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File: 37 KB, 816x300, photo_2018-04-03_06-21-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8717268 No.8717268 [Reply] [Original]

never forget. hold your linkies close.

>> No.8717280

watch the pivitol tracker. Yesterday they got a lot of work done. Looks like testnet by EoM then data feeds polish.

>> No.8717311

I hear they have no consensus mechanism yet is it true :(

>> No.8717335

(THEY) are waiting. (THEY) will not announce any partnerships unless certain criteria is met without a hitch and things run seamlessly. This is your fucking last chance biz.

>> No.8717348

No concensys or validation codes yet.

>> No.8717350

How many LINK do I need to make it?

>> No.8717356
File: 226 KB, 370x561, 20180402213933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit this implys serious partnerships.

>> No.8717369

I'm not seeing anything. Consensus and economics actually fall under Sergey's "philosophy" wheelhouse in that the most difficult problems will be negotiating the needs/desires/expectations of "the clients."
The actual code guys seem to be focused on making sure the skeleton works. It's going slower than I would like but from what I see the attention to detail is superb and they are keeping their technical debt low.

>> No.8717372
File: 1.33 MB, 750x1008, 1522401718416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

((((they)))) have put a lot of faith into Sergey because they know a groundbreaking project when they see one. just keep waitin' sweetie.

>> No.8717382
File: 90 KB, 928x388, 2017-12-07 12_06_50-_biz_ - So just read about chain link holy fuck what a hid - Business & Finance .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


old but gold

>> No.8717393
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>> No.8717397
File: 82 KB, 857x405, 2017-12-07 12_07_01-_biz_ - So just read about chain link holy fuck what a hid - Business & Finance .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8717418

If Link works it will change the world. $1000 easy

>> No.8717422
File: 13 KB, 601x137, photo_2018-04-03_06-25-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that sergey reads nietzsche.

>> No.8717446

I guess it's pump season again
I look forward to selling you faggots my bags

>> No.8717452

I fucking love this image lmao

Big fucking deal, the only people who haven't read Nietzsche nowadays are absolute plebs who don't even dip their toes into philosophy.

>> No.8717477

coinbase is the ' oracle' problem loloolol coinbase is a fiat exchange

>> No.8717480
File: 191 KB, 600x423, IMG_0446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David: A superior species, no doubt. The hypersleep chambers will impress, I trust.

Elizabeth Shaw: So they were traveling somewhere?

David: I've managed to work out the broad strips, it's fairly evident they were in the process of leaving, before things went to pot.

Elizabeth Shaw: Leaving to go where?

David: The moon.

Elizabeth Shaw: Why?

David: Sometimes to create oracles, one must first fud.

>> No.8717489

Crashes fall below the mean. We have not. You are witnessing the largest bear trap in the history of digital currency.

New fiat onramps and additional liquidity will come online within the month.

You’re welcome.

>> No.8717493
File: 92 KB, 923x836, IMG_20180326_210852_352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8717518

So as soon as main net releases nodes will only be able to hash off chain data onto the blockchain but won't be able to hold the oracles accountable for their input?

>> No.8717592

Implying that smart contracts = Link. LOL.

>> No.8717626

"those we work with"....holy crap...these are big freakin players involved.

>> No.8717653

I've been thinking that if chainlink actually manages to reach even 100$ or btc manages 100k eoy something must have gone horribly wrong in traditional markets. Sort of like when people stop going outside because VR has taken over. The next 9 months will be definitive for crypto.

>> No.8717729


Hey so re: consensus mechanism. Had some thoughts but I’m a brainlet so...

Wouldn’t a lot of the decision making for consensus be in the smart contracts themselves? Each person who makes a smart contract might want different things; I.e. how important an oracle’s record, age, link held, etc is weighted when deciding data is legit. Wouldn’t reputation farming and stuff just be dealt with by making the smart contract weight different factors in a different way, when setting the conditions under which the contract triggers?

>> No.8717754


The next few hours are CRUCIAL for bitcoin.

>> No.8717893

This. Bears are about to get blown the fuck out

>> No.8717895

wont mean shit about traditional markets, just like the time btc spiked to $1k. dont be surprised if you say something like "the next X months will be definitive for crypto" to yourself every year

>> No.8717959

Just upped my stack to 16.1k guys. Feels decent

>> No.8718000

I want to believe in $1k LINK, but fuck me that would make Sergey the richest man on the planet and 50 people into billionaires if the current top wallets stay that way. Not trying to FUD, it's just hard to process something like that happening. Even my meager amount would make me fucking piles of cash.

>> No.8718023

Try to get to 10k LINK anon

>> No.8718037

$1k link is a state of mind, an ideal

truly anything above $10 will make a lot of rich fucks on 4chan, $100 would make a lot more + some very rich fucks

I think realistically in a few years LINK will fall somewhere between 10 and 100

>> No.8718075

You're thinking too one-dimensionally. Yes, they can implement a lot of intelligence into the existing chain but never enough for every possible type of scenario.

>> No.8718078
File: 85 KB, 879x854, photo_2018-04-03_07-17-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fomo will begin again in a short time. you will read "aaah, I need more time to accumulate" etc pp again. prepare accordingly. dont let them get you down with FUD.

they succeeded in surpressing the price, so take that chance and buy more. buy as much as you can, I have zero doubt that link will make us a lot of money.

pic related

>> No.8718092

Sergey should do a new update on Medium ASAP. I'm so close to dumping a significant stack of my LINKies because LINK wont so shit as long as BTC keeps bleeding.

>> No.8718097

you're japanese?

>> No.8718110

>announce news during a bear market
sounds good anon id love to see it pump 20% then go back to the original price like what happened with ICX

>> No.8718135

it's probably a good idea to see how consensus mechanisms work before we use real money to incentivize behaviors.

