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File: 261 KB, 765x835, SATAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8707067 No.8707067 [Reply] [Original]

Popular brokers for stock trading:
>commission free and no minimum to open

> How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

Interactive Brokers
>$1 commission per 100 shares. $10k minimum to open, $3k if 25 or under. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Movers:

Earnings Report Calendar:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Previous thread >>8703209

>> No.8707088
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>> No.8707102


>> No.8707130

Cryptofag here

Just getting into the stock market, where do I learn fundamental analysis? I never had to bother with it in crypto since I just used TA and rode hype cycles.

How can I find dogshit one-product companies to short?

>> No.8707134
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This is it, isn't it?

>> No.8707137

bloomberg is kill

>> No.8707139
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Where my weed Bros? The market might be low, but I'm high as fuck.

>> No.8707142
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>> No.8707144

might be good to start watching Shkreli's investment videos
That's where I started.

>> No.8707146

pick anything and short it for guaranteed profit at this point. fucking market is done.

>> No.8707158

nasdaq -7% EOD

>> No.8707160

activision is pretty low

>> No.8707166

does anyone have that chart meme?

>> No.8707175

line goes up. line goes up a lot. line goes down a lot

>> No.8707180
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>> No.8707183


>> No.8707186

Holy shit AMD is hitting $9.50. Where is the entry point?

>> No.8707190

>coiners are laughing at us

>> No.8707192
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Nikkei going to get absolutely BTFO tonight

>> No.8707201


>> No.8707208

ty for this

coiners are just as bad right now aren't they

>> No.8707210


>> No.8707214


>> No.8707219

Yen is what's important here. if yen starts going up a lot, it means the rest of the market is fucked. Oddly, Yen gets super strong in crisis mode.

>> No.8707231

I mean if we normalized the volatility sure but not in terms of losing actual money. Coins are still doing way worse in 2018.

>> No.8707242

Coiners are significantly worse, some are going 100x leverage or suicide mindset

>> No.8707243

Yeah, to hide their trars.

>> No.8707252
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>> No.8707257


holy shit

>> No.8707259
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>start over

>> No.8707268

Ouch dude, i'm sorry

>> No.8707272

Jesus dude

>> No.8707275
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>> No.8707290
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>> No.8707291
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Don't fall for the Hodl meme, protect your capital.

>> No.8707293

I'm sorry dude. I'd buy you a drink if I could.

>> No.8707298
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>portfolio loses another -5% in the morning
>recovers a little to -2%
>its going to keep doing this

God either make gains or crash properly so i can at least enjoy the happening.
These slow losses are fucking aids.

>> No.8707303
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>> No.8707317
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It's already starting to happen

So what will happen when asian forex session begins?

>> No.8707326
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>> No.8707337
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>> No.8707353
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Welcome to despair.

>> No.8707355
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holy fucking christ

>> No.8707363
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>> No.8707370

Fuck it, i'm shorting AMD.

>> No.8707372

Right after I injected an extra 5 grand into my account and got approved for options, I began a position of buying short term call options on FB.

>> No.8707398

>Work releases a memo saying that Trump wasn't as bad for the markets as expected
>Now we've got this

>> No.8707400

Indexes in free fall lol

>> No.8707415
File: 75 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180402-104259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to buy as much ALT as I can right now wish me luck

>> No.8707418

-$11,000. This isn't fun anymore.

>> No.8707424

>works for cnbc.

>> No.8707438
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>> No.8707448

Post pics.
Is it normally this volatile for you?

>> No.8707452
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>Sir, they keep buying the dip. The HODL meme has been conditioned into them. They still think it's a bull Market
>.......End eeet
>Yes, sir. Right away.

>> No.8707459

DON'T DO IT!!!! That company is fucking dead.

>> No.8707460
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It might lose 700 points today.

>> No.8707469
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>tfw buying SPXL all the way down

>> No.8707472

I use JPY as an indicator of stress. I don't trade it. I trade off it. If it goes ape shit, we are in for 2008 scenario. I don't even know what's blowing up now. It's all carry trade repatriation shit that sucks all liquidity out. Big moves are big liquidity drains.

>> No.8707485
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>> No.8707492
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>> No.8707502
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>hey what shitcoin is this?
>Oh no that's not a shitcoin it's the safe regulated stock market

>> No.8707504
File: 22 KB, 632x407, fix_this_or_you_dont_get_my_fucking_vote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>down 125k in stocks
>down 60k in crypto
>year of an hero.

>> No.8707516

Isn’t that bitconnect?

>> No.8707518

fucking loving LIGA right now

>> No.8707520

-4/-5% today

>> No.8707521


>> No.8707549

This is why you always set a stop loss.

>> No.8707555

> le biggest drop since Febuary 8th.

>> No.8707560

No it's not, its just starting they just went through a merger and have huge potential

>> No.8707581
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>> No.8707584
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>This is why you always set a stop loss.
stop losses are for noobs

>> No.8707595
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>> No.8707615


>> No.8707618
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>> No.8707627
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>> No.8707628

Should we go violently; accept that all is lost?

>> No.8707642
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i bought more ALT on the dip theres no way it should be trading this low

>> No.8707644

Unless you're a multi millionaire, RIP

>> No.8707648


>using robinhood with more than $5k

>> No.8707657



>> No.8707661
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>> No.8707667

It’s time for that faggot Trump to go or go back to twitting about Mexicans instead of meddling with the economy, tariffs, and other companies.

>> No.8707672
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>How are your funds Anon? Are they safe?

>> No.8707678
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Buy EDGE. You won't regret.

>> No.8707683
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>> No.8707685

Where’s the first circuit breaker? 5%?

>> No.8707686
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>> No.8707691

Again, reminder that 251 is next SPY support.

>> No.8707697
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>> No.8707702

nah 252.82

>> No.8707706

It was a fun ride guys but I'm pulling out. Lost 5% the past month since I've started investing, and it's clear from the lower lows we are going down. If we pump, know I sacrificed myself for the Bogs.

>> No.8707707


>> No.8707712
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>> No.8707714
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I know I shouldn't tap on the glass and torment the redditors but there just such smug cunts I couldn't resist :^)

>> No.8707716



>> No.8707721
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>> No.8707729

Where? I'm seeing 242

>> No.8707730

Gotta expect some ups and downs in an emerging market, right? MJ will be like AMZN in a few years. R-right?

>> No.8707731

Dont worry guys, its all priced in

>> No.8707741
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>> No.8707742
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>> No.8707748
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>> No.8707761

Me right now. Bought the dip and now getting burnt.

>> No.8707764
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$SPXU boys report in

>> No.8707765

fuck i was larping when i said -7% nasdaq. it's really going to happen. there better be fucking people jumping from building from this today.

