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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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867982 No.867982 [Reply] [Original]

If you haven't exited by today expect a massive bloodbath tomorrow

>> No.867984

Yea. And yesterday you idiots were screaming


>> No.867985

Why would I exit when my timeframe is 30+ years?

>> No.867987

>if I keep posting the same image and saying its going to crash eventually I will be right

>> No.867988


Because if you had money in 1929 you wouldn't have made your money back for 40 years

>> No.867991

>cherry picking

>> No.867993


Japan in 1980, China in 2008

>> No.867994

I plan on buying in the next few days, I'm only 20 so I can wait a few decades. I was thinking about branching out to some dividend paying ETF's, good idea or bad idea with the current market?

>> No.867997

>cherry picking

>> No.867999

Argentina 1975

>> No.868002


I am just trying to tell you the world is full of defaults, hyperinflation, economic crisis and the period of stability between 1950-2000 is a rare anomaly in the grand scheme of history

>> No.868008

>le shemitah meme

>US markets recover broadly based on upward GDP revisions on friday
>Jobs reports come in better than expected early in early September
>Fed hikes in September. Markets rally to new highs
>Asian crisis act 2 happens. US bonds rally and S&P remains largely unaffected
>Dollar strengthens and Asia collapses into death spiral. The Chinese and Japanese credit bubbles burst, resulting in massive devaluations of the Yuan and Yen.

>> No.868012
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Das sum fairytale shit right there. You should work for Disney.

>> No.868024

you guys are worse than /pol/ for fake ITS HABBENING every single day

>> No.868028


Read this. Sound familiar?


The October 27, 1997, mini-crash is the name of a global stock market crash that was caused by an economic crisis in Asia. The point loss that the Dow Jones Industrial Average suffered on this day still ranks as the eighth biggest point loss and 15th biggest percentage loss since its creation in 1896. This crash is considered a "mini-crash" because the percentage loss was relatively small compared to some other notable crashes. But after the crash, the markets still remained positive for 1997, though the "mini-crash" may be considered as the beginning of the end of the 1990s economic boom in the United States and Canada, as both consumer confidence and economic growth were mildly severed during the winter of 1997–98 (with neither being strongly affected, compared to the rest of the world), and when both returned to pre-October levels, they began to grow at an even slower pace than before the crash.

>> No.868035

>cherry picking

Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

>> No.868047

Calm down and get comfy

>> No.868060
File: 429 KB, 958x1332, sugar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy sugar

>> No.868068

Trying to fight the shemitah meme madgick is futile.

>> No.868142


But and hold is purely based on the performance of U.S. stocks over the past 50 years

>> No.868155


>buying in the middle of an ongoing crash

I'd hold on if I were you, mate. Better that you miss the first few percent of gains than you buy into the last 20% of losses.

>> No.868175


It honestly doesn't matter if your time horizon is something like 10 years. I had a friend who bought in after the 2008 crash and he was down pretty big for a while; I think he got into BAC when it was like $6 and GOOGL at $250ish - he's pretty far in the green (along with other stocks that haven't done quite as hot).

Again, that doesn't mean this will happen for you either.

>> No.868190

You are the reason I keep returning to /biz/.

Pure, unadulterated retardation. Mmmmh... Refreshing.

>> No.868215

Put 10k in to PG at 70.6 YOLO

>> No.868241


gold in 1980 or something.

>> No.868249

>Jobs reports come in better than expected early in early September
Actually everyone is expecting lower job gains.

>> No.868256

I agree with this guy>>868190. Buy and Hold is the best option, yet you're saying because of past crashes that it doesn't work. Which isn't true, because long term your money comes back with interest. Its the only way of gaining capital. You make a heck of a lot money than day trading.

>> No.868257

The DOW literally drops over 300 points right after this comment.

>> No.868267

It was the bulltrap this morning, and everyone was patting themselves in the back that it was over. I was saying this has only begun.

>> No.868270
File: 1.15 MB, 1366x2653, august8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They tried to tell me but I didn't listen.

I saved this picture August 8 thinking it was horse shit but here we are getting closer to september and the market is already taking a dive.