>> No.8718136

Exactly, look at the REQ mainnet launch, kek. It fucking dumped after their biggest possible news of the year. I didn't say announce news btw, I said an update like the one he did back in December.

>> No.8718158

Sergey has no reason to answer to small players like us if he is indeed working with big companies that most of /biz/ is speculating. He has more important people to appease.

>> No.8718160

so what does that pic related mean slanty eyes

>> No.8718179

Yeah I know, Sergey is the Second Coming, Sergey the Great etc.

>> No.8718190

you have to put things in perspective, there are only a bit over 1600 people with more than 20k Link.

>> No.8718191
File: 85 KB, 1447x600, out_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At $350, all my dreams come true. Sure I'd make it with $100 or even $50. But at $350 I can live a life of LUXURY without ever having to work again. So, here's to hoping $1k isn't THAT much of a meme

>> No.8718200

its a website that monitors trading, if you can read chinese. over 10 million usd inflow to link, not a dime out. some big players are preparing for something

>> No.8718204


>keep your linkies close
>and your stinkies closer

>> No.8718212

You're in for a rude awakening better stock up on more LINK pajeet-san

>> No.8718213

Nobody will make it with this piece of shit.
Goinvest into Monero or buy more bitcoins if you want to earn money.
Just invest 100-500 links for the memes.

>> No.8718233

tfw all Rory does is console 4chan neets and gets paid billions of future US dollars

>> No.8718265

If link captures ~3% of global API’s thats $188 pr Link. Add on crypto fomo and speculation

>> No.8718267

at $600 i would be the youngest billionaire in the Philippines

>> No.8718285


I'm fairly confident of at least $50 LINK by 2020/21

>> No.8718295

minimum 5 year wait until smart contracts process even .5% of API data. still holding a nice stash of link for the runup to 100

>> No.8718327

1000 eoy knob

>> No.8718328
File: 6 KB, 225x225, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kek best timeline

>> No.8718345

Hopefully I'll see you on a magazine cover one day and remember shit posting with you on /biz. I've seen you on here before, unless there's another young filipino dude with stack in the high six figures

>> No.8718347

so when do you expect it to go to 100? 10 years?

>> No.8718361

You hold at least 1,666,667 link?

>> No.8718390
File: 86 KB, 685x723, IMG_6888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauce on site?

>> No.8718404

do NOT buy

>> No.8718418

biyou888 dot com

>> No.8718421

Got my stack up to 4200. Poor student.

>> No.8718439

Is 3% market considered a conservative market share? Does LINK have greater potential than this?

>> No.8718451

Lol good job you fucking autist.

>> No.8718518

Unironically holding LINK has cost you all so much money. Unironically hundreds of opportunities have passed you all by since you've been in this delusion called LINK. I feel so sorry for you all

>> No.8718579

there's another one who seems older than me because he said he's working already or some shit, got his own place. he seems fucking crazy to be honest. i remember he was crying about his req stack that didn't moon immediately, he was about to kill himself iirc. that it ruined his plans and all, because req failed to pump right off the bat, and LINK dumped to shit after SIBOS. fucking idiot honestly. he is bound to sell earlier, if he hadn't already. he had a bigger stack than me though, that's for sure. he's rich as fuck to begin with. anyway yea anytime this fucking $1k EOY shit comes up i say post this because it gives perspective to some memey price prediction
in my currency, $1 = P51. if i still got a few more month's time to accumulate i can double my stack so the dream of a shitposter on biz being a billionaire would become more realistic

>> No.8718593

is this real when did rory write this?

>> No.8718630

not me famalam I bought like 2 weeks ago

>> No.8718635

So basically we're waiting for shit like QASH and CoinMetro to launch right??

>> No.8718659

We're waiting for the ticking time bomb that is ICO alt exit scams to go ahead and blow up so everyone can get their crying done and fuck off out of the way then.

>> No.8718691

Ih and also LN. If BTC craps out at the top of another run we're in trouble.
Miss me with that flippening shit

>> No.8718754

>be one of those people

Feels ok

>> No.8718762
File: 93 KB, 1024x576, PicsArt_03-31-11.18.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even at $10 I'll have $12k, which is about what I make a year. I hope to hell this gets at least bottom moon status, because at the top I can afford to put some money away for my kid and give myself enough time to work on school for a decent job. Even if it doesn't though, honestly, it's a project I actually like and believe in.

>> No.8718772
File: 15 KB, 607x648, 1521690469342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old is Sergey? Does anyone know?

>> No.8718815


>> No.8718921

I loved that. I threw another few grand into req because of it. The team is delivering much more than I expected.

>> No.8718936

He studied philosophy you dull brainlet. If it amazes you he read nietzsche, link at 1 cent will also amaze you

>> No.8718972

calm down bro. its just a cool fact that he likes nietzsche. some people also study philosophy but stay with comfy pseudo philosobros, like, lets say tolle or pfaller. sergey has taste

>> No.8719039


>> No.8719294
File: 1.01 MB, 1162x4548, 1522507001645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did calculations on what percentile you are around the 1st of March or so:
150k: 98.7th percentile
100k : 98th percentile
75k: 97th
50k: 96th
25k: 93rd
20k: 92nd
15k: 90th
10k: 86th
7.5k: 83rd
5k: 79th
2.5k: 70th
1k: 52nd

>> No.8719303
File: 154 KB, 554x746, 1502704467114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big boys moving in

>> No.8719858

>Those we work with

This is confirmation of high level partnerships, fucking buy LINK now you morons. You will get left behind and this is the last train to the moon

>> No.8720059

How heavy are your bags

>> No.8720357
File: 127 KB, 602x800, flat,800x800,070,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those we work with
Holy shit boys, did Rory say too much?

