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File: 42 KB, 600x539, bcash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8759532 No.8759532 [Reply] [Original]

>Bcash in freefall
>Currently <0.094 btc
>Down 10.29% satoshi from a week ago
>Down 16.24% satoshi from a month ago
>Down 30.07% satoshi from 2 months ago
>Down 41.97% satoshi from 3 months ago
>Down 78.34% satoshi from ATH
>B-but my Flippening!

>> No.8759588
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>> No.8759698

At least they put their money where their mouth is, and getting cucked by roger and wu

>> No.8759829
File: 49 KB, 496x557, bch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good time to buy.
BCH was at 0.05 BTC right before it massively rallied...

>> No.8759847

Anyone who watched Roger Ver raping that soulless corecuck chink in public debate will want to buy bitcoin cash and dump that compromised core trash

>> No.8759894

I believe it could go up soon but BCH isn't about a quick pump. It is cash. If you invest think LONG term. And don't just HODL, use it. If you want to gamble there are 1,001 alts that would be better for that.

>> No.8759981

It was insider trading till 0.08 then coinbase listing fomo.
I doubt cashies have any more weapons like that.
Either btc fees skyrocket again and bcash may see some small gainz, or it'll go to depths of shitcoin graveyard.

>> No.8759986

It rallied due to extreme hype from potential exchange listings like coinbase, misinformed noobs that thought they were buying a cheaper BTC that could moon easier, high fees/slow transactions on BTC, and potential flippening concerns over the first hard fork.

It's going down now because many people have realized BCH is not BTC. High fees/slow transactions on BTC have gone down significantly due to less usage, higher segwit + batching adoption, less coordinated network spam by large BCH holders (many whom have already cashed out), and realization/fears that LN will destroy any value BCH could provide.

There most likely won't be another major rally. But you're free to put your money into it.

>> No.8760010
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The Koreans are silently accumulating
they will pump this back to $1080 mid-april

>> No.8760011

maybe you should consider the possibility that it shouldnt even be a coin that exists and is worthless

>> No.8760112

If you think long term, then you have to assume LN is fully-released and starting to gain widespread adoption.

As a merchant, what would you prefer for yourself and customers? A network that has instantaneous transfers, extremely low fees, has VISA level transactions (100k+/second), has 50-100x the userbase, and can guarantee your payment without reversal.

Or a network that has slow transfers (10 min), higher fees, can never scale to VISA level transactions, 1/50th-1/100th the userbase, and which has non-guaranteed payments through 0-conf.

>> No.8760127

Jihan was creating artificial price floors up until mid January. Since then he has stopped accumulating. No surprise this is in a freefall. Also if Jihan ever decides to sell his stack this will go to 0, no joke.

>> No.8760154

Hint: focus on merchant adoption and network effect. That will tell you which coin will end up winning. BCH is rapidly increasing in both of those things. That is the real flippening. And we haven't even started yet. Wait and see what happens in Africa alone...

Price is meaningless right now, if you want to chase pumps you might as well buy Tron. It's up 20% today!

If you understand blockchain is a small world system you realize there can only be one. Long term, it all collapses to one network.

>> No.8760244

Actually in terms of # of transactions and # of active wallets, BCH has dropped 5x more than BTC during the last 3 months. If anything that's an indicator of decreasing adoption.

BCH merchant adoption isn't very meaningful when it's such an insignificant amount with low userbase reach.

Once LN is released, adoption will spread like wildfire, with tens of thousands of merchants adopting it.

>> No.8760411


IF lightning can be made to work, yes.
Caps because that is a big if.

>> No.8760423

Still up 50+% from 0.061 where we all bought it.
Although I do regret not selling high and buying back. Also bought some at 0.099, time will tell if that was a mistake, but I'm pretty confident desu

>> No.8760458

>adoption is a meme
>muh store of value
>muh lightning network
wew lad

>> No.8760464

> slow transfers (10 min)
BCH transactions are instant, if you corekeks have to resort to lies, that can only mean that you're desperate.
That said, the huge amount of BCH fud and the total lack of pro-BTC threads already shows that you're desperate, so no surprises.
Only brainlets will miss this buying opportunity, even if you're not a BCH fan you can buy now and dump before the hard fork.

>> No.8760482
File: 249 KB, 1684x1374, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are corecucks STILL butthurt they sold immediately after the fork?

Just fucking accept it. YOU WERE WRONG

Not might have been wrong, you were

>> No.8760519

they call slow a 10 minutes confirmation (same as BTC btw) just after the December run when we had to wait DAYS to confirm a transaction or pay +$30 in order to be ahead in the mempool
>bcash bcash bcash
corecucks are going to learn what the real bitcoin is the hard way

>> No.8760529

you leave out the most important thing. LN security and reliability is unproven. noone is going to move big money on that. on-chain transactions have been proven to be safe over years of use. big blocks are a simpler more secure more effective solution. not to mention zero conf is instant and more secure than ln.

>> No.8760615

Even Roger Ver was saying LN would be better on bcash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7s7-09-oms&t=4m34s

>Segwit adoption will never happen.
>Lightning network is vaporware.
Enters beta.

It's funny because a few months ago, most bcashers weren't even against LN or claimed that it was years away.

But now that it's nearing release, you've begun to claim that it's too centralized, too complicated, won't work, etc. The desperation is palpable.

It's only "instant" if you don't wait for confirmations, literally the ENTIRE point of cryptocurrency. I mentioned 0-conf.

I sold at 0.2, I'm sure there are still many holding their bcash waiting for another pump so they can sell too.