>> No.8707766
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>> No.8707779

Wait for the crash. I’m giving it one or maybe two more weeks. People kept telling me to buy at these high prices and hold, but that’s rediculous when you look at the pattern of crashes every ten years or so. The problem is, a lot of people are waiting for a crash but want to buy at the bottom. Just buy when you think prices have reached a good earnings to price ratio and when you believe your at about the middle of the “crash”. It’ll be a shot in the dark guess, but that way you can be certain you’ll catch the rise back up. Or just wait for prices to start increasing, but that could be a dangerous trap depending on other variables.

>> No.8707783
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>> No.8707784
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>> No.8707787
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Man Trump is crashing this economy with no survivors

>> No.8707788

251.25 is 300MA

>> No.8707792
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>> No.8707794

How much further can it drop before the powers that be decide to remove him? Midterms are coming up as well...

>> No.8707808
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I lost $70 today

>> No.8707839
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The only thing green in my portfolio is RUN.

>> No.8707845

> NASDAQ - 4%

>> No.8707849
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>> No.8707853

thank fucking god for ITM covered calls. saving my ass right now

7% were halfway there.

>> No.8707855

At least let us know what's fucking you over so we can avoid it like the plague.

>> No.8707880

he said long FB calls. ouch. no way to even get that back. probably not even able to sell

>> No.8707890

nah man 50 day and 200 day are most used

>> No.8707907

The tax cuts have already been passed though, they don't really have a need for him anymore.

>> No.8707926
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number one thing that gets millenals excited is stock market fall because they are too poor to participate. however this will take 3-10 weeks and then we will be shooting to new highs

>> No.8707930

Tax cuts only help PE if your making profits anon

>> No.8707932

This is a funny trading day for me. I have two long holds (rest is all cash at this time), both are penny stocks, and both are beating the market by 2% or better all day. Still in the red of course but not bleeding as bad as the large caps. Kinda weird. It seems for now my bet that risk level on the marijuana sector is about the same whether small cap or large is correct.

>> No.8707935

Former Trump voter here, we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear tariffs.

>> No.8707940

well fuck me for thinking p/e mattered. coulda just held it all in cash

>> No.8707949

So I got 50k, when will I be able to but cheap as fuck stock from soon to be suiciding boomercucks? Can I buy stocks for 50k without a broker if so how?

>> No.8707957

imagine having a guaranteed re-election in the bag. Then doing something so stupid and blowing it all on one tweet.

>> No.8707966

Power hour selloff when

>> No.8707973

Which one of these would you buy rn


>> No.8707974

robinhood, etrade, interactive brokers.

>> No.8707980

Broker not needed. Just open an investing account through your bank or robinhood or both.

>> No.8707983

Yea, ita not like 0% interest rates and boomers overinflating prices of adware companies are to blame or anything

>> No.8708015

There are lots of worthless stocks trading at silly prices. It may bounce, but it will crash again. There are lots of zombie businesses in this market. If they start failing, you will not like the outcome.

>> No.8708016

I wgree with what he said about Amazon. It’s destroying small local businesses. It’s been to have thousands of small local businesses across a country than 4 or 5 large ones that take in a high percentage of the consumer dollars.

>> No.8708021

I’m thinking as soon as trump puts China in their place it will go right back up, depends how long that takes though. A fucking 3b tariff vs 50b is laughable idk what the chinks were thinking

>> No.8708030

It has already broke 200 & 50 MA

>> No.8708032
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this is what is getting everyone upset today?

>> No.8708038

dumbass that's their response to the aluminum tarriff they will put up the ones for 50billion next week

>> No.8708043

Walmart has killed more small businesses than AMZN ever has. He's just targeting AMZN because Bezos owns the Post.

>> No.8708058

AMZN kills commercial real estate. Trump is a commercial real estate builder. Could that have anything to do with it?

>> No.8708062

The more I research the more I think all metrics are bullshit. A stock can go up 5 years straight with a massively overblown P/E. Gold can go down during a period of inflation because the bank cartel will actively suppress the price. A company like Tesla can make you rich without any product. The world is memes and representation.

>> No.8708064

The Chinese don't want a trade war, the counter tariffs are symbolic.

>> No.8708066


>> No.8708070

if they short treasuries, it will crash our dollar. they threatened that last week. but of course a low dollar will increase our ability to compete with them on a manufacturing basis

>> No.8708089
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Please save us FED!

>> No.8708091
File: 103 KB, 1484x676, Dotcom 2.0 Here We Come.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hasn't even begun.

>> No.8708093

good point. leasing office space and store fronts out to small business getting destroyed by amzn.

>> No.8708097

no keep dropping

>> No.8708104

So the markets crash because of talk about tariffs and a trade war.
What happens if there is a trade war and we win?

>> No.8708109
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>It’s destroying small local businesses

dude, Amazon is also a platform, small business can sell through Amazon, there are tons of stores that sell trough them.

>> No.8708112

this. amazon is a meta market. well, were. now theyre a shipping, selling and cloud computing powerhouse. when the crash comes and we go through another revolutionary cycle, amazon will be one of the sovereign states left to impose order.

>> No.8708113

we haven't return to normal yet

>> No.8708115
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>130k € sitting in index funds
>just chillin' and hoping for some nice buying opportunities to be set for life.
A repeat of 08 would be fun desu. You should be laughing at the stupid cucks trying to retire about now. We're young, this is an exceptionally rare opportunity to accumulate shares.

>> No.8708116

There's literally nothing that can turn this market accept for earnings

>> No.8708121

everyone wins a free cruise

>> No.8708124
File: 40 KB, 800x455, ma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is only one correct answer here

>> No.8708125


>> No.8708126
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the sad part is wallstreet will just short the market, it's the retail investors that lose this trade.

>> No.8708127
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... and we're back
bearcucks BTFO

>> No.8708136

hell yeah

>> No.8708137


You have stop losses set?

>> No.8708148

> we're back
how will these bear cucks ever recover?

>> No.8708153
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>tfw you can see exactly where Obamas policies start wearing off
the sad part is the deficit is going to be huge now

>> No.8708160

They won’t do shit because we can absolutely crush them in a trade war

>> No.8708172
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>apple wants to makes their own CPUs

Time to short this meme company.
Intel and AMD can just deny them use of their Instruction sets and make Software more expensive to develop.

>> No.8708180

>le small buisiness meme
if a small business could produce as effciently as amazon they would, however Amazon is more efficient than a lot of business so they go out of bushiness

>> No.8708183

Trade wars are like thermonuclear wars, nobody "wins"

>> No.8708194

t. kike and/or chinese

>> No.8708195
File: 3.88 MB, 344x203, 1438124976228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, why would I? I'm not looking to sell and I haven't invested any money I need to live. I'm not working with margin either, so there's 0 risk of liquidation. Just gonna chill and grab some cheap shares on the way down. Pic related is gonna be my face all the way reading these threads with retards like


And people who buy similar stupid shit like 10x leveraged inverse etfs.

