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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 330x211, 1386895182_money[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8718076 No.8718076 [Reply] [Original]

I was raised by a nigger tier single mother, How do I manage my money?

>> No.8718094


>> No.8718116
File: 108 KB, 830x557, XRP Collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collect rare, mint condition XRP.

>> No.8718131

>How do I manage my money?

>> No.8718159

Get educated and start actively spending time around decent middle->upper class people and mimic the way they live. Don't blow money as soon as you get your hands on it. Think further ahead than that next pair of Yeezys.

>> No.8718186
File: 229 KB, 1293x1491, whypolmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8718187

read thinking fast and slow by kahneman
have a low time bias
delay gratification

>> No.8718242


We´re both middle class and college educated, ironically.

however she just earns a good amount of money and lives paycheck to paycheck, so do I, I just buy stupid stuff and eat out a lot.

>> No.8718260

>getting so upset by a very accurate stereotype (niggers are bad with money) that you post a pathetic cuck cartoon in anger
kekking at your life, faggot

cook all your own food aside from the occasional coffee date, lunch with friends, or dinner with parents (not more than once a week)
don't buy a fancy car

... you know what this kind of budgeting shit is all over the place, DYOR. There's a pretty good book called "i will teach you to be rich" written by some pajeet. read that.

>> No.8718288

There's your answer. Instead of getting a rush from frivolous purchases, start putting your disposable income into investments or a savings account. It also helps if you set a lofty goal that will require substantial capital to obtain while using minimal credit.

>> No.8718289

So this is the power of black chuunibyou

>> No.8718302

>being this triggered from a cartoon

LMAOOOOO enjoy your blacked

>> No.8718319

Spend as less as possible and invest the saved money in stocks.

>> No.8718348

join the brothas in crypto ponzi schemes
we all black panthers now

>> No.8718350


so just amass a lot of money and invest sparingly?

>> No.8718378

being raised poor taught me plenty about money.
It's the rich kids that don't understand the value of money.
Now the education we didn't get from out poor families is how to make that money into more money.
That's for you to learn

>> No.8718387

Don't spend 20 bucks on a book about how to get rich.

>> No.8718391

Always do the opposite of what /biz/ says.


>> No.8719215

Murder her, have sex with her corpse, then
light the house on fire.
Grab a bucket at KFC.

>> No.8719398

steal some money

>> No.8719929

Read a book called Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.

>> No.8720049

follow in the path of your bitconnnneeeeeeeeeeccct brothers

>> No.8720087

steal as every nigger