>> No.8720363

He meant to type ((((those)))) we work with

>> No.8720676

Don't worry about it. 90% of 4chan will sell before we hit $5

>> No.8720699
File: 324 KB, 929x411, serglike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or did he? Sergey just liked this tweet a couple days ago.

>> No.8720704

Ponzi confirmed

>> No.8720708


Also, checked trips

>> No.8720762
File: 34 KB, 496x409, 1522334993131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check your ranks Marines

>> No.8720824

Best box in the business.

>> No.8721023

Salesforce just bought, for $6.5 billion, Mulesoft Inc., a company that's about making APIs externally available:
This is the most expensive acquisition Salesforce has ever made. That's because they know how important APIs will be, and ChainLink is poised to connect this API economy to this emerging Smart Contract economy. Salesforce are connected to ChainLink via the dev Dimitri Roche, and Sergey tweeted the Salesforce CEO.

Yes, the API economy is huge and it's growing. How huge? Well, the research consulting company Ovum says that the size of the API economy is going to be 2.2 trillion dollars during 2018. There were ~15,000 public APIs available in 2016, growing by 40 new ones per day during 2015. In 2016, Netflix alone received 5 BILLION API requests PER DAY.
>An API request is equivalent to a "job" that an oracle would do.
>For comparison, Oraclize claims to do "thousands" of jobs per day. That shows just how much room for growth this API/Smart Contract economy has.

If ChainLink can capture just 3% of the $2.2 TRILLION global API economy, that gives it a market cap of $66,000,000,000 - 66 BILLION. Consider that Sergey said there are 19,000 people interested in running a node: that's over 100% of the available public APIs in 2016, so 3% of the market is very conservative. Consider that Starbucks holds 40% of the market share of US coffee shops. We’re not even considering what % of the smart contract economy ChainLink can capture, for which I can't find much on predictions for its value or its current value.

Price per coin multiplied by number of coins determines market cap, so marketcap divided by number of coins gives us coin price. So if LINK captures 3% of the API economy, that gives us a price of $188.

>> No.8721062

50k linkies sadly reporting in... never selling *sobs*.. literally never because I lost my keys. Rekt.

>> No.8721115

I've been fudding Link tirelessly for 2-3 weeks now to keep the price down as much as I can, and just can't be bothered anymore.

I've accumulated enough - last chance lads. You'll see less fud unless another whale can be bothered to keep it up

>> No.8721162

you serious? how does that happen?

>> No.8721171

You cannot be serious.

>> No.8721200

nice less link in circulation

>> No.8721302

Keys for ledger were written on the piece of paper they supply. Didn't make a copy.
I live in a very rural area so we have trouble with squirrels and rats getting into the wall cavaties and attic/loft etc, previously squirrels chewed my upstairs lighting circuit which I replaced a couple times, I have trapped a few squirrels in the meanwhile. BUT it appears a squirrel or rat has chewed through the back of a set of drawers that were attached to the wall. Lots of paperwork got chewed up including the ledger keys. Unbelievable... missed my moon mission unless I can day trade whatever little fiat I have available. God speed link bros

>> No.8721327


Jesus christ that is the saddest thing I've ever heard. Do you have anything? 10k suicide insurance?

You seem truthful. I'd send you a couple thousand if I was a whale. Sadly I'm a poorfag

>> No.8721393


>> No.8721405
File: 12 KB, 259x194, just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8721407

Sorry bud. I hope you have the chance to slowly spoon squirrel soup into your grim face as you stare at the $1000 on the screen EoY

>> No.8721417

Here come the Full retard memes...
So I imagine people are thinking just plug your ledger into MEW to access your wallet and resecure tokens. Well, me being me, I thought I'd be super safe and deactivate the ledger device until the price took a massive leap (id always planned on long hold) and just reactivate it a couple years from now. Thst way I wouldn't be tempted to sell early or if the ledger was stolen there would be no chance of them cracking my pin.. ffs.

>> No.8721452

meh, it is a bummer, but you probably have months to buy some more cheap linkies. just leave them on the exchange this time

>> No.8721479

the problem is that you know there are 50k out there that should belong to you

>> No.8721485
File: 413 KB, 900x900, 1521816209950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be LINK price if it announced partnership with tesla for self-driving cars?

>> No.8721504

Thanks champ. One of the most solid pastas I've come across.

>> No.8721510

One man's loss is link marines gains.

>> No.8721531

LINK price wouldn't change, $TSLA would crash to $30 though

>> No.8721534


>> No.8721557

I know man. But I didn't trust exchanges. I'll have to live the oatmeal bro lifestyle to get my 10k suicide insurance hopefully before the singularity.
It was only yesterday I was asking about oatmeal bro to see if he's still with us. Oh well onwards and upwards I don't give up easily.

>> No.8721582

share that delta chart?
will pay in LINK

>> No.8721591

fast for sergey frend i hope you will have enough when the time is right

>> No.8721609
File: 98 KB, 517x768, superlative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8721611

thanks for the morale boost

>> No.8721657

fuck man i felt the same when i lost my 500 iota pre december moon, it was about 50% of my savings (poorfag). Lost it from going full retard too.

It's ok man we may still have months to accumulate. On the bright side if you live in usa you'll probably accumulate link four times as quick as me.

>> No.8721688
File: 257 KB, 1200x800, oldrichman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$1k LINK
nice trips but surely no one seriously thinks this?

even $100 is ridiculous to my mind and would make me a millionaire a good few times over

it's a great project that obviously has big partnerships under wraps but does anyone seriously and unironically think $1000 is possible? If so, why?

>> No.8721696

good man

>> No.8721720

>deactivated the ledger with only 1 copy of private keys existing on a piece of paper

L M A O , cant wait for your news article in 3 years "man loses 10 million dollars to squirrels 3 years ago" .... you deserve it sorry man. Some lessons are learned the hard way

>> No.8721723

LINK price has nothing to do with derivative market estimation.
What will matter is the number of operations node operators perform.

