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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8688679 No.8688679 [Reply] [Original]

1. Post thicc girls if you want responses in your thread

2. If you're unqualified for a job. Make a job posting on Craigslist and have people send you their resumes. Find a good one and put your name on it.

3. HR sometimes looks for keywords in resumes. Put in tons of key words,but make them 1pt font and white. They won't show up on the resume, but they still register when hr searches for them

Post moar.

>> No.8688692
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>> No.8688769


>> No.8688835

print fake casino tickets, they can be scanned and copied and never go noticed when used under $500

>> No.8688883

What the fuck is a casino ticket and how can I print a fake one?

>> No.8688887
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Study sales techniques and tonality. Not unethical but you get get anyone to do what you want.

Buy this 60k car, you can't afford it but I'm charming :)

>> No.8688898
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So close

>> No.8688901

Does the second one actually work? Wouldn't they ask you about things on the resume during the interview?

>> No.8688915

Yeah and you bs your way through it

>> No.8688931


>> No.8689030

this does NOT work. you are fucking retarded.

>> No.8689036

The point is to get visibility and some dumb HR lady with big tits to call you up

>> No.8689059

holy shit OP, number 2 is FUCKING GENIUS!!! Team mini with the gems

>> No.8689072


>> No.8689110

You can bullshit through the interview but if they do any sort of background check you're fucked.

>> No.8689398
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bring poker chips to a casino and cash them in

thought of this last night boys

>> No.8689748
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>> No.8689764
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>> No.8689797

You can get sued for lying on the CV actually, worst case scenario. Best case scenario, blacklisted for good.

>> No.8689831
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>> No.8689838
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The best one that I just thought of is u buy some gold bars, scrape some of the gold off, then resell the bar.. Rinse n repeat for gaining free gold

>> No.8689856

this girl is just the right amount of disgusting fat

>> No.8689874
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>> No.8689906

Neuro-linguistic Programming

>> No.8689926

best case is they make you CEO

>> No.8690013
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>> No.8690056

My buddy used to put on home depot vest and walk out of store with product acting like he worked for another store and was just switching product from one store to another. He also wanted to fake craigslist add as a gay male hooker and then rob the johns by gunpoint. We talked him out of it.

>> No.8690189

Wouldn't the resale value just go down

>> No.8690201

Retail theft is the biggest worst kept secret. We never call the cops, we're trained to not leave the store chasing, most of us steal from the store too. Everyone should steal more, just play dumb if you get caught

>> No.8690236

yeah they weigh gold bars when they buy them. Should fill them with cheaper material and then try scamming, cut your gold

>> No.8690305

How does one "play dumb" with a power tool or a video game in your inside jacket pocket? "oh I was going to pay for this but i forgot"?

>> No.8690343

anything with a smile will work. Give it back and don't admit to wrongdoing and you'll never get charged. We just wan't to get the product back before you leave the store. putting something in your jacket isn't illegal if you don't leave my store

>> No.8690405

That's cool. I've never stolen anything because I'm white and grew up with good morals, but this does seem the type of thing I can get a quick adrenaline rush out without resorting to drugs

>> No.8690486
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>tfw in sales
>perceptive enough to play on people's weaknesses
>moralfag enough to be mediocre because I find it hard selling things to people who don't need them

How do I become more Jewish?

>> No.8690500

I'm white and grew up in SoCal we robbed and snorted with the best of them growing up. Ghetto knows no color in Cali

>> No.8690589

No telling how much money I have saved over the years stealing things that are expensive but small enough for my jacket pockets.

>> No.8690641
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I am black and this post seriously pisses me off. When ever I go to the store everyone is always looking at me and thinking I am going to steal something (which I never will since I am extremely anxious and hate the idea of getting in trouble with the law) and yet you motherfuckers are probably white and get away with this shit and no one bothers you when you enter a store

>> No.8690669

You lost me at "I am black"

>> No.8690729

My asian girlfriend gets away with much worse than me. You should see us on black friday, everything is free. It's less our color and more our confidence and demeanor

>> No.8690761


In what sort of stores do you usually commit your crime? Low rent Walmart tier or higher end stores too?

Aren't you scared of passing by the door and the alarm going off? How likely is this meme?

>> No.8690796

Don't be mad at us, be mad at your fellow blacks for ruining it for all of you. Stereotypes exist for a reason

>> No.8690806

So not only you're black but you also have some pussy anxiety issues? Sue your parents for failing you twice.

>> No.8690814

Alarms can be disabled, be smart and ditch the sensor where its not easily seen. High end stores watch more, best is low end in high end or mixed class neighborhoods

>> No.8690817

must be a long poll on that sign then....meme brainlet

>> No.8690825

lmao rekt

>> No.8690996

Assuming this is not larp, it's pretty fucking stupid. People get arrested for shoplifting every day. Retail stores aren't ridden with cameras for nothing. Someone watching the feed and you will eventually get caught. If it's a chocolate bar or some shit they might let you get away with it but eventually a nazi jew will have your ass arrested. Petty crime is absolutely not worth it.

>> No.8691073

People like me exist in much greater numbers than you know. Petty crime is not worth it if you have enough money to survive without it. It's worth it for some of us because we don't have much to lose. petty theft is a ticket not even arrest

>> No.8691099

and dumbfucks with fear like you get cucked, you're the Schmuck in this room

>> No.8691361

some disgusting whore.

>> No.8691408

whats wrong with that idea

>> No.8691458

Don't lose your humanity for gains anon>>8690500

>> No.8691516

>You're missing out on easy money, pussy
- every nigger ever, days before arrest

>> No.8691656

> petty theft is not a ticket or an arrest

Yeah it is. Sure if you're stealing candy bars you might not get fucked (although I've seen people get picked up for literally doing just that), but you can bet anything over a few bucks will get you punished if you get caught.

I worked at the public defenders for a bit and I can't tell you how many dumb fucks we had that got caught up stealing gatorades or energy drinks or whatever. Definitely not worth the risk to save 2$