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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8727388 No.8727388[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mutual girlfriend sets me up with qt
>on date things go great
>shes laughing and touching me
>got a bit drunk and asked if she cared about money
>she said as long as he can pay for a roof over his head and my spas i dont care
>thought she was joking about the spas so i laugh
>shes serious
>ask how much she spends at the spa
>she says $2000 a week
>two thousand dollars a week
>i ask what she does at the spa how can this be etc
>she says the usual body scrub, body wrap, massage, facial, mani pedi, haircut
>shes a model so she has to have flawless skin is her justification
>she expects a man to pay $100k/year for her pussy

I just dont understand. this is what were competing with bros

>> No.8727421

that's pretty excessive but any high quality woman is gonna expect you to pay thousands every year for beauty services and products

>> No.8727432

did you sex, at least? Should of just went along with the charade

>> No.8727440

Why even ask that question?

>> No.8727460

cause im dumb and i still believe in love

no i kissed her cheek

>> No.8727471

Roasties priced themselves out of the market a while ago. Any man with half a brain knows that a used up fish hole is not worth that price.

>> No.8727494

Kek they can hit the road

>> No.8727503

If you genuinely believe this, you're never gonna make it anon.

OP, dump that worthless roastie.

>> No.8727512

That's absolutely not true.
If you want shitty gold digging women, sure.
You get what you give you autists.

>> No.8727516

"Uhhh... yea... yea... *buuurrrrpp*... yea... tooooootally gonna spa you, no problem. Yup. Takin' bitches to the *buurp* excuse me, takin' bitches to the spa all the time.

You wanna see my *hic* lambo? Just co..Just co..*gulp*.. just com.. *BLAAARGHvomit, wipes face with sleeve*, just come back to my apartment with me, babe. Totally gonna spa you"

>> No.8727519
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Dis nigga kissed her on the cheek after she supposedly laughed and touched him during the date and they had drinks Lmao

>> No.8727529

>t. guys without girlfriends

>> No.8727558

>t. cucked autist who continues to spend money on a depreciating asset.

kys faggot

>> No.8727561

>any high quality woman is gonna expect you to pay thousands

is that what your mom tells you to keep you down in her basement fearing all those high quality wimmins l

>> No.8727563

Did you just write a comment to imitate rick and morty? Jesus..

>> No.8727583

I honestly know that's a TV show but have never seen it. But if that's what it's like, I'm gonna watch it.

>> No.8727588

>should of

>> No.8727626

OP it's very nice of you to take care of that emaciated giraffe.

>> No.8727627

Also, OP, if you're willing to spend that much money at that point you could literally have threesomes with 10/10 hookers every weekend.

>> No.8727646

Evan Spiegel is probably the man for her Miranda Kerr is probably getting bored with all that autism soon anyway.

>> No.8727662

>Model = instagram model = high end whore
How else would she be able to pay for these spa treatments?

>> No.8727686

I have a girlfriend and don’t spend thousands a month, I just pay $60 every other week to get her pussy waxed. Anything else she can pay herself

>> No.8727691

You've never seen a vagina,brah.

>> No.8727693

>believing literally what a girl says

>> No.8727701

If she is a model she can expense it lmao. Anyway one of three things transpired here.
1) she is an outlier crazy bitch and the problem is you, your mutual friend, blind dates. Not representative of women
2) she was fucking with you but you are too autistic to notice.
3) you made up another weird story for attention on a mongolian sunday morning cartoon usenet group.

>> No.8727716

>this is what were competing with bros

not me

>> No.8727733

>I met a gold digger
>She expects men to pay for her shit
>Oh no what to do

Just stay away from whores? It's not that fucking difficult

>> No.8727741

cheqqed and qeqqed

>> No.8727799

Dude what the fuck actually kys

>> No.8727810

>Sunday morning cartoons
showing your age there a bit. today's kids have no idea what Saturday/Sunday morning cartoons are.

>> No.8727819

Lmao, 2K a week you can have a harem of women instead of one spoilt nobody.

Are there girls like that out there? Yes there are, and there are men that support their lifestyles. After all 100K is chump change to those in the higher echelons.

Just cut contact. There are plenty of hot chicks out there which don't demand that you bankroll them, and those that do are the worst kind.