>> No.8708200



>> No.8708217

t. poorfag

>> No.8708230

yall are obsessed with the guy. its ridiculous. the man doesnt single handedly cause anything thats going on in the market. 1) its the FED doing its thing 2) everything is sky high from this ten year bull run 3) the only thing causing it to go down right now is the sellers. and considering the low volume with this big sell off, id wager big guys are still waiting it out in certain things. it seems they are cycling out of FAANGmemes though. and since the industry leaders are those stocks, everything looks like shit. once people stop panicking they will realize that our whole economy is not AMZN exclusively, and that there are tons of undervalued companies out there to invest in. we are witnessing mass fear and hysteria. in my opinion this has more to do with the media hysteria thats being pounded into everyones heads than anything else. if everyone wasnt like you, waiting for the next trump tweet to decide whether or not they should sell, then this wouldnt be happening to such a degree.

>> No.8708246

if you cannot engage in an intellectual tier economic argument please don't reply to me.

The simple fact is you're using internet provided by a big corporation because the exhorbant expense of multiple small ISP's

>> No.8708250


Are they worth it? You and I have similar amounts indexed and I still can't decide whether to set stop losses. The idea being that I could take some gains, hold on to them through a crash, then reinvest them when the shares bottom out.

>> No.8708253

Pension funds are buying today and generally in the beginning of the month. This is selling off with forced buyers. Pretty sad, isn't it?

>> No.8708255

>more sellers than buyers today.

>> No.8708261

If they whole fucking economy is based on Amazon we have serious problems as a country. The tech bubble is popping, and frankly, I'm glad. Shit was way overbought.

This is a result of obango propping this shit up and not allowing it to sort itself out.

>> No.8708270

>yall are obsessed with the guy. its ridiculous. the man doesnt single handedly cause anything thats going on in the market.
Tarriffs and Budget, keep up buddy

every policy he has passed led to a huge point drop, he didn't pass anything big during the bull run

>> No.8708280

Why are you happy about losing money albeit at a slower rate than other people? Just buy back in a couple months after shit hits the bottom.

>> No.8708303
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You bearfags will look pretty stupid tomorrow when everything bounces +5%

>> No.8708306
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>> No.8708329

Companies like Amazon and Walmart can undercut small businesses though. It really isn’t fair competition.
You’re right about Walmart. And I would add Costco, Sam’s Club to that list too.

Amazon is ruining a whole sector of industry, a sector that is sacred, the book industry. People wrote books and spend much time to do so, then Amazon comes out with Kindle Unlimited and now all authors have to bend over and get paid pennies for every page read. If the book is read all the way through, they’ll get about 3 or 4 dollars depending on how many pages there were. Book stores are being closed everywhere. Disgusting. /lit/ uprising when?

>> No.8708347

That is true and something to consider.

>> No.8708349

can this gay market stop falling now?

>> No.8708352

>Companies like Amazon and Walmart can undercut small businesses though. It really isn’t fair competition.
Economies of scale aren't fair?

>> No.8708365

He said nervously for the fourth time

>> No.8708367

while not technically true, it's true enough.

50 people willing to buy at $50,
100 people willing to sell at $100.
50 people sell, there are 50 more waiting to sell
only buyers left are at $49.75

there were more sellers than buyer and that caused a price movement

>> No.8708370

If you can reduce cost that's how wealth is created. It is fair competition.

If you're going to argue against Amazon maybe argue against government subsidies to it.

>> No.8708379

>Companies like Amazon and Walmart can undercut small businesses though. It really isn’t fair competition.
It is fair because they CAN provide at a lower cost and choose to use the profits to
1. invest
2. give to their shareholders

it's only unfair competition when they pursue monopoly pricing tactics after driving their competitors out of business (like what BestBuy did). However there's too many Big Companies out there that operate like Walmart and Amazon for this to work.

>> No.8708384

I'm with you, my dude. Biggest reason I want to be rich is so I can just read/write all day and not worry about anything.

>> No.8708386

the reason they cant afford to do anything is because huge corporate chains undercut them so hard. the only way to compete with big guys is to reduce overhead as much as possible. this includes labor costs.

every single one of these drops coincided with FED FUD, and the minutes that have come out. the reason for the bullrun since 2009 is because we were in QE lala land with the FED just putting the economy on autopilot. everyone saw the stocks going up, so they bought in. which made it go up, which brought in speculators, who are getting hammered. we need a correction, the stocks are overvalued compared to our actual underlying industry, and this is going to happen whether we have trump in office or a fucking goat in office.

>> No.8708419

it's gonna get raped even harder during power hour ain't it?

>> No.8708435

It's time for "small businesses" to start learning on how to compete properly with amazon, rather than just whine about muh big bad.

Find market niches in your local area, cater specifically to those. You'd be surprised, most people will pay a few percent extra for convenience. I'd much rather get my hands on a product right now, than order it and wait a few days but save a few cents. The trick is not to charge obscenely more, like most current retailers do by marking up prices by around 20%.

>> No.8708441

>every single one of these drops coincided with FED FUD,
You havn't really been keeping up as there were multiple drops caused by trump, also Trump appointed the head of Treasury anyway
>the reason for the bullrun since 2009 is because we were in QE lala land with the FED just putting the economy on autopilot. everyone saw the stocks going up, so they bought in
please don't speak about things you don't know about. QE was to increase spending, which it did do effectively.
>he stocks are overvalued compared to our actual underlying industry, and this is going to happen whether we have trump in office or a fucking goat in office.
please don't talk about things you don't know about, learn to look at companies profit and current investment levels of a country. The US hedgefunds had significant money on the sidelines up through 2017.

>> No.8708449

Amazon is bigger than Walmart, that's why

>> No.8708453

If you look at tobins q (the replacement cost vs stock price) then you’ll see that the stocks are only slightly overvalued for q4 in 2017, everything is pretty much where it should be right now but I agree this all started with the rate hike and compounded

>> No.8708457

>expecting small business owners to do anything that doesn't nickle and dime their customers.

>> No.8708469

In the end, my opinion is not that important. Because at the end of the day, many people will continue to use Amazon, Walmart, etc even if they don’t like what it’s doing to the small mom and pop shop down the street.

It’s the way the people want to spend their money, so it won’t be stopped. Although again, I would really prefer a lot of small business to the mega stores.
>inb4 logistics oligopoly
Logistics would need that.

>> No.8708493
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You don't need stop losses if you never sell

>> No.8708495

Only in market cap, wmt does 4x amzn in revenues

>> No.8708500

mom n' pop is a retarded meme that needs to fucking die. "Small business" is a stand in for Chinese/Hindu/ Mexican owned piece of shit.

>> No.8708504
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If you can do that, by all means go ahead m8s. I know that the market is a wild fucking ride and I am better off just sitting on my ass doing nothing. I also don't want to spend that much time on my investments. My investment horizon is the rest of my life, this will be but a blip on the radar.

>> No.8708509
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>> No.8708517

We /distributism/ now?

>> No.8708528

>small mom and pop shop down the street.
who tf cares about these stores anon, they people cannot provide a product efficiently and therefore should be put out of buisiness

this is basic capitalism

>> No.8708532
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These are very true words. They have to adapt. Wise words.
Best of luck anon, we’re all gonna make it!

