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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 300x200, commodities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
867833 No.867833 [Reply] [Original]

How do I into commodities?

>> No.867842

Create one

>> No.867854
File: 117 KB, 956x688, 695291815 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy 10 tons of sugar and put it into your sauna, then be mad because everybody stopped selling more to you.

His nickname is "stock market player" and people didnt't believe he had that amount of sugar.

>> No.867856

Translation or link to the story? This can't be real.

>> No.867914

Seconding this.

>> No.867923

Aight, I'll translate it for you guys in a minute and paste it to the picture for later uses.

The dude is quite a legend/meme in finance circles of my country and everybody knows the story. There are talks that he is building a doomsday bunker and that his sauna couldn't hold all the sugar and the floor broke causing water pipes to leak and ruining his sugar.

>> No.867964


Writer: "stock market player" (20.02.2010 14:30)
Header: Pictures of my sugar storage in my sauna:

Did you really think that I am some kind of troll and I lied about my sugar storage?? I am not a troll and I stand behind my words, well I didn't purchase 10 tons but I bought 3 tons from local K-shopkeeper (local grocery store's owner). Hehe the guy chuckled and though I'm gonna use it to make moonshine.... Lidl and Prisma's (supermarkets) bitch refused to sell any.
But K-shopkeepers are business men and he even came to deliver it by himself with Kesko's vehicle (K-supermarket brand), nice guy, I'll soon order a new batch of different kinds of long lasting foods to my storage for the the rainy days that start in the year 2012.

Now that "Peak Oil" has happened as a reality and thus it will soon be "Peak Everything", then in the middle of the general famine physical sugar is the most excellent investment. Sugar is so outstanding because in practice it lasts forever in a dry storage. It is high in calories relative to volume and everyone knows that in the times of crisis it is the first things to go on rationing and thus the price skyrockets.

I myself am filling my unused sauna to the roof with sugar. Nowadays you can get it from Lidl 1€/kilo (0.52$/pound) and you can always try to buy it from some wholesale for cheaper when you purchase 10-20 tons at a time. And it's easy to stack the bags so that even a detached house's small sauan can fit atleast 10 tons of sugar, that is 10 000 one kilo sugar bags. Sauna is downstairs so I'm not too worried about the floor collapsing. When the depression/emergency times happen it is easy to sell in black market, door to door maybe 10-20 euros a bag to neighbours, girlfriend, parents and even to the the whole village and even use it myself on top of pancakes and maybe even make kilju. (finnish illegal self-made sugar wine)

[translator's comment: "Don't get high on your own supply..."]

>> No.867966

>Hehe the guy chuckled and though I'm gonna use it to make moonshine....

Jokes on him.


>> No.867971
File: 429 KB, 958x1332, sugar storage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not investing in sugar

>> No.868004

Except that sugar is going to go rock hard in a few years effectively making it worthless
0.5/10 shit troll

>> No.868020

Actually if it's white sugar it'll be fine for a long time. The only potential issues would be moisture, but even then it could be easily smacked a few times to break up the clumps, and most retailers or buyers wouldn't even care to begin with. Hard white sugar isn't useless at all, it used to be sold in large solid blocks as a matter of fact. It's a stupid investment because the price of sugar won't rise for a very long time, if at all.

>> No.868036

My dick is going to go rock hard inside your mum

>> No.868038

why didn't he just buy into a sugar ETF?

>> No.868039

I assume he thinks he'll be selling it bag by bag in our postapocalyptic future.

>> No.868074
File: 251 KB, 900x600, normal_Evasretkella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We put hard sugar cubes into our coffee.

>> No.868145

Dumbass. He should've gone for honey.
Can last for centuries if not millennia, it can also be used to preserve other foods in.
If there will ever be a "great famine" or something, honey will be liquid gold.

>> No.868271

Yeah and honey is even quite expensive if you buy the real stuff and not some cheap gmo shit from mutated bees or whatever.

20 metric tons of honey, anyone?

>> No.868297

Commoditiesfag explain this to me:
What's the point of a water-ETF, besides the meager returns?

>> No.868309

Well if you believe in global warming, water might become a precious resource in the not so far future. Some people even believe that there will be wars over water in about 2030. Add to that, that water privatication is on the rise and the prices really might go up slowly but steady.

I wouldn't buy it, but it might be a not so bad hedge against global war in combination with other commodity etf's or even a commodity index.

>> No.868330

buy low sell high

>> No.868340

this is my first time on this cambodian sweatshop of a board and even i know this, this is the most simple and basic rule

>> No.868349


Emergency hedge.

Its basically a level less panicky than physical gold bars, cans of food and ammunition. Where civilization will continue and society won't break down in the part of world you live in but others might.

Its not a bad bet to be honest, great swathes of land are becoming drier.

>> No.869311

Perfect Thread for me:
I'd like to invest ~1500€ in commodities, maybe a few state bonds (GERMONEY!) just in case shit goes down. Is it a good timing?
And really new-fag question: How will the stuff I buy be stored? Can't have tons of stuff in my room. Don't want it to be taken away though.

>> No.869333

top kek

>> No.869362

heres what you should do find a nice little etf that track natural gas not one like ugaz and dgaz unless you like volatility and buy shares for a bull one atm natural gas making record lows its been a pretty harsh little while for nat gas the hurricane, bad weather and china but if you step back take a look at it youll see theres few wells coming online if any historically during winter prices go up its low i think if you should go ahead and buy, this Thursday if inventory's are low i think they will be the bar has been set a little too high and theres going to be a nice little jump just hold onto that until youre into winter and youll prob get some good returns

>> No.869371

What is the difference between a fund that invest in physical gold and one that invests in gold-mining companies? They seem to follow the same trend after all.

>> No.870015

Subtle bump.

>> No.870045

I wonder in what kind of third world shithole you and that investor live as there will never be a sugar shortage in western Europe. There is even over production/ surplus which creates really low prices.