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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 180 KB, 849x474, 11Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8720034 No.8720034 [Reply] [Original]

Does this remind you like bitconnect?



The marketing is lit.

Crash when lol

>> No.8720054

Crash soon, devs making a new coin already.


>> No.8720083
File: 47 KB, 570x570, 02-cafe_lu_for_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they are celebrating 14k right now lol

because it was 10k yesterday

shit, some of them gonna burn hard haha

>> No.8720107
File: 2.54 MB, 1920x1080, a pit of fuckery v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they dont do any of the marketing themselves

>> No.8720109
File: 1021 KB, 1920x1080, powh cube v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just have one guy shitting out memes in discord and everyone posts them everywhere

>> No.8720117

It's going to be fun to watch. I have a 3kg order of popcorn seeds from Amazon on the way.

>> No.8720138

This is what happens when your education on graphic design comes from deviantart and youtube. Retard can't get a real job so he's working for a ponzi pumping out memes made with tutorials from 2009.

>> No.8720149

lol look at their quotes on the exchange, this is hillarious

"Hopefully this doesn't end like Boatmurdered"
"10% of our proceeds go to depressed altcoin-holders"
"The Better Business Bureau hasn't rated us just yet"
"Either you die a hero or hodl long enough to see yourself become the villan."
"He bought, dump it"
"Remember, you're here forever"
"No Promises, so we can't break any. -(og)"
"Once you buy you're here forever"
"Use your masternode to expand our network, for your gain!"
"Shake out the weak hands and you'll profit -(sf)"
"Transactions are only private until someone looks at etherscan -(sf)"
"the only thing you're up against is your own patience"
"Buying this dip won't give you mouth cancer"
"Feeling weak handed?"
"PoWH (Proof of Weak Hands) technology is probably why you're still here"
"Listen, if you haven't seen that dog wearing 3D glasses you really should"

and there are loads more lol

>> No.8720165

Meanwhile: legit crypto people are looking at the source in a more serious matter and found literally zero exploit.
No crash for years to come, my dear poorfag.

>> No.8720174
File: 835 KB, 1507x633, the-absolute-state.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is their latest mission. Spamming live streams on YouTube. Even the pajeets don't want to fuck with them and turned off his stream.

>> No.8720184

>legit crypto people are looking

>> No.8720204

But I gotta give it to them. They have a legion of basement dwellers to promote this day in and out

My prediction is that just because of this, this crap will moon higher then pluto.

But damn, the crash will be worse then bitconnect lol

>> No.8720222
File: 639 KB, 1000x581, dump it , sir we can't text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really though, they're just memes. It's an entire cryptocurrency built around viral marketing and memes, its brilliant

>> No.8720226

I could post you your beloved discord screenshots, but honestly you're not worth my time for that.
Just wait a few days, you'll see some videos popping up on YT.

>> No.8720229

The fucking morons still think this is decentralized when no real exchanges have it. They all get their worthless shit tokens from a contact. Holy shit lol.

>> No.8720235

Already took out the initial investment and with 127% profit.

I'm burning, I'm burning, pleeeease help

Idiot, doesn't even try to comprehend this shit.

>> No.8720239

This seems like a solid investment.

>> No.8720243

why worthless, why shit? explain i have no idea. it seems interesting, gonna throw some beer money at it.

>> No.8720246

why would anyone jump onto a pozi and the end when they could jump on a new one where there's still a chance to make money?

only bagholders would shill an EOL ponzi like this.

>> No.8720252

You took out? Weak hands? Even your own people are abandoning this lol

>> No.8720257

So you have no proof. Thanks.

>> No.8720259

Really, such a low IQ argument... Taking out the initial investment is kinda a rule of thumb for any investment

>> No.8720275


Come on man, just be honest. You are only in this because of insane gain the next months. This isnt investment. This is at best, gambling.

>> No.8720280

Top kek. They are cucking themselves while the devs get rich. PoWH is a Darwin project and all those PoWH bag holders are going to die from homelessness.

>> No.8720290

NO shit sherlock, or captain obvious, whatever you want to call yourself... It's not gambling when the math is pretty easy to do, even if it's gambling the probability distribution of this crap is kinda easy to understand. I can tell easily you have no clue how the coin works and you didn't even bother to look past the silly memes.

tl:dr since you might be missing the point of this coins - I'm here to make money, there. This isn't a sport club, I couldn't care less about the coin, but it is making me rich.

