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8707200 No.8707200 [Reply] [Original]

Breyer partnership just a deal with Breyer ice cream company that simply involves providing the dev team with ice cream and confectionary at their lunch break every day

fucking scam shit

>> No.8707286

subtle shill, nice try pajeet. not buying your chink scam. Breyers is a fucking joke too, notice how it doesn't even say 'ice cream' anywhere on the packaging? because its legally not ice cream anymore, its some disgusting amalgamation of high fructose corn syrup and petroleum byproducts

>> No.8707587


>> No.8707606

fuck you

yeah it doesn’t say ice cream on it because u fat fuck Americans eat any shit that isn’t even legal in other countries kek

>> No.8707789

stop posting this retarded shit you autist in every thread