>> No.8727868

Well if I was raking $500,000 to a million a year then yeah that's not a problem.

But currently I can't afford to maintain such a roastie.

>> No.8727894

>He thinks it's rick and morty reference.

how fucking delusional are you? So quick to judge. Not every drunk person is rick & morty.

>> No.8727908

nicely said. not much left to say here now lets pack it up threads over.

>> No.8727909

If women were investments that you built a life with, like they were once, then spending money on them would make sense. Now they're just parasitic fleshlights with garbage opinions and well-used vaginas, I refuse to pay for them, I even minimize my tax burden just so as few dollars of mine as possible go to support them and their illegitimate children.

>> No.8727921

>100k out of 500k to pay for fuckign spa treatments isn't an issue
that's an issue no matter how rich you are, underage retard.

>> No.8727933

I know far too many instagram whores who call themselves "models" with no actual experience modeling, it's scary.

>> No.8728024

Except that it really doesn't leave many women to choose from, especially in this day and age.

We're in an era where most attractive girls are getting bankrolled by sugar daddies. It's sad but true. The amount of college girls meeting johns regularly for their weekly allowances is truly depressing.

>> No.8728080

The absolute state of beta

>> No.8728097

not an uncommon sight.

>> No.8728120

$100k/year on spas. Holy shit, you know she's going to want shoes, clothes, and purses too.

>> No.8728129

The girl I'm seeing right now has ~10k followers on Instagram and only has like 7 pictures posted because she deleted the rest. It's really fucking weird.

>> No.8728160

>high class model
>can't pay for her own shit

what happens when that model is 25 and can't work no more. You'll have some whiney bitch who chases the beauty dragon until she is a dragon.

If someone is too poor and lazy to maintain their own skin, you're fucked

>> No.8728163

Rick and Morty is funny show on tv or irl lol

>> No.8728164


>> No.8728200


>> No.8728244


That's the reason why I'm not even trying to find a gf anymore. They all have maintenance costs, one way or another, they just expect you to provide for them. Especially when you will eventually have children and will need a bigger apartment/housing etc.
But even if you don't get married at all, your relations will be much smoother if you don't have to worry about money all the time.
And since i've got JUSTed with crypto i'm probably going to die alone. The desire to get a gf is diminishing with every year of solitude, so eventually it will disappear completely.

>> No.8728315


This is really sad. I'm guessing the modern networking would be to blame. the united states of absolute vapid narcissism.

>> No.8728400

So this has been said over and over, but you never go for 10/10s when finding a life partner. Unless you get really lucky, they are just literal fucktoys who have had their ego stroked their whole life and expect to be treated like a queen 24/7. Not to mention when they turn 30, they start to decay pretty fast and then opt for plastic surgery which only leaves them looking weird as shit later on in life.

>> No.8728437

In a way, that's free market. Her price is so high because there are some poor sods out there who might buy it because they just want a trophy wife.
The only way to change this is a mass boycott, but that'll never happen except for MGTOW (which is a relatively small movement).

>> No.8728481
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>not wanting a high quality pussy that is always shaved and silky smooth

>> No.8728483
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KEK had a gf like OP. She expected me to pay for the beauty saloon, because I profited to! Well fuck that bitch.

Settled for a frugal farming gf, who only wants to start a family.

>> No.8728501

kek what a fucking beta loser

Remember that ultimately nothing works better for a woman than a strong, athletic chad with "that look".

Go on, give thousands to your Stacey to keep skin soft and vagina tight when I'll be fucking the living hell out of her

>> No.8728508

That’s something rick would say

>> No.8728510

who is this anon i need to know

>> No.8728521

nice photo. saved

>> No.8728526

When you get out of your young 20's unless you're a pedo the bald vagina is not a thing you're going to want. Way too child-like. Ofc I'm not talking full bush, but bald? nty, I'm a man, not a boy.

>> No.8728555
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>> No.8728585

neatly trimmed pussy is the best pussy

>> No.8728627

Most truthful post ITT

The 7-9/10s are the real wife material, not the 10/10s who think their Instagram popularity indicates how much they are worth as a human being

>> No.8728666

Pedo spotted, Real men prefer a bush

>> No.8728811

I don't spend shit on my gf because I'm not a cuck.