>> No.8721736

I just went on etherscan: https://etherscan.io/token/0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca#balances
and copied the wallet amounts into an excel spreadsheet, then the next morning did it again. Gonna do it daily if I can and make one that compares weekly amount changes

>> No.8721737

Sorry to hear that man. It sucks losing anything, nevermind losing crypto you believe in for the future. I'm in the UK pal. 30 yr old wage slave, got a roof over my head on a mortgage, living in a nice town so not the end of the world. Just stings don't it.

>> No.8721761

audible kek

>> No.8721774

That's exactly why I stamped the seed on a brass plate.
Not sure if the plate will withstand a fire, but it will definetely outlast that flimsy piece of paper

>> No.8721808

If you'd gotten into ETH or ANS early enough you'd be a millionaire already. The universe doesn't care about you. Chainlink is going to be huge whether 4chan NEETs buy or not. We're lucky we get a chance to go along for the ride.

>> No.8721814

Thanks for the harsh words. I'm not a techie guy so didn't think it was that critical, and deffo didn't forsee getting jacked by squirrels . I'm pretty skilled in other areas of life, mechanical engineering with my work so I'll have to do more of what I'm good at to replenish my investment.

>> No.8721835

Great idea. I have stamp kit in tool chest somewhere

>> No.8721862
File: 503 KB, 1082x695, LINKIES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice dubs



Assuming this pasta is true and assumes a conservative market share at 3%, LINK could absolutely reach $1k

>> No.8722008

You have an address? 55k Link here I’d be willing to help out a bizbro and send a couple hundred

>> No.8722012


Holy fuck you people are delusional

>> No.8722109

Why the fuck would you need Chainlink to put data into the blockchain?
There are cheaper ways.

>> No.8722130

link threads are back. where everybody was for the past week or 2?

>> No.8722136


You're a hero. Glad to see people help this dude out

>> No.8722154

We were all in REQ threads

>> No.8722255

Applying for jobs at the local mcdonalds, stinkies need to get back to wagecucking before the 0 cent singularity occurs

>> No.8722273

You sir are a true gent and morale booster ! I have just created myself a new address on MEW.


May kek be with you and bless you with many linky gains for years to come.

>> No.8722314
File: 56 KB, 690x359, Dubai-Censors-Cut-Out-A-Quarter-Of-Wolf-Of-Wall-Street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those we work with

>> No.8722333

That's the little fucker

>> No.8722353


This has nothing to do with chainlink deluded stinky

>> No.8722489
File: 30 KB, 750x260, IMG_1571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah down 11 thousand fucking dollars it feels so good

>> No.8722523
File: 128 KB, 1000x1000, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem fren. We're all in this together. We'll make it in no time

>> No.8722535

when will you stop posting this? always the same picture. your fault for buying so high

>> No.8722557

30k ffs i wish I had that

>> No.8722639
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x1547, 1516356137947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Absolute saviour. I feel so much more secure knowing I have some linkies in the bag again until I can get back in the game. I promise I shall keep them secure and brush up on my security skills. And hand on heart they will sit there until 1k meme transpires. Ty anon. My years of trying to be nice to good people has karma'd it's way around. Feels good. Please take this Sergey and my sincerest gratitude.

>> No.8722681

You post this same image in every thread. Your FUD isn't working.

>> No.8722689

You don't remember your 4 numbers PIN?

>> No.8722710

he really did it i never thought i would see something like that on biz again

>> No.8722736

>only $200 per link
very low energy fud

>> No.8722743

fucking FUD, of course it'll reach 1k, it could even take over butcoin

>> No.8722744

I mentioned in the next post that I wiped my ledger back to factory settings so it was one less thing to lose and compromise security.
The plan was to use my private keys to reactivate my ledger after I'd held for a couple years.. or that was the plan.

>> No.8722748
File: 579 KB, 989x742, E5494CCF-9973-4511-B3F5-19732215F59F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the Sergey. God speed to you as well.

Kek sometimes you have to help a bizbro out. For the karma as well as the right thing to do. I know he’ll pass it on down the road and hopefully I can inspire the rest of the link senpai

>> No.8722769

Yes this anon is indeed a marine of honour. Kind regards Squirrelboy.

>> No.8722816

I will burn one link in his honor.

For the epitaph: He took iron hands to an entirely new level.

>> No.8722853


Generous of you dude, that warmed my heart a little.

>> No.8722899

It has literally everything to do with it. You just don't understand.

The only other option right now is Oraclize or Thomson Reuters' private blockchain feed.
Chainlink will become the leader.

>> No.8722935
File: 580 KB, 2400x1727, cuck8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no youre wrong. oraclize is the only one needed

>> No.8723040

Nobody cares about your lunch money

>> No.8723206

Heroic. I hope you went through with it. Great man and God bless you.

>> No.8723239

Someone just did a good thing for you. Take care of that gift. Backup your keys. I personally just keep them in text files on several USB drives, encrypted with WinRAR's encryption ability (easy as checking a box) and I keep the drives in several separate safes. I also keep a paper with keys hidden in a book.

>> No.8723268

Also use a fireproof safe if you are able. And tell nobody about your holdings. Nobody.

>> No.8723279

Indeed they did. And is a true testament to karma. Ty for the sound advice I shall take that on-board. Squirrelboy

>> No.8723582

There was some speculation on the Telegram that the unnamed 3rd developer (Rory confirmed their existence, but not their identity) is currently working on the consensus and validation code in private repo. The guy's initials were AK, and there was a site where it said he was making contributions to the code in gitter in private repo.

That would be best case scenario. Worst case is that it simply isn't done yet -- which wouldn't be surprising, given that it's the trickiest part of the code -- and it will take a number of months to get it there.

