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8740758 No.8740758[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do nootropics work?

Which nootropics does /biz/ take? I have a prescription for 18mg/Concerta, it's 12-hour time release and it helps me huge. Looking to get into nootropics though.

>> No.8740855
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No thanks, Im not dependent on drugs to function.

>> No.8740880
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>He isn't already taking Supermale Vitality ™

>> No.8740892


No straight edge fags allowed.

>> No.8740902

Exercise, proper sleep, nofap, and cold showers. Sometimes I take Gorilla Mind if I want an extra boost, but not often.

Don't bother with pills unless you're already exercising and getting good sleep, at a minimum.

>> No.8740950

Anon do you meditate? Because the benefits in clarity, focus and willpower dwarf those of what nootropics can do for you. If you struggle with meditation (it's hard for any beginner) try a guided meditation like headspace, very helpful app.

>> No.8740978


Thanks might look into Gorilla Mind further...


I do not meditate. Actually, I'm working but doing a Masters degree as well right now. Got an email from the Wellness group at my Uni, and they wanted to study the grad students to see what effect meditation has on their mood. So I signed up, and will begin the process likely this month.

They guide us through everything and it's Uni sponsored so it should be legit. Looking forward to it, any other quick tips or recommendations?

Thanks Anons.

>> No.8741163

Got any recommendations for anxiety? Anxiety would kill me on your regime.

It's also what usually sends me off the rails if I'm otherwise managing to stick to a productive routine.

>> No.8741193

Codeword O-N-N-I-T

>> No.8741214

Modafinil for a rainy day. I only use it when theres lots of work I need to do or I'm dead tired. Always works if you take it in an empty stomach. Don't combine with caffeine. Side effects are loss of appetite and slight anxiety when the effects taper off.

>> No.8741263
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Pic related is the current optimum configuration that will work best for most + it can be tailored to specific individual requirements.

>> No.8741313

Also, concerta is a cognitive enhancer, not a nootropic.

You know, there is quite a strict definition for actual "nootropic" substances.

>> No.8741393

By far meditation is the lowest hanging fruit to improving the mind. Seriously, try it every morning for 10 minutes for a week. You dont have to get into some hippy pose, you can just do it in your chair.

Other tips are really the usual that other anons covered here. Workout +4 times a week. Eat healthy, cold showers etc etc. I've got most if these covered myself but I consider meditation to be at the bottom of self improvement because you are way more in control of your own actions and impulses.

>> No.8741415
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probably falls into the "selling useless stuff to idiots" category.

>> No.8741432

nootropics fucked me up for 3 months after taking just 1 piracetam capsule

>> No.8741448


>> No.8741465

Have you read anything on Gwern.net?

>> No.8741471


>> No.8741516


Tried microdosing. It is definitely worth something. I am quite sure it helped me avoid a depressive episode.

It also helped me get over my caffeine dependency. If I didn't take a caffeine pill or have a strong coffee, I would walk around all day like a zombie and develop a massive headache. This happened like clockwork if I missed my daily coffee.

The microdose provided me with the stimulatory effect (without the raised pulse and sweating) and prevented me from getting headaches somehow.

I couldn't quite get the dosing right though. I should have made them even smaller for a more subtle effect.

>> No.8741553

i was talking about the pic anon posted not your personal experiences in self medication.

>> No.8741581
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>> No.8741582

A micro dose for a micro penis

>> No.8741598

caffeine is an adenosine antagonist meaning adenosine receptors are upregulated as a means for the body to cope during high caffeine consumption.

Adenosine is also a vasodilator (causes more blood to flow) meaning it will cause headaches due to the change in blood flow pressure in the brain if there's lots of adenosine action.

the stimulatory effect of things is usually accompanied by vasoconstriction so that's probably why you didn't get a headache.

i don't see why you'd bother to cut caffeine out though. being dependant on it, isn't a bad thing unless your access to it is limited for some reason.

>> No.8741643

>i don't see why you'd bother to cut caffeine out though. being dependant on it, isn't a bad thing unless your access to it is limited for some reason.

Getting headaches on weekends or when travelling because I'd forgotten to have a cup of coffee is a bit of a bitch.

>> No.8741669

you just need to be prepared. that's such an easily managed potential negative compared to the positives.

>> No.8741683


Awesome thanks Anon!

>> No.8741702

I've tried a lot of different ones, the only ones which worked for me were noopept and phenylpiracetam. Look into how they work and what they'll do for you. For instance, cholinergics like the racetams are memory-boosters, allowing for better memory building and retention. They aren't nearly as magically as amphetamines.

