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8742053 No.8742053 [Reply] [Original]

This is from the Karpeles AMA on r/btc today: apparently the bankruptcy manager has to sell ALL assets in order to process all creditors and taxation correctly. So get ready for some massive sell offs yet to come!


He also hints that he wishes he could refund people the BTC they owned, and not just the yen value at the time.

>> No.8742300
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So it's true - they will liquidate more BTCs?

>> No.8742369

>they will liquidate more BTCs
Yes, only a fraction were liquidated so far and if things proceed normally, they will liquidate ALL.

It looks like Mark is actually trying to stop this from happening, interestingly enough.

>> No.8742379

Can we let BTC die? It's just dragging everyone down. BCH is OK Only if Roger ver freezes Mt gox wallet.

>> No.8742409

Its so weird that kobayashi could sell all the BTC otc to his friends and no one gives a shit.
Where is the accountability for the auction?

>> No.8742431

>not taking the billion
what a cuck

>> No.8742469

So I dont understand will he market sell on an exchange or OTC?

>> No.8742485
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FIAT pairs couldn't come at a better time. Jesus christ this grandpa shitcoin is actually keeping the blockchain revolution from happening due to some shit that happened years ago.

>> No.8742494

OTC on the advice of unnamed "advisors"

>> No.8742747

If Bitcoin was used as currency and not an investment vessel this wouldn't have happened.
You dug your own graves, shitstain. Reported you to the IRS

>> No.8742760

All sells have a buy on the other side, sso distribution should be more dispersed after this right? If so, good. Let Gox fuck us one last time and be done forever.

>> No.8742812

Unless he sells everything to a megawhale OTC

>> No.8742871

But so far they’ve dumped on exchanges, which started at the top in Dec/Jan (that we know of).

>> No.8742900

well, he should see that that would just move the problem from one wallet to another. Unless he could sell it to exchanges, that shouldn't be too much a problem though? Just sell a fifth of the stack to the top 5 exchanges

>> No.8742937

Mark doesn't want to become a target again. He must be tired of this shit and would rather hold btc instead of being in the news for dumping the price yet again.

>> No.8743199

this is why REN is going to be yuuge

>> No.8743631

He actually market dumped his BTC.
Kraken wrote him offering to organize an auction in December, but he ignored their warnings.
Kobayashi is obviously manipulating the market for shorts.

>> No.8743945

>Reported you to the IRS
Amerimutt detected

>> No.8744070
File: 790 KB, 2048x1461, 7CE75860-F4BB-441F-9CD3-79D0270BB863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fork BTC but don’t give any of the new shit to that guy lnao

>> No.8744165

What is your IQ ?

>> No.8744210

If btc dies crypto is dead

>> No.8744276

in your wildest corecuck fantasies faggot

>> No.8744405

implying TRX wont replace it

>> No.8744557

>He also hints that he wishes he could refund people the BTC they owned, and not just the yen value at the time.
I wish I could give all the children of the world a free trip to Disneyland using other people's money. What does that matter?

Reimbursing people for the price of the asset at the time it was stolen (plus bank rate of interest) is fair. Bitcoins were not "rare" at the time. Anyone could have borrowed the capital to buy a couple thousand on the open market at the time without too much trouble.

>> No.8744730

btc core will die if they don't fork with new tech

>> No.8745207

Yes so him and his friends could dump ahead of time.
If multi-millionaires were willing to pay 10k+ per bitcoin it would already be way past that.

>> No.8745264
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>> No.8745281

If that was true, then why do cryptos that already have fiat pairs (eth, ltc) go down together with Bitcoin?

>> No.8746096

If he's minimally smart he will auction his BTC instead of dumping them in the market.

>> No.8746118

>Kraken wrote him offering to organize an auction in December, but he ignored their warnings.
>Kobayashi is obviously manipulating the market for shorts.
This makes sense.

>> No.8746161

It’s not fair, it’s a slimy way of paying people less money. If someone steals a million USD, they need to give back a million USD, not some other currency that is worth less now than it was then in comparison.

>> No.8746188

>If btc dies crypto is dead
I think mark and kobo will be as well

>> No.8746201

and what if 1m usd is worth less than it used to be?

do they create a time machine?

>> No.8746218


>> No.8746244

you missed to quote the part where he explains that they have already liquidated enough to reimburse the creditors in USD value, therefore the rest is currently unlikely to be sold

>> No.8746330

> Its not far
Jesus Christ how embarrassing.

Beyond everything else: how do you think the court is supposed to come up with the money to pay a 1000% return that Bitcoin has accrued since then? Where is that going to come from? Borrow it? Okay, and how would they pay it back considering they're giving all of the capital to you?

Grow the fuck up, retard. These things are in place to give fraud victims SOMETHING. You're actually being made whole, which is almost unprecedented -- Madoff investors got a penny on the dollar, and some actually had assets seized even if they cashed out before the collapse. You're just not getting the accumulated return since then *because the funds for that do not exist*. Your tears are not without value but they do not create millions of dollars. Grow up.

>> No.8746440

>other people's money
Its their money.

>> No.8746576

Truly a niggerish argument. They don't have the proceeds to pay everyone back what the cash equivalent of bitcoin is worth today.

Where does it come from? Who's paying?

>> No.8746685

>Truly a niggerish argument. They don't have the proceeds to pay everyone back what the cash equivalent of bitcoin is worth today.
They have the proceeds to pay everyone back multiples of what bitcoin was worth back then. Instead those proceeds are going to Mt Gox themselves. Mt Gox is being financially rewarded for fucking up.

>> No.8746711

he was trying to be funny dingus

>> No.8746974
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