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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8726596 No.8726596 [Reply] [Original]

Get ready for the fireworks boys. April is going to be fun. I'm the same anon that told you about this at $0.04. Watch what happens.

>> No.8727544

Screenshot this.

>> No.8727567


Easiest 5x ever

>> No.8727571

Last coins I've gotten in early were ANS, ICX, KCS, BNTY, and DNA. This is the next coin that's going to 10x

>> No.8727577

My body is ready.

t. 50k stack

>> No.8727619

Going to buy tonight, watch it fly

>> No.8727640

this one hitting the moon https://powl.io/exchange/

get in and thank me later


>> No.8727660

fuck off pajeet

>> No.8727676

Stfu pajeet, i dont need your stinky dividends

>> No.8727942


Any real news coming out in april?

>> No.8727999

62k here, trips says $0.50 by May
>check em

>> No.8728012
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>> No.8728015

What the fuck

>> No.8728040

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.8728148

thx just bought 19.2

>> No.8728151


>>8727942 yes.

>> No.8728222

No problem anon, with 100k of these you'll be a rich man one day

>> No.8728229

Got in at around 0.3-0.4, feeling comfy.

Sentinel chain partnership made me even more bullish and some rumours i read on tg about unicom partnership? This is just rumour have no source or anything confirmed as i know, but IF so, also even bullish.

>> No.8728255
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Well nigger me sideways, you just did it again

>> No.8728333

what other projects are like this?

>> No.8728358

This thead is blessed. BBN will make anyone who holds 10K and above very very wealthy.

>> No.8728378

poorfag here with a measly 1k, feelsbadman

>> No.8728379

Loaded with 100K of BBN and 50K of its partner SENC, going to be a /comfy/ year.

>> No.8728402

Holy shit. Ok I’m officially spooked into buying this coin

>> No.8729134

I would add cpc and hpb

>> No.8729312

Ok. What is it?

>> No.8729405
File: 63 KB, 680x521, 1522630070571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone explain what this coin does and why would it moon

>> No.8729668


>> No.8729707


Nobody's doing your research for you. FOMO in now or later, your choice.

>t. did my homework and got in at $0.07

>> No.8729742

Extremely low market cap + amazing team + circumstances which indicate that the team has been requested to come to china by the chinese government to work on this project.

>> No.8729805

never been 7 cents, do your shilling better you filthy pajeet and btw utility tokens like bbn are most useless shit tokens in crypto space, died when borned

>> No.8729959
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I'll take the bait.

>looking at the cmc graph and thinking that's the earliest this coin was available for purchase

You could get it for $0.05 on Bibox when it first listed, but keep fomo-ing and buying high. It's the /biz/ way after all.

>> No.8730031

Unicom is under NDA Banyan.

>> No.8730045

Are you fucking retarded? This thing traded for 2 weeks without being on CMC, I bought at 4 cents.

>> No.8730089

>buy bbn with eth
>massive pump in gwei
>eth takes a major shit
>maybe breakeven in sats

>> No.8730201


>> No.8730249

they couldn't even afford a graphic designer for a logo, but you keep shilling paj everything will be fine

>> No.8730264

It’ll moon when exchanges are announced soon

>> No.8730277

>Extremely low market cap + amazing team
Oh great thanks, I've never heard that about any project before ever. From what I gather from an initial read on the project it intends to be another intermediary chain. Will it have data oracles for pulling the 'big data' from off chain? There's no indication of that on the white paper. The white paper is also only 20 pages long in terms of actual information and that's with large font and formatting.

You can't just throw the phrase 'Big Data' and 'Artificial Intelligence' on a paper 50 times and suddenly it has value. Please prove me wrong as I'd love to be rich just like you "LOW MARKETCAP OMFG" guys do, and haven't read all information available yet, but don't want to waste my time either.

>> No.8731132


Lets go.

>> No.8731147

Your trips and a little research say there aren't any like Banyan. Banyan is in a league of its own. The first Data fusion company on the blockchain.

>> No.8731166

this shit is a scam, is shilled hard by a group of steetshitters and the hilarious part is that they don't even know what the fuck this chin chon coin does

>> No.8731400

want to fomo in but poor

>> No.8731604

also there is a maximum supply of 1 billion tokens, with 136 million currently in circulation. However, a minimum of 400 million coins will be supplied by the beginning of September, 120 million tokens released on the 3rd of June 2018, and the remaining 160 million by September 3rd – meaning that in 7 months, at current price, the token will be valued at USD 57mio – all else being equal. The release of these token raises the question of asset depreciation, as the price of the token would have to increase by 3x in order for its value not to be diluted.

>> No.8731804

Data Fusion on blockchain. Basically they're creating a market place that allow the combination of data to be free flowing, more relevant, more valuable, and less stagnant than data sitting in silos.

They will do this with data from Union Pay, Unicom, Aegis Dentsu, and some even speculate Alibaba do to the close ties.