Honestly, I'm hype and think I'll be rich either way, the only difference in these two options is how long I have to wait to get there.

>> No.8723647


Literally has nothing to do with it and is thr same grasping at straws as every link thread. It is either a larp or a wild extrapolation anytime a set of words is mentioned in a totally unrelated article. This is why you are deludded and will be eternally btfo when a real project comes along with more than 2 devs and a bumbling CEO philosophy major.

>> No.8723760
File: 3 KB, 107x125, 1445969383942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TOP KEK! 2dev team FUD? bro still living in september 2017?

>> No.8723817

so Alex Kwiatkowski?
or Aleksey Klintsevich?

>> No.8723833


>> No.8723856

>a wild extrapolation anytime a set of words is mentioned in a totally unrelated article
It's called not being a brainlet. If you took the time to read about smart contracts, data marketplaces, etc., you'd see the potential of LINK.

>> No.8723872

This truly gives me the feelz man, Anons help anons brings a tear to my eye

>> No.8723896

Post binance wallet and I'll send a couple hundo

>> No.8723934

they would be only so rich on paper, no way you can cash out so many tokens without crashing the price, it's like saying Satoshi is one of the richest men but it only takes 1 btc to be moved from his wallet for the biggest panic to ensue

>> No.8723940


>> No.8723946
File: 130 KB, 700x700, 1516766825015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't touch a single of my linkies during this crash. Not worried.
My hands are made of adamantium.

>> No.8723963

You must give a mean handy

>> No.8724009

Buy Mobius please sir chainlink very bad investment

>> No.8724014
File: 56 KB, 403x448, 1513751543149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still have 100k presale LINK i never touched. didn't sell during the sibos pump, didn't sell during the "normie flood". in hindsight i feel like an absolute retard.

>> No.8724166
File: 5 KB, 250x194, 1449255113648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100k link holder
>feeling like a retard
pick one

>> No.8724253

>Big fucking deal, the only people who haven't read Nietzsche nowadays are absolute plebs who don't even dip their toes into philosophy.
nietzche's fud has been debunked over and over. it's a dead philosophy exclusively for edgy teens

>> No.8724451

This whole thread reads like a pasta. Everyone knows their lines.

>> No.8724484

>Aleksey Klintsevich
Who said it was AK? Source?

>> No.8724506

You are a MANIAC!

>> No.8724520
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>> No.8724538

Well spotted

>> No.8724568
File: 48 KB, 1000x800, 84338469-53E3-4077-AAA0-987220D73455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He posted his wallet further back in the thread. Nice to see someone else want to help a fellow LinkMarine out. Our selflessness will not go unrewarded!

>> No.8724598

could you explain for a computer illiterate?

>> No.8724616

It gives the initials of people doing jobs, e.g. DR = dimitri roche, AK = ??

>> No.8724631

Those are initials of contributors who completed tasks listed. SE is steve ellis, DM is Dimitri Roche, AK is?? I think its Alex Kwiatkowski. Go ahead and look him up.

>> No.8724632

ah let me see if i can find that thread a couple days ago. i think the guys initials wouldve been AK

>> No.8724652
File: 303 KB, 598x714, 1517086821559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the sender address. What the fuck?

>> No.8724682

Full of comments by people who claim they've been robbed by this account.

>> No.8724687

Its a binance wallet homie

>> No.8724689

what? its a binance wallet

>debunking a subjective philosophy
gj bro

>> No.8724700
File: 236 KB, 1792x959, 1521266640663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK will never be at 1k, it's just a fantasy for LINKlets

>> No.8724711

Yea I sent him that from Binance. It’s one of their wallets. You can see it has a lot of activity on etherscan

>> No.8724713
File: 23 KB, 270x316, 1516704392095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a literal brainlet. I'll be on my way. Jesus and I once complained about brainlets overriding this board. Fuck me.

>> No.8724718

The percentile of LINK you have is now the IQ you have

>> No.8724724

>Wouldn’t a lot of the decision making for consensus be in the smart contracts themselves?
in a word: yes.

i was thinking the same thing myself by puttig myself in the shoes of someone actually using a smart contract; i would want to have the consensus mechanism tailored, at least to some degree, to my own requirements. not sure if LINK is going to do this, tho

>> No.8724727

yeah and US / deutsche bank values x times the world gdp is also an impossibility

this is paper value dude, do you think the ultrarich fags are just able to cash out or even want that? What they want is ensuring BTC does not drop so their paper value stays on paper, same thing as in the real world, most wealth is illiquid, the value exists in the books or in granite. rich people invest their money because they can't just keep it on their bank accounts, they have to get rid of it somehow

>> No.8724737

this implies that mcap distribution will always be the same. completely useless spreadsheet. hundreds of shitcoins could die off, fundamentally changing the mcap distribution.

>> No.8724749
File: 55 KB, 1113x406, 1518209837234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This screenshot from the future disagrees with you and your little autistic spreadsheet.

>> No.8724783

US debt*

>> No.8724785
File: 35 KB, 1321x189, 1521052227289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto market cap will be 20 trillion by 2020.
Link will be $50 EOY, $200 EO2019
Screencap me
Also this >>8724737

>> No.8724798

WEF expects 8trillion on blockchain by 2027

LINK could easily be a top 5 coin by then if they realize their goal

>> No.8724823

that the name that was in the other thread i was looking for

>> No.8724835
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>> No.8724885

wtf, who got sauce on that?

>> No.8724930

sorry to burst your bubble but you got the wrong alex kwiatkowski, I remember looking this up a few weeks ago.


>> No.8725005

kek, just some BSc.

>> No.8725133

Shit. Youre right.