>> No.8760697

disinfo. Every bitcoin-er (fuck you for making me say something so cringy) has been against second layer IF THAT IS THE ONLY WAY TO TRANSACT. Second layers are cool... but the actual bitcoin layer needs to fufil what bitcoin set out to do... freedom...not replicate the censorship and mandatory fractional reserves of the old system. It's worthless then... just stick with banks if you like blegacy.

You want second layers? You like that a fractional reserve based on bitcoin give you better lender rates? you like that a second layer gives you cheaper transactions? COOL. That is great. But don't restrict the prime-freedom protocol.

>> No.8760738

Are you dumb? You can and always will be able to transact on-chain.

>not replicate the censorship and mandatory fractional reserves of the old system
You're extremely misinformed about how LN works. Maybe you should educate yourself before you lose everything you have.

If you've done any research, you'll know that the fundamentals of the LN concept are solid. There are no fundamental hurdles that need to be overcome - it's just a matter of implementation + testing at this point.

Day by day, the LN gets closer to becoming stable enough for release. And day by day ignorant bcashers pray that LN will never improve and that the teams of devs are doing nothing.

>> No.8760754

>It's only "instant" if you don't wait for confirmations, literally the ENTIRE point of cryptocurrency.
He doesn't have a basic understanding of transaction vs settlement.
You don't wait for 4 weeks to get your coffee when you pay with credit card, retard, why does settlement time even matter?

>> No.8760877


Not to mention for global adoption LN still needs large blocks... imagine 5 billion people opening and closing 10 channels a month. 5 billion * 2 * 10 / 30 / 144 * 0.000224 = 518MB blocks.

Plus, LN being a loose mesh breaks apart at scale, it is NOT the internet. The routing problem for LN at scale makes it infeasible.

Bitcoin on the other hand gets MORE connected and MORE robust as it scales.

>> No.8760893


Excuse me, 5.18 GB blocks....

>> No.8760937


OH. And that is average -- would realistically need to be much higher for peak usage.

So. If we can't raise the block size to 2MB because it will 'centralize the network', HOW is LN going to work?

>> No.8760980


I am not against 2nd layers... but not at the expense of the base layer. We NEED the blocks to be able to grow. The strangulation of BTC is suicide. LN is an unproven idea and also needs big blocks at scale anyway.

>> No.8761008

So What you're saying it it's really cheap rn

Like everything else?

>> No.8761023
File: 8 KB, 282x179, veeerrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>educate yourself

can I transact with freedom?
>mixers - will need ~30 tranactions
>each transaction is $500 fee
>opening or closing a "LN" connection is another fee
>all LN transactions are subject to KYC
>all LN transactions are subject to the mood of the op at that time
>if you don't want to pay $500 to move $.30 then you better hope your aim is in the same political spectrum as all nodes on your path


Core is full of pussies wanting to get rich quick for bootlicking.

>> No.8761101

A lot of the bcash arguments now hinge on the belief that LN will fail. If I still held any bcash, I would be highly concerned about LN.

I would do my due diligence, read the LN whitepaper, research the hell out of both sides of why/why not LN will succeed, check on testnet and mainnet LN usage, monitor LN news day to day, and continuously track the progress of various LN teams + LN apps.

But no, most bcashers won't do that. They'll just repeat the typical bcash rhetoric and stay misinformed until it's too late.

>> No.8761117

Read plenty about LN and I'm not concerned at all.

>> No.8761119

Not gonna lie, former Cashie here. This is fucking hilarious watching Bcash crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this coin get the op-codes.

>> No.8761156

>former Cashie
1/10, you almost got us.
So let's try the first civil discussion with corekeks in history. How do you guys handle routing without centralizing the LN?

>> No.8761319
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You're very confused, I actually thought you were referring to Bitcoin Cash when you said this:

>A network that has instantaneous transfers, extremely low fees, has VISA level transactions (100k+/second), has 50-100x the userbase, and can guarantee your payment without reversal.

Bcore will never enjoy fees as low as Bitcoin Cash by nature of it's centralized control. You'll be paying miners and then cryptobanks via the lightning memwork (if it can ever be made functional, which I highly doubt).

Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin, it's been chugging along nicely for almost 10 years now and will continue on for the next, the only hiccup being a few years of stagnation while Blockstream and their kike overlords attempted to usurp control of the Bitcoin blockchain.

>> No.8761321
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>Good time to buy shitcoins.
>UFR was near this price right before it massively rallied...
nice logic retard

>> No.8761360

Only shitcoins like bcash, cripple, etc need shill threads
Why do you think there aren't any ETH shill threads nowadays?

>> No.8761417

>I'm a newfag
This place started as a containment board for ETH shill threads, faggot.
Also segwit core certainly needs some shilling, as it's dropping in market share like no other

>> No.8761457


These Bitcoin Cash threads are actually mostly FUD threads created and paid for by Blockstream, they actually have a positive effect on Bitcoin Cash though because it gets people engaged and actively discussing it.

I can't remember the last time I saw BCH thread with a pro-BCH point of view as the OP. Doesn't matter, Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin and no amount of kikery can change that.

>> No.8761831

I lol @ corekeks who're trying to troll me when I'm answering seriously.
They think I'm raging or responding because of them, but I only do it because I know that hundreds (or thousands) of neutral silent readers are seeing that corekeks are trolls and cashies are using rational arguments, I'm converting many of them, and these trolls are contributing.

>> No.8762075
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BeCash hasn't even started yet, fun starts in May, see you faggots then

How Bitcoin Cash can gain 75% Dominance