>> No.8708550

Buddy. Edge will be bankrupt in the next year or two.

>> No.8708556
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Go all in PEP and KO if you know whats good for you

>> No.8708566

This guy gets it.

>> No.8708570
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>> No.8708607

What happens tomorrow?

>> No.8708610

i always shop at mom and pop shops if i can.

if everyone shops at amazon i like to do the opposite of what society is doing.

If everyone is using facebook i try not to use it.

Majority of people in the world are not successful people, i try to stay away from the crowd, i feel that gives me a better chance of success.

>> No.8708649

I just think buying shit online is gay. If I really need something I'll go buy it. If it's not worth the effort of going to the shop and getting it then it's not worth getting. I also spend decent money on American made products with good warrantees.

>> No.8708656

Are these pre op bogs??

>> No.8708659

>i like to do the opposite of what society is doing.
and you create demand for another product, if it makes you happy do it by all means, however just know any business that goes out of business is inefficient.

Many people prefer to be relatively money efficient however.

>> No.8708664

With apple planning on dropping Intel do you think Intel will drop a little more losing such a decent amount of guaranteed business?

>> No.8708675

I shop at Fab5 all thanks to you man

>> No.8708677

I see exactly what you’re saying. There are some areas of life that are necessary to follow others though. Gotta be careful not to alienate yourself from the certain people you want to be in good favor with.

>> No.8708682

the cool thing about the free market is that you can go ahead and do that, you create an incentive for those business to stay afloat providing the service you prefer.

>> No.8708721
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How’s NAK doing guys?

>> No.8708732
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>tfw bought the very bottom of UDOW

>> No.8708733

>QE was to increase spending, which it did do effectively.
which was a terrible fucking idea. they should have actually addressed the problem of 08 rather than ignoring it and bribing the public to increase spending.

and tariffs and trade wars are to reverse spending. the point is to rebalance the trade deficit, and deflate the dollar. QE and letting the economy go unchecked for as long as they did is like giving your girl your credit card and telling her to go fucking nuts for 9 years. the reason ALL of this is happening is not just because of the tightening policy, but the adjustment back to an equilibrium and the absolute contrast to the previous FED chairs policy of "fuck it, let it ride".

i know its all fun and everything to trade a market that goes up, but it doesnt make any sense, and it cant go on forever. it had to correct at some point. the catalyst of the day and crisis of the week is almost irrelevant as the overall trend HAS to go down. its as simple as that. this has less to do with anything thats happened since trump even announced his campaign, and more to do with the last couple of decades of how the world economy has been working. its old wounds that never healed right coming back to haunt us

>> No.8708739

Yeah but I fully expect to see that option disappear. 10/10 people I know buy compulsively buy cheap shit offline/shop at Walmart. Buying the same crappy items over and over instead of spending a little time researching snd investing in well made domestic products. I'm all for the free market but just because something is "cheaper" doesn't mean it's the best option.

>> No.8708763

short-medium term S&P bottoms out at 2450. overall p/e levels are much healthier.
It would take a lot to trigger a massive sell off tomorrow, i'm betting up 1.5% tommorrow

>> No.8708769

Look at revenue and you want to see they continually make gains, hopefully exponential gains, regardless of what else is happening in the news. Try to look for cyclical patterns in revenue and recognize when peaks are increasing (stock goes up, good point to sell) or decreasing (goes down, good time to buy or get out if it's a dumpster fire).

Look at volume of trades. If people are buying a lot on the day the price is gaining, but not selling much the next day when it goes down, then people seem to believe it's worth holding on to. Practice looking at the past patterns in stocks that you know have already done well. Apple, Netflix, Amazon had periods where they became worthless but then skyrocketed. Revenue was still increasing despite fears, that's key.

In a lot of ways stock can be set it and forget it, day to day it sucks to look at but you can be sure that it's all going to rise across the board in time.

Some stocks to look due to recent events and changes: Corcept (big time), Innoviva, Kinder morgan, Okta. Speculative: NYCB (risky), and Q2 (less risky), MongoDB (seems to keep going up no matter what the market does)

Foreign: Tencent, JD, Fanuc (Japan) go together like peas in a pod. Invest in China NOW, it's such a huge internal market they don't give a shit about a trade war. Even the British couldn't crack that nut, just gnaw away at the edges. Bet on both Chi and US and can't go wrong either way, everybody wins.

>> No.8708773

>they should have actually addressed the problem of 08 rather than ignoring it and bribing the public to increase spending.
The problem was that nobody broke up the big banks

The idea that we should reward banks for blowing up the economy using CDOs with massive QE injections is insane.

>> No.8708778

part of that is morals. Where i live amazon has straight up cities where people go work for minimum wage all day in a warehouse, They get checked my metal detectors when going in and going out.

I don't buy things from amazon not only because i believe they will destroy the u.s. economy and everyone will be minimum wage workers for some big corporation that buys their shit for cheap in a foreign country using sweat shops and child labors.. its about morals too.

I support things i feel moraly right about, i live a good life, friends always say i'm extremely lucky, but really i just do what i feel is right and god treats me well.

Shopping at amazon is like giving bums money and then complaining about the amount of bums in the city and the shity economy imo

but hey, different strokes for different folks.

I won't support anything i feel is wrong though

>> No.8708858

>The idea that we should reward banks for blowing up the economy using CDOs with massive QE injections is insane.
thank you

what happened is the FED wrote a blank check to a bunch of cunts, then took the rest of the weight and split it up, forcing it on the rest of the population the whole world over.

>> No.8708862

BASED power hour

>> No.8708902

I make it a point to shop locally even if prices are slightly higher. Get almost all PC parts from Microcenter these days. Most big box stores will even match amazon on the price if you request it.

Like you mentioned, the long term network effects of Amazon dominating are basically an America where retail stores and malls are a wasteland, and the vast majority of the underclass are working in Amazon warehouses.

I don't want to be a part of a country that looks like that.

>> No.8708910

What is happening?
Did Trump make another shitpost?

>> No.8708919

also Amazon has a shit selection of dolls and figurines

>> No.8708943

The reason stuff is cheap in the US is because someone else is suffering for the lower cost. It’s disgusting. Many people fail to calculate the abuse of labour forces in foreign countries into their (((free market is fair market))) defenses. It’s not free when it’s set up to have humans living in terrible conditions. There’s a high cost for someone else.
The real cost of many items should be much higher, amd paired with those higher costs our economy should be a save/conserve resources type of economy like throughout most of history.

Very good post.

>> No.8708949


>> No.8708968

He talked about Amazon effecting other businesses and essentially said maybe that should change.
At least from what I gathered. Maybe he said something more.

>> No.8708970

i really want AMZN to fail just because i see what it's doing to the area around me, i live in southern california and sooo many people work minimum wage at AMZN alot of abandoned strip malls and malls, AMZN literally has their own police force there because their buildings are seriously the size of cities, its so sad to see it happen, i won't enable it.

