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867587 No.867587 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys keep moving forward when lifw is kicking you down?

>> No.867588

Struggle is the indication that you are getting stronger in a certain endeavour. Think about whether this endeavour is what you want to conquer.

>> No.867590

print more money

>> No.867625


Shrug and move on. Get your shit together, live life below your means, and be ready for shit. When it happens, just relax and let it happen.

>> No.867651
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shut up and go to work

>> No.867712
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drugos and mead

>> No.867722

I am fueled entirely by spite and coffee.

>> No.867789


basically I value the opinion of people who say these things to me.

>> No.867915
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Remember that hard men are forged in strife not in comfort and ease.

I am not darwins bitch, I am simply a warrior with no country.
(Well, unless you consider Texas a country)

>> No.867974

dank memes or something

But seriously, plotting against it. It'll get what's coming to it eventually.

>> No.867976

>Animals don't struggle while drowning

>> No.868093
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by being strong. weak have to die, only strong should prevail.

>> No.868097
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I sit back comfortably knowing that someone, somewhere, bought 10 tons of sugar as an investment :^)

>> No.868154

It's good to have idols and people to look up to anon, maybe one day you will be as successful as him.

>> No.868185

No. It's barely a state.

>> No.868204


By not being a little child

Life is pain

Learn to adjust and adapt

It's that simple

>> No.868535

They're getting better at swimming, but not fast enough.

>> No.868672

OP....life is like a board game. As long as you are able to move around the board and you try to position yourself for personal betterment, you always have a chance to achieve going forward.

>> No.868684

You write down your goals and prioritize them. You claim victory when one gets checked. If one big goal has small ones, you write those down and check them.

The feeling of emptiness and despair usually happens when people feel disempowered. People who don't lose sight of their goals always see a finish line - when shit goes down their internal GPS won't let them get off task and wallow in misery because their is still a target to hit.

Make lists. Prioritize. Check off an celebrate completing milestones. The psychology of winning is putting yourself in the position of achievement.

>> No.868703

because losing all hope is freedom, and freedom keeps me moving forward.