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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 500x428, Cardano-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8711365 No.8711365 [Reply] [Original]

Give me your best FUD and your best hopium on ada

>> No.8711374

Ada Lovelace was a fraud and the logo looks like a pooper.

>> No.8711411

nice give me more!

>> No.8711460

Charles is a pedo and squints like a chink.

>> No.8711467

You're supporting an anarcho-communist.

>> No.8711469

so tempted to put 3 eth into this

>> No.8711471

It's basically western Tron, all whitepaper no product and this is their best dev https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLciKKGPeTg

>> No.8711492

this fills my body with determination I NEED MORE

>> No.8711510
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>> No.8711542



this dev basically lives in his computer and sleeps 3h a day spending all his time coding.
this is a good thing

>> No.8711577

Nice work guys I'm a cardano fan but I like to see all the sides of an issue

>> No.8711614

This is grade A autismo
I wouldn’t compare to Tron. It’s vaporware, but long term it has a decent chance. Definitely not a scam, there is legit development going on, so it deserves to be above 90% of the shitcoins in this space

>> No.8711678

I wish I could buy with fiat but only got eth and cardano is winning vs eth right now, fml

>> No.8711691
File: 59 KB, 400x400, 1521870531376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey big daddy, wouldnt you love to invest in me? the prices of removing a scrotum are outrageous these days ;)!

>> No.8711784
File: 17 KB, 487x170, 1522108658726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only bought some because of this, I think it's shit and if it's not it's going to need a lot of time to prove it isn't a lot of room to go much lower in the meantime.

>> No.8711797

There's supposed to be billions of Cardano trading, but instead you only see tens of thousands being traded, maybe hundreds of thousands at the most. Compare this to Dogecoin which has a similar billions of coins total like Cardano, and you can see millions being traded at once.

What happened to all the missing Cardano? Around 96% of all Cardano is in the hands of early Japanese investors and the Cardano foundation themselves.

You're trading the 4% circulating which is still around 100 million Cardano coins, but keep in mind there's more than 24 billion not being circulated.

>> No.8711856
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tl;dr: This coin is the reason "ETH copy" exists as a derogatory label. However, unlike in the cases o EOS and NEO, where the two projects have many key differences, ADA's differences from ETH are extremely minor and not worth mentioning, aside from the ever beloved "MUH PEER REVIEWS."

It's important to note that the peer review process already happens organically by nature of cryptocurrencies being decentralized and open source. Just as Cardano's devs imply BTC's resistance to being cracked shows its resilience, so does ETH's resistance. The only reason this exists is because Vitty's even more autistic partner REEEEEEEE'd so hard that he made his own ETH that's functionally identical, except nobody wants to use it since ETH is the exact same thing and is already adopted.

EOS is unironically a better investment, and I think that's vaporware.

>Sell me this ADA

You can't.

>> No.8711869

Maybe they are hoarding it for staking rewards? I don’t see why big investors would sell at this price if they believe in the long term success

>> No.8711957

That's another problem. There's 45 BILLION total supply each worth 15 cents. Compare to Dogecoin's 113 Billion each worth $0.002.

You can buy 10 million dogecoins pretty cheaply. It's hard to even get 10,000 Cardano. They have similar supply, but the disparity is huge.

Whatever amount you have, divide that by 45 billion, and you have that small % total. If you think staking will profit YOU, let's say you own 100,000 Cardano, well take 100,000 / 45 billion and you get... 0.0000002%

Yeah. You'll be getting 0.0000002% of the total for staking for 100k coins.

100k coins is expensive too.

>> No.8711993

Oh, also, the sale to the Japanese investors was completely private, not part of any ICO or anything. So before discussing it with anyone else, they literally had Japanese investors first in line to get those early Cardano, and supposedly the rumor is that most of these are elderly Japanese and they don't know how to put the coins up on exchanges which is why you don't see the 96% of the rest of the coins being traded.

>> No.8712014

I'd never buy into a project lead by a mentally ill person.

>> No.8712021

if anyone is having any doubts all you need to know is that its not another erc20 piece of shit

>> No.8712030

that guy actually looks really smart
unironically I can tell because I recognize his mindstate and my IQ has been tested to be over 160

>> No.8712049


exactly. also doing basically the opposite of what anons tell you here is a good way to make money.

>> No.8712062

so then buy tron

>> No.8712084

>buy verge
>buy tron
>buy btcp
>buy zcl

wow ur so smart can u kill yourself too

>> No.8712093

cmon dickhead, he's right also. You know how many retards shill their crap here. Fun look at that piece of shit

>> No.8712119

Then it's not the opposite. It's don't buy anything /biz/ shills. /biz/ seems to be fairly on point with projects it hates.

Even that's dumb, since /biz/ was ahead on notable projects like XRB, ANT, ETH, and was a breeding ground for early BTC shilling. Take anything /biz/ says with a grain of salt. But thinking you can "just do the opposite XD" is retarded.

>> No.8712127

you in link right?

>> No.8712145

Unironically yes :)

>> No.8712181
File: 145 KB, 646x700, 1516279230458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too. I want the market to drop more so i can buy more. If it hits around .15 I'm dropping another 5k on it

>> No.8712277

Great article bro
I like the part where he says Cardano doesn't have a blockchain explorer.
Very credible.

>> No.8712817

>he missed over and quickly corrected some tangential detail
>"lol great article bro XD just bought 100k unironically"

You are so smart anon :)

>> No.8713261

>I'm in Link
Opinion discarded.

>> No.8713976
File: 61 KB, 512x512, 1522543833200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only have to focus on the leader to see if a coin will be successful in the marketplace.


This faggot is unbelievable

> dropped out of graduate program
> fired from bitshares
> fired from ethereum
> fired from lisk
> constantly crying about bullies
> gloats about all his money and the expensive shit he buys with investor money
> spends all day on twitter posting selfies and food pics
> countless flame wars with legitimate cryptos
> rage quit twitter vowing never to come back and then came back hours later

Taking some fagish otaku pic in japan

Pretending to work by pulling random github shit up on screen

Gloating about his mic flip on a presentation that he didnt bother to prepare for

Crying about bullies and posting a pic of /biz/

Gloating about how rich he is while investors are losing billions

Trying to lie about being fired

Quit twitter and then came back hours later

>> No.8714005

they have tons of code on their github, tardfaggot. have you even looked...?

>> No.8714112
File: 10 KB, 228x217, study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tangential detail
Except he used the "lack" of a blockchain explorer to float the idea of possible malfeasance by Hoskinson.
>Transparency would help to ensure investors that there is parity among the coin’s stakeholders. For all we know, Charles Hoskinson owns 75% of all of the coins distributed.
That's a rather serious accusation, of course dismiss it as "tangential" when caught lying about something you could have learned in 2 seconds with a fucking google search (literally "cardano blockchain explorer"). Clearly an incompetent.
Notwithstanding other genius-tier arguments like "the price dropped 70%" and "vaporware" meme just aren't very compelling, sorry.

>> No.8714121

Code is not as important as important as speed of releases
There is no way cardano will be able to keep up
IOHK was formed in 2014 and there are no smart contracts
dan larimer started eos 2 years later and will release a superior smart contract platform months earlier

Cardano is DOA