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8678279 No.8678279 [Reply] [Original]

I have 10k to "invest" in crypto.. Shill me your shit tokens or whatever

>> No.8678288

nigger nigger chicken dinner

>> No.8678307
File: 639 KB, 1500x6168, F7A0610D-D43F-4F83-800A-1BB1B41B1EEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just wait for the Pooltrade pre-ICO


>> No.8678318

Niggers be niggin

>> No.8678320


>> No.8678344

Interesting.. Thanks!

>> No.8678380

if you don't understand the space much just buy yourself 1btc, 1 ETH and 1 LTC and sit on them.

>> No.8678416


>> No.8678423
File: 124 KB, 725x1024, 1510776036260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for logistics coins - WTC, VEN, WABI, MOD, TRAC, ARY, CXO, EVE - I'm 100% in logistics coins since they are one of the few areas of crypto that serve a legitimate function

>> No.8678440

well since youre team chocolate, may I introduce you to bazingacoin?

>> No.8678497

I ain't touching that scummy chinks bag with a ten foot pole. My portfolio is currently 50% BTC, 50% ETH and some XRB/NANO that i managed withdraw from $hitgrail..but i'm currently looking to expand. :)

>> No.8678606

Thanks i'll definitely check out some of your mentions! I'm currently researching TRAC and MOB

Already bought 100k NGRs

>> No.8678669
File: 279 KB, 1437x908, XRP Will Save You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8679123
File: 1.11 MB, 450x332, XBC MASTER RACE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitbean, XBC, BTS, MONA, TIME, and a pinch of JEW for the lulz

>> No.8679175


>> No.8679530

bnb at this moment

>> No.8680391


>> No.8680400

invest in peep coin

>> No.8680482

100% on Chbt


Look at the marine demo here.

This month this will go nuts

>> No.8680556

Trx, BABB, eos, qtum, capp, all solid picks.

>> No.8680593

fucking faggots

>> No.8680640

you forgot:

>> No.8680701

EDO just because the chart looks sexy af

>> No.8681126

30% BTC
30% ETH
20% NANO
10% REQ
10% LINK

>> No.8681567


>> No.8681667


>> No.8682049

Datawallet 100%

>> No.8682090
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Monero (XMR)

>> No.8682187

CAPP, AXP etc are trash, don't listen to faggots shilling them. Don't go near utility tokens as a general rule. Pick a platform token and a privacy coin. I've gone for NEO and XMR but you do you.

>> No.8682251

ETH strong TA

>> No.8682313

You buy AION and DTA if you want to get a babe like that anon.

>> No.8682315
File: 60 KB, 809x606, 85c5fa6919595be2efba5972156a683c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nebulas is a 3.0 platform blockchain, with intergrated blockchain search functions.
>Devs have smart contracts, no scaling worries, massive array of tools & options
>Similar to how google indexes webpages Nebulas will index blockchain projects, smart contracts & data.
>Nebulas rank algorithm sifts & sorts the data.
>Developers rewarded NAS to develop & deploy on NAS chain.
>Nebulas calls this developer incentive protocol – basically rewards are issued based on how often contract is used, the more the better the rewards
>Nebulas Force means no need for hard forks. A flexible base means that updates are easily applied, buggy contracts will be repairable without need for token migration
>Proof of devotion. Works like DPoS except the best, most economically incentivised developers (Bookkeeppers) get the forging spots. Ensuring brains stay with the project (Cross between PoI & PoS)
>Create your own search engine & services; will initially be used to assist Nebulas search engine. Rewards in NAS
>Lightening Network is used to handle transactions
>First crypto Wallet that supports the Lightening Network
>Team founded Antshares, worked on Neo, one was Alibaba CTO who implemented their blockchain
> IDE for smart contracts, block browser, plugins for popular IDEs, debugger, simulator, formal verification tool for smart contracts, background SDKs for advanced languages, & SDKs for mobile ends.
>NAS token is used as a sort of gas for smart contracts, a currency & proof of devotion rewards.

>DAG used to solve the inter-transaction dependencies in the PEE (Parallel Execution Environment) feature.
>2,400 TPS+
>Dapps "Many teams preparing to launch projects on our mainnet. More details will be announced later, so stay tuned."
>bigger exchanges coming, only on huobi right now
>first dapp announced + GIFTO moving to nebulas from ethereum also. DIP is a game changer, haven't seen anything like NR and NF on other platforms either.

Wait for btc to hit rock bottom before you buy

>> No.8682331


>> No.8682378

best performing coin 2018 - end of year TOP10

>> No.8682494

poor boy
3 shitcoins

just ETH + BTC will be finde

>> No.8682537

Genius. We getting pretty rekt tho :( kek.

>> No.8682551

holding some fiat waiting for 3-5k btc, then doubling my holdings

>> No.8682561

Don't fucking invest in crypto in the year 2018!

>> No.8682606

Since you seem smart. Qash + Nas is wealth in 2020.

>> No.8682832

sauce on the pic please