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8748475 No.8748475 [Reply] [Original]

>Says economic freedom is at stake
>Says children die without economic freedom
>Gets laughed at
>'Nonono, this is about muh code, muh second layer, muh digital gold'
>Children continue to die
>Altcoins boom

>> No.8748491

Don't complain when lightning falls apart.
We tried to warn you.

>> No.8748519

Roger is a douche but I have to admit he completely destroyed the chink.

>> No.8748526
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>Altcoins boom

>> No.8748533
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>the paid shill pajeets are here again

does roher pay you in bitchy cash or rupees?

>> No.8748556
File: 11 KB, 215x286, 1515611347566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Let the children die" - Bitcoin Core

>> No.8748558

No, he's actually right about what he talks about. People respect him for that, especially in the face of purely personal attacks by real paid shills.

>> No.8748564

thanks anon.
I'ts great to see people like you, warning others of doom, just out of the goodness of your heart.
I mean, you wouldn't possibly have anything to gain from LN's failure, would you?

>> No.8748576
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T...that's great!

>> No.8748588

biggest fucking cunt in crypto

>> No.8748597

stay poor

>> No.8748634

I'm already rich, from bitcoin. i sold all my bcash as soon as it was an option. havn't looked back. enjoy your airdropped shitcoin.

>> No.8748726

>Literally "think of the children"
Anon. Please.

>> No.8748758

Any publicity is good publicity. Keep the attention coming. We're eating it up

>> No.8748782

you are dumb money

>> No.8748785

>Literally 'let the children die'

>> No.8748788

>>'Nonono, this is about muh code, muh second layer, muh digital gold'

I wish it was, sadly it is about muh lambo, muh hodl, muh moon.

No new code solutions, no old tested scalability solutions, no second layer working. Lets laugh at dying babies...

>> No.8748814

There's people who are capable of building stuff to help advance humanity.

Then there's people who don't have that capability. They go and study economics so they can say: "Those people building things, they don't know economics! But I do! So I am equally important!"

No Roger Ver. You are not equally important. You are a stupid fucking cuck and you need to shut the fuck up.

>> No.8748854

Sure, lets create pointless technology that solves problems created by blockstream to cripple bitcoin instead of focusing on the economics that made bitcoin usable as something else than an intellectual curiosity.

>> No.8748887

Kek, no one has helped to spread the adoption of Bitcoin more than Ver...
Bitcoin core devs are small fish compared to him.

>> No.8748899

Samson couldn't beat Roger "the goliath" Ver with his mumbling rebuttal

>> No.8748970

>tries to scam literal ponzi particpants by saying their ponzi isn't the true ponzi and his ponzi is best ponzi
>good guy
couldn't this loser cocksucker be happy he made millions off a fucking distributed ponzi scheme? He also had to try to scam everyone with BCash too?

Fuck off and eat shit Roger

>> No.8748971
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>> No.8748978


G-good for you!

>> No.8749034


RIP corecucks

>> No.8749065

Damn that chink got eaten alive. Roger shat in his mouth for real.

>> No.8749068

Holy shit I'm speechless.

>> No.8749076

lot of people dont realise roger is completely right about the babies, if you think its a cringey overstatement it means you dont understand how central banks financially repress people

All war, poverty and degeneration of society is caused by currency debasement. Bitcoin before blockstream destroted it was the first invention that can make people immune from keynesian money printing

If you are a paid shill you are selling out your family and future generations for trivial short term gain. Whatever you receive to shill against decentralised peer to peer cash is nothing compared to the wealth you would have if we had worldwide adoption. Its subhuman to do anything to stop the adoption of crypto

>> No.8749104

Thank god we still have in this space people who care about the positive impact that blockchain tech can have for poor people.

>> No.8749249

lmao found the economics major

>> No.8749667
