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8746086 No.8746086 [Reply] [Original]

This is a very neat article that I thought biz could appreciate

Ethercraft.io is going on it’s 3rd month. One of the only ethgames to trend up. I’m dropping in here to let you guys know that EC is partnering with chainmonsters to work on integrating unique game tokens into the ethercraft platform. This is a huge step in ec’s timeline. In a few days they will also have one final regional release. Your best chance and getting items at the ground floor.

There are also free items available right now https://ethercraft.io stock up and let this happen in front of you

>> No.8746176

which mon did you grab anon? Theres 3 free starters but idk which one is gonna be best for dungeon runs

>> No.8746197

Also, you can read ethercrafts medium articles to get a good grasp of what they’re accomplishing.

If you like rpg, dungeon crawl, rogue-like games such as diablo, RuneScape, Rust. Then this is what you’ve been looking for.

>> No.8746200

Im done with these regional releases and absolutely no gameplay development, or even explanation about game mechanics. Im increasingly thinking they cant deliver what they are promising.

>> No.8746208

a cool article, I'm looking forward to dungeon crawling with a monster companion. I don't really like the looks of the chainmonsters though. The open-ended potential of integration here leaves hope that someone out there will make some etheremon sprites which could be implemented with the same mechanic.

>> No.8746601

>No explanation of game mechanics


>> No.8746756

I am just buying free items when gas is .1 until I see game play.

>> No.8746814

It's easy to talk about the fucking mechanics of what they foresee in the future. Anon wants to see actual gameplay fucking development. I hope the devs of Ethercraft fall off a fucking cliff.

>> No.8746870

That is literally nothing, barely a skeleton of ideas. There is no explanation about how stats are gonna work, how some weapons are gonna interact with each other, or even more basic, what their fucking stats are. Is there gonna be poison damage? Wetness? heat damage?

But what pisses me off the most is how some weapons have descriptions that imply game changing mechanics that are never explained in full. I remember one weapon that was like a trident that said something like "the middle tip is longer, meaning there is a lesser chance of weapon getting stuck in an enemy", and I was baffled, because this is an important mechanic (weapons can get stuck on enemies), that was never explained or alluded to before, many other weapons have bullshit like that in their descriptions.

It just seems bullshit at this point.

>> No.8747060

Did you not read the article desu? Everything you need to know, is there. Don’t sleep on Ethercraft. I’m telling you now.

>> No.8747078

Yeah, don't sleep on Ethercraft or any of the other ponzi scam games. Put a loaded gun to your head and pull the trigger pajeet.

>> No.8747105

Yeah, but you also need to keep in mind of the game dynamics and how careful the devs need to be when implementing new contracts/code. One wrong move and the game could be devastated. Happy the devs are taking this approach. we are almost there.

>> No.8747107

>I remember one weapon that was like a trident that said something like "the middle tip is longer, meaning there is a lesser chance of weapon getting stuck in an enemy"

ur upset that they triggered your autism by describing what a trident is?



>> No.8747128

Sorry man, while you’re getting rekt in crypto, the smart ones are in ethergames. Head on over to dappradar.com and check the volume for the top 10 games. We’re talking millions of dollars of eth, daily. I feel bad that you’re too close-minded to know this.

>> No.8747134

>we are almost there
>no word on how development of the actual game is going
You clinging pajeets

>> No.8747143

There were several types of dangpa, like the iron dangpa, called cheolpa (철파, 鐵鈀) and the wooden dangpa, called mokpa (목파, 木鈀). The two outer teeth of the cheolpa would be slightly crooked. The teeth of the mokpa were made of wood, but covered with iron.

>The middle tip would always be slightly longer than the two other tips. This design was intended to lessen the chance of the weapon becoming stuck in an opponent's body.

At the other end of the pole would be a sharp tip as well, in the event that two-handed combat with the dangpa became necessary in battle - this way soldiers fighting with the dangpa had fighting edges on both ends of the weapon.

>> No.8747565

Clinging? I’m assuming you don’t know how gameplay development works. Not to mention using Solidity in order to make it happen.