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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8704162 No.8704162 [Reply] [Original]

February 20th 2018: Nano devs meet with Coinbase devs

February 24th-25th 2018: Nano sees literally FOUR TIMES their highest volume in December/January

Then EXACTLY one month later: Coinbase tweets the addition of ERC-20 tokens
It's going to be Nano, they're still insider trading, wake the fuck up.

>> No.8704181


>> No.8704190

Nano is legit but this post is trash...

>> No.8704196

>Coinbase tweets the addition of ERC-20 tokens
How is this relevant to xrb?

>> No.8704201

Kys faggot

>> No.8704208

>Coinbase tweets the addition of ERC-20 tokens
>It's going to be Nano,
why would they add vitaliks least favorite erc20 though

>> No.8704277

fuck I hope so, need to dump this nano bag

>> No.8704285

i thought ripple xrp is going to get added....

>> No.8704300
File: 749 KB, 1000x581, 1520251560508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano ain't no ERC20 shitcoin. Wake the fuck up.

>> No.8704336

Are you sure? This was all that /biz/ talked about a month ago: NANO is the worst ERC20, claimed by Vitalik.

Was it all FUD? Is NANO actually legit?

>> No.8704387

It is as legit as selling bananas to negroes in the jungle.

>> No.8705271

bump because it's the last time im posting this and will be laughing at those who mocked me in a few weeks

>> No.8705560

Okay man, I want to be open minded about this, and I would happily go all in NANO, but the issue here is there is absolutely no proof of any of what you posted. You want people to hop on the nano train with you, then post proof and you've got it. It's that easy! At this point the average /biz/ bro has evolved to be weary of made up hype, so if you post news with no proof to be found, everyone's gonna call you a dick licking pajeet bitch shit poster, because that's probably what you are

>> No.8705584

nano has the highest volume cause its reddit fucking favourite coin they only know crypto = currency and nano = feeless and instant so best crypto ever = nano

>> No.8705622
File: 79 KB, 1140x620, nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you retards are too dumb to see Nano is the future I can't help you.. keep shilling your ponzi contracts and chink scam 'utility tokens' and collecting your 'super ultra mega master nodes'

>> No.8705639

>reddit has bigger influence on markets than this autistic neet board
>reddit like nano
>/biz/ doesn't buy nano because leddit
You guys deserve to stay poor.

>> No.8705701

I love NANO and hold lots, but you're a fucking idiot. ERC-20? Really? /biz/ is really going down the shitter lately. This bear market is also spreading brainlet virus apparently.

>> No.8705839

Seriously, KYS faggot. Nano is not a fucking ERC20 token. You think i would go 60% in a fucking half baked ERC20 token??

>> No.8705855

understandable, but the proof is written clearly between the lines. that's all this space is... speculation and theory. unless you managed to hack some shit and gain access to classified information. I prefer to go the more traditional investigative route by connecting dots, which I've seem to be pretty damn good at. The way to thrive in survival is by being the best at not being seen, so instead of drawing attention to myself-- I clue you fucks in. Call me whatever you want. Makes no difference to me, you don't even exist in my mind-- you're an elaborate illusion drummed up by my own imagination so I don't realize how alone I really am in this life/world. Go find a reason why Nano experienced such volume on the 25th of February, was it the coinbase tweet? Probably not because it would've happened instantaneously on the day it was posted, the volume run up did not happen until DAYS after the news released. There is ONE OTHER TIME THIS SAME EXACT POINT FOR POINT SITUATION HAPPENED-- Bitcoin Cash. Massive, upon massive amounts of volume surged days or weeks(can't remember) before the announcement, for literally no reason, exactly like nano experienced. And then they were investigated(still are) for insider trading. So if you have a fucking brain, you'll realize what Coinbase did here to protect themselves from FURTHER insider trading claims. They posted the news first, then the volume after. With Bcash it was volume first, news after.

>> No.8705890
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>> No.8705913


>> No.8705938

Nano isn't an erc20 token dummy.

>> No.8705943

This was so painful to read, I'm going to leave this thread and just pretend this was copypasta. Nobody can be this goddamn full of themselves when they can't even understand what token protocol is.

>> No.8705947

Feeless crypto.... give me a single other coin other than Nano that is no fees and I'll dump my nano for it.

Oh wait, you guys can't. Yes I'm well aware shit coins that are worthless cost little to no fees. But if nano was 10k, it still would be fee-less.

Nano is the only crypto that doesn't tax you from sending.

>> No.8705975
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>> No.8706027
File: 35 KB, 642x258, Bcur6F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik didnt say its the worst erc20 niggers, exactly the opposite.
pic related

>> No.8706071

buy buy buy