>> No.8741716

i fookin rekt ure mums gash with this micropenis m8

>> No.8741725

Cold showers are a meme and bad for your immune system.

>> No.8741726

with this microtadger*

>> No.8741753

How does one meditate without wh hippy bullshit?

>> No.8741761

what about going in a sauna and then jumping in an ice cold pool?

>> No.8741778
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>By far meditation is the lowest hanging fruit to improving the mind. Seriously, try it every morning for 10 minutes for a week. You dont have to get into some hippy pose, you can just do it in your chair.

>> No.8741797

meditating involves not thinking. you have to force yourself to not think.

>> No.8741851


>> No.8741974

extensively studied by finnish doctors for decades that desperately tried to prove various effects. no significant results on anything. its a huge meme.

>> No.8741992

Its good and good for you bb
just gont get adick ted

>> No.8742133


>> No.8742157

side effects?

>> No.8742188

nootropics work if they could cross the blood-brain barrier, so short of injecting them directly in your spine they just get metabolised away by you liver.

>> No.8742257

I thought Xanax caused dementia.

>> No.8742267

I swear to Christ it's impossible not to get hooked on this shit. It's not "fun" so you don't get the psychological addiction, but the withdrawal symptoms are terrible and the half-life is so long that you can't even take it once a day without getting physically dependent.

Not only does the comedown make you feel like shit for 1-2 weeks, if you're not careful it can cause deadly seizures.

Great way to make money though, I would buy 1k bags of clandestine presses and sell them for 5-10x, but the people who buy them are almost all scumbags. Literally the devil right here.

Take phenibut instead. Instead of trying to fuck up your neurotransmitter uptake, it's just the GABA molecule tweaked so it crosses the blood-brain barrier. It's still got a small addictive potential, but much less life-ruining and legal.

>> No.8742282


>> No.8742361
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There's only one you need

>> No.8743035

>Looking forward to it, any other quick tips or recommendations?
It's going to be difficult the first couple of times. Especially if you're currently busy with class and other life obligations. Your mind is going to keep trying to flood itself with thoughts. You have to stay focused and eventually it becomes easier.

>> No.8743061

>hippy bullshit
he probably means incense, yoga poses, whatever the fuck it is they do. you just need silence and focus. although i heard it's easier for people to do shit like tai chi if they have trouble meditating while staying still.

>> No.8743083
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>> No.8743111


It also causes spelling errors, and if you take too much you say some weird shit that you regret forever. be careful

>> No.8743230

for anyone that uses a HEAVY stimulant sometimes and NEEDS to go to bed, try MEMANTINE. It blocks the excess of neurotransmitters from binding to receptors on the other side of the synapse. It works in about an hour, and its a great ending for the occasional binge

>> No.8743242


Anyone have any opinions on this?

>> No.8743348

Piracetam + Modafinil is a stack of the Gods. It raises my IQ level by many points I think. Add a little PRL-8-53 and I’ve got memory that approaches photographic recalls.

>> No.8743354


TIA Sulphate is not a nootropic, but an excellent anti-depressive.

>> No.8743364


tried it once during a bad spot and it worked, but its too subtle to go back to it recreationally.

>> No.8743391

I tend to get stuck in a feedback loop of anxiety which really stifles my ability to be productive in most cases. It's mostly in my head but there's a large physical component as well. I'm not interested in this for recreation but rather to alleviate problems associated with mild depression (nothing serious) and mild anxiety. Basically, I would love to have another tool in my belt for dealing with life in my efforts to be as productive as I can be.

Would it help with that?

>> No.8743480

Nothing compares. I've spend hundreds trying different stacks. I'd experiment more with different food and caffiene with your meds.

>> No.8743496

Yeah lsd is all placebo amirite

>> No.8743523

It feels good but then I feel frustrated when it is wearing off. I notice girls smile at me more when I'm on it, like they are no longer afraid of me or something

>> No.8743590

Semax is by far the best one. it helped me get over my adderal script. the 2-3 bottles ive bought over 2 years, have left positive effects on me 4 years later. if able to get the Russian version

>> No.8743663

used to play broodwar, got pretty good playing 8 hours every day as a teenager

sucked shit later in life at starcraft 2, after years of drug use my brain just didn't work for it but I still had some gosu strats and knowledge

took a racetam stack and it was like the old days again, my apm doubled and I never forgot to research stim

they work, they work real fucking good