>> No.8725226

I'd be more interested in Aleksey Klintsevich, considering he works for Microsoft Azure and it seems like he contributed to both LINK and REQ on github

>> No.8725294
File: 88 KB, 719x1280, photo_2018-04-03_18-41-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some anon posted this on telegram

>> No.8725346

You dont seem to understand nietzche if you think he is edgy

>> No.8725352

Look at the repo only 2 devs are doing a meaningful amount of work
You only see your own bias,I can guarentee I have spent more time on this including real world discussions with professionals. I bet you believed AK was the Azure dev too. Literal brainlet, literally deluded.

>> No.8725382
File: 1.05 MB, 500x250, 5F0506F2-9C9C-4513-B259-C0DBAB3B8E3F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8725404

>Look at the repo only 2 devs are doing a meaningful amount of work
why are you lying?

>> No.8725423

top kek, you think they work on github?
they are working on a private repo and just merging the pull requests on github tard....

>> No.8725507

Years ago "edgy" was just the normal attitude. Now 4chan is full of normies who think they aren't. What's worse is that weren't not even anons anymore.

>> No.8725553


your id is tiny

>> No.8725626



ChainLink mainnet is gonna be big.

>> No.8725687

>You only see your own bias,I can guarentee I have spent more time on this including real world discussions with professionals.
Explain then. This is just baseless FUD. I've spent a long time reading about monetizing APIs and psd2. Explain why this won't happen. Oh wait. You can't.

>> No.8725730


Listen to me clearly.

There is a multi millionaire hedge fund named "ChainLink Crypto" if you think that's a coincidence.

You're a fucking retard. End of story.

>> No.8725736
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>those we work with

>> No.8725750
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>> No.8725812

only 2-3 months left to wait then
fuck I'm excited

>> No.8725848

>some shity fantasy sports service determines the release of the mainnet
okay anon

>> No.8725850

Who is this?

>> No.8725893

>implying they won't after mainnet launch

>> No.8725903

i think some fantasy football like game where you can bet on and buy teams etc.
its nice idea but compared to real usecases its literally nothing

>> No.8725934

agree, but its still something

>> No.8725943

the point being June 2018 is a solid indicator of CL mainnet v1. never mind the Hashletes project

>> No.8725953


I think Ethletes.

>> No.8725968

unironically screencapped

>> No.8725974


I thought a few weeks ago Rory or someone on the team mentioned a Q3 release, around September.

I know I saw that somewhere.

>> No.8725994
File: 3.17 MB, 2209x2921, pepe_link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it says hashletes.com on the picture you fucking brainlets

>> No.8726007


lol... I'll be launching Ethletes soon.

>> No.8726059


>> No.8726248

>You dont seem to understand nietzche if you think he is edgy
wow, saying that something's not "edgy" is like being meta-edgy. i cant handle the edges

>> No.8726263

i dont think they have information like this, beeing such an irrelevant project
thats probably just what they guess
i dont even think CL knows exactly when the mainnet release is yet
otherwise they would have made a date

yea its nice to see some other usecases beyond bond payments etc. and the need for something like CL
just shows that there probably is alot of things people even havent thought of

>> No.8726454

Is the private repo meme still going? I'm laughing
The reality of api's opening up has nothing to do with chainlink
You are literally a retard if you still believe that fund has to do with Chainlink we have been through this but I guess you are a brainlet newfag who fails to comprehend shitposting which is why you are here

>> No.8726476

You seem pretty obsessed with the whole edgy concept

>> No.8726494

facebook MuleSoft

"Similar to APIs, blockchain is founded upon the idea of democratization and decentralization, making it an equally powerful force for innovation. How they work together could define the next wave of the API economy."

>> No.8726515

If you worked anywhere in your life you'd realize it's never smart to post exact deadlines since there's always going to be backlash if they don't make those deadlines due to circumstances.

>> No.8726516


Lol. This is actually fud, hashletes looks like garbage. Wow, the true power of decentralization, basketball cards for facebook! Can't believe anyone ever doubted link.

>> No.8726714

i know i just wanted to point out if they were sure about the time it takes to code and test everything out the could say something like early 2019 or whatever
it makes little sense to speculate about mainnet release since the devs who have obviously the best insight into the project dont know for sure

>> No.8726743
File: 441 KB, 750x1008, 1522330781109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8726860
File: 75 KB, 648x324, blue_conspiracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The reality of api's opening up has nothing to do with chainlink
Chainlink connects API feeds to the blockchain. It demonstrably doesn't have "nothing to do with it". I can't believe such stubborn, autistic retards exist. I mean, see this:
Now Mulesoft are saying exactly what I'm saying. Blockchain and APIs. I suspected that Mulesoft/Salesforce/Docusign/Capgemini are all gonna be using LINK upon mainnet launch, not least because their logos share the same blue colour.

>> No.8726877
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>> No.8726883

I’m 23 pare
41k link
bisaya ako

>> No.8726909

when moon?

>> No.8726951

Depends. Moon for me is 10 bucks. 10 bucks and im a millionaire.

>> No.8726963

you have made it anon

>> No.8726990

poorfag, can only afford 4.7k. I'd be happy with 10 desu famalam.

>> No.8727027

I dont feel like i made it. I still have debt. A mortgage. Work 50 hours a week.

Link is my hail mary play.

>> No.8727031

moon for me is 3$. 3$, and I'll be able to pay back the army (they're paying for my school in exchange for service) and get out of my contract, debt free.
Certainly not a millionaire but I don't need that

>> No.8727058
File: 82 KB, 800x512, traveling-cube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sitting comfi with my cubes
best box in the business

>> No.8727171

Why would these valuable companies even consider using your autistic ERC20 token? An actual dev team with more than 2 active devs would get it done faster and better without having to tokenize. Ever wonder why Sergey always says "beyond tokenixation"? It is because your token is a meme

>> No.8727200

You're being retarded on purpose. Stop it

>> No.8727217

This is me

>> No.8727257

It isn't my fault you are holding a bag of worthless tokens for a "company" ran by an overweight philosophy major, who, with 32mil, has hired two devs. It also isn't my fault that any news released for the foreseeable future will have no impact on price in a bear market.

