Of course there are going to be many cutting stages.

Of fucking course, it was already all over twitter because autists basically forced them to say Vechain was a participant.

>> No.8761237
File: 339 KB, 2048x1365, DYabVC4XcAYFUeK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a slightly different topic, that is a sexy new electric BMW.

>> No.8761241

And Jim Breyer and Tim Draper

OMG! Can't believe these heroic anons discovering what billionaires overlooked! Keep doing the great work!!

>> No.8761253

You sure they didn't do it for pay, like McAfee?

>> No.8761257

>you're reading that as saying that they only applied for it but haven't yet been accepted?
>"Of course"
>tweet showing they've been accepted as a partner
>"Of fucking course"

>> No.8761271

Holy shit China Unicom have been SCAMMED, somebody better tell them QUICK before they start implementing more Vechain solutions!!
Thank god for these anons on 4chan.org/biz/, otherwise these guys would be in a pretty sticky situation, heh

>> No.8761273

Ah yep your probably right. Jim Breyer who has a net worth of $2.8 billion probably just got *bribed* to be an advisor for a scammy company.

>> No.8761275

BMW calls them all "partners". The sign-up button on the public website is called "partner with us".

>> No.8761277

i wouldn't be fuckin surprised with biz these days

>> No.8761293

Why are you so salty walty? hmmm

>> No.8761309

Mcaffee is a washed up salesman with nothing on the line
VCs entire reputation and career is on the line when they add a company to their portfolio. How much could a new startup pay multi-billionaires?
Here is some info about Mcafee 'Only a tiny fraction of his one-time $100 million net worth survived the 2008 market crash. But his fortunes really took a hit in 2012, when McAfee fled Belize police who aggressively sought him for questioning on the death of his neighbor.'

el em ay o.

>> No.8761318

This is the moment I realized you're a basement dwelling NEET. If you go to any employer half of them have a link that says "Work with us". That doesn't mean you click it and you suddenly work with them. They don't call anyone who clicks it an employee, ahahahah.

>> No.8761371

Explain Floyd Mayweather then.
He's a billionaire, and he promoted Centra, which is an SEC-certified scam as of two days ago.

>muh VC reputation
VC is inherently risky, tons of projects go under.
Nobody is going to think less of VC investors if a project turns out to be a scam, it happens all the time.

>> No.8761381
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>> No.8761388

So is it ERC20 token or not fucking retard?

>> No.8761394

>explain floyd mayweather

>> No.8761415

Alright, I concede this one.

>> No.8761416
File: 6 KB, 211x239, bl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explain why a boxer should be able to vet start ups and see if they are likely to succeed or not as well as people who do so for a living and have made billions of dollars doing so
Floyd Mayweather's reputation is in the ring dunce

>> No.8761441

The point was about already fabulously wealthy people taking bribes from crypto startups.

And "vetting startups" is a crapshoot even for top-level VC """experts""".

>> No.8761509

Why are you grasping at straws. What more do you want from a project in this space? Vechain has the talent, the backing, the connections, the partnerships, the live products READY TO GO on the public blockchain. I don't know, should we be betting on whitepapers?
I don't know what your point is. I rather bet on a project with all the things Vechain has than some whitepaper and nothing to show (TRX, Cardano, EOS, all of these).

>> No.8761575

I feel bad for the cucks who fell for the Vechain fud.

>> No.8761582

I just want :

1)Code for review
2)Info if this is ERC20 coin
3)Confirmation CCK is not fucking inside trading and propping up the price

>> No.8761602

Also, listen. I didn't post all that stuff for you, you're hopeless. It's for anyone out there who's reading this and didn't know about things like Startup Garage, maybe only read the FUD, and wasn't aware that yes, VeChain's participating in it and yes, it's a pretty selective program that BMW themselves call a partnership.

My first post in the thread was a ton of links that hopefully would help people out if they're starting off with doing their own research. It really is one of the most promising coins in crypto, and these multi-billion-dollar companies and investors seem to agree. If anyone out there thinks the dumbass I was arguing with is smarter than those companies and investors, good luck. Otherwise, take some time and look into this coin, I can sleep at night having my money in this thing...more than with most other coins in crypto, anyway.

>> No.8761654

No one is going to believe me but I work for a Daimler subsidy and we had a department meeting about blockchain the other day.

>> No.8761670

Cardano has code for review and isn't ERC20. Maybe you should buy some ADA instead as vechain clearly isn't for you

>> No.8761681

And what was discussed in the meeting? Any specific projects mentioned?

>> No.8761719

>Why are you grasping at straws.
No u.

>> No.8761766

Nothing too specific. It was a very introductory meeting about what block chain is and it's potential use in the future. Our company has a shit told of old people who don't even know how to use Outlook properly so an introductory meeting was obviously required. It piqued my attention though because I'm curious as to why we would even be discussing it. If there are any further meetings and whispers of a partnership is mentioned I'll leak it on /biz/. I know you'll all call me a shitposter and I'll be able to screen cap everything and kek about it later.

>> No.8761905

That is why Im vary of Vechain. Its still chinkcoin erc20 coin that was inside traded for months with no whitepaper or code for review. Red flag after red flag.

>> No.8761943

I wish you FUD'ing faggots would be useful and go to all the powh threads instead

>> No.8761977
File: 35 KB, 540x685, 3557d8c1-fa99-4ed0-a7c7-4c38949f8d9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well appreciated, anon

>> No.8762694

POWH is such an obvious scam that FUDing it is just pointless.

>> No.8762709

Why would it be ChinkChain? IOTA is far more likely for any German company.

>> No.8762746

Not a direct scam, but a shady CEO and they have a number of ongoing paid shills

>> No.8762749

I like Vechain but it could just be like IOTA associated with big names but garbage software anyways. We'll see how it goes but I'll be picking up VEN at the bottom, It's due for a run before June