>> No.8708984


>> No.8708987
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>implying you have any say in the new world order

filthy consumer

>> No.8708995


they fed has already started buying up a shit ton of equities to shore up the end of the day. they won't let it collapse like 08. They will bring it down slowly and then pump it again.

>> No.8709009

that's where rich boomer cucks go to retire

>> No.8709017

amazon is the future

drones will be delivering packages in the year 2040

>> No.8709020

Should I buy this AMRS dip

>> No.8709023

AMZN is no different than Walmart in that regard. It would have happened sooner or later.

>> No.8709046

i also avoid walmart...

I try to avoid fast food places too

>> No.8709064

You haven’t really accepted that fate have you? Your fine with our grand kids being RFID chipped to work in a warehouse like cattle lel

>> No.8709070

About to do my taxes .__.

Going to HR block..

>> No.8709076

its hardly a dip. 6.50-7 has been the range for a while now. i got some covered calls against it because i think it will dip some more in the near term. right now doesnt really seem like much of a dip, but its a good time to maybe start small in building a position if youre long term.

>> No.8709085

>Should I buy this AMRS dip

>> No.8709086

Amazon has plans in the works to handle 100% of their own shipping. Even if Trump smashes them it won't do much.

The technology they want for it, drones and autonomous cars is still a ways out though.

>> No.8709087

do them yourselves and when you make enough see a CPA, screw H&R block

>> No.8709095
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>> No.8709111

I'm not part of the pleb class that shops at Walmart, so it's not really a concern.

>> No.8709116

There's nothing driving a Biblical event like 2008, when the market lost more than half it's value, it's not even close to 2011, when the market slid over 10%. I'm not saying what's going on right now doesn't suck, but it's still one digit moves. When we get into double digit moves over a week or more, then you can start talking 2008.
Correction? Yep. Tech was overvalued.
Crash? Not so sure. We're not seeing other bubbles crashing, and no banks are failing. Plus, they now have QE in their holster, no matter how bad it gets.
Shit's definitely not good, but we're not in panic mode yet. This could recover quickly, especially if the earnings reports this month are good, and this trade war shit blows off steam.

>> No.8709119

I'm a brainlet and I only have like 3 days left..I only did taxes maybe once in my life in my ten years of working..I'm dumb I'm going to cry..

>> No.8709123

Another point on amazon while we are on this topic, as a platform marketplace they provide a lot of choice on products, that simply isn't available in shops.

I once went around my entire town looking to buy a cheap desk microphone, but not a single shop was selling any, and the only ones around were shitty overpriced "gamer" sets which were absolutely not what I needed. This is even worse if you want to buy electronic components. In the end I had no choice but to buy online.

I personally think specialist parts shops can do really well provided they don't mark up prices too much. A lot of people want to have a go at fixing something themselves rather than buy a new one, especially since the squeeze has made most people poorer. A friendly local shop that sells parts and offers free advice should do well.

>> No.8709130

whats your outlook on them in the near term? i think there will be one good sell off before it turns around

>> No.8709139

yeah i was surprised the other day they hired their own driver to deliver
he missed me in the morning and came back later in the day.
shit is fucking nuts.
meanwhile UPS puts the sticker on my door without knocking and makes me drive 15 minutes to their distribution center

>> No.8709145

In all likelihood, your taxes will be dead simple. Just following the instructions from any off the shelf software.

>> No.8709158

people dont understand how important time is

>> No.8709181

i think there is heavy dilution all of 2019.

the convertable prefferred series D is toxic as fuck aswell as the conv. pref series c.

people say to hold for 2 years?? lol there is so much dilution planned for 2019 in their q

I try no to trade off a company, i trade share structure, accumulation/distribution and supply and demand

>> No.8709206

The last time I tried they asked for last year's taxes and I didnt do them..

>> No.8709217

as for repairing it yourself?
awhile ago i wanted to buy my own wakeup clock that lights up the room when its dawn.
the only models available were $700

i have the skills to make my own, but it would take me 80+ hours to get it working I'm sure.
unless i really enjoyed it i'd never waste my time on it. i just waited a few years for a cheaper model to come out

>> No.8709228

which form do you use to grab all that info?

>> No.8709230

>i have the skills to make my own, but it would take me 80+ hours to get it working I'm sure.

I was also remarking on the time wasted going from store to store looking for a product

>> No.8709232

Unless you own real estate, it shouldn't matter. The past year import is for convenience. If you own real estate it's a bit more complicated because of depreciation.

>> No.8709242

The issue often is the mark up. As I said I would tolerate a few percent to save myself the hassle, nothing beats being able to swing by a local shop and pick something up after work. But in my town at least, the few shops that do still exist sell stuff with a huge mark up, 20%-50% even. That I cannot handle.

I don't run shops so I don't really know if the owners are just being greedy or they genuinely are undercut by online retailers by that much. But if its the former then they deserve to die, if the latter then they really need to step up their game.

>> No.8709259

>Just getting into the stock market, where do I learn fundamental analysis?

You don't, you gamble and then lie on here about how much you made. Maybe stock market is out of your league cryptofriend

>> No.8709263

>which form do you use to grab all that info?
about half of it is about dilution, people say they have funding till whatever year, but the way they got that funding is throught toxic financing.

sure the company might be onto something, but i try to trade the stock, not just the company. Dilution means selling pressure and i'm not willing to fight selling pressure

>> No.8709278

Or just read investopedia which is a much more in depth and insightful version of Martins lessons.

>> No.8709281

yeah i know all about their debt, but im still confident in their ability to continue to perform profitably in the mid to long term. you are right though. the first whiff i start to catch of dilution, im gonna start cycling out. but that said, i might be interested in picking up some of their bonds for the fuck huge yields instead of going back into being long the company at that point. she still has yet to get her pop though, so im sticking around for now. its just rough waters ahead for the whole market

>> No.8709295

THat's straight up all talk from them - their economy is in a precarious state right now, and if they crash us, they're fucked harder - like the people overthrow the Communists and put a democratic government in to replace it harder. This is a geopolitical game of chicken, and we all suffer through it. I HOPE Trump's intentions are that we're in a better place when it's over, but...

Anyway, you guys are having your usual retarded fun larping that you understand what's going on, and jerking your tiny dicks to the idea of a market crash because "muh bitcoin", just remember - if China crashes our economy, then your parents lose their jobs, have to sell the house, and you have to get a job and a place of your own. Bitcoin? Yeah, that's even more fucked. Better start getting used to punching a time clock, and saying "Yes, boss".

So you keep thinking the markets crashing is a good thing. It won't be the first time 4chan jerked off over something that ended up deeply embedded in your asses. Every time you post something smug about it, a paper hat with a fast food chain logo on it is moving closer to your reality, step by step.

>> No.8709299

Yeah.. Maybe I'll do them tonight.. And go to hr this week if I can't figure them out

>> No.8709306

Green dildos for years, dummy.

