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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 136 KB, 1125x373, CD99B9C0-D4E1-4DBD-8E83-E09E1B70D63A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8744076 No.8744076 [Reply] [Original]

What timeline is this?

>> No.8744084


>> No.8744092

He's talking about crypto market cap...
Just hodl! Kek!

>> No.8744105

holy fuck. based

>> No.8744109

Trump wanted to make his pee pee feel bigger so he established trade tariffs against China. Now the Dow is down 500 points and he’s talking about how it’s okay we lost 500 billion dollars and the only way is up.

>> No.8744122

US-China trade deficit.

>> No.8744133

based? Idk if this is slang or just a missspelling of biased I don’t come here often.

>> No.8744148

based god emperor giving a stealth nod to crypto

>> No.8744150

In which a double digit iq retard is the president of the us

>> No.8744187
File: 1.03 MB, 1242x2208, DD2AD366-8BD6-483B-BE5C-3DD7F31A321C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It must be true

>> No.8744211

Holy shit, I thought this was another photoshop. He actually said this. kek.

>> No.8744213

Big if true

>> No.8744224

Honestly the two are interchangeable at this point.

>> No.8744235


>> No.8744244

It’s possible that he’s trying to lower our trade deficit with China and it’s not about his penis. Reminder being a liberal is a mental disease.

>> No.8744246

>this is the leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world
literally lmaoing

>> No.8744271

>when a bull market gets manipulated by a senile boomer so his buddies can get rich

>> No.8744316

Reminder being a fisical conservative is essentially a middle finger to poor people

>> No.8744331


>> No.8744358
File: 187 KB, 1529x1200, 4C2C1676-695C-438D-B6DB-B64A97B39988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this beautiful man satisfies you

>> No.8744404

Is reciprocal trade a bad idea? Say a country has 25% tariffs on our cars going to their country. Then we raise ours for their country from 5% to 25%. Who’s the bad guy? I’d say nobody, that is fair. What’s wrong with that?

>> No.8744626

Because we don’t buy chinese cars and Chinese people buy American cars

>> No.8744685

A chinese friend of mine said they would pay me 10 k to buy a Mercedes to ship back to china lol

>> No.8744715


yeah because mercs are 2x the price in USD if you buy them in China

>> No.8744757

Using cars as an example, transfer that thought to any industry of your choice.

>> No.8744762

no it's not. so go to the WTO and force them to lower their tariffs or have them explain why they should be allowed to keep them in regards to the established WTO rules.

what's not okay is to use obscure domestic laws to bypass the WTO to add tariffs that would otherwise need WTO scrutiny.

>> No.8744761

My ex’s parents had this business, buy them here then sell them.

>> No.8744799

This could be the banner for /biz/

>> No.8744985

Your example is still shit. When tarrifs are unreasonable high, the solution isn’t to raise tariffs. People just won’t buy a product that is unreasonable priced when there are other alternatives. Eventually, the government realizes this and lowers tariffs. If we were to raise tariffs cause mur dur merica in retaliation, the Chinese government being socialist would raise tariffs on other products. While this price increase may not affect many higher middle class Americans, the middle class will suffer as a rise in price actually effects people in poverty.

>> No.8745028

The trade deficit isn't a problem so long as we make money elsewhere.

>> No.8745093

Easier said than done considering China is the biggest market for US goods in the world.

>> No.8745198

The WTO is shit and majority of the time doesn’t work in U.S. favor. Don’t forget that many people voted for Trump because he is strong on our national sovereignty, he doesn’t like bowing down and being subject to unelected international bodies that have their own biases and self interests.

Here’s the other thing, U.S. and China are currently in deep negotiations about these tariffs and trade policies. Tariffs for either side have not been enacted yet. These things don’t happen immediately and it is in both countries best interests to work together and strike a deal. There are very smart experts on both sides, this isn’t a Trump vs. Xi boxing match like the media likes to portray.

>> No.8745249

>>The WTO is shit and majority of the time doesn’t work in U.S. favor.

is that an indication of bias or is that a indication that the US doesn't have fair trade practices? a panel of neutral experts arbitrating disputes is fair in my opinion. every country that joined the WTO made commitments to abide by its rules as a way to resolve trade disputes.

>> No.8745263

Why leave money on the table though? Are you going to liquidate your crypto and 401k just because you got a job paying 80k a year? China is going to be our #1 rival this century, why should we help them when we have 20 trillion in debt?

>> No.8745341

because your imports of Chinese goods enables your own industries to produce even more complex goods for exports and or supply your consumption based service economy with cheap products for consumption.

if you have a deficit with one country you can easily balance it on a global scale.

>> No.8745360
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>It's fucking real

>> No.8745373


>> No.8745433

>muh debt!!!

The national debt is such a non issue it's not even funny. A country having debt is nothing like a person having debt.

>> No.8745449

Okay, I'll bite. Cities that are run by Democrats have higher crime and poverty rates, google that for yourself if you don't believe me. Despite all their gibs policies, and all their good intentions, it doesn't help anything, in fact it makes it worse. That's because they're not growing their economies and improving their areas. They're just giving handouts to poor people. They're subsidizing poverty. And when you subsidize anything, you will always have more of that thing.

People on welfare and government benefits often don't even have an incentive to get a job. Maybe they're getting like $1000 a month or something when you factor in government housing and things that are provided to them for free. But then if they get a job, they most likely don't have any skills and can only get like a cashier job or something, making less than $700 a month. Plus when they get the job, they often lose many of those benefits. So it's literally worse for them to get a job. And I don't blame them, they're just responding to economic incentives. $700 to bust my ass at McDonald's, or free money to sit at home plus have housing/food/child-care already paid for? Well, I'd do the same.

