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868931 No.868931 [Reply] [Original]

/poorfag/ here.

Have $1287 to invest in precious metals. Thoughts on what to buy and from where?

PS. I'm not looking for coins or anything just bullion for the value of the metal

>> No.868934

I get all my silver and gold from gainesvillecoins.com ... they always have the lowest prices.

>> No.868935

Also when is the best time to buy gold and silver? Has it reached the bottom yet or will it go lower?

>> No.868937

Plus very discreet packaging.

>> No.868940

I don't think it can go much lower, but I'm no expert.

>> No.868943

If it helps I live in Canada so the site listed above might not have the best prices for international orders...

But aside from that, do you only recommend buying gold and silver? And how much of each?

Does silver actually have a chance to strike it big?

>> No.868973

Bump for knowledge.

>> No.868978


Canadian Silver Maple Leafs.

Also, RCM 10 oz bars

>> No.868991

Does silver have the potential that gold does?

>> No.869032

buy coins and shovee them up your ass

>> No.869044

No one can tell you for sure. When people loose confidence in FIAT, Gold will benefit most. Silver is an industrial material and its value its tied to the demand from those industry in addition to being a PM.

My advice is to buy 60 Gold, 40 Silver.

>> No.869056
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I wouldn't invest in Gold these days.

>> No.869058
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the price is falling

>> No.869062

what technical analysis you use?

>> No.869069

I would personally buy 8x10oz of silver but I am not an expert. You're almost guaranted to increase the initial value with time. Of course I am talking about long term investment (5-15 years)

>> No.869084

What do you mean?
I use Metatrader 4 with candle stick charts.
The theme is the default Metatrader theme but I changed the colors because I prefer solid candles.

My broker is FxPro.

>> No.869085
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>not investing in sugar

>> No.869088

To OP, Wait about a week before buying, after that point if gold falls down then, stay out until it comes back to 1135 USD, If gold continues to rise the first test will be at 1190 again wait and see IF it falls then at 1300 USD same thing if it continues It will keep going untill about 1500 usd, theres A strong chance it might go past 1500 usd but that is the point I would opt out if I was position trading it provided it breaks out past the previous checks I mentioned I will do silver in a second,

>> No.869092


>gold at a 5 year low
>market jitters

Stay away! Remember, /biz/ - buy high, sell low.

>> No.869095

depends on the liquidity OP uses but it won't go up next months

>> No.869099

Okay, OP first since you have such a small investment look into buying an ETF of gold. Allot of people who have money tend to get skittish when the market crashes and purchase gold It look's like the united states might enter a correction in the next week so you have an okay idea, personally I would stick with equitys and look for value investments, I Don't have any idea what silver is going to do for the next while based of the chart and my knowledge of the canadian mining industry right now sorry,

>> No.869121


Maybe not, but he's buying bullion, not an ETF. Going long on gold can be its own kind of retarded, but now's not a terrible time to buy.

>> No.869141


buy monero instead

>> No.869330

is it worth buying small coins and bits of gold (or scrapping gold) considering buying any sizeable amounts is insanely expensive? Will the price go up enough to make a profit or used as trading in a tinfoil worst case scenario?

>> No.869335


i have a feeling it hasn't bottomed out yet.

still, it's not a terrible time to be buying.

>> No.869337


silver my friend.


>> No.870643

the beauty about gold and silver is they don't rot over time

also, unlike real estate, you don't need to do any maintenance, inspections, or repairs, or pay taxes on it every year.
you buy it, you keep it

>> No.870804

What is the difference between a fund that invest in physical gold and one that invests in gold-mining companies? They seem to follow the same trend after all.

>> No.870869

>take out loan
>dont pay it back

free money

>> No.870893

buying metals is not called "investment". It's called "speculation".

Buying a hoody is more of an investment than buying metals is, unless you're a craftsman.

>> No.871015

When Silver rises to $95 per OZ and gold is $3250 per OZ, we'll see who's laughing :)

>> No.871314

we won't, because that'll be around the same time the sun turns into a cold, dark lump of coal

>> No.871389
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>> No.872383

I was in the same boat recently I bought some gold, (July whenit was low) I just sold it because it will not give me a return, it costs money to keep and it just doesn't make sense with the little money I have (5000 Rand).

As a geologist I feel like gold is over valued, it should be half of platinum, platinum is at a good price now, it has the same beneifts of gold (no rust etc) but has more practical value. The number of resources of Platinum group metals are fundamentally lower than gold (look at the Periodic table).

I in stead bought shares in the cheapest companies in the top 40 in SA that have managers with good records.

My logic is that shares have a possibility of growth greater than gold or other commodities, I live in South Africa so my gold cannot be kept with me it will get stolen. The bank charges a monthly few and therefore what ever I make on it will be offset by the charges except if I am moving very large amounts of money.

i started investing in July when the gold price was low so what do I know.

To really know the value of precious metals you would have to evaluate many mines and consider the changes in thing like labour policy and environmental policy in addition to the usual things like demand ans supply.

I could do this since I have studied geology for 8 years, with a lot on gold, but I do not have the capital or the time and to be honest I just get the feeling gold is overvalued.

In the next 10 -20 years the pressure from environmental and labour policy will make mining more expensive in all the developing countries.

>> No.872404

The profitability of a mine changes depending on the gold price, but is also influence by things like mine running out of gold (resources need to be declared, you should understand how they sample and when they are bullshitting), labour issue (e.g. strikes can make things difficult), changes in government (nationalisation and tax increases).

A fund that invests in gold-mining companies then tries to reduce these risks by doing homework and making sure these mines can make a profit and how long they will be able to function and under what economic conditions (e.g. if the price of gold goes below say $800 many mine will have to close, good by company not sure what happens to share in this kind of situation though).

So the risks are reduce by an investment fund, if you are buy shares in the fund you are buying shares in someone's ability to judge the value of a gold mine. This is something not so easy to determine since you will have to check CVs and things like track record of the investors and evaluators.

SO I would say that buying gold is probably lower risk than investing in a mining company, investing in a fund that invests in mining companies could be more or less risky depending on the conditions and the ability of the people managing the stocks.

Also if the made a fuck recently then you will probably not know with these fund companies because everything is about perception and they seam to hide details about the people making the decisions.

I would go with investing in what you can understand, if you understand mines then invest in mining company if you understand funds then there you go, if you understand what influences gold price then invest in that maybe. Also each of these things require different amounts of capital to make sense.

I don't know economics though, just a geologist.

>> No.872515

Amazing answer, thank you very much.