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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8685139 No.8685139 [Reply] [Original]

Until a couple of years ago I made nice bucks scamming people online (via phishing websites and RATs). I especially enjoyed blackmailing girls with nudes. Then I ended up in a relationship and my gf told me "anon, you need to stop all of this, delete all the nudes you accumulated and delete all your malware, be a nice and honest person!"
bluepilled on the women question I did what she said and after four years she broke up with me and I went through a depression.
In 4 years she turned me into a harmless wagecuck. My crimes are time-barred.
Now I'm back to normal (=I'm not a beta fgt anymore) and I want to scam again.
Kinda sucks because all the tools I used doesnt work anymore.
What scamming methods do you use, /biz/?
Anyone tried to fake being a findom girl, grabbing money from pathetic reddit soyboys?

>> No.8685182

Get a job, dirty kike!

>> No.8685191

id rather make no money than make dishonest money. kys shitlord

>> No.8685203

You're still a beta cuck

>> No.8685221

Kys faggot

>> No.8685225

I'm a german catholic.
You either die a nazi or you live long enough to see yourself become the kike.

>> No.8685253

E-whore on Whisper, guaranteed cucks who will give you money. Also have been thinking about starting one of those Financial Domination things and making my "income" disappear into Monero.

>> No.8685258

"those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live." - hitler

you are a cuck and deserve to be shot

>> No.8685265

Sounds like you’re a sociopath who enjoys others misery. If that’s normal to you go seek a therapist and get a job

>> No.8685284


>> No.8685290

cant you read? I have a job! thats the problem, because I dont want to be a cuck like you fgts anymore

>> No.8685301

disgusting german

>> No.8685324

german creme supreme, kys green kekistani civnat fgt

>> No.8685349

You are massive fag. Go shoot yourself in the head and follow your idol.

>> No.8685384

fuck off choconigg, give me advice or take a hike

>> No.8685392

Peanut butter
We nut in your mother

>> No.8685415

fucking pajeet

>> No.8685429

Hes probably turkroach with german passport or something. A real aryan wouldnt lower himself by comitting petty scams thats the domain of shitskins

>> No.8685456

Start an ICO

>> No.8685503

>I'm a german catholic.You either die a nazi or you live long enough to see yourself become the kike.

Nah. You are just a german showing their true nature. Being Catholic had no impact on you other than you labelling yourself.

>> No.8685534
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the abc threads are back

>> No.8685555

I didn't know Germany had pajeets.

>> No.8685589
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>> No.8685594

>Nah. You are just a german
That would be enough for your point Anon.

>> No.8685603

the problem with redditors like u is that u think scamming is inherently indian behaviour instead of making quick bux yourself.
"muh I'm moral in an immoral world and everyone who isnt honest is a pajeet or a kike"
you're pathetic

>> No.8685637
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>use email checker/cracker
>download email:password combo from forums, pastebin
>use notepad++ to search for outlook emails (businesses)
>check email account
>wait for incoming invoice
>change sort code and account number to mobile bank of your choosing using photoshop
your welcome, you just made 10k doing fuck all.

>> No.8685642

>t. Pajeet

>> No.8685665

>be scammer
>call others pathetic
Wew lad please kys parasite

>> No.8685934
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>thinks scamming is pathetic

if scamming is pathetic, why are jews the global supremacist masterrace? explain this to me, you white moralist retard. go mix your race, the white race will be better off.

>> No.8685966

> le xD
It is pajeet, slime, roach and chink behavior.
To a small extent prevalent in Slavs, especially polaks but nothing compared to the previously mentioned fellows.

>> No.8685998

But he's based if he scams as a whitey right?

>> No.8686131

fuck you fbi, you can get these newfags but you'll never get me

>> No.8686304

Based if he scams the common enemy. Same applies to muds, pajeets or chinks.

>> No.8686425

o'riley hier, frag mich etwas

>> No.8686615

Kek you're massively buttblasted.

If you want an honest answer, your incoherent racemixing argument notwithstanding: Scamming is pathetic because it's a tactic used by people who are trying to outperform their honest potential through dishonesty. It's used by degenerates who are unable to accomplish anything meaningful but still feel entitled to the rewards for doing so.

Let me reiterate--kill yourself, parasite.

>> No.8686673

Was meant in response to this post

>> No.8686699
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usually I just call OP a faggot because its a meme. but OP you are literally a faggot pajeet scammer kek

>> No.8686724

He who believes that new benefits will cause great personages to forget old injuries is deceived. -Machiavelli
It’s going to catch up to you.
>people don’t forget

>> No.8686767

Learn programming and get a real job you fucking mooch.

>> No.8686789

If someone scams me into sending money to pay for her surgery that she doesn't need, can she get in trouble?

>> No.8686979

I wrote motivational books and sold "encouragement meetings", where I listened to the people rambling about their problems, then suggesting easy solutions and emphasising ther positive sides and talk down the negative ones. Anyone can do this.

Then, I did an ICO with promisses, made a couple of selfies with people whohave a name, suggesting I know them well, said "Vitalik backs our project" and collected a couple of dozen million in ETH, setting aside a couple million for myself and attending the conferences for shits n giggles. Also, I let a ghostwriter write a book about this shit, which I sell to the gullibles

Danm, I am so high on this shit, not even pajeet could be so brown

>> No.8687052

Learn2code you useless piece of shit.

>> No.8687141

i hope you're not american

>> No.8687213

Austrian but living in asia lol

>> No.8687255


Enjoy getting V& eventually

>> No.8687483

>unironically liking Hitler
even so the quote does not suggest scamming but rather hard work. your mental gymnastics to justify your degeneracy are pretty impressive.

>> No.8688146

bump cause interested

>> No.8688150
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fucking white soyboys, the jewz wouldnt rule the world if there was no scamming, get over it and hang urself in ur parents basement.

>> No.8688181

would scam rich ppl only tho, not poor ppl

>> No.8688248

you disgusting shitskinned jew, cant u read what he wrote?

>> No.8688430

My bro got ewhored by a dude from the Philippines on tindr. He didn't pay and the dude posted everything to facebook. Just saw an ewhoring kit for $5 in BTC. Smart scam. I'm more interested in scamming banks. Is carding still working?

>> No.8688500

I am german as well and I hope you get raped by some rufugees and die alone and unhappy you fucking piece of shit!
Actually since you´re catholic, the "getting raped" part is already done actually.

>> No.8688521

RATing people is fun as fuck. Ngl.

>> No.8688525
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nonwhite subhuman confirmed

>> No.8688528

Coin ponzis

>> No.8688553

I need info on carding. pls reply, anyone with info

>> No.8688667

Scamers are on etherdelta selling fake coins, I heard a dude made $10,000 a day selling fake COSS coins there

>> No.8689077

tds, scheisskerl

>> No.8689324

Can you counterfeit casino vouchers

>> No.8689603

No offence but you deserve the rope.

>> No.8689920
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My fav "scam" method was to ex clicks with other people to make money with google and yahoo ads in webs ites/blogs.

We still have a group if anyone is interested. If anyone wants to bring new idea is more then welcome. use the power of numbers.

>> No.8689939

is co rd. gg / F 6G Ry CD

>> No.8689972

the discord group just add a D and take all the spaces out

>> No.8690212

Anyone considered finding someone you know has a lot of crypto, finding a gun and threatening them at gunpoint for their keys?

>> No.8690318

too sloppy, cash is better to rob someone of, or drugs are even better, can't report that theft