>> No.8720303

Read the fucking smartcontract, if you have the ability to do so... because with that argument it just shows you are ignorant

>> No.8720313

Ohhh did you mean this proof? This LEGIT YouTuber Arti Intel, or should I say Gary Gibbs or is it Craig Grant? HAHAHA


That Ivan on Tech screenshot is one of the mods pretending to be him. But I'm sure you know that already.

>> No.8720336

I thought FUD was good for the divvies. Why so defensive now?

>> No.8720362

stay poor

>> No.8720364
File: 18 KB, 248x189, 1520100345881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LearnPOWH -
"Yeah it feels weird not being on Coin MarketCap, BCC and DAV were on there, and they were way sketchier from the get go..."

>> No.8720373

do people think this vid is real?

its just an edited video from the "australian bilzerian"

>> No.8720389

travers beynon

>> No.8720394

lmao link to discord?

>> No.8720395


P3D_Bot (design dev, meme-lead) - "well realize that coinmarketcap might
not agree with our pricing model
no other token runs like P3D does" AHAHAHA it just doesn't stop, my sides.

>> No.8720403


>> No.8720406

>real exchange like Gooknance
Chink loving kike

>> No.8720425

They absolutely think it's real. They don't even question why the guy's face is covered. It's some retards on YouTube named "Crypto Yardi". This shit is making me kek so hard.

>> No.8720439

Ay black panther we gon get dem Lambogennis ma brotha. POWHA TO THE PEOPLES.

>> No.8720442


of course craig grant is shilling this trash also

>> No.8720485
File: 100 KB, 1215x796, SsWvgo8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On top of that, they think this chad is really the face of the lead dev.

>> No.8720579
File: 95 KB, 506x652, IVANTECH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have confirmed this is the REAL Ivan guys.

>> No.8720589

lol brainlets

There are like decent coins worth buying that have underling value and will moon 100x more than this ponzi. You can say whatever you want, but if you get into link, neo, req and trx, you will make so much mad gains! You know why? Because these coins have value! They are doing something to improve the world!

>> No.8720641

They're too dumb to understand tech. Too lazy to read white papers. They only understand "taking divvies from new people" and "referral links give you more divvies".

>> No.8720651

O M G real like the crypto yardie music video W O W

>> No.8720653

TRX? oh my...

>> No.8720672

Please explain me the tech behind:
TRX - really curious about this one;

Because I can bet, you can't even explain and didn't read the whitepaper. Especially considering TRX had one of the crappiest whitepaper in existence.

>> No.8720673


sunnydecree and Ivan on tech are CONFIRMED legitimate supporters. You don't realize the tech behind the new coin, it is really changing the entire space.

>> No.8720677

>thinking you're superior because the ponzi you invested in has a shitepaper and tech buzzwords

this fuggen board

>> No.8720684

neo is gook eth
trx is shit
link is great but if someone forks and allows node operators to be paid in any other coin it could dent the price of LINK
req: fuck knows

>> No.8720701

Thats the retarded: "I have heard on youtube this was kinda of a good investment" explanations I'm tired of seeing. Most people who advertise to read the whitepaper DON'T read the whitepaper

>> No.8720710

ive read the whitepapers on neo and link

>> No.8720713

No, your job is to sell me P3D not the other way around. How come you guys get so angry about FUD when it's giving you more divvies?

>> No.8720723

Show proof pls. Just like your "mad gainz" it's non-existent

>> No.8720736

LOL, the fuck I have to sell you anything, the more time people take to understand the potential of this, the more I'm gaining in dividends, we all know most of the normies will run to this too late.

>> No.8720737

who is the cum dumpster in this pic pls?

>> No.8720754

Explain me NEO concisely then? You know you are full of shit, stop lying to yourself.

>> No.8720761

>the more I'm gaining in dividends, we all know most of the normies will run to this too late.
Top keks mate. You sure don't sound like someone who's in a ponzi.

>> No.8720783

Ay Tyrone don't get so mad. Welfare check coming in soon.

>> No.8720800

Suit yourself

>> No.8720915

Listen, money is unironically a 0 sum game, for you to make money, someone has to lose it, your magical contract doesn't print money. Once it collapses lots of people will get burned. And they will.

>> No.8720975

>no one uses these shitcoins
To the moon guys!

>> No.8720998


>> No.8721032

You guys should FUD for more divvies. That's how it works right? People sell and you get divvies. FUD is good, more FUD is even better.

