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8715136 No.8715136 [Reply] [Original]

Check the latest cartel tweet... @super_crypto

>> No.8715152

why are you permabulls so fucking retarded. Why can't you accept the money is dried up and nobody wants to buy Bitcoin anymore

>> No.8715164

.... bogs know we know.....

>> No.8715203

Did you read it?

>> No.8715297

The problem is that they have some valid points (the market is being manipulated) but then they make huge leaps (it's manipulated by the financial elite wanting to steal your bitcorns) and the schizophrenic style makes it hard to take seriously. An article like this would work a lot better if it was written in a calmer tone and stick to what's provable instead of going all over the place.

>> No.8715346

but who would have power to censor someone's medium article? a lot of shit passes there

>> No.8715364

I know but this threads about the latest tweet. The cartel medium article has been suspended

>> No.8715413 [DELETED] 
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Call me a Pajeet one more time I dare you

>> No.8715443

Oh, yeah, I don't know, I was just reading the copy (or what I think is a copy) that's on Steemit. He might be on to something then.

>> No.8715548

Looks like Datadash covered the article his daily update, listening to it now, don't know what he says, but it's sure to bring exposure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFsomSh40z8

>> No.8715590

The financial elite manipulating prices.
Such a wacky and improbable conspiracy theory

>> No.8715670

False alarm.

>> No.8715715

Read the article, you'll see what I'm talking about when I say that the style is written in is harmful to the message. It looks like a stream of consciousness post instead of a well researched article. It might be well researched, but he should have taken the time to write a better article (some people don't care about this, but so be it).

It's the difference between saying
>The financial elite is manipulating prices
>The <italic>financial</italic> <bold>elite</bold> is MANIPULATING prices!!!!!