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8742032 No.8742032 [Reply] [Original]

what are some fun occupations biz? thinking about what i want to do with my life and everything i think of seems so dull, considering joining the military just for some excitement.

>> No.8742067

>joining the military
I honestly thought about doing this, I’m 25 really sensitive and fragile maybe it’ll toughen me up

I’ll also get some benefits

>> No.8742212

Gotta love how Americans think the military is like Call Of Duty, but then the reality is you just get bunked up with brainwashed and retarded low IQ plebs who make stupid jokes while you either wait around all day and do nothing, or get killed by a roadside bomb in some middle east shithole. Sounds neat!

>> No.8742337

i mean i'm prior service, it was definitely more fun than any civilian job i can think of. maybe go project somewhere else

>> No.8742383

>I'm a useless retard with no motivation for anything
>pls /biz/ tell me what's some fun occupations I'm useful for

>> No.8742462

muay thai and bjj did it for me

also i've been playing music for almost my whole life, so that also gives me a lot of "meaning" or whatever

it's good to have stuff like that, i'm afraid i'm some kind of autistic sociopath, i really don't like being with friends or trying to get laid. i leave the house to hang out with people, and see the absolute worst in them.

so to prevent me from kms i guess i just need money and hobbies.. but hobbies do play a huge roll, anon

>> No.8742753



>> No.8742769

kys, no one ever complained about that afterwards, that must be fun

>> No.8742783

Good goy, yeah be patriotic and join the army so me and my (((tribe))) can steal more lands and resources in the ME.

>> No.8742839

Fuck do not do this. I served 2007-2013, Brit, 1 tour. While my peers were making money and learning skills, I was running up and down Z range and learning to perform manual labour that has zero transferable worth, like cleaning gas parts or sweeping the block floor over and over. When I got out, my m9 who is a plumber had almost paid off his mortgage, and his business had started employing because he had too much work to do himself. It's wasted time, completely. Anything you do learn, would be cheaper to pay for yourself. Courses aren't free, you pay in time and you will pay in years.

>> No.8743416

i don't want money though, i just want something exciting. if i wanted money i'd go the programming route and sit at a desk all day, but where's the purpose in that?