>> No.8721043


i posted the vid here >>8720442

good luck...

>> No.8721048

As long as you take the initial investment out, it's all fine... Hard to believe because this is a coin infested with memes and it's a satire, but the underlying economic model isn't as retarded as some people might think.

>> No.8721066

Good coin with strong memes > shitcoin with strong memes > good coin with no memes

>> No.8721075

If the economic model is so genius then why is it being shilled by Boris, niggers and pajeets instead of Wall Street? Fucking hell you are so stupid you don't even realize how stupid you sound.

>> No.8721081

>but the underlying economic model isn't as retarded as some people might think.
It's a pyramid scheme.

>As long as you take the initial investment out, it's all fine...
Tell that to the idiots re-investing, and the idiots that don't cash out. When it starts dumping the price will plummet really fast way past the point of their profit.

From the way you type I get a feeling you're a literal 3rd worlder.

>> No.8721088

who the fuck cares about the people shilling it... when there is money to be made scum appears... like that isn't common...

>> No.8721116
File: 15 KB, 251x242, 1519720992256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scum appears
Oh the irony...

>best economic model
>who the fuck cares about wall street

>> No.8721120

Just because some idiots keep reinvesting, doesn't mean money can't be made... Fuck, people here are all hypocritical white knights

No, not a 3rd "worlder", can't even understand why is that relevant to this discussion whatsoever.

Most of crypto is a pyramid scheme, sorry to burst your bubble...

"But my tech..." Everything is unproven and it's all vaporware since it doesn't have real usage now

>> No.8721122

going vertical. never change biz

>> No.8721124

Kek you beat me to it

>> No.8721126

>No, not a 3rd "worlder"
Detroit is 3rd world, sorry.

>> No.8721134

It needs a healthy balance of both.

>> No.8721137


>> No.8721144

Why? It's in the name of the game, Proof of Weak Hands. More FUD more DIVVIES.

>> No.8721179

Sounds like if people sell everything crashes.

>> No.8721189

>"But my tech..." Everything is unproven and it's all vaporware since it doesn't have real usage now
SpaceX doesn't have any uses either,
Musky boy is still investing in it, point is it might have some day, that's where speculative investing comes in, I don't expect you to be smart, you're "investing" in pozni schemes.

>Most of crypto is a pyramid scheme, sorry to burst your bubble...
Correct, the stock market is the same. There are stocks out there that don't pay dividends. Ever. People either use them as actual control of companies or hope the companies will buy-back stocks from time to time at good prices.

>Just because some idiots keep reinvesting, doesn't mean money can't be made... Fuck, people here are all hypocritical white knights
We're not hypocritical, friend, most of us here either aren't interested in literally illegal and traceable activities such as profiting off of ponzi schemes that'll die in a few weeks, or see this as a too late of a point to get in. Which it is, this crappy music video is a huge sell signal.

Pretty much so. First some people sell, other's see that their potential balance got a lot smaller, they sell, repeat.

>> No.8721192

You get divs on the up and the downs. Volume is what you are aiming for. If you could have people coming in at the same rate that they are leaving, you would get way more divs and you wouldn't lose token value.

>> No.8721208

Exchange has been down for 15 minutes now. Exit scam incoming.

>> No.8721217

>Pretty much so
And how is this not a ponzi again?

>> No.8721229
File: 356 KB, 599x510, 1522087460501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say it wasn't you baka, I'm actually arguing against "investing" into this.

>> No.8721255

>I'm actually arguing against "investing" into this.
Because that is your job as a ponzi shill. At the same time you say FUD is good but also bad. What the fuck man lol

>> No.8721264

Convincing people to take free money is always the sign of a scam.

>> No.8721270

you do know, it's impossible to exit scam this, right? Anyway, if it's a good investment is all a matter of perspective, already playing with "house" money and profiting, so don't really care where this is going.

>> No.8721276

>Because that is your job as a ponzi shill. At the same time you say FUD is good but also bad. What the fuck man lol
It's 5pm in India
explains what kind of people I'm arguing with
you're hopeless pajeets

>> No.8721286
File: 5 KB, 178x178, 1519922968117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the exchange down for almost 30 minutes now? What is the purpose of the new token?

>> No.8721299

>It's 5pm in India
What time is it in Nigeria?

