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8732863 No.8732863 [Reply] [Original]

What's with all the anti-BCH threads and CSW attacks?

Did Blockstream get another round of funding?

>> No.8732928

it's because craig's talks give reason and evidence for the consolidation of the market cap into bch

the only reason the alt market boomed was that the blocks were full

everyone at the deconomy conference has an inferior product to bch.

>> No.8732955

so you think this is all organic fear?

>> No.8732962

the amount of attention given to this debate shows you how much weight there is on both sides. It will be an interesting in the coming months/year. many insecure core supporters and loud bch supporters.

>> No.8732983
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>heh guys why people don't like this scam run by scammers?
>must be a false flag illuminati attack by the reptillains

>> No.8732988
File: 84 KB, 1334x293, adqakc6dq9901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blockstream employees were already infiltrating BitcoinTalk in 2010

Pic Related. I hope this Hal guy dies of some incurable disease. Fucking Corecucks.

>> No.8733052

no there's hordes of paid shills against roger, craig, bch
the best they can muster is ad hominen though which is just more evidence that the arguments craig and roger make are correct

it would be interesting to know if the people attacking bch are doing so to accumulate or they honestly think relentless volumes of shit arguments can stop people adopting the mos superior form of currency ever invented

>> No.8733103

Nobody wants BCash. Cashies on suicide watch.

>> No.8733150
File: 110 KB, 1000x750, shill detector.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol exhibit a

>> No.8733161

he did, dipshit

>> No.8733407

I'm comfy. I "believe in the tech" so I enjoy all this juicy drama.

The battle is already won.

>> No.8733432

That's a funny way of saying for

>> No.8734576

Because BCH is promoted mainly by known scammers, liars and criminals. Next question.

>> No.8734598

Is that really the shit he was feeding people? Lmao

>> No.8734601

thx for bumping my deadthread buddy

>> No.8734615

maybe vitalik saw this video or heard it.


>> No.8734693

BCH to 95% market dominance EoY
LINK and DOGE the only remaining coins

>> No.8734869
File: 37 KB, 408x450, wojak 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its called bitcoin CASH
but its digital, scamm confirmed.
ill stick with bitcoin cause thats what they tell me to do

>> No.8735297
