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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8701218 No.8701218 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone lost friends because of finances?

> Lost friends because money literally makes them go crazy for more.
> Lost friends because they can't stand that I am making money.
> Lost friends because they think I should be sharing some of my money.

The only real friends I have left are the ones I never told about money.
Those who are also into 'business' are now only distant business partners.

> MFW I realize I should keep my fucking mouth shut.

>> No.8701256

Never outright tell people you're rich. They'll find out eventually, but the way they find out is important. Them slowly noticing that you can afford expensive things is much better than them finding out in a moment's notice. The first scenario means they might expect you to split the bill at a restaurant. They second scenario means that they will consider you a really close friend who needs to give them money, otherwise you're selfish and greedy and ruining their life. Normies are fucking insane about money. It bores them to death when I talk about financially responsible ways to earn money, but damn it lights a fire under their ass when they find out someone is rich. It's actually quite scary. Just imagine what other ways people are complete savages, but are well restrained savages. I bet the masses would be raping and robbing each other instantly if there was no social or judicial pressure.

>> No.8701258

Im afraid this will happen to me.....

>> No.8701268

Faggot kys

>> No.8701279

>they can't stand that I am making money.
>they think I should be sharing some of my money.
Maybe these weren't real friends to start with

>> No.8701584

Please share some financially responsible ways to make money. Please.

>> No.8701624


It's hard to judge, we were all comfy when we all were broke as fuck.

>> No.8701646
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Got a friend group of blue-collar workers (come from a rough neighbourhood). When I was drunk one of them asked how much I earned. Told them I wouldn't tell them. Then they got into this game is it higher then X amount. I said yes and saw the disbelief. Since then they treat me differently, like I don't belong with them anymore.

>> No.8701650

I tell my friends to stop smoking , that my phone bill is 40$/year , I go to work with bus and so on .. they are really annoyed at me now :) , they dont want to hear they can save lot of money by quiting bad habits.

>> No.8701652

Invest a portion of your income into your 401k. Once you've developed a good line of credit, invest in rental property. Choose a career that pays well with solid employment outlook; don't go to an out of state college, and try not to get into debt. FAFSA can pretty much cover your entire state college tuition.

>> No.8701657

Lost friends beause couldn't afford to meet them by going out with them.

>> No.8701676

The thing is most people already know their bad habits. Telling them makes them feel shitty and they will dodge you if you tell them all the time.

>> No.8701685


They’re no longer your friends

>> No.8701729
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I think so, the problem is I don't want to befriend rich fag friends. I just want to drink with the boys and bbq and talk about trailerpark boys.

>> No.8701749
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It's okay anon, friends come and go throughout life. Just try to be the best version of yourself, you'll find new like-minded people as you go along.

>> No.8701774

>told them i wouldn't tell them
>immediately told them
you got what you deserved now go socialize among your higher class peers forever

>> No.8701787


There are other wealthy people who feel the same way. Being financially secure does not guarantee that someone is immediately guilty of American Psycho levels of yuppie urbanity.

>> No.8701796

now that's extremely gay

>> No.8702034

>all my blue collar friends didnt like me going to college
>all the middle and rich people think I'm poor as fuck since I'd rather have a shit phone and some money than a nice phone and debt
>Poor people cant stand talking to me because I 'talk fancy'
looks like another episode of not welcome in society

>> No.8702065

If someone asks how much you earn just say "Not enough" and laugh.

>> No.8702090

What the fuck does "talk fancy" mean? Are you American? I haven't noticed too big of a difference in class-vernacular. I'm sure it's more pronounced in other countries.

>> No.8702189

I asked them that too but it was a hard question for them to answer. I'd guess its not saying fuck every second word, speaking at a normal level instead of shouting and not slurring like your on a heroin comeup

>> No.8702622

Cunt, 99% of people are selfish and egotistical. People are only "friends" because it benefits them in some way such as status, wealth (freebies) or pussy. I have lost so called "friends" by telling them to their face im not loaning or giving you any money go ask for a loan from the bank.

>> No.8703316

>friends expecting you to give them money
>say „are you out of your mind you stupid retard?“
Shuts them up for good

>> No.8703364

I lost my family

>> No.8703367

I dont have any friends but I imagine it would be weird spending time with someone who I know is much richer than me
There's always that feeling of him being different

>> No.8703424

Jokes on you OP i have no friends. seriously, over rated end up changing them up every fee years, now just by myself. much happier

>> No.8703465

dont tell people about your personal finances

>> No.8703609

I feel the exact same way.

Five years ago I worked in papa johns on five quid an hour whilst all my mates were having the time of their lives at uni partying. I then got an apprenticeship and am doing really well for myself now. A few working class friends I have think I'm posh because of how much money I have and I sometimes feel used because I am always the one offering to buy drinks when I'm at the pub with them. I used to be able to have the time of my life when I was out with them but now it all feels tainted so I've moved away from them and found a group of mates who value me for myself irrespective of what is in my bank account. The thing is my parents were never rich but we weren't poor either but people seem to think that you can only be rich if your parents are instead of doing it by making something of yourself.

There are ups and downs in life some friends will only be here for a while and others will have the personality you want to keep around for a lifetime. Don't keep hanging around people feeling you need to because of some arbitrary reason. Sometimes you've got to move on and upwards.

