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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8703025 No.8703025 [Reply] [Original]

Right, somebody's got to say it - what do people selling at the moment not understand about the fact that BLOCKCHAIN IS THE FUTURE. Its not all about FUCKING BITCOIN...... this is such early days for the blockchain movement/sector and within the next 5 years people who HODL and buy now (at this time of maximum financial opportunity) are going to be RICH. AS. FUCK. There are SO MANY genuine projects at the moment which will change so many sectors for example GUTS tickets/GET protocol eliminating all the problems of the ticketing industry by using blockchain technology etc etc (just one example of a blockchain use case)....... GTFO if you to dumb and stupid to think about anything but quick cheap gains without being patient ''REEEEEEE I BOUGHT ARK/WALTON/LINK/REQ whatever 2 HOURS AGO AND I STILL HAVENT DOUBLED MY MONEY SO IM GOING TO SELL REEEEE fucking REEE''................stop being dumb fags, invest....hold....because SCREEPCAP THIS....in five years time blockchain is going to be HUGE.

>> No.8703043

Thank fuck... best post I’ve seen all week ‘clap.jpg’.... unfortunately too many normies and teenagers around who know nothing about the potential of block chain ... but hey.... their loss whilst we reap the rewards in the next decade

>> No.8703112
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This board is full of autists who have become addicted to daytrading, even though most aren't even good at it. I prefer to hold on, be patient, and not watch 5 minute dildos in my dark basement. Blockchain is absolutely the future. Everyone talks about early adopters. Everyone investing in quality projects now are early adopters. Think about where blockchain tech will be in 10 years.

>> No.8703113

I'm a nocoiner with no understanding of modern computer technology. I only lurk /biz/ out of curiosity.

What's so special about blockchains?

>> No.8703127


Wow its nice to see some intelligence on this board...thank you anon.....I am comfy that in 5 years time I will be a millionaire.....because I'm smart enough to see the future and i'm sure you are too....

>> No.8703790

it still shocks me how normies have no idea about blockchain tech. everyones heard of bitcoin and a bunch of people probably bought some shit on coinbase at some point.

even had a normie try to tell me his mom was investing in "the new bitcoin, this thing called Rrriipple?" sometimes ill jump on WoW drunk and shitpost "so what are your alt coin picks this year lads?" then ill list a couple to see if anyone bites and discusses crypto. no one ever does the most ive gotten are "what the fuck are you talking about?"

whats wrong with normies, why dont they like money?

>> No.8703968
File: 519 KB, 530x660, 1512397372864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. People think because Bitcoin and coins like Ripple are talked about in the mainstream media, that we are past the early adoption phase. We are not. We haven't even started to see mainstream adoption of blockchain tech. It is still in it's infancy right now.

>> No.8704135

Yea man blockchain is da future man its like... I dunno like a buzzword but hte more you say it, the more it makes like good and stuff.

Fucking normies right?

>> No.8704158
File: 1.47 MB, 320x240, 1496259008343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reddit faggot actually thinks he'll ever get his money back.

>> No.8704195

yeah the next stage of the internet revolutionizing multiple industries is fuckin like gay man hah hah stupid buzzwords xP

>> No.8705075

The dip is normies discovering their projectd of choice have nothing to deliver until 2019.

However, blockchain is overhyped as a technology.
Decentralisation is not necessary for 99% projects out there.
Also, institutional blockchain adoption is possible without token economics.

A blockchain should not be infinitely scalable to operate. If you need just to track milk packages delivery in your supermarket empire, you don't need a system to sustain 1kk txs/second. You don't even need cheat-proof systems as only your agents will have access to the network.

Probably in 2019 we will see which projects are to stay and which are vanitas vanitatum.
So far I see too many wannabe smart contract platforms (neblio, Ardor, Xilliqa, aelf, Stratis...) aiming to dethrone Ethereum.
The decentralised computing (iExec, DeepBrain, Golem, SONM) is definetely inferior to centralised cloud services, despite /biz/ thinking RLC is aiming for the moon.
Staking coins all seem to be a bait for greedy anons, so should avoid em.

>> No.8705500

Absolutely nothing. You can do the same thing if you rent a few servers and make them mirror each other.

>> No.8705518

Not a single respectable company in any industry has partnered up with a single shitcoin.
No one cares about your internet money.

>> No.8705519

Blockchain is future but these shitcoins aren't.

>> No.8705592

>Not a single respectable company in any industry has partnered up with a single shitcoin.
>No one cares about your internet money.

PWC's French branch, the second largest professional services firm in the world partnered with REQ the other day.....hurrrr duurrrrrr ....but no not a single respectable company in any industry has partnered up with a single ''''''shit coin'''''''........

>> No.8705613

dude have you been living in a cave for the past couple of years? tons of mega corporations in lots of industries have blockchain divisions now. they're keeping a close eye on blockchain and are already making decent outlays of money into them.

>> No.8705617


he must be trolling anon, surely

>> No.8705643

VeChain has dozens of current/future partners and they have already bought VEN from the open market.

Do people really think enterprises aren’t going to use this shit? You guys have to realize that it’s not like they are buying coins from binance, there are many options to pay for using VeChain blockchain. Many enterprises will probably just pay in cash and never touch an actual coin. And that’s exactly how mass adoption starts. 2018 is the year it begins and Vechain is one of the leaders

>inb4 erc20
>inb4 no working product
>inb4 chink coin
>inb4 muh supply chain(VEN is a direct competitor to ethereum)

>> No.8705649

No coiner fag alert. Go back to pol bitchboy

>> No.8705740

Vechain is going to be bigger than any crypto, the writing is on the wall. Watch the fuk out. $500 is still possible this year with circulation dwindling to a trickle.

>> No.8705743


My bet on these kind of posts is that it is a child or NEET with no money and this is their only way to cope.

They have worked up an imaginary world in their heads where Blockchain is not the future and everything they can't afford to invest in is shit.

>> No.8705788

if youre going to try and bait at least be entertaining #s m h

>> No.8705818

Please send whitepaper sir

>> No.8705822

without blockchains wine connoisseurs can't track their wine, and insurance companies wont know when a big flood happens, and people betting on the current weather won't know what the temperature is. This is why blockchain is so vital to the future.

>> No.8705827

Who owns these servers? What if the owner doesn't like how much money you have?