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File: 15 KB, 384x384, iq6Ah_JyyXCl5V6uiHP3u1wPCRaxFOTdCYT3WP4ibpk3KGoJi3ow-M09lbmcKzF1sDPPW9IxOqcQP3QE2Yk8_wHM0wY9prSAPpJ4Vpnglb__lSjMyy0MbcAQEzipfDJv_YwhHgrwvaaJ-A8qLU1ZLE3h-UBsM1Xr=w384-h384-nc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8729659 No.8729659 [Reply] [Original]

Did you miss the altcoins pump? Get in ETH now, it is time anon

Don't be left out again

>> No.8729673

>buying a coin made by a Russian pedo
Not even once. If you're American DO NOT buy Ethereum

>> No.8729680

Nope, this is the time to increase your ETH stack.

Next month is the time you need to be in ETH.

>> No.8729703

YOU HAVE to be in ETH

>> No.8729709

>just shorted

>> No.8729747

what if i'm a slav but not russian

>> No.8729810

But you're happy buying Link. Lol GTFO retard

>> No.8729858

8.5x leverage ETH on bitmex since 400 USD.
comfy for the next few months.

>> No.8729867

As a Slav, I have mixed feels about skelly.
Vitalik has bright Slavic mind and genetics, but he was completely spolied by cucknadian SJW indoctrination.
ETH could have done it all, hadnt it been for his marxist spergouts on twitter.
Sad that Russian actually believes such shit.

>> No.8730527
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This shitcoin better break past $500.

>> No.8730555
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>> No.8730569

unironically, now is the first time in week where eth is diverging from btc. it's still stable at 414 while btc lost almost 100$...

usually this means that btc gonna reject the dump and pump back up, but it's not happening.

very suspicios

>> No.8730582

This is literally the only thing fudders can do to combat eth. Its pathetic really.

>> No.8730623

You're like a stupid girl trying to manipulate men to do something. You aren't smart enough to think of a good reason to not buy ETH, so you just go for an emotional argument.
>s-stay away from that creepy pedo weirdo tech
kys. By the way that's exactly what people said about bitcoin

>> No.8730627
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got in at sub 390, comfy af

>> No.8730712

never mind, it dumped properly now

>> No.8730898

Layoff the soy faggot. I support AMERICAN projects only, by people who have VALUES, not some Russian pedo dropout

>> No.8730923

did i win

>> No.8730925

is there any evidence he is a pedo beside that one weird tweet

>> No.8730951

That's exactly why it pumped soy nu/pol/ cuck

>> No.8730987

It's like you're trying to be a caricature of a redneck. You are an embarrassment.

>> No.8731337