>> No.8721306

why do you talk without knowing... this is a contract, I can trade using myetherwallet if I wanted ffs, I don't need an exchange to trade this or gain dividends on it, I don't need any entity to get the dividends, and the dividends are in ETH so who cares about the token value, since it's already free for me. New token? Couldn't care less

>> No.8721320

So you can keep putting money in but can't take it out?

>> No.8721333

reported for sexual content and spam

>> No.8721335

>New token? Couldn't care less
How come you don't care about the new token if the economic model of the last one was so great? And if the last token was the best one why is there another?

>> No.8721347

>dividends are in ETH so who cares about the token value,
Where is your full investment?

>> No.8721359

>ITT: a bunch of salty ethpenises spread FUD to feel better about their failure of a project
I do enjoy some salt every now and then but y'all make yourself look bad.
Should've worked on getting more PhDs instead of FUDing.

>> No.8721372

Since people are really struggling with a really easy line of thought. I'm going to make a easy ELI3:

-Bought coin two weeks ago: imagine it's 10 ETH, paid 10%;
-Waited two weeks, never reinvested: Got almost 20 ETH;
-Withdrew 11ETH, paid 10%;
-Using the rest of the 10ETH on the coin to get free ETH until this dies.


>> No.8721403

Can we see your wallet as proof? Maybe some screen shots of your powh dashboard perhaps?

>> No.8721449

Powhfags never show proof. Only talk.

>> No.8721488



Have fun.

>> No.8721518

I thought all the other coins were trash vapourware?

>> No.8721525

U are broke as fuck my dude

>> No.8721528

Dude, are you 12 years old? They aren't trash, but THEY ARE vaporware, for now...

>> No.8721540

Multiply the number of tokens with the current PoWH3d price :)

>> No.8721553

Why invest in other coins if powh gives you 999999 ETH every femtosecond

>> No.8721559

>Multiply the number of tokens with the current PoWH3d price :)
once people start selling they'll be worthless
you said you cashed out you miserable pajeet

>ETH Balance: 0.009699631469792066 Ether

>> No.8721562

Because powh is a high risk with low amount investment, while the others I have a bigger stake... Are you done?

>> No.8721575

nigga those p3d tokens are worth nothing i can't trade those shit tokens any where else besides ur shit exchange

>> No.8721580

You know the dividends are being distributed to multiple wallets right? And the token value itself is kinda irrelevant if I already cashed out the initial investment, powh is here to stay for some more time.

>> No.8721593

FFS, they got a price mathematically calculated by the influx of ETH on the smarcontract wallet, you can sell the tokens using a command on MyEtherWallet

>> No.8721595

>powh is a high risk
What risk?

>> No.8721612

>dividends are being distributed to multiple wallets right?
No they're being distributed into the P3D contract under your address
and you've still not cashed them out
last 2 powh's got hacked and people couldn't cash out their "dividends".

>> No.8721617

Just because I'm making money doesn't mean it isn't a high-risk investment... I'm done with you.

>> No.8721656

Are you autistic?

6,115.60248640494301214 P3D

Around 90 ETH

>> No.8721672
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 1519624705935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you say everyone makes money? And it's still a high risk for you? How can that be?

>> No.8721686

never said that, it's a 0 sum game. All crypto is

>> No.8721704

it was an aprils fool retard, they are not making a new one

>> No.8721707

P3D coins are not worth anything. No one takes those shit coins.

>> No.8721711

>Around 90 ETH
or around 10 if you go to sleep and everyone sells besides you :)

>> No.8721713

>if you wanna make a killing then you gotta start that shilling
Literally admitting it. Thanks for the insight once more this board is full of shilling pajeets.

>> No.8721725

So you admit that if you leave your money in you will lose it?

>> No.8721732

if you think it can trash, you didn't understand how it works

>> No.8721742

It can happen, like EVERY crypto investment. Do you go to a special needs school?

>> No.8721763

Bag hodler here, instead of losing more money I put in about 7 ETH about 2 weeks ago ;)

I now have over 25 ETH, guess you're the bag holder now?

>> No.8721769

>It can happen
Haha, thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.8721785

You sound gullible and retarded

>> No.8721791

So tell me, where are you invested? Can it crash to almost nothing? If your answer is no, then you are naive or really new to crypto

>> No.8721818

Btw lead dev has been gone all day while the exchange is down. Busy making new wallets and pumping contract to sucker more "reinvests"

>> No.8721827

Can you guys please sell? Its literally crashing and burning. Its over. Just like crypto. Pull out now while you can.