>> No.8709313
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Post your Gains.

Took a -$60 loss

This Market is playing hard to get.

>> No.8709320

>yeah i know all about their debt
the dilution is not in their debt.......... it's in the convertable preffered shares and warrants........ and yes there is convertable notes as well, but the toxic waste will come from the preffered shares

i suggest you read the terms of the series D conv. preffered shares....

>> No.8709323
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Getting bumpy over here

>> No.8709351
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10-K, "Liquidity" part
Despite all the meme about Big5Guy, what he said is a real possibility

Nonetheless I am long AMRS and actually did my DD
According to Melo's guidance and with very conservative discount and maturity rates, AMRS's SP should be in the mid-teens (90M shares outstanding)
And AMRS seems to be at the forefront of industrializing the technology and making serious volumes.

It remains a very risky bet, but the narrative seems very enticing to me. It is still trading at only 1.5 the sales figures, which is very cheap for a biotech based company. The next investor conference and earning call will be unironically critical for AMRS.

>> No.8709360

I also don't know why Trump gets so fixated on China. The time to take on China was 20 years ago, trying to take China on now economically is not going to work.

The thing is I believe he actually knows this deep down. If my predictions are correct, he is just using this whole thing as a PR campaign off what he promised during the election campaign, while secretly he will extend the olive branch over.

>> No.8709363

"I'm sorry, son, we have to sell the house. You have to clean up the basement so we can show it to buyers."
"But, but, but, this is MY time, I have to be accumulating penny stocks and fake digital money! The stock market doesn't effect me!"
"I'm sorry., son, it's time to grow up. I hear McDonald's is hiring, you should put on your best clothes, go down, there and ask for the manager, and shake his hand and look him right in the eye. After you clean all those soda bottles out of the basement, and take those cartoons down off the wall. I need that done by the end of the day, okay?"
"But Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!'

>> No.8709433

b-but he is a naughty boy.

>> No.8709447

>Implying McDonald's isn't automating away all their wagie jobs.

>> No.8709459

>THat's straight up all talk from them
i know. thats why ive been saying, this whole thing is a balk. trumps just trying to corner china into either renegotiating in a serious way, or doing something which will hurt them in the long run.

>Anyway, you guys are having your usual retarded fun larping that you understand what's going on, and jerking your tiny dicks to the idea of a market crash because "muh bitcoin"
the fuck are you talking about m8 ive never owned a fucking shitcoin in my life. except for the couple times i put in like a hundred dollars to buy mushrooms like 6 years ago.

>So you keep thinking the markets crashing is a good thing. It won't be the first time 4chan jerked off over something that ended up deeply embedded in your asses. Every time you post something smug about it, a paper hat with a fast food chain logo on it is moving closer to your reality, step by step.
m80 i make my fucking living playing music, and i have for years. thats about the most recession proof industry there is. why the fuck are you so butthurt anyways? everyones just posting theories and arguing over whats causing the markets to behave this way. stop acting so fucking childish. no need to take anything personally. the markets are going down whether or not any of us is right about anything. just because we disagree about how its happening doesnt mean you gotta be a faggot about it

i will thanks.

>> No.8709468

Apple at this point is a phone company, that still sells computers. There's all kinds of rumors here in the Bay Area - that they're ditching the Mac OS and going with iOs on their computers, so they can use their own chips to run them, that they're selling off the computer division, or that they're just going to stop making them. They already make chips, they invested heavily in chip fabs years ago, and make the chips for the phones. They're very slowly rolling out iPads that can do pretty much anything a normal person needs to do during the day, they aren't a gaming platform, and the high end creative users have been moving back to Windows. They release new iPads and iPhones like clockwork, but they have seemingly given up on updating their computers in a any serious way, if anything they keep removing features.

It's one of the reasons why I got off the Mac platform. It's dying, very slowly. Apple is a phone company now. They'll make billions selling phones, I honestly think they're going to transition away from computers.

>> No.8709472

As a former retail business owner, I tried my best to provide service and information to my customers. And many were happy for that.
But sometimes, you cannot fight against the trend, especially when you were leasing your shops.
As for the markups, you are observing that less and less customers are coming to your shop. To compensate for the lower turnover, you have to have higher margins. They simply have no choice.

>> No.8709474

I'm 26 and autistic .__.

I need to go back to college..

>> No.8709505

>playing music
>for a living

Your parents want you to move out

>> No.8709521

Are trailers a good investment for a poor man such as myself?

Live in trailer for a year than sell it..

>> No.8709545

it's a dumb deal. lot rent is just as expensive or more than normal apartment rent. then you have to pay for the trailer too.

>> No.8709549
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>It Immediately Shoots up

Jesus fuck, good thing I didn't sell everything.

>> No.8709572

Nah. This is a result of Obama bending over and spreading his cheeks for China for 8 years. If anything, he did nothing with policy to directly impact the tech sector, so they ran wild with their pump. Like with Clinton, who allowed the web bubble to grow, by not touching it. He got credit for it, when he did nothing policy or law wise to impact it.
China needed to be dealt with, but not like this. But, this is the kind of shit Trump voters elected him for. (I didn't vote, fuck both of them. Tired of having to pick one of two deeply flawed candidates.)
But honestly...this is still not as bad as if Hillary had been elected. Just paying off her campaign debts to other countries would have bankrupt the entire country. And her policies...shudder...we'd be sitting here going "Oh, look, they banned something else in business, there goes another 10%..."

>> No.8709575

Buy high, sell low

The /biz/ way

>> No.8709588

like fuck you do. college aint gonna mean shit if things get really ugly. learn a trade. autism shouldnt even be a problem there. you might even be able to harness your autism into learning your trade

piss and moan all you want about it. i do studio work, record shit for local bands, am in like 3 original bands, 2 gigging bands (weddings=max gains), play in pit orchestras for local musicals, and teach lessons from time to time when things get tough. we put out, sell and distribute our own records, and make money going on small tours for like 2-3 weeks at a time.

just because youve never done it doesnt mean it cant be done. and just because most musicians dont take their trade seriously, and dont apply discipline to what they do, doesnt mean that there arent musicians out there who do.

>> No.8709595

True I need a place to stay tho and will be living in it anyway maybe for a year until I finish school.

>> No.8709610
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Aren't you the musician someone just blew out? Yeah I'm going to finish college..I can't tie my shoes or anything..I'm legit nearly retarded but idc I gotta try..

>> No.8709611


>> No.8709621
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Took at -0.97402597 % loss

Didn't expect this Rally into the Close.

This market is something special.

>> No.8709622

I see now why you know DIS's dirty little secrets :^)
Your instrument(s) and styles of choice ?

>> No.8709642
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>> No.8709645

Thanks for the insight, hope it worked out for you in the end.
I can see once the table starts to turn, it's a downward spiral from there on. Higher margins will just drive more people away and speed up your eventual demise.
Can't help but to think there should be some way to stem this though. While I do not agree with everything Trump does, I do feel sad that a lot of the local mom and dad shops are being driven out by big retailers.

