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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8750646 No.8750646 [Reply] [Original]

>first time dating girl after few times
>she wants to do it in a few days
>I've never shaved my public area before
>decide to grab the scissors and razor blade
>couldn't see the through the and accidentally cut it and begin to bleed alot.
>went to hospital and had them fix me up with a stitch and pain meds
>girl im seeing is now wondering why I won't have sex and I am too embarrassed to tell her
>she's now very angry at me and thinks I'm cheating on her. She doesn't even know I'm a Virgin.

I'm seriously so angry. What the fuck do I do? I didn't want to tell her I was a Virgin and I sure as shit don't want to say I cut my dick with scissors. Any advice guys? I'm trying to improve myself like you guys said. I almost got there! Whatdo?

>> No.8750672

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.8750703

Tell her. Girls hate fud.

>> No.8750706

why the fuck wouldn't you just tell her you cut your dick like an idiot
laugh over it, bond
any girl that wouldn't laugh with you over that shit isn't worth your time
op, girls are people. human beings. not a separate fucking species. she probably has stories way more embarrassing than yours. also, she can probably relate to bleeding heavily from the groin...
fuck dude, dont worry so much. secrecy and weirdness just makes everything worse.

>> No.8750718

opiate painkillers > women

prove me wrong

>> No.8750723

Nice, just bought 100k.

>> No.8750740


if you're over 15 don't tell her you're a virgin

>> No.8750744

"I accidentally cut myself while grooming my pubes. I had to get the cut stitched at the hospital. I've been too embarrassed about it to talk about it sooner."
Don't feel obligated to show her, but if she is understanding yet skeptical and wanting to see for herself, consider showing her.

>> No.8750749

i like being able to poop, so im gonna go with women if we're talking long term.

>> No.8750759

500 eoy

>> No.8750804

i'm going to fuck soon and i never shaved my pube, i've got a lot of questions
>shave or trim the pube?
>balls yes or no
>ass yes or no
should i just use the hair cutter at the lower setting?

>> No.8750855

shave ball and dick hair, ass hair doesn’t really matter, u could leave it a jungle if you want. trim pubes. u can shave your pubes if you are ripped, otherwise trim

>> No.8750878

>shave ball and dick hair
with a razor? like a blade one? i've literally have no balls to do that. should i grab like the gilette meme shaver or something?

>> No.8750901

the trick is applying the right amount of pressure. you need to learn from experience. start gentle.
context: my gf gets razors from the dollar shave club, so even those work.
i use them to shave my sack and crack
ez, no nicks

>> No.8750925

is that like essential? can't i just trim everything without the girl thinking i'm a virgin (which i obviously am)

>> No.8750930

if you go slow nothing bad will happen. u would have to angle the razor really weird to knick skin.

>> No.8750937

You got her in the bag man. Hit it when you heal up.

>> No.8750941

how old are you?

>> No.8750943

lol a girl won’t think you’re a virgin if you don’t shave

>> No.8750956


what will she think? i heard that it's makes the penetration a little worse or something like that

>> No.8750958

I've never shaved my dick, not necessary in my opinion.

>> No.8750959

Fuck the fucking hell off back to soc or adv or whatever shithole you came from. Wish I could filter images, it's always the same stupid fucking pic in all these biz9k threads. Kill yourself

>> No.8750975

yeah dont tell her you're a virgin

>> No.8750982
File: 47 KB, 403x392, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't r9k retard

>> No.8750985

agreed, no one is gonna think you're a virgin if you don't shave. but you get points for being considerate.
i mean, i mainly shave my balls and ass because i feel like it's a better experience sucking and licking that area when it's not overgrown and gross. secondary reason for shaving my ass is easier cleanup after taking a dump

>> No.8750988
File: 139 KB, 1024x1024, 9519483C-9A16-428C-9110-4A529AA7DDBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laughing at your shitty life made me feel good thanks anon

>> No.8751001

yeah, i know. plus i'm play the alpha chad guy on tinder with a shirtless pic and a douche face expression. installed yesterday and got 4 matches

>secondary reason for shaving my ass is easier cleanup after taking a dump
this is actually a good reason, i'll shave it tomorrow anyway

>> No.8751049

yeah, it is night and day if you have a gnarly forest of an asscrack.
just make sure you use shaving cream and rinse the blade between strokes to get the hair out.
gl popping your cherry, anon. dont stress too much, just have fun.

>> No.8751082

thx /adv/

>> No.8751125

Lol you virgins never cease to amaze me


>> No.8751178
File: 135 KB, 610x610, B1AA5223-D97D-4CA0-A8F5-943A688C7A61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we’re all gonna make it op

>> No.8751198

Only traps shave. Real men buzz or grow bush

>> No.8751232

Just say you cut your dick you idiot. Chad wouldn't think twice about it, he would even laugh about it, being cavalier and upfront about such a thing will undoubtedly arouse her

>> No.8751261

This won't even pass on /r9k/
It's not the first time it's been posted


>> No.8751289

i cannot understate how wrong this is

a girl wants 1 thing and 1 thing only: money

a man who cuts himself is not giving her money and so she will hate and ignore you. if you want a woman to sleep with you you need to pay her 1 ruble and then tell her after the sleeping you will pay her 1 more ruble

its that simple

>> No.8751306



>> No.8751324

nice paste moron
fake news

>> No.8751520

ur a retard