>> No.8721833

I invest in gold. Please explain how that's going to crash and how it's a ponzi.

>> No.8721840

i have 45k in PoWH3D

>> No.8721845


>> No.8721849

Only way its crashing to zero is eth crashing to 0. You obviously have no idea what are you talking about and basicly full of shit.

>> No.8721863
File: 161 KB, 1052x1212, med10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8721865

ahah, you are so full of shit, you are in biz talking about crypto and now you are trying to appear intelligent saying you are investing in gold. Stop trying to save face

>> No.8721872

Dafuq, can you please read the fucking context? Or you are going to throw random comments just because you read one sentence of many before?

>> No.8721893

Oh no I didn't invest in a ponzi like you. I have real world investment like gold, so hard to believe for a brainlet like you. Ponzis are perfect for you.

But seriously, tell me how gold is going to crash and how it's a ponzi.

>> No.8721894

yes and you're clearly fucking clueless faggot or rather epx fudder with those 30 autistic posts
stay mad your devs can't even make a powh clone

>> No.8721914

Are you retarded? I've been positive about powh, can you at least do the effort of reading the previous messages

>> No.8721920


>> No.8721941

tell me how your gold did a x4 the last 2 weeks?

>> No.8721988

kek what a retard

>> No.8721996

brb, buying 4x more gold than this retard

>> No.8722028

You missed the point. You retards are going in circles now, but I guess that's all you can do when you understand "muh divvies" and referral links.

>> No.8722034

>But seriously, tell me how gold is going to crash and how it's a ponzi.
>only people buying gold are boomers, niggers and a few goldbugs that are completely out of place in their generation
Nobody fucking cares about gold anymore, once boomers die out it will crash so hard you wouldn't even believe. Please tell me how its not a ponzi when it doesn't generate capital by itself but only by retards who are willing to buy it.

>> No.8722179
File: 31 KB, 480x480, 1504935026613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will ethpheonix moon like this?

>> No.8722231

>Nobody fucking cares about gold
The absolute state of powhfags. How do you think your computer that runs your ponzi works?

>> No.8722285

>he thinks there is no alternative
>he thinks miserable share of 0.9% that goes into actual connectors production generates golds value
>he is absolutely fucking certain that its pure gold and not an alloy with less then 10% of gold part

>> No.8722297

>NEO - decentralised smart contract network like eth
>TRX - decentralises the internet
>LINK - it's just a meme
>REQ - decentralised payment request network

>> No.8722309

Still a better use case than a ponzi token kek

>> No.8722364

Only thing keeping gold up in production is HDMI cables and audio jacks, both already have alternatives and are waiting for next tech push to enter market and abolish gold use completely. When this happens gold will be practically(and i mean it) useless.

>> No.8722390

You deserve to be homeless

>> No.8722399

Great rebutal.

>> No.8722417

link is a meme don't buy

>> No.8722685

You said production is 0.9% of it's value but it will crash when they use an alternative? What a brainlet.

>> No.8722801

I said it will crash when people buying gold will die out which is basicly why all ponzis end sooner or later. I never said it will crash after its practical use will be abolished. Thought it will without a doubt take a hit when this happens.

>> No.8722819

In fact i literally said the opposite of it here >>8722285

>> No.8722874

>Tl;dr they will all get killed by a crazy man with a gun because he lost all his money to the scam

Can't wait

>> No.8722942

The crazy man is in another project pumping benzos and going on about his PhD tho.

>> No.8722978

>be phd in computer science
>claim its easy to make better powh3d
>literally has trouble copypasting
>somehow manages to render tokens worthless
>introduces an exitscam into contract code
>claims he fixed and launches another one
>contract gets drained
>all he need was add 2 lines of code
I kind of feel sorry for Norse at this point. Even original powh wasn't such a trainwreck.

>> No.8723023

For real? That's hilarious.

>> No.8723061

Its real I shit you not. First one was transfer exit scam second one was reinvest drain bug.

>> No.8723261

a guy with a gun? How scary lmfao

>> No.8723696

who is this semen demon?

>> No.8724629

Hey hey heyy when is this shit gonna collapse

>> No.8724697
File: 112 KB, 400x250, KryptoMoney.com-Andreas-Antonopoulos-about-Bitcoin-futures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

divis divis divis divis divis divis

>> No.8724946

Andreas would never shill this crap

>> No.8725470

PoWH is old news. New ponzi is proof of weak legs, not joking very serious.