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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8724230 No.8724230 [Reply] [Original]

This board is a fucking joke. The tech bubble is popping, I come here and all I fucking find are loser 20 year olds spending all their money on cryptos whose technology they don't even understand. DON'T INVEST IN SHIT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND MORONS. THAT'S WHY CRYPTO POPPED, EVERY DIPSHIT ON EARTH BOUGHT IT. Now onto real talk. The tech bubble is popping, netflix has no room to grow but people were investing in it like its 2014 and net neutrality will start to hurt. Amazon will be forced to pay American taxes now that Trump is on the loose. Facebook had a dive because only cucks use their service that has no privacy at all after that newest scandal, and google keeps investing/buying worthless hipster startups and is run by women who don't know what the fuck they're doing. The DOT.com bubble is back motherfuckers, talk about it. Or go back to your litecoin thread and be a huge faggot waste of space. Your choice.

>> No.8724254
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but bitcorn is not listed in nasdaq

>> No.8724257
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>> No.8724273

7/10 bait or 2 digit iq

>> No.8724279

Been hearing these threads for years. Fucking kys.

>> No.8724293

>tech bubble is popping
>all my stocks are green
wtf Im a commie now. Fuck drumpf and fuck white people

>> No.8724300

>The tech bubble is popping
you do know that new tech is only going to pop and the outdated will fall.

>> No.8724306

Explain to me why I should give a shit its their own fault they over extended into a tough market with amazon prime offering frankly better content at a competitive price.

>> No.8724340

>comparing a profitable business to the likes of pets.com

>> No.8724408
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I am telling you fuckers that this falloff will get worse. All the evidence points that way. When FANG falls, they will drag the rest of internet tech and business with them. This will drag silicon valley to the shitter momentarily, and might end up fucking california as a whole.

>> No.8724425


OP is a mouth breathing moron but he's right. The stock market has had continuous growth for the past 9 years and is due for a correction, possibly even a bear market.

>> No.8724481

>He thinks fundamentals matter
Jesus Christ what a fucking retard. The economy is overextended and shit like NFLX especially. It's looking for a retrace down to $60-120 by mid-late 2019. Short it hard

>> No.8724523

That's what I'm saying. Theres more to the bubble than just what I've said, that's why I wanted discussion. I just introduced the topic. If I had any money or any experience investing I would short or put. But no, I'm completely new to stocks. But even I can tell this board is filled with dipshits obsessed with columbian drug coins. First time I've ever come to this board and it's pathetic.

>> No.8724526
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nobody cares fag burn it down

>> No.8724553

I love how people think the last rush was normies flowing into crypto with only a 800 bil mcap at its peak. Fucking brainlets

>> No.8724588
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>> No.8724591

>waaah crypto is on the crypto board
This board was created as a containment for crypto to get it off /g/.

>> No.8724618

Theres nothing wrong with crypto, it's a legitimate subject. But 30 crypto threads is excessive, and frankly only dumbasses post in them.

>> No.8724670

>First time I've ever come to this board
>This board doesn't work like how I want
Then fuck off faggot.

>> No.8724745

I come to business and finance, and the most trending thread is a dude selling fake panties soaked in olive oil and 45 threads about how their specific crypto coin is the currency of the future. This board is filled with neckbeard LARPERS that want to pretend they understand complex markets, when they didn't even see the crypto pop coming. Even I saw that shit coming, and that was when I literally knew nothing about stocks.

>> No.8724764

Markets I should say, not stocks

>> No.8724810
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op you sound like such a fuckin queer

>> No.8724880

Found the salty crypto manbaby

>> No.8724881

>when they didn't even see the crypto pop coming.
How long had you seen the pop coming for? People started saying it was going to pop as soon as we hit $1k again. If people keep repeating something long enough of course they'll be right eventually.

>> No.8724890

my shitbeans are my retirement grandpa

>> No.8724918

I knew not from just the accelerating vertical investment curve, but from the fact that I personally knew many 20 year old kids buying the coins. But they weren't buying it as a currency, they were buying it to sell. They wanted USD not crypto. When I realized the overhyped investment curve was fueled by college kids who were only buying to sell, I saw the selloff coming. And I saw the deadcat bounce for what it was before I even knew what a deadcat bounce was. It was very obvious to me, and it's why I became interested in markets. As long as everyone else is stupid, making money shouldn't be so challenging.

>> No.8724961
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>I come to business and finance, and the most trending thread is a dude selling fake panties soaked in olive oil

This if 4chan, where 99% of the posters are shills, LARPers, NEETs, retards, or literal children.

Did you expect hard hitting, rational discussion? I come here precisely because of the unfiltered, low brow trash that shows up every day. I bathe in it.

Maybe you should take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask yourself what you expected to find on a Chinese cartoon forum.

>> No.8724970

What price faggot?
>inb4 you say the top

>> No.8724987

And for that matter, whenever I see accelerating investment, it's very likely because people are buying to sell and nothing more. To me, its always an indicator of a bubble forming. I don't know if this is a well established fact in investment because I have no formal education in it, but I think it's a good rule to use.

>> No.8724999

Two weeks before it crashed idk what price it was

>> No.8725034

I use /pol/ for that. But even /pol/ has SOME intelligent discussion. I actually see less on this board. It's remarkable.

>> No.8725038


>> No.8725060

I've made $170k thanks to this board over the past 12 months from an initial capital of $5k, if you guys can't sift the diamonds from the shit that's your own problem.

>> No.8725061
File: 289 KB, 1634x1096, BoomersBoutToGetBTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been posting this graph for like 2 weeks now.
Pic related.

>> No.8725066

But the most offending thing about it is that you guys don't realize how dumb your conversations are. Its a big crypto dick swinging contest.

>> No.8725103

Exactly, that picture explains things very well. The market looks just like that

>> No.8725109

You eh
I dont think you got the right end of the stick there champ

>> No.8725193

dude, you're too nigger to understand cryptos... don't think we all are.

>> No.8725249


I only made about $11k profit, but that was mostly through ETH pyramid schemes like PoWH.

>> No.8725264

netflix popping is good, who the fuck needs that propaganda anyway

>> No.8725267

>video streaming service
Netflix has always been shit, it just had marketing and a good name. Anyone who isn't a retard can watch more shows for free.

>> No.8725285

I am well aquainted with the technology, and think cryptos have real value. The reason everyone thinks it's a joke is because of you guys, the investors without brains. Kids see the few success stories and jump in head first, adults see an overvalued volatile market filled with idiots and stay away. Crypto has real value, sure, but only on the day real businesses honor it. Until then, the growth isn't meaningful and its only for buying to sell.

>> No.8725323

>I use /pol/ for that. But even /pol/ has SOME intelligent discussion. I actually see less on this board. It's remarkable.
thread disregarded
>4cuck pol

>> No.8725365

Any tips for a guy on the spectrum?