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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8742341 No.8742341 [Reply] [Original]

Heyo. My name is ARitz Cracker. I created the discord bot for the PoWH discord. It's very fun to see my creation display a constant sea of green for this amazing project.

I created this thread,
and I was going to post at 18K ETH when we hit that milestone sometime today or tomorrow, but I realized. I don't need your ETH, we don't need /biz/ anymore. You idiots are just going to cannibalize yourself with shit clones with absurd premines. Some other shills will post here, obviously, but I'm not personally going to make new threads. I think /biz/ is a shitfest where people eternally post pink wojaks cuz they can't ever do anything right anyway.

PoWH3D, a joke started for /biz/ is going mainstream, yet some of you fucks still call it a pajeet coin, or shill dumb clones where the creators dump their bags and steal your ETH.

We don't need you anymore. Stay poor, faggots.

>> No.8742413

Three sons left home to make their fortunes, and they all did very, very well for themselves. They got together recently and were discussing what they each had done to benefit their aging mother.

"Well," said the first one, "I bought Mom a huge house in Beverly Hills."

"I bought her a Mercedes and hired a full-time driver for her." said the second brother

"I've got you both beat," said the third. "I bought her 100 PO50 tokens."

A little later, the mother sent out a thank you letter to all three sons. "Gerald -- the house you bought was too big. I only live in one room, but I have to clean the entire house. Milton -- the car is useless because I don't go anywhere because I'm too old. But Chad -- you know exactly what I like. The divs was delicious."

Still under 15 eth poorfags. Dont stay poor wagecucks!


>> No.8742439
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>> No.8742446
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>> No.8742660
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Oh my god. You literally made me laugh. Read the OP, idiot.

>> No.8742691

Whales are cashing out on POWH to invest in POWM

>> No.8742778


No. They aren't. Stop fooling yourself. Again, I made the live trade feed for the PoWH3D discord, so I'm fully aware whenever there's a big buy or sell.

>> No.8742838

Explain how is not PoWH or POWH3D a literal ponzi scheme?

>> No.8742975
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While pyramids and ponzis have some fundamental differences, (i.e. how they do the fraud) they both rely on new investors to repay old investors. See pic related.

>> No.8743049

I should also mention that the developers aren't even in the top 10 token holders, unlike the clones where they edit the contract to give the creators a huge advantage, or they dump a bunch of ETH in from the start which basically guarantees them to have most of the tokens throughout the contracts short, miserable lifespam.

>> No.8743102

>dont need /biz/
>comes to /biz/ to create false negative

So how bad do you need us and how much are whales cashing out and how long until everybody finds out?

>> No.8743149

It's not a ponzi in it's right meaning, because they are not reliant on new investors to payback what is promised and there's no way to exit scam. You can lose money there, if everyone dumps on you or if trade volume simply stops, but there's no single major holder (I think the top holders have 2% of the portfolio) and this has only been going mainstream for like 1 week for now.

>> No.8743221

From what I've heard and seen, if people dumps on you, the hodlers divs increases? So people are incentivized to hodl, thus the name

>> No.8743246
File: 34 KB, 1537x508, selloff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Erm, the selloff already happened and we since recovered and are at constant ATH again. (Pic related)

If people reply to this thread with questions or with misinformation, I'll respond. I'm just not going to be creating new ones or participating in future 4chan shills, that's all.

But hey, a YouTuber with 100K subs just did an unbiased and factual review of the project which had 1.5K viewers. That's a lot more potential investors than anything the /biz/ user-base has to offer.

We can get normie attention now, and normies have deep pockets, 'nuff said.

>> No.8743256

Exactly. If everyone dumps on you, you will probably profit from it. The bad scenario happens, if only small portion of holders dump and trade volume stops.

>> No.8743271


Streamed a review*

>> No.8743477

>unbiased and factual review of the project


>> No.8743569

> Newfag

I mean, he mentioned and highlighted all the potential risks, and in his final conclusion, he gave the project 3/5 stars. He did not give it an _endorsement_ while still recognizing what it is, how it works, how it can make money for people, and how you could loose from it.

I also love how you completely ignored my 100% factual graph, changed your name and not your ID.

>> No.8743679

What’s the best to get into now?

PowH3D ~16,500 in contract, 10% dividends

PowM ~510eth in contract, 20% dividends

PowD ~60 in contract, 25% dividends

>> No.8743763

Well how famous do you think PowM and PoWD will get? PowH3D is the original and the success of all clones rely on it. If hype around PowH3d vanishes now, the clones will be dead as well. However if PowH3D keeps going strong, you can't really know how which clones will get a share of it.

>> No.8743770

are there any that have 12-15% div?

>> No.8743784
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It was fun to see people in the chat not getting how they can make money when people sell OR buy P3D.

They were completely bamboozled when they found out that you don't have to give away your private key to anyone.

And they don't get it that as long as they hodl, they make money and that divies are paid out in pure ETH.

PoWH3D for the win

>> No.8743863

>PowM and PowD
Yea, get into the ones with no devs or hype behind them lmfao. Watch them bleed out and then FOMO back into P3D.

>> No.8743922
File: 670 KB, 1280x720, Gainz_wojak_PoWH3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PoWH3D only safe choice (and the ONLY 1 you should really get into if you want)

PoWM looks like it may have a future (Devs have a lot of "pre mined" tokens tho so possible dump danger)

All the other PoWH clones are 99% dumps, keep the FUCK away from them

Just stay with PoWH3D

>> No.8744041

Are you guys srsly going to listen to those who already bought into powh3d xD They are aboviusly going to say anything to make you buy into them even tho it will take forever for you to make ur investmant back, even longer to make anykind of profit, this has already grown to large. I bought in at 200 eth and sold at 4000 eth, and i barly made a x3 of my investmant.

>> No.8744199
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Why you sold so low???

Btw possible CMC listing incoming

>> No.8744299

small kek

>> No.8744562

I bought in around 200 and I'm still holding on. Soon I have over 10x gains.

>> No.8744705


>> No.8744826


Tag is red like your portfolio.