>> No.8709649
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>SUNRUN is in the green
Next stop, the moon

>> No.8709651

i made alot of money today and now i'm bored, i just bought a shit load of CEI and more ALT i hope something fun happens this week with either one

>> No.8709659


>> No.8709663

Credit Karma can file federal and state for you, for free. The interface was simple enough that a brainlet like me could even file capital gains.

>> No.8709664
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Based power hour

>> No.8709672

I'll try it thanks anon.

>> No.8709677




>> No.8709699
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>> No.8709710
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It's almost 10% away from ti's last high.
Timed the Pull back too early.
Might come back 5% then dump again.

>> No.8709715

KTOS is going to close green.

KTOS stronk

>> No.8709732

Do you guys care if I blog here about money and all of that?

I need a new general to dwell in :3

>> No.8709743

Reminder to buy before EOD. Tomorrow will be a very green day.

>> No.8709750

>Aren't you the musician someone just blew out?
how do you mean?
>Yeah I'm going to finish college
oh i thought you meant you were going to START college at 26. that would be retarded

flute, guitar, keys, upright/regular bass, and i can play a variety of woodwinds on a bare minimum basis to track stuff (sax, clarinet). cant play brass for shit, and im not great at drums. but the caveat is i can sight read on all of the first instruments i listed. this dramatically increases my market value. and since ive been playing in bands since i was 15, i make more money now than i used to as i know how to manage myself, out the squeeze on bar owners (always ask for a guarantee when playing out, dont go too high or youll miss out on work, but yeah), and have quite a bit more notoriety than i used to. not famous by any account, but every little bit helps find me more opportunities to make money off of what i like to do. learning finance and how to invest is what i HAVE to do, as being a musician gives me little to no safety net as work is irregular.

>> No.8709753

You don't know fuck all about what you're talking about. The book industry was DYING, that's why brick and mortar was dying. I worked in that industry, I fucking saw it. The big publishers were months from massive layoffs and possibly shutting down, they weren't aquiring new authors, budgets were in the toilet, and the whole thing was just doom and gloom.
If anything, Kindle saved the industry. The rise of ebooks revived the entire industry, and it's in better shape now than it was a decade ago.

And, you're a fucking moron, and don't understand how Kindle Unlimited works. First, it's mostly small time publishers or sefl-published books, that typically sell for less than $3.99, and get very little attention in the normal market. KU drives interest to new authors, and the per page payment is on average more than what the authors would see from straight sales - this is directly from people participating in the program.

And, .lit is a dead format. But I'd expect a retard like you to think that the format has fuck all to do with the actual business, and that you'd be clinging to an old neckbeard format that got left in the dust years ago.

>> No.8709756

its EOD

>> No.8709777

Aw, did your lambo dreams get crushed again, when you thought you could day trade real stocks to make up the losses you had in fake money?


>> No.8709794

Weed sector also rallied in power hour. Not in to the green but still wiped away a lot of the day's losses. Tomorrow will be gap up, sell off, bounce all in the first 30 minutes, then i dunno after that. Probably green if the indices go green.

>> No.8709800

Whoops you're right. In that case hope you all bought in to your favourite meme stocks today, enjoy those gains tomorrow.

If not better luck next rally.

>> No.8709820

oil is definitely going to go up in the long term though. this is retarded.

>> No.8709825

I mean I have three years left and I'm working 80 hours just to finally make something of myself.

I mean if you can make a living being a musician go do it. I ain't knocking ya~

>> No.8709838

How do I make some money writing fap fiction or books in general?

>> No.8709850

Spoiler: they're already doing it, they're using uber drivers and other drivers using private cars to deliver. Just talked to the manager in the leasing office in my complex, they're having serious issues with it.

>> No.8709855
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I bought Pep

>> No.8709876

Truth be told
Many retail businesses had it very easy and comfy for literally decades.
And when things are easy, people get lazy and can't care less about adding value

I, for one, totally understand the absolute state of retail business right now and many really deserve to die

Higher margins must be justified by something. Merely providing utility is no longer enough.
For example, providing a very high level of expertise (eg. mountain hiking gears), selling things that tell a story (European luxury brands do it very well, Supreme, like it or not, is telling a nice story for their customers)

Nice m8
I am only an electric guitar fag who don't even play it that much anymore (I shitpost here way too much)
As I mentionned before, I used to own a retail business and I have worked some time for a supplier
So I got to meet other retail business owners and many of them were with their backs to the wall, because they didn't do much with the money they earned before. They have to keep working because they have no choice. I
am glad to have realized that and try to catch up hard before it is too late.

>> No.8709895

Dont catch falling knives

>> No.8709898

I'm down $92 for the year. $42 of that is from 5 shares of MJ.

>> No.8709899

yeah i dont mean to come off as defensive (everyones always thinks being a musician is a meme, but there is a lot of money in entertainment, and there will be a lot of money in it, until money ceases to exist). and i suppose its none of my damn business to tell you what to do in terms of college. i just know theres no way id ever go to college until they make it affordable again. even the community colleges near me are over inflated.

>> No.8709912

Radio Shack could still own that market, but they decided to become a cell phone accessory store.

>> No.8709915

That figures. A couple years ago amazon started using some cut rate no-name outfit to handle most if their next day shipments. These guys delivered in their own rusted out 90's civics, pizza delivery style. I got so pissed off about their shitty delivery i started having amazon ship to my post office which forces them to use the actual postal service as carrier.

>> No.8709916
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What is the biggest losing stock right now?

>> No.8709917
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*Gambles your College Fund*

>> No.8709928

Is there any money in comedy at all?

I'm good with comedy but I really do not want to become famous at all

It's all good tho fampai. As long as you invest right you'll be fine. plus you'll get laid being good at music

>> No.8709942

Too late. Caught every knife from the last two dips.

>> No.8709963

Buy yourself a bottle of pepsi to congratulate yourself on this smart decision.

>> No.8709984

So go do them. You don't have to file, to fill them out. Oh, wait, you're lazy, so you probably don't have your W-2s. LOL.

Don't worry, what usually happens is the IRS ill send you a letter saying "Hey, you didn't file, so we did it for you - here's the bill." Then it becomes a collections issue, and there goes your paycheck. This can happen for every year, going back 7 years.


Pay your taxes, dummy.

You better pray you're not in CA or NY, because their tax people are WAY worse than the IRS, and they'll catch up to you first.

>> No.8710046

>IRS finds out regardless
Why don't they just send you a sodding bill so you don't have to do all the work?

