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8702933 No.8702933 [Reply] [Original]

Does thou have any updates for thy masses?

>> No.8703131
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He's not available, but I am.

>> No.8703138


sounds legit. could probably even free the scots

>> No.8703427

Hey friendo, I’m always here. I posted all the 6 figure sells from the last few days last night but without trips (team PB). It’s here: >>8690573 I was just thinking that so much selling is capitulation. They’re not top wallets btw
I really wish I had some more cash to get some cheap linkies right now.

I also posted this thread (without trips cuz tripfagging is gay) >>8673964, maybe it’s crazy but I really think these are all basically the same company or at least super connected and LINK is the beta orbiter right now but soon will be subsumed into their services. Tfw Capgemini now using “smart tokens” for psd2 services, we’re all gonna make it

>> No.8703484

so they not using $link

>> No.8703501

Oh shit, I do have an update, the dev wallet funds just sent even more to Binance. 95k. 0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca

>> No.8703521

just bought 100, check em for 1 billion eoy

>> No.8703533
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>> No.8703536
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No, but after reading more I think they're using token.io, another shitcoin.

says they're partnered with "token".
I think capgemini will offer chainlink node help as part of these psd2 services once we have mainnet. If they're seriously offering this smart token why wouldn't they offer LINK?

>> No.8703551
File: 391 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180328-125550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the fucking end..
The pair Link&Req sunk.
I am left with Omg and some onaN
How fucked I am ?
Pic related.

>> No.8703552

wrong link

>> No.8703585

We all gonna make it

>> No.8703617

Fren, that arcticle is from February 8, 2017

>> No.8703626

haven't been following wallet autism threads, whats the tl;dr 2 sentence version of this?

are a bunch of big players buying huge amounts of LINK for nodes? was assblasters prophecy about big moves in the near future true?

>> No.8703630

So what? Don't think it's been discussed before

>> No.8703651

Yeah I remember this being posted around and just after ICO, before the first fudstorm happened

>> No.8703672

so is sergey dumping link on us or what? if so why are you still optiistic?

>> No.8703689


>> No.8703697

thats jp morgan setting up their own node

>> No.8703708

hey lads my ID looks a bit like "nazarov" if you squint and stare at it sideways

worship me

>> No.8703711

You, sir, are a true marine.
Major partnerships by EOY very possible at this point?

>> No.8703713

at the end of the report, they have a 2016 copyright, so its probably even older. Which is great, cause if you read their future perspectives, they are more or less aligned with todays reality and its great to know that sergey was already so involved in this.

>> No.8703718

bills? that huge expensive office aint free

>> No.8703729

he has a shitton of eth for that

>> No.8703732

1. It's a wallet belonging to an advisor, they are not funds marked for development, so it's not muh exit scam.
2. We don't know who is selling the tokens, since they pass through many wallets before going to Binance
3. The vast majority of funds that moved out of the dev wallet never went to Binance
4. You have to see the bigger picture and stop being a panicky retard

>> No.8703749

maybe employees wanna get pain in link after hearing of what is to come

>> No.8703761

>I really wish I had some more cash to get some cheap linkies right now.
Get used to it, having no money to do what you want.

>> No.8703768

Yeah absolutely, this has all been planned for a long while

>> No.8703769

>stop being a panicky retard
dude im in since october and i realise the potential nothing is making me sell just wanted to know whats happening

>> No.8703878

link $250 end of decade

>> No.8703910

Sorry, Herr Doctor Nazarov, no dubs.

>> No.8703955

0,29 BTC EOY

>> No.8704100

notice how they also talk to ari juels in that paper

>> No.8704463

I think people really overlook the value of ari as an advisor and contributor to link. The stuff he and cornell are doing to advance blockchain technology will be incredibly useful. Just saw this article about them this week: https://www.coindesk.com/sharding-already-ushering-radical-new-ethereum-designs/

>> No.8704564

He's a god watch his talks.

>> No.8704805


>but I really think these are all basically the same company
jesus mate. Thanks for checking the wallets but in the past couple threads the conjecture and speculating you do is literally brainlet tier. I know it's largely fed by even dumber people egging you on and then are too dumb to call you out, but, please just stick to the facts.

>> No.8704909

>not recognising hyperbole

>> No.8704981
File: 1.13 MB, 1422x1521, sergejak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1$ EOD holyshit better buy right now marines

>> No.8705808

nice one sergio


>> No.8707147

Another way to easily track whale movement at a glance is to look at the 500th wallet in the top wallets. Last week 75k would put you in the top 500. No longer. If that number gets higher, whales are accumulating. If it starts dropping below 75k, large wallets are selling.

>> No.8707570
File: 458 KB, 720x404, Fry2 resize.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for being here my friend, here have this OC webm I made

>> No.8708085

I have started to bein worried about Chainlink's token price. I really belive that chainlink team's solution will probably be hugely adopted but chainlink token will not be used in the end and therefore all investors to token including me is fckd up.

What is ur opinion on chainlink token usage, in the end when cl is huge, walletautism?

>> No.8708199

I think you should market sell all your tokens and buy something else

>> No.8708839

How do you expect the network to work without the token? Someone's gonna do it for free?
it's actually a specific token standard erc-677 with transfer and call functions.

They try to educate people how to set up and run the nodes in the future why would they fuck their investors over deliberately?
You think those guys from linkpool (whether you like them or not) would put so much money, time and effort on the line if it was a valid concern?

>> No.8708874

well yeah. Thank you.

>> No.8708934

Why did you ask if Sergey is exit scamming. Just sell and get it over with you cunt

>> No.8708948

you should be more concerned about how world-changing tech is tied with btc prices

>> No.8708986

I know people have the argument that it's hard to imagine companies/clients/customers scrapping LINKS on binance like us neets but first of all the big guys will get the tokens from Sergey, and the small ones will either do it on binance or go somewhere else for oracles, but even that shouldn't be a problem because I'm sure Sergey will make things happen when we reach adoption stage and get a direct FIAT pair on some exchange (like he followed poloniex on twitter recently) or maybe all alts will get direct pairs with fiat soon

>> No.8709066

The “real banks and businesses will never want to use shitcoins bought from binance” FUD has been BTFO by exactly what Walletautist is saying ITT about Capgemini using “smart tokens” (seemingly those from token.io). If BANKS are willing to use this smart token we have every reason to believe they’ll want to use LINK too.

>> No.8709098

oh see, I didn't read the thread carefully but I would imagine some mechanism will be in place so that it automatically converts btc or fiat to whatever is needed, I think some projects like Kyber or OMG are trying to do it

>> No.8709179


what shitcoin is token.io ?

>> No.8709384

Actually I retract that, I don't think token.io had an ICO.

>> No.8709395

the ceo looks absolutely legit.