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8705100 No.8705100 [Reply] [Original]

Any other bears still here?

How can we stop this thing from going up?

>> No.8705120

Spread bullish propaganda to fool the algorithms and sentiment bots. That's what everyones been doing with the bitmex threads

>> No.8705125

Except it isn't going up. The anemic pseudo-pump is finished and the downtrend resumes. Bitcoin has had many opportunities to begin a recovery but has failed every single one of them. I fully anticipate sub-5000 in the next week or two.

>> No.8705128

it's not going up lol, less than a week ago it was $8200

>> No.8705137

bitcoin and the shitcoins will collapse under the weight of their own irrationality

just lean back and stay smug

>> No.8705145
File: 1.91 MB, 1242x1232, 1522594335901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been shorting BTC this whole time. I’ve been teaching others and I’ve gotten my neighbors and coworkers into shorting the market and we are all making a lot of money together shorting BTC and Ethereum. I’m really popular now among my friends because I’m making so much money from shorting the market, a lot of them are making accounts in bitmex now because of me. I can’t wait for this bear market to continue for the next 5 years until I have enough money from shorting to buy a house and hopefully a nice car. Shorting is the best guaranteed way to make money in the longterm

>> No.8705146

you're not supposed to be a bear at the bottom of a massive dip, lol

>> No.8705157

Thanks bro. Gives me hope we can kill this thing for good.

>> No.8705164

I'm a bear and always will be.

>> No.8705177

Nice to see my copypasta kek.
You’re a fucking asshole

>> No.8705191

You guys who got in on the bullrun have had your fun, now it's time for us latecomers to get out 1000x gains from shorting.

>> No.8705252

short low fomo in high
sideways for past 3 days, only hybrids will make it now

>> No.8705265

post plushie pepes

>> No.8705275

Eat ass you bitter salty faggot

>> No.8705320

I'm not salty, I'm making a great profit shorting.

>> No.8705447

Chill with those shorts, resume with a good entry only and don't be too greedy. They have to sell us those dips they buying now.

>> No.8705555

I love watching nervous bears. You could have just done nothing but you sold at the bottom like an idiot.

>> No.8705571

You won't be laughing when we're sub $100.

>> No.8705586

You won't be laughing when 1 BTC is billion dollars

>> No.8705631

Umm if you didn't notice the price of Bitcoin is going DOWN.

>> No.8705685

Oh sweetie we bottomed out yesterday you see. Today we start a new bull market.
You will be liquidated.
Screencap this

>> No.8705753

No, me and the other bears are going to make sure this thing goes to zero.

>> No.8705857

I think i'm perma bear now
I've learned how to trade in bear market
And i'm worried that if we go bullish any time i'll make a trade i won't be able to buy in at the right price.

We will not pass 7.1k

>> No.8705878

with what, your 5k in BTC? lol

>> No.8706428

But by killing crypto you won't have anything to make money of. Bears and bulls should live in harmony

>> No.8706462
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fuck off. you had your three months of fame

>> No.8706465

Bears keep pushing their price targets down, it's pretty funny to watch, a lot of you will get burned for being too greedy. Bears can't time the bottom, bulls can't time the top.

>> No.8706478

just go over to the stock market

>> No.8706480

Once we've killed it I'll be rich I don't care.

>> No.8706520

When we go bullish you're supposed to trade alts.

>> No.8706735

> Bears keep pushing their price targets down
Bulls too, that's the game. When we going to 20K? 15K? 12K?
10K? 8K?

>> No.8706969

Nah in bullish market if you have solid coins holding is usually not a bad idea

Because as i said, you went up in SATs
you think you sold the top
Wake up the next morning, it is almost twice as high as you sold. Now it barely dips and keeps going higher meaning you gotta buy in higher than you sold = rekt

Bear market is easier to sell imo... or at least i'm just use to it now. I've been cucked