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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8699011 No.8699011 [Reply] [Original]

What did he mean by this?
What's going to happen this week?

>> No.8699065

What did you mean by going to reddit?

>> No.8699090
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>Caring about Buttcoin

Unironically one of the most autistic subreddits. It's up there with r/AsianMasculinity.

>> No.8699376

>this subreddit is all about comedy but you must adhere to this specific theme
I never understood that, so when bitcoin dies so does that subreddit? what's the point of wasting all your time doing that? it just makes you look like some prick who is holding a grudge against bitcoin because he got burned

>> No.8699444

Gotta listen to both sides

>> No.8699511

There are several kinds:

-the OGs who simply hate bitcoin because it was heavily libertarian at its outset and they're Something Awful tier leftists who therefore must hate it

-people who knew about BTC early on but missed every single ride and couldn't handle missing out so they cope this way

-people who got burned hard. Expect this group to grow once capitulation sets in

-people who own BTC but like fudding for shits and giggles

>> No.8699963

>-the OGs who simply hate bitcoin because it was heavily libertarian at its outset and they're Something Awful tier leftists who therefore must hate it

Politics are fucking crazy

>-people who knew about BTC early on but missed every single ride and couldn't handle missing out so they cope this way

This is quite an interesting phenomenon though that's important to observe, you quite seen nothing represented like this in life that often.

>-people who got burned hard. Expect this group to grow once capitulation sets in

Sometimes people who margin trade firmly believe they can manipulate shit by posting FUD or showing things in a positive nature.

>-people who own BTC but like fudding for shits and giggles

This is the most important one, I noticed there are lots of people who have less then or can barely conjure up 50$ to get into crypto so they sour grapes FUD crypto.

>> No.8700127

and /r/latestagecapitalism