Fiscal conservatism has done more for the poor than liberal policies have, because it is business-friendly. Business is not a bad word! You need business to grow your economy! In a business-friendly environment you can have all sorts of services and jobs, and you can sell all sorts of things, including training for skills that will make you more valuable.

>> No.8745492


especially when the debt is in the fiat you print

>> No.8745517

>Trump wanted to make his pee pee feel bigger so he established trade tariffs against China.
Yup it had absolutely nothing to do with leveling the playing field and a President actually taking the side of blue collar workers for the first timein decades - but fuck them right just flyover country rural and suburban retards amirite?
>Now the Dow is down 500 points and he’s talking about how it’s okay we lost 500 billion dollars and the only way is up.
Who gives a fuck about the stock market other than the greedy Jews who infest finance and built up it's importance at the expense of actual productive parts of the economy? It's now the cause of the sickness but it is a major symptom.

>> No.8745525

> if you give your economic competitor your intellectual property, you win

>> No.8745568

Yet poor people (other than mindless voting blocs searching for Gibs - Blacks and Hispanics and other imported voters) who actually work or want to work overwhelmingly vote in favor of fiscal conservatism while the megarich overwhelmingly vote for the Democrats. Funny that - it's almost as if the white working classes have minds of their own and aren't really down with selling themselves in exchange for keeping socialist scum in power i simply so they can receive some handouts.

>> No.8745593

Except our side’s experts are corrupt and sell us out.

>> No.8745638

K, I’ll bite back
You know why cities with large populations of minorities that are run by dems have such high crime rates? The answer is poverty. Being born in poverty is the main reason so many dem cities are filled with crime, as republican congressmen don’t provide the schools and outreach programs in the inner cities with the money they need to actually help young children born in poverty because that money goes towards are military and statues honoring traitors. Put a republican in those cities instead of a dem and less funding will go towards programs that incentivize the promotion of those in poverty to positions of power and wealth and instead to militarized police forces. The war on drugs run by republicans is the biggest reason for the increase of drug related crime as instead of helping addicts recover with aid programs the republican majority house passed bills which helped isolate addicts and only helped make the dealers more craft my and better at selling drugs. The demos are trying to help the people they elected but the conservatives in the house block any bill that allows them to help those in poverty better themselves and this country for their own gain to they can keep those people down in order to retain the wealth they already posses without disenfranchising any future profits they can earn.

>> No.8745644

oog boog

>> No.8745663

wtf why is drumpf doing the thing he's been talking about for literally 30 years IMPEACH

>> No.8745666

Truely a beauty language those Somalians have.

>> No.8745691

>Yup it had absolutely nothing to do with leveling the playing field and a President actually taking the side of blue collar workers for the first timein decades - but fuck them right just flyover country rural and suburban retards amirite?
How do you believe that trump gives a shit about blue collar workers when he didn't even pay the blue collar workers that built his hotel you dickhead.
>Who gives a fuck about the stock market other than the greedy Jews who infest finance and built up it's importance at the expense of actual productive parts of the economy? It's now the cause of the sickness but it is a major symptom.
Nevermind I got trolled, no one is this stupid

>> No.8745693

give me a fucking break. should i even ask for proof?


is fair in my opinion and gives both sides opportunities to choose panel members.

>> No.8745732
File: 9 KB, 220x229, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto total mcap is down by half a trillion guys. Don't worry guys, just hold.


>> No.8745743
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Kys, commie

>> No.8745927

how is that bad

>> No.8746071

>duh duh libruls!
>if you dont agree with team red youre mentally ill blue team!
Mindblowing how the state of amerimutt christcucks

>> No.8746327
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>post that is clearly reddit but also correct
it's over

>> No.8746395

for some reason this post gave me a good laugh, thanks

>> No.8746434


>> No.8746518

He is obviously refering to crypto total mcap loss of $500 billion. BUY BUY BUY.

>> No.8746566
File: 66 KB, 640x640, 1B44E0AD-9B28-4965-9625-F52B6FD6F246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having generations of low-time prefence (ie poor ppl) reliant on govt support, isn’t gonna solve the problem, but kick the inevevitable collapse of their failure by subsiding there growth intill it’s unstable. US already over pays 4 education per cap campered to other countries. Plus the internet exist, if you’re not a nigger and really want to learn and apply yourself , you will.

>> No.8746654

>it's unironically real

what THE FUCK is wrong with america?

>> No.8746661


Until it is dumped in the market and your bonds prices crash so you have to hike interest rates because no ones gonna buy a new bond from you when they're being sold dirt cheap...

The economic illiteracy of people is amazing..

>> No.8746667

he was referring to his crypto portofolio


>> No.8746674

The majority of our education budget goes to school administrators and school officials like Betsy Bear Spray Devos and her cronies rather than teachers and school programs. Look it up.

>> No.8746702

i thought the memes were funny in the election
i didn't think it would actually be like this
i want off this ride

>> No.8746707

Many inner city schools don’t even provide Algebra 2, so most inner city kids are screwed for the SAT to begin with. These are basic programs that our education system which spends more per student than any other nations provides. I wonder where all that money went.....

>> No.8746754
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>> No.8746947

>one of

>> No.8746972


>> No.8747067
File: 139 KB, 1200x359, sUlc40E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And even ignoring that, Democrats have willfully failed to tackle poverty despite ruling some of these regions for decades. It's not the government's job to provide for the poor, and if they hadn't spent so many decades selling the country to foreigners piece by piece we wouldn't even be discussing this.

>> No.8747091

uh yeah it is otherwise you literally get the french fucking revolution

>> No.8747211

Too bad the midwest flyovers are the ones getting fucked by China's retaliatory tariffs. Pork, for example. Lot of farms are about to go under.