Just hold those bags for a few years. I'm sure you will have the last laugh with your $1000 shitcoin.

>> No.8727273
File: 342 KB, 632x676, 1522205811364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were gonna make it senpai.

>> No.8727274

>being this desperate...
just stop. you're making yourself look dumb

>> No.8727296
File: 15 KB, 251x242, pepecrying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EXHIBIT A to all newcomers.
theres a fucking reason why there are people fudding this and have been for months.
look at all the goddamned replies to this thread. almost 250 posts. if you dont hold at some link as suicide insurance god help you

>> No.8727303

Just curious, how big is your LINK stack?

>> No.8727317

You're not fooling anyone, the fud may have worked on the decemberfags but they've mostly left now

>> No.8727336

This is actually my LINK story.

>> No.8727363

it's not an erc20 token

>> No.8727373

>hype coin built entirely on larps and wild extrapolations from a guy whose last company went under(NXT)
>dumps according to bitcoin like everything else
>scammy ICO
>CEO is literally overweight philosophy major(this can't be reiterated enough)
>only partners are other vaporware hypecoins
>no one outside of 4chan gives a shit
>competing with the likes of Microsoft CoCo
>Immutable decentralized smart contracts are going to create more problems than it could hope to solve

Yeah, I'm the one who looks stupid. Bagholders aren't deluded, you guys are super smart! This is gonna be big. Just HODL for a few years ;)

>> No.8727413
File: 110 KB, 677x471, blue_conspiracy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

Capgemini already offers "SMART TOKENS" as part of its psd2 service. If banks will use shittokens already then LINK will surely be adopted by others.

>> No.8727443


Is this how you cope with legit FUD, how heavy are those bags? You are probably holding at a 70% loss(but not because of bitcoin, the price has nothing to do with bitcoin, right?)

*breathes in*

>> No.8727447
File: 1.91 MB, 331x197, QONVIyz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8727456

>hype coin built entirely on larps and wild extrapolations from a guy whose last company went under(NXT)
>dumps according to bitcoin like everything else
And? Why are you even in crypto?
>scammy ICO
>CEO is literally overweight philosophy major(this can't be reiterated enough)
Not relevant
>only partners are other vaporware hypecoins
>no one outside of 4chan gives a shit
>competing with the likes of Microsoft CoCo
>Immutable decentralized smart contracts are going to create more problems than it could hope to solve
kys now

>> No.8727495

>>no one outside of 4chan gives a shit
>>competing with the likes of Microsoft CoCo
>>Immutable decentralized smart contracts are going to create more problems than it could hope to solve
Remember this pic and try not to kill yourself when you realize you missed out >>8717493

>> No.8727498

>legit FUD
>how heavy are those bags? You are probably holding at a 70% loss
ICO holder. Get fucked

>> No.8727509


Are you unironically comparing an established international coporation whose stock is worth $100 a pop to an ERC20 token project discussed only on 4chan?

Just HODL m8. You are gonna make it! ;^)

>> No.8727526

I'm curious to even know what's in your portfolio since you obviously don't have LINK because you hate money.

>> No.8727541
File: 111 KB, 1000x1000, pepefall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also LINK is not an ERC20 token. if you're gonna FUD, at least try harder to be intelligent.

>> No.8727590

Lol sorry I didn't realize the CEO was irrelevant to the company, also go ahead and look up Sergey + NXT for the newfags here falling for this shitcoin
Oh look, a graphic broadly discussing smart contracts that somehow is relevant to the shit coin itself. Have fun holding.
Well, you are well prepared to hold until the singularity then! To the moon brother!

>> No.8727594

Mine too

>> No.8727604

>smart investor
>holding Link since December

Pick one m8

>> No.8727623

>comparing an established international coporation whose stock is worth $100 a pop to an ERC20 token project discussed only on 4chan?
How is that relevant at all to what I said.

>> No.8727635
File: 132 KB, 1000x1000, 1519954986129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see why you are holding link

>> No.8727668
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>> No.8727714


The culmination of your delusion

>> No.8727726



>> No.8727774

this guy is probably goin to be on suicide watch, he is either a nolinker, or a poor fag who cannot afford 10k linkies, and is accumulating by investing his 2$ begging money

>> No.8727779


>vaporware but believe me everyone will want to use LINK because reasons *when it is finished*
>meme decentralization which is unnecessary for most cases and *creates more problems than it solves

You should stay on reddit

>> No.8727801


Do you really think being able to afford 10k link implies you aren't a poorfag? You Linklets never surprise me with the depth of your delusion

>> No.8727812

>you should stay on reddit
>reddit spaces

>> No.8727834

so you are the option, just a badshit angry nolinker, why don't you fo suck your dads dick instead of fuding in a link thread

>> No.8727878

One of us is an angry bagholders poorfag who can't take heat or own up to their own delusions and mistakes(it isn't me).

>> No.8727903

I will eat literal dogshit if this tweet happens.

>> No.8727918
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>> No.8727922

Out of the woodwork a sane man appears

>> No.8727955

Retarded FUD, no one can seriously call this vaporware right now, and we know there are SECRET partners who will use mainnet immediately, absolutely confirmed, I think it's pretty obvious who they are. youre just denying reality now.

>> No.8727983
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>> No.8727988

Remember, HODL a while longer and you will be RICH!! Just a few years longer!

>> No.8728001

The best thing about chainlink is it makes brainlets really really mad because they legit can't understand it.