>> No.8703625

Buy interzone

>> No.8703660

theres a reason people find god or a cult when they have money, cant stand the loneliness

>> No.8703690

Damn, how? I use tracfone but I still end up paying 15-20/month which is significantly cheaper than other options but nowhere near that low.

>> No.8703712

stop shilling yo shitcoins

>> No.8703755

let me tell you about bitcoin sir very high risk you see, but if you buy the underlying technology called the block chain you can’t imagine something safer and less risky

>> No.8703765


hs, this actually makes a lot of sense. The more money I am starting to accumulate, the lonier I get. I am able to find some refuge in the Gym, where the only gains which matter are mass. But I definitely get the spirituality / religion route.

>> No.8704883

>grow up in bad part of town so most of my old friends are hoodlums
>almost became one myself but circumstances got me away from them as I became a hikkikomori
>years later still live with parents in the same area but never leave the house so I haven't seen them in years
>scared that if I make it I'll have to move me and my family to another city for fear of having sketchy people knocking at my door demanding money

Why does it have to be so hard?
Should've listened to Biggie.

>> No.8705055

Talking without the respective neighborhood/zone slang

>> No.8705565


what was the highest amount they got to? because my friends kept asking me that same fucking question and i just said "its 6 figures now" and they shut up and never mentioned it again after that (so far)

>> No.8705908
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somebody who I considered a fairly good friend came to me out of the blue one day and told me his sister has breast cancer, and that I "need to help him" pay for her operation
I was taken aback, I mean, what do you say to that? somebody comes to you and tells you their family member is going to die (probably) unless you help them pay for a medical procedure?
he thought it was perfectly acceptable to come to me and ask for several thousand dollars, for his sister (who I have never met), and became visibly upset when I doubted the legitimacy of his story and his motives, as well as the circumstances of his request
I tried to be diplomatic, but the animal rage and hate he had in his eyes told me everything I needed to know -- his friendship turned to hate in the blink of an eye, because I was wealthier than him and was not willing to give him thousands of dollars for an "emergency medical procedure"
its depressing
the amount of money is trivial to me, and I might have considered helping his family if he hadn't assumed that I would as a matter of fact, but the way he approached me and basically informed me that I owed him money to pay for his sister, was utterly inappropriate
its not the first time its happened either, poor people just assume that because they are on friendly terms with a rich person, they can ask for extravagant favors or that they have some sort of safety net in place if they are irresponsible
pic related, since my "friend" is a creatura

>> No.8705996

Prepay mobile phone , Nokia 3410 :) every half year they send me SMS that i have to give them some money otherwise my kredit on phone will be deleted .. so i send them like 10 $ ..

>> No.8706028

I am from Cyech rep. so mazbe it is cheaper here .. but i dont use phone .. i am all the time on mz PC and when i go out i dont need smartphone with internet

>> No.8706102

>talk fancy

Are u black or Mexican?

>> No.8706290

Spotted the sociopath

>> No.8706406

Making money really has only made me miserable but when I say that I get told I'm LARPing. I've lost anyone who really mattered in my life. I've tried almost everything after accepting I can't change the past and finding some new goal works for a while but most of the time I just regret being born.

>> No.8706441

Have any of you friends that have made it big, I am talking about not dozens but hundreds of millions? It's kind of hard to treat them the exactly same afterwards.

>> No.8707561

Feels good I never even had friends before crypto.

Only a couple of IRC pals but they are autistic misanthropes like me

>> No.8707586
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No because I'm not a fucking autist

>> No.8707608

spotted the sociopath projecting unto normal people

>> No.8707621

Yup.The moment I told them I'm making any money a few people immediately got their hands out. They make decent money themselves but somehow think I need to lend them and pay for their stuff. Got rid of that deadweight quick.

>> No.8707654

getting frighteningly close to that lately

>> No.8707701

every single member of my close family did that. told them that I won't do that and cut the topic.

>> No.8707772

>tfw my buddies are all top notch and we've been through so many fucked up experiences together that money doesn't even factor in.

>> No.8707803

Fuck that man. I haven’t made it yet, but if someone wants a piece of your pie, then they have no love for you. I hung out with a kid who was very business minded in college. He was starting a business while we were all getting drunk and high and how makes six figures a year. The rest of us would never dream of tearing him down like that, because we have respect for him and what he risked and sacrificed. People who do that subconsciously don’t believe in their own ability to make it. Sorry that happened, anon. You are better off.

>> No.8707816

Wow reading through all these stories I'm sorry you guys have such shit friends. You choose your own friends remember so the blame is on yourself as well. They say your closest friends are genetically similar to your 3rd cousin. So basically family. If you don't feel like your best friends are family, they're not true friends, but acquaintances.



>> No.8707946

Ah you must have never had a friend before.

>> No.8708056

>Euroshit meme

3/10 almost got me

>> No.8708460

>people seem to think that you can only be rich if your parents are instead of doing it by making something of yourself.
Normalfags do this because you being successful based on your own actions and tenacity means that they weren't successful based on their own actions and tenacity. It's a defense mechanism.

>> No.8708593

Keep it safe, keep it secret.
I've lost a long time friend after I inherited some money. People can become resentful when they have to struggle more than you.

>> No.8708625


Buy Link.

>> No.8709582


So how to go about this? The friends I had were actually cool when there was no money next to the idea of me.
The only other people I am around are only around because together we make money.
When the wealth comes, do you capitulate and submit to golf, brunch and trophy wife shagging?
Or is there a middle road?