We'll see how bad it gets. Maybe there is something to this /pol/ stuff

>> No.868293


Sep 13 is a Sunday...

>> No.868310

>after the crash
>AFTER the crash

>> No.868312


Check the red text at the bottom of the img

>> No.868343

kek that bait an switch really got a bunch of suckers didn't it. I have to admit I almost bought back in today

>> No.868356

I'm planning on holding these for quite a while, gonna wait till the fed raises interest rates in September too. I just figure I'll buy shares while they're low, and after a few years everything will be on the rise again and I'll make decent gains. I've been buying shares of ETF's that short the market too and those are doing pretty well.

>> No.868363
File: 7 KB, 250x200, 49357829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw DOW will hit 8,000 by the end of september
Better pull out now goyim

>> No.868975

Fug, that's my birthday

>> No.869529

>cherry picking

>> No.869553
File: 38 KB, 530x310, happening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stocks are obviously overvalued
>correction commences
>panic, habbening, selling
>first bull trap several days later
>pfew thank god that's over

>> No.869556


>> No.869564

get over it
what we've seen in the last days was a relatively minor correction
the bull market continues

>> No.869577

kinda make these gold buyers look sane

>> No.869580

trying to time the market


>> No.869585

at least you can eat sugar

>> No.869879
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He's just asking to get robbed by some englishmen

>> No.870366

I know someone who has dumped 50k worth of stock and hasn't received confirmation of her dump (despite the money going back into her ameritrade) and it's been over 48 hours. They are obvious withholding sells from the past couple days so the corrections make an actual market difference.

>> No.870370

why? I'll just buy more when it hits 8K. I'm not going to retire for a couple more decades anyways.

>> No.870389

i hate dooms dayers.

i listened to all those saying stock market gonna crash back when dow was at 10k, I put my 401k in cash;

flash forward to present day and i missed 60% rise (except every year i would max my 401k contribution and put in a fund - so not a total loss)

now faggots are like, oh will crash. i dont think so

turns out the central banks have control and know what they are doing.

now i have 100k sitting in cash , and 150k in a fund. no i dea what to do. i missed the boat

tired of you fucking bears

>> No.870409

Hey you're right buddy the markets can only go up up up. America is the greatest country on Earth and minimum wage should be raised and basic income established. :D

>> No.870423

lets drill an ant hole

>> No.870432
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I miss the olden days of yore when Englishmen stole and plundered what they liked and forcibly sold goods to those who forbade said goods.

Today they import degeneracy and cultural enrichment.

Where did everything go so wrong?

>> No.871172


U.S. Stocks Advance After Stronger GDP Data Amid Global Rally


>> No.871329

people who attempt to market predict are pathetic

>> No.871355

Can someone explain why the markets rallied? It seriously can't be because of a .10% increase in durable good purchases and a small revision upwards of US GDP. Those can't be the only reason for such a huge turn around.

Fundamentally nothing as changed.

>> No.871358

You should have listened to Ron Paul. His commercials have been the herald od Wall street happenings since 2001

>> No.871373


>I took advice once from doomsday ppl
>No doomsday :(
>therefore the US economy will never crash

Solid logic.

>> No.871388

prices dropped because small investors in china (which make their majority, in comparison to the US where institutional investors are the majority shareholders) panicked and flash crashed the market. People with some brains, saw the low prices and bought them.

Easy as that.

>> No.871546

China's scheming with growth numbers and bubbles became too obvious, then panic

>> No.871560


Don't be retarded in either direction. To say Monday was nothing and isn't indicative big issues in markets is retarded.

>> No.871561

>Fundamentally nothing as changed
you said it, this whole "correction" was just a fault start for a rate hike announcement

people panicked too early

>> No.871566
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>Jobs reports come in better than expected early in early September

This is not true, private sector hiring fell a good amount at the end of July through mid August. The yesterday or today expressed doubt on rate hike. If Asia gos, we'll probably go to. If Chinese factories aren't making as much shit it's because we're not buying as much of their shit. Why would that be? Go push your DOW Jones 30,000 bullshit else, Moshe.