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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 211 KB, 1279x859, photo-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
875891 No.875891 [Reply] [Original]

We are about to declare our oil prices for the month to our very best Japanese clients. We won't tell you what they are but the Japanese refiners have told you in the past after our decision on price and production is made. In a couple of months the US investment banks will do their re-analysis of shale producers' energy loans compared to oil prices. I think you say. "Oops", under those circumstances, no?

Do you think we have suffered all these low prices only to quit now before the credit evaluations begin for the frackers? You can have your little rally in oil prices now but soon you will see what "toothless tigers", as Mr. Hamm called us, can do when we want to keep our market share.

>> No.875933

the holes are already dug, now we have to pay for them

>> No.875934

Sept 14, 2015

>> No.876318
File: 68 KB, 675x450, SAUDI-master675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 things we are laughing about this morning:

1. China is rolling over again adding leverage to our dumped oil effects.

2. "It's got to come back!"

3. "The Saudis need $100/bbl to fund social programs..." My sides....

4. "Let's take a look at your loans in a $40/bbl environment..."

5. So-called energy traders with fauxhawk haircuts, horizontal striped business casual golf shirts, Chinese symbol tattoos on exposed portions of their bodies and trading "gods" who own castles.

>> No.876328

And remember , at these prices the saudis will be bankrupt by 2018 or 2020 , we already have the wells and the machinery to frack open some more. Oil up=wells on , oil down=wells off

We can keep on trucking

>> No.876343

Jesus fcking christ, saudis got nothing to do with this except maybe following obamas orders. Saudi, kuwait is shit and are nothing without US support. Once russia-ukraine situation stabilises or when obama leaves office the fucking oil price will go back to regular levels.