>> No.8728030

I conccur

>> No.8728033

>let me tell you about this great investment anon. It is a totally unproven technology that will decentralize the world of API's using nodes ran by autists, and the real kicker? All the partnerships are SECRET because they are so HUGE. The second this currently nonfunctional software launches, we will see HUGE partners using the Link network!
Wow I actually just bought 100k thank you so much

>> No.8728056
File: 150 KB, 1280x1046, 806120087_52932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs confirm link will moon
Link fudders btfo by one of their own

>> No.8728081
File: 38 KB, 300x225, ground-squirrel-trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go squirrelbro. ima send you a couple hundred link too pal, plus your anecdote is worth it alone. c'mon guys show some support for a fallen marine. he's inadvertently took 50K link out of circulation permanently, but lost a lot of his invested fiat.

>> No.8728100
File: 8 KB, 306x306, 1474127987563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>17 posts by this ID

>> No.8728111
File: 11 KB, 199x253, pepe_lambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>totally unproven technology
Oraclize and various other oracles already exists
APIs already exist
Smart contracts already exist

>that will decentralize the world of API's
That is exactly what will happen

>nodes ran by autists
And businessess

>All the partnerships are SECRET because they are so HUGE
I never said that, don't be disingenuous

>The second this currently nonfunctional software launches, we will see HUGE partners using the Link network!
This is basically confirmed by OP.

How many nolinkers like this one will actually kill themselves when we're all rich?

>> No.8728117

sage that faggot

>> No.8728142

Squirrelbro is part of the link mythology from now on.

>> No.8728143

that guy will kys himself for sure KEK, hes either oraclize CEO or a poorfag kek

>> No.8728152

Doesn't matter, threads hit bump limit anyway now

>> No.8728167

he actually contributed to the thread and spreading the word, by rage bumping a link thread kek, what a useful tool

>> No.8728173

Most fudders are link holders themselves. let him fud in peace so we can accumulate in peace lol

>> No.8728177

There is a squirrel out there with 50k link.

>> No.8728180

Do you think the fudders no about the Streissand effect?

>> No.8728187

whats the stressand effect?

>> No.8728197

The Streisand effect is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet.

>> No.8728210
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>> No.8728246
File: 119 KB, 493x750, 1522783846161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, but no FUD can harm link anymore...its all vaporFUD nao

>> No.8728268
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>> No.8728297
File: 99 KB, 1195x556, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed myself that the fud had more of an effect when we we're completely swamped with newfags. Now that most of them have lost all their money and fucked off again we're left behind with only those of us that know.

>> No.8728321

If raiblocks/nano could get to 30 dollars then so can link, even with 3x the marketcap, and especially given who is rumored to potentially go for their services, it's a no-brainer. It's just a matter of when and exactly how much it can go. Imo 1000 is a bit of a pipe dream but I would be shocked if it never reached 100

>> No.8728330
File: 44 KB, 500x500, 1513941149823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought 993 of those bad boys
bear with me I am poor from slav country
also first post on biz

>> No.8728344
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Welcome newfriend

>> No.8728363
File: 27 KB, 400x398, 1449170396079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the swamp was drained, the weak hands and the non believers all sold.

they are the ones that will buy our 1000$ linkies, when they fomo back in at the top kek

>> No.8728367


>> No.8728370

Swift dumped their project it was still too slow
That's not the result of fud is the result of BTC dumping are you really this (((deluded)))

>> No.8728380
File: 7 KB, 196x200, 1438022396398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome marine, watchout for the weak FUD, some people want your linkies very badly

>> No.8728391

>illiterate 3rd worlder detected

>> No.8728413


And there is one of the biggest points we didn't even get to touch.
Wow, bullish! I bet SWIFT and DocuSign are holding all those link out of circulation! It must be! Just hold on boys!

>> No.8728433

>muh supply
>what is ripple?

>> No.8728440

don't feed the troll m8

>> No.8728447

>Swift dumped their project it was still too slow

>Wow, bullish! I bet SWIFT and DocuSign are holding all those link out of circulation! It must be! Just hold on boys!
Funds not in circulation are gifts to clients; who do we think those clients might be? Hmmm I wonder. I guess you have to have a non-autistic brain to read subtext.

>> No.8728466

Link marine you did well. Now just keep buying more.

>> No.8728502

No m8 I'm a fellow marine! My intuition is telling me swift and docusign are holding those tokens out of circulation! We will so be rich just HODL for a few years!

>> No.8728546

>My intuition is telling me swift and docusign are holding those tokens out of circulation!
Stop being retarded. Sergey is holding them and will give them away later.

They've confirmed there are already clients. WHo do you really think they are? If not the most obvious ones? Retard.

>> No.8728564

How does it feel to be in a literal cult where the leader is neither charismatic nor attractive?

>> No.8728589

Are you a
1) holder who FUDs for fun
2) bagholder who's salty they lost money and is baiting to get reassuring confirmation their investment wasn't stupid
3) genuine retarded nolinker

>> No.8728629

also this is my first crypto buy ever, but I've been following the technology for quite some time, and I understand the need to have a decentralised outside consensus method, this seems important

what worries me is no updates on link website, are the devs putting out any updates on progress?

>> No.8728647
File: 702 KB, 627x625, pepesilvia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck I'm getting outrageous dejavu from these comments.
All of you say something unbot like or I'm callin the cops

>> No.8728674

Also check the github

>> No.8728700

underrated post

>> No.8728718
File: 260 KB, 1024x768, 1467102465340283917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, I'll look around
t. slavic crypto

>> No.8728726
File: 196 KB, 1364x771, XS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8728823

you should check out their slack page as well

>> No.8728847

cool sigil

>> No.8728998

i'm not a bot retard

>> No.8729080


Obviously, he didn't agree with Nietzsche or he wouldn't be an SJW, open-borders SF liberal.

>> No.8729202

Sergey is our generations Steve Job. Prove me wrong.

Protip: You can't.

>> No.8729257

sergey nazarov (S.N.) is satoshi nakamoto you retard S.N