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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8680591 No.8680591 [Reply] [Original]

I am working on a competitor to chainlink. Ask me anything ITT.

I saw chainlink and loved the idea. But thought the chainlink token was unnecessary, and I have a bigger team which can get the work done quicker.

>how will it work
Similar to chainlink, except the chainlink token will be unnecessary and ethereum will be used

>how do I buy in

Unfortunately as we don't plan on using a token of any kind, there's no way to invest in us.

>> No.8680610

how do i invest into your company? market sold all my LINK btw

>> No.8680617
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I believe you.

>> No.8680635

Not possible. We have enough funds to work.

>> No.8680699

Fock off faggot piece of shit

>> No.8680726
File: 96 KB, 796x588, 1522272814105-biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake and gay

>> No.8680735

ITT: Op is larping saying that he and a bigger team is working for free for building a decentralised product hence without any possibility of gain without a token. Kys pajeet

>> No.8680806

Good luck, OP.
Whatever brings destruction to the linkshits is a-OK.

>> No.8680985

>bought this shit for 45 cents
I hope crypto will just die any day now

>> No.8681063

Prove your experience or define what parsers are for oracles otherwise youre a faggot larper

>> No.8681145

so youre working on the project for free, which will take months of development for no revenue stream at the end of it?

>> No.8681175


You forgot to say April fools

>> No.8681182

weak mini tier fud

>> No.8681593


>> No.8681684

You sound like a 14 year old OP

>> No.8682172

GL at failing!

>> No.8682282

are you involved in a poc with swift?

>> No.8682302
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>> No.8683098

>define what parsers are

unlike chainlink, my project is not a simple JSON parser.

>> No.8683225

>I'm building a decentralised oracle with no incentive to decentralise
What did OP mean by this?

>> No.8683248

Nice bait

>> No.8683272

Yep, a larper

>> No.8683316
File: 52 KB, 400x303, 1521759108417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True and heterosexual

>> No.8683342

linkies BTFO. congrats op

>> No.8683373
File: 285 KB, 1600x1035, linkcompetitorHQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found a nice pic of OP's HQ office:

>> No.8683668


>> No.8683683

yep 100% Larp, you dont understand shit about oracles.

>> No.8683706

i want to invest into your company you seem to know your stuff

>> No.8683717

> I am working on a competitor to chainlink
You'd better stop asap and hope that thodges is not coming your way.
> Ask me anything ITT.
What you gonna do, when you hear knock on the door?

thodges is mostly busy with wrecking competitors' offices.
He drives around in an old BMW with Lithuanian plates his barb wired bat in the backseat.
His main contribution to the project is convincing other projects to give way to CL. Aeternity, Mobius... Especially Mobius. The day they partnered with Walton he was furious. He went straight to these guys, tied them up and explained very gently that they need to fud their own coin into oblivion and stay the fuck away from oracle consumers.
Just in case he also went to China and brought the Walton team wisdom teeth of Mobius programmers saying that they are not so wise anymore, so it'd be better for Walton to find some other oracle provider in future.
REQ on the other hand had been smart enough to make friends with CL even before thodges joined Sergey. But he still drops by for a cup of tea to make sure they are not secretly working on their own oracle solution.
All in all, Sergey is the brain and thodges is the brawn. You can't beat this team and don't you dare saying thodges should be ditched. Rory once said so in his face, and since then Rory can't appear in public.

> Similar to chainlink, except ... ethereum will be used
Do you know, what ERC20 is?

>> No.8683763
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>so many bizlets falling for this weak shit
proves my point that the november newfags haven't actually left yet

>> No.8683823

gud lak

>> No.8684016


>> No.8684579
File: 78 KB, 691x800, Barbara_Krafft___Franz_de_Paula_hrab__Hartig_a_jeho_man_elka_Eleonora_jako_Caritas_Romana__1797_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do all these fucking tards think someone is going to code up some magical 'oracle' thats going to be right '100% of the time like some ai-godhead.

Like holy shit just get some pajeets and have them audit smart contracts as a service to icos and coders. Having blind faith in some oracle rather than real people backed by a company and insurance is RETARDED