>> No.8710079

>Is there any money in comedy at all
absolutely, but its the steepest curve imaginable. you will go years making damn near nothing and then, if you make it, BOOM youre rolling in it. comedy is by far the most destitute of all starving artist type careers. ive played gigs and done background shit at comedy clubs before in manhattan, so ive gotten to meet some comics. especially in the LES manhattan, you will be at a 10$ comedy show, and there will be a bunch of no name comics on the same bill as someone huge like jeff garlin, or some big tv star who will just show up. sometimes youll even get one of the no name guys who will blow out the fucking headliners. but they still wont get paid as much. you have to be fierce with networking (more so than other entertainment based jobs) and pay your fucking dues hardcore, but i CAN say, if you want to make it work as a comic, the best thing to do is to go live in your car in either manhattan or LA (whichever is closer, but i prefer NYC). not even joking, thats just how you do it (atleast the only comics who ive ever met that have "made it" did it this way).

>> No.8710090
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No goyim, you have to use our Intuit Turbo Tax(R) Deluxe(Tm) PlatinumPlus Software.

>> No.8710091

thanks i will

>> No.8710120
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That sounds pretty based..I don't think I'm going to do that tho and take it that seriously even tho comedy is my calling. Maybe as a side thing but I don't want to be famous..idk..I just want a living and too live alone

Thanks trip friend.

>> No.8710124

Because that would bankrupt the Federal government. Besides, when they do that for non-filers, they don't give you the best deductions, most people who get the bill refile to get more deductions and less money on the bill.

Some politicians have been pushing a flat tax and filling out a postcard. I'm not against that idea. But we're talking about a Federal agency that will fight for it's own existence, so yeah, I'm sure they'd love to do all our taxes, but just collecting that amount of data for every tax payers would cripple the Federal budget.

Maybe in a 100 years.

>> No.8710145

.__. thanks for the cold hard truth..

I gotta stay here more you guys are smart

>> No.8710157

From the look of it, they probably owe him money. Only low income plebs use HR block.

>> No.8710174
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>> No.8710185

So, the market recovered a little, it went from 700 down to -459. A little ray of hope, there.

>> No.8710202

That could be quite true, I never thought of that.

Wait until he figures out he could have had that money last November...lol...

>> No.8710260

yeah theres always open mics which are fun to do. and dont forget about street performance. if anywhere near you is doing events, or youre trying to promote an event, its invaluable (not to mention you can make shittons of cash doing it). one of my favorite comics ive ever met (jay gillespie, not famous, but the dude deserves it, and the only thing thats gonna stop him is a heart attack) always used to do improv bullshit with a drum machine hooked up to a power converter and a car battery on the side of the street to promote his shows. and then he would network like a mother fucker after the show until like 5 am (this was his drug of choice, networking with comics with a big name). that is HOW you do it. same goes with anything where youre trying to sell your art

>> No.8710399

Than it's probably not the business for me. I'm autistic and don't want attention anymore..I just want to live alone comfortably nobody and maybe a doggo.

>> No.8710423

But JPY is what, 10% strengthened, in 2008 it was low 80s at the height. So yeah. But YEN is what VIX was back before it started trading. I guess they can't fuck with JPY as easily as with VIX.

>> No.8710446

I can't even begin to give enough fucks to get into that, here.

>> No.8710455


>> No.8710456
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Predictions For Tomorrow?

>> No.8710476

As long as Trump keeps his yap shut, slow recovery. Small green dildo. If the Nikkei doesn't shit the bed AND the floor tonight.

>> No.8710485


This is exactly what Amazon did long ago lol. They used Tax advantages over retail (no sales tax on online purchases) and government subsidy to operate at a negative/breakeven profit margin for years. This allowed them to gain massive market share and drive competitors out of business. One they locked down the market things that actually make them money like Amazon Prime came online.

>> No.8710491

Falling knives

>> No.8710494
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Dead Cat Bounce confirmed.
God Bless

>> No.8710523


easier said than done brainlet.

>> No.8710533
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I hope a Catch a winner this time.

>> No.8710547

its weird, i dont really into attention in my regular life.
but i value performance above all else. shit is the best feeling in the world. if you arent willing to risk everything you have to put it out there and perform, then it sadly isnt the business for you. but dont let that stop you from having fun with it. if youve never done an open mic, go do one sometime. its just a bunch of strangers. and theyre there to see some jokes, if youre terrible youll be forgotten, if it goes great, youll feel really good. then you can know whether or not its a feeling youd like to pursue more, but its worth it to know one way or another.

>> No.8710597


you do realize what a completely free market does right?

In the end %99.9999 of the wealth is in the hands of %0.00001. Only a few/one conglomerate(s) run everything. Virtually everyone is subsistence level poor

>> No.8710628

Herrrrrr! You posted a meme! That's so new and original! Tell your whole 8th grade class you won 4chan!

>> No.8710651

Ironically, Amazon would actually benefit from new tax regulations on e commerce because they've already been collecting state taxes. It's the small players that will have trouble dealing with tax codes from 50 different states.

>> No.8710655

We all lost money today, no need to be mean

>> No.8710658

I keep slapping myself for not timing my buys for the end on a red day.
I see the blood, and I immediately jump to buy at 11:00 or 12:00, then it'll slide another 0.5 to 1.0 percent.

>> No.8710666

I already ruined my life so I'm good on trying to get attention like that. I know I'd be extremely good at it also but whatever. Maybe I'll write fanfiction or books or something.

>> No.8710710

The point is in 2008 there was nothing suggesting the collapse based on the size of subprime market. It's a tiny market. The derivatives blew the whole thing up.

It's all opaque now too. Just because some tiny market is imploding apparently you can have multiples in derivatives backing it. There are potentially many such disaster scenarios. I can't tell what derivative is imploding will do. I sort of look at market stress. Because well in 2008 I knew about subprimes, and if I traded based on what I knew I would be killed. I didn't know about the extent of CDOs and CDS. It's a tiny long only market is all I knew. Now there are bubbles in everything. Who the fuck knows what collapse in one will do to the others. If Candian R/E implodes, their banks implode. Same with Aus. China is a fucking black hole that stretches all the way across all economies.

You think you know? I don't.

>> No.8710723


It's hard to determine when the knife is done falling for "buying the dip" as opposed to getting hit from "catching a falling knife"
With how bloody today was, I think buying is fair game as long as it wasn't closer to open.

>> No.8710729

dude your trips are trying to tell us something.

>I already ruined my life so I'm good on trying to get attention like that
nothing-to-lose is the most crucial aspect of being a comedian.
>I know I'd be extremely good at it also but whatever
then dont talk yourself out of it

>> No.8710748
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>SPY Still Rallying in After hours

wew good thing I held on to some of my TQQQ
No losses today, in the black.

>> No.8710754

Naw it's stuff nobody but Jesus will understand.

>> No.8710808

hey im on imageboards almost everyday. the amount of people i see here that are either legitimate geniuses, incredibly creative, or both is insane. the problem is, everyone always talks themselves out of it. dont do that

>> No.8710860

Meh..im not going to..

I feel you tho. I wish I did it as a kid tho

>> No.8710919

How does he do that while preserving his I'm a real tough guy act?

>> No.8710927

Uh, are futures always this fucked after hours like this?