>> No.8728826

what the hell is wrong with these people?
there was a thread yesterday where the OP said his wife was extorting him because she found his POF account, and now this shit
also, reminder that this is
>/biz/ - Business & Finance
not /adv/, you fucking retards

>muh quality woman

>> No.8728827
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>> No.8728853

This. If you want to marry and be happy then anything over an 8.5 is pushing it.

>> No.8728875

i'd rather pay for high-quality trap boipussi

vaginas are old and busted

>> No.8728888
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>> No.8728899

nice quads
nice ass

>> No.8728918


>> No.8728940
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>> No.8728944
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White people tricked by Jews into acting like niggers

>> No.8728955
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dubs confirm

>> No.8728980

When are you paying for her massages too op? Lmao. Don’t even know how to know if she’s into you. You guys are fucking clueless on here. Depressing really

>> No.8729002

Her attitude implies somewhere out there is a man who thinks
>oh boy can’t wait to have a 10/10 model wife
>I’m going to spoil her!
>all my friends are going to be SO jealous!
>she’s the perfect wife material. She cares about her appearance. Status symbol ahoy!

>> No.8729052

my wife doesn't even bother talking to low tier trash like you, sorry :^)

>> No.8729078

you don't have a gf. you have some sluts you fuck once in awhile on tinder. lol

>> No.8729083


so i can illegally download every bit of content shes ever been in and begin bustin nuts

>> No.8729102
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please anon, i am a simple man. do not lord this over me forever

>> No.8729117
File: 2.89 MB, 1280x720, 1By-Day.com Melena Maria - I'll Wash While You Watch_9.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a lot of gigabytes

>he doesn't know every pornstar out there by name


>> No.8729120

when will you realise that white women are the ultimate enemy tradcuck?

if you want white children either enslave them like in the good old days or bring us the artificial womb

>> No.8729149


Melena Maria Rya.
You're welcome, Anon.

>> No.8729157

>t. I'm trying to justify my cuckoldry by shaming somebody else.

Try again sweetie

>> No.8729167

uh huh. enjoy your virginity or life of meaningless sex.

>> No.8729176

>he's still trying to justify his cuckoldry.

Jesus Christ, anon. Just because some coked-up roastie whore convinced you to spend money on her doesn't mean we're all autistic like you

>> No.8729204

no see, coked up roasties are the low tier trash women you deal with. not me. :^)

>> No.8729283

>t. soyboy beta male

>> No.8729354
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At this point you just laugh in her face and tell her she's gotta pay you to suck on your balls.
Easiest shit test nigga get used to it

>> No.8729425

you fell for the trap omega boy
>having anything to do with women in 2018
watch your back anon, make her mad, she leaves you and reports you for sexual assault or domestic violence

>> No.8729442

> pretend to be chad on anonymous anime porn forum
> feel better about self

>> No.8729467
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>> No.8729611

Realest nigga in the thread right here.

>> No.8729616

Smash n pass she's a hoe

All those "models" sell pussy

>> No.8729697

love does exists anon, you're literally looking on the wrong place

>> No.8729711

You lost. You can't frame yourself as a provider. I've fucked plenty of international models and never bought them a coffee or a drink before I scored. Afterwards maybe I would pay for a dinner if I'm in a mood. First of all, if she's an actual model not a Stacy with a Maxmodels account with photos in rye shot by some beta orbiters, then she has enough money for her lifestyle (if she's not then that's the easiest kind of girl to bang, just tap into her insecurities by asking about her agency and contracts, whether she's not too short for modeling, ask her to show you her photos and laugh at them etc; she will probably at least blow you in a toilet). Secondly, as a rule of thumb you really don't want to get into a relationship with a model. They have issues of all sorts, have more fucks in ''models apartment'' during one contract than you'll have through your entire life. Fuck them if you want, but aim at settling with some 8/10 qt.

>> No.8729728


>> No.8729800
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>> No.8730050

Then you end up married with a roastie like that, she gets a divorce after a little bit and then you keep paying as a alimony because "lifestyle".

>> No.8730324

Babies first shit-test

>> No.8730438

o g-geez c-come on man, dont you think that's a bit harsh??

>> No.8730848

>high quality woman

A high quality woman will look great without all that shit thanks to good genes and healthy lifestyle. She will also give me shit over spending money on